Things I wouldn't mind staying after all this is over

In the workplace, for many people and companies I expect major changes.
  • Work from home/shared office space. I can see many companies greatly reducing the size of their physical office spaces. If colleges can blend classes, companies can also have a blend of work schedules where in-office days and hours are staggered to provide more employee flexibility, and better utilization of expensive workspaces.
  • Fundamental change in the concept of "sick leave." I can see companies eliminating sick leave altogether, or limiting it to serious illness requiring hospitalization or staying in bed. For routine colds and flu, just work from home -- no lost time for the employee or employer, and a much healthier workplace.
  • REALLY remote working. During the pandemic, a LOT of people have completely relocated away from big cities and into more remote, rural places. The concept of direct supervision of workers has been changing for decades anyway, and if an employee can keep their productivity up, why not let them live wherever they want? Obviously there are many positions where that would not work, but there are a ton of jobs that can be done just as well anywhere.
This one will require a major realignment of the planets for adoption in Miami! Here, saying hello ranges from fake hug/air kiss to "Get a room!"

yup, and it will require allot more filler junk on the housewife realty shows to compensate for all the lost footage of their grandiose air kisses, double air kisses and whatnot every time they see one another
a LOT of people have completely relocated away from big cities and into more remote, rural places

they have, and dagnabbit-they've driven up our property taxes (higher house prices are great for sellers-not so much for those of staying put) and put more of a strain on our already ka-ka internet.
Working postpartum in a hospital, the limitation on visitors has been helpful. It’s a little difficult trying to help a new mom with 10 visitors in the room (the patient is uncomfortable, I feel like I’m on display, dads are a little tense, etc).
I would be happy if there was a limit on the amount and time period for visitors (before COVID, there was no limit on amount and the hours were 9a-9p).
The end of shared work spaces.

I've been working at the same company for 15 years. 15 years ago everyone had their own desk (cubicle) with their own phone. Then it shifted over the years towards shared work spaces. We have 3 shifts, work spaces were reconfigured to look very much like the lunch counter at Dennys. A line of computers. Three people sharing every work space, every computer and phone. When the company bought new computers, they only had to buy 25 instead of 75. That is how it was when I was sent home to work on March 20. I returned to the building this week. The lunch counter remains, but there are two empty spaces between each work space. Each active work space is surrounded on three sides by 4 foot tall plexi-glass shields. Everyone has their own computer and phone. No work spaces are shared. And we are spread all over the building into work spaces of other departments that are still working remotely. Not sure how they are going to resolve that when those departments return to the building.

Didn't mind having to wear a mask if I was away from work space and around other people, not so fond of the revised mask policy that went into effect Wednesday. Masks required now whenever you are in the building. (Technically, required from the time you exit your car in the parking lot until the time you get back in your car to leave work at the end of the day).
Not a fan of assigned bathrooms and a limit of one person at a time given that some of the bathrooms have facilities for 6 people.
But I guess if it reduces the risk of illness, it is worth it.
I've been working at the same company for 15 years. 15 years ago everyone had their own desk (cubicle) with their own phone. Then it shifted over the years towards shared work spaces. We have 3 shifts, work spaces were reconfigured to look very much like the lunch counter at Dennys. A line of computers. Three people sharing every work space, every computer and phone. When the company bought new computers, they only had to buy 25 instead of 75. That is how it was when I was sent home to work on March 20. I returned to the building this week. The lunch counter remains, but there are two empty spaces between each work space. Each active work space is surrounded on three sides by 4 foot tall plexi-glass shields. Everyone has their own computer and phone. No work spaces are shared. And we are spread all over the building into work spaces of other departments that are still working remotely. Not sure how they are going to resolve that when those departments return to the building.
You know how to get rid of shared workspaces? Downsize. Shared workspaces make sense when you have limited space to spread out, and people that need to be in the building doing the same job at different times.
Didn't mind having to wear a mask if I was away from work space and around other people, not so fond of the revised mask policy that went into effect Wednesday. Masks required now whenever you are in the building. (Technically, required from the time you exit your car in the parking lot until the time you get back in your car to leave work at the end of the day).
As someone who has appeared to been cautious through this entire thing I am surprised you were okay with NOT wearing a mask while inside the building. Unless you have an office to yourself (which it appears you don't) you should be wearing a mask while in shared space with others.
As someone who has appeared to been cautious through this entire thing I am surprised you were okay with NOT wearing a mask while inside the building. Unless you have an office to yourself (which it appears you don't) you should be wearing a mask while in shared space with others.
I am NOT okay without wearing a mask. This week was just my first experience of having to wear a mask 8 hours a day. Just something new to me. But my mom was a Surgical Nurse for 40 years and wore a mask 8 hours a day for 40 years and survived just fine.
You know how to get rid of shared workspaces? Downsize. Shared workspaces make sense when you have limited space to spread out, and people that need to be in the building doing the same job at different times.
Don't need to downsize, just need to reconfigure that office furniture back to cubicles and fill in all the empty spaces. We have plenty of room, we had 20 more employees back when we had cubicles.
So many good ones mentioned so far! I agree that it would be wonderful for people to be kinder, more gracious, and thankful. Smaller and toned down weddings would be preferable to me also, although I understand and respect that not everyone wants that. I hope there will continue to be more work from home options too, it has saved us so much money in gas and tolls.

