Third Time's The Charm At The DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM Fall '19! (COMPLETE - 8/14)

Any guesses on who I went as? I know many who follow me on social media know, but some don't so I'd love to hear your guesses before I reveal later in this update.
I mean, I already knew, but still had to comment. This was SUCH a great costume idea!!!!!!!

Awesome. They're still on my bucket list!

It was around when we were going through one of the tunnels prior to Space Mountain that we were stopped for quite a bit. We got really excited since we were sat there for so long, we thought we'd be evacuated. Heck even the lights came on for a moment.
OH MY GOSH!! This very same thing happened to us in December!! I was SO excited!! but alas, the lights went out and off we went on our way. Dangit. I was really looking forward to my first evac!!!! #StillWaiting

Oh, this is just the greatest!!! LOOK at your cute face!!!!! What a great reaction. Perfection.

The Perfect Cast was what we were gonna do.
I can't even believe how incredible this is. Besides the great interaction with Pluto, there is literally NOTHING more you could ask for than the opportunity to do the Perfect Cast!!!!

I will never forget that moment ever.
You should not. File this one under #FOREVER!
What an original, awesome costume! It reminds me of when my son was obsessed with Oswald when he was younger and dressed as him for MNSSHP one year. Only true Disney fans and cast members had a clue as to who he was. Wish we'd had your make-up tips though. Yours stayed well all night it seems while his melted quite early in evening in the Florida heat. Can't wait to hear more!
When I got to DAK, Olivia had yet to arrive so I was on my own for a bit and I was STARVING so I stopped by Satul'i Canteen for some grub. By grub, I meant a Chili Garlic Shrimp Bowl with creamy herb sauce and noodles. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
We all love Satu'li soooo much!

To make up for it, I got myself some Melon Kakigori with Sweet Milk.
I actually had one of these for the first time in March. It was so good!

So funny...I bought the Halloween ears and the Mummy Pluto back in September. LOL!
Loved your meet with Goofy. Your costume was so cute!! And great job on your dance with George.

Thank you so much! It was all such a great night, makes me smile just thinking about all of it.

Your pictures of Boo To You are fantastic!! Sounds like you guys had a blast at MNSSHP. I can't imagine the chaos of being on that opening team--such an amazing experience for you, and I'm so enjoying reading about it! :D

Thank you!! We really did.

It was too surreal. Too easy to forget. I miss still being a part of that opening team.

I mean, I already knew, but still had to comment. This was SUCH a great costume idea!!!!!!!

Haha! I'm so proud of this one. Possibly my favorite Halloween costume I've done yet.

Awesome. They're still on my bucket list!

Oh you need to meet them! They are so kooky and lovely.

OH MY GOSH!! This very same thing happened to us in December!! I was SO excited!! but alas, the lights went out and off we went on our way. Dangit. I was really looking forward to my first evac!!!! #StillWaiting

I've done three programs and still not been evac'd. I don't get it and we all know the PeopleMover was headed down a dark path. Just one quick evac, all I asked lol

Oh, this is just the greatest!!! LOOK at your cute face!!!!! What a great reaction. Perfection.

It was THE moment. The dad and son reunion we had all been waiting for. :goodvibes

I can't even believe how incredible this is. Besides the great interaction with Pluto, there is literally NOTHING more you could ask for than the opportunity to do the Perfect Cast!!!!

I never mentioned it but one of my friend's had suggested earlier in the night that I do it with some other characters and I was just like "I don't want it to be forced to happen, I want it to be something organic." Of course, the way it would happen would be in front of the Tomorrowland stage. I was not going to be let off that easily.

You should not. File this one under #FOREVER!

Don't worry. It won't be soon forgotten. Granted, there is another thing that happened that topped that moment, ngl.

What an original, awesome costume! It reminds me of when my son was obsessed with Oswald when he was younger and dressed as him for MNSSHP one year. Only true Disney fans and cast members had a clue as to who he was. Wish we'd had your make-up tips though. Yours stayed well all night it seems while his melted quite early in evening in the Florida heat. Can't wait to hear more!

Thank you and AHHH OSWALD!! I LOVE THAT! I totally would've lost my mind seeing an Oswald costume. He's one of my faves too.

It was actually black lipstick that I put on my nose and I had to reapply it a bit. As I mentioned, my gloves became a nuisance and a part of that was having to itch my nose and forgetting the gloves and black lipstick were there so I smudged it once or twice. I'm also particular so if it looked weird I'd go to the bathroom to fix it. It did stay fairly good despite usually human tendency lol

We all love Satu'li soooo much!

It's amazing!

I actually had one of these for the first time in March. It was so good!

I hadn't had one in so long when my program suspended. Definitely gonna have one whenever I go back.

So funny...I bought the Halloween ears and the Mummy Pluto back in September. LOL!

Haha, that's awesome! Wish I had splurged and gotten the Mummy Pluto. Start a seasonal Pluto collection lol
Quiet, Festival-Less Epcot Is The Best Epcot
8/28/19: Last Day Before SWGE Opening Day & Food and Wine

The day had arrived. We were on the eve of something very big in Disney history. First, Batuu was gonna be dropping the travel restrictions to the planet and we'd welcome a mass of travelers from everywhere that day. If you walked into Hollywood Studios, one could easily go through either portal to visit my home planet. Not only that, but all the way on that planet of Epcot, the Food and Wine Festival was also starting the next day, which meant quiet festival-less summertime Epcot was no longer to be for quite some time, until Flower and Garden of next year ended. It was all about to change in 24 hours time and I only had so much time left to enjoy a quiet Epcot and just Studios in general since I was blocked out for what seemed the end of time.

It was my last opportunity so I was gonna use up as much of the day to enjoy the calm before the storm that was to come early tomorrow morning well into the next year.

With that in mind, let's go visit Epcot today!

I first decided that I would kick off this day by getting a seasonal favorite that was a fantastic sign of the excitement of my life.

Yes, I am that basic that I do live for Pumpkin Spice Latte season. It really does taste that good to me. It is not even a matter of how over-advertised it has become, I love it. And only Ventis for me. ONLY VENTIS IN THIS HAUS.

With that in hand, I started to make my way around Future World.

First, by stopping in MouseGear...

Miss you Dreamfinder boy. I really needed cough drops so I quickly snatched those up.

From there, I went on over to the Seas with Nemo and Friends!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

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I wandered around the Seas a bit to find a little quiz on I believe it was sea creatures feeding habits or something. I tried my luck with that.

Click to watch!

And my results...

Clearly I need to clean up on my knowledge of marine life. Sorry, Mr. Ray.

After that, I decided to head out and go do Spaceship Earth.

Click to watch!

Always a score when my face makes it on. Especially when I'm the only one in the time machine.

I decided it was a good time to head on out to World Showcase.

Click to watch!

I was bound for the Voices of Liberty today, but first I stopped quickly in France to get some photos in my cast member IllumiNations farewell tee.

The Photopass was so much fun and I was so glad she gave me the magic shot. It came out so cute. I wish I had splurged a little on that and downloaded it, but I know money ended up getting tight fairly quickly so I had to sacrifice for other things. At least I still managed to look on my Photopass to screenshot with the water mark. Chip and I are so cute.

It was off to go see the Voices of Liberty!

I got there early enough that I had not only a good viewing spot but saw the entire performance.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Gosh, they are fantastic. Every time. I wish I was as vocally talented as they were. I really do. Maybe with voice lessons I could be lol

I started to continue my lap around World Showcase where I stopped by Italy for some more photos. Probably one of the last times I'd enjoy the promenade without as many people.

I was feeling hungry around this time so I ran on over to the Mexico pavilion for some nachos. A classic for me.

Yup, no complaints on that.

Once I had finished that, I went back to Future World to see how the waits were for some rides. On my way around I saw these guys out doing there thing.

Click to watch!

I ultimately didn't feel the need to do Soarin' or Test Track on this day. I decided I needed a second round on Spaceship Earth before leaving the park so I did that.

Click to watch!

It was around 5pm at this time so the day was nearly over and I still hadn't been to Studios so I decided to say goodbye to Epcot and head on over there. I went out by way of the International Gateway where I stopped in the restroom to change out of my IllumiNations shirt into my Star Wars Galaxy's Edge cast member tee. I needed to have my last moments in that park, be in style.

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DAS How We Say TTYL To Studios
8/28/19: Last Day Before SWGE Opening Day & Food and Wine

I got over to Studios in no time and headed over to Sunset first to see everyone. It would be the last time I'd get to bug people while at work.

Click to watch!

From there, I went directly on Tower of Terror.

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

When I got off ToT and walked back out onto Sunset, I ran into Sonnet who was with one of her friends. I decided to join her. Due to an autoimmune condition she has, she gets the DAS pass for when she is in the parks. This gives her essentially an unlimited amount of FPs so she's not standing waiting too long to avoid any issues. Since I was gonna be hanging out with her and her friend, she added me onto it at the Guest Experience booth next to ToT. Sonnet and her friend already made one DAS reservation for Rock N Roller Coaster so we also added me for that. It was happening just about then so we hit that up real fast.

Click to watch!

Her friend and I were coordinated well lol

Once we got off of that, they also made another DAS for ToT so I did that a second time. No complaints there.

Look at us in the front row there!

When we got off, we started to head out of Sunset debating what we should do next. However