One of the things I’ve personally enjoyed has been more casual get togethers. We have only socialized with a few people, outside and distanced. I like being able to get together this way and bring our own food. I felt like I could really relax and enjoy visiting, vs hosting people to my house where I’m cooking and cleaning for days and then being so busy in the kitchen I don’t get to really talk to my guests. Again, not to say we should never have the indoor “big production” get togethers, but I hope that the casual ones can continue too
Small class sizes! What a difference it has made. I have 14 kids in my class this year (face-to-face, 5 days a week, 3rd grade). Last year I had 26. I am able to do so much more this year. I get more one-on-one time with each kid, I can do small groups, and differentiate instruction. Less behavior problems too. It has been a dream year so far.
This was my response also...but I am retired... my thought was that the education system had an opportunity for real learning. In high school...the one strike and you can go back home.... no cell phone or ear phones under hoodie usage in the classroom.... students on time students doing homework students not sleeping in classroom if you did any of the above infractions go back home and learn from there the opportunity for true learning is available now....students who want to be engaged in your classroom and the rest back home on the would be a privilege and not a penalty sentence that high school has been in my language arts experience district wide.
I am NOT okay without wearing a mask. This week was just my first experience of having to wear a mask 8 hours a day. Just something new to me. But my mom was a Surgical Nurse for 40 years and wore a mask 8 hours a day for 40 years and survived just fine.
You said they just changed the policy and you are not fond of it. If you are okay with wearing a mask (or not okay without wearing one) so I guess I don't understand you comment.
Work from home. I would have loved it if I hadn't retired. No office drama, no commute, no supervisor walking by your desk. The plus in being retired is the freeways are not as packed at 4-5pm anymore.
I thought of another one. Small, reasonable weddings. I do feel badly for the brides who didn’t get to have their dream weddings, but my neighbor’s daughter got married in their backyard. It was absolutely lovely and they had a blast. Only 30 people. Didn’t break the bank or go into debt, and the newlyweds are very happy.

We have two daughters in their 20s, so I wouldn’t mind if this trend sticks around for a while!
This would be great. "Dream weddings" are a product of effective marketing. If you're not wealthy and not a princess, why are you spending more than a downpayment on a home for a giant party. So people can smile and say, "oo, she looks beautiful", like you don't usually look beautiful? We've gotten rid of debutante balls for the average person, so why are we going bigger and more elaborate for a wedding, which comes at a time in people's lives when they can least afford the expense. No wonder people elope or just live together.
You know how to get rid of shared workspaces? Downsize. Shared workspaces make sense when you have limited space to spread out, and people that need to be in the building doing the same job at different times.

That definitely isn't true for dh's company. When they downsize they move employees from one location to another and it results in sharing office space at the new location.
The offices are like closets as it is and what used to be singles now house 2 to 3 people. Luckily dh works on stuff that is confidential so he is exempt from having to share.


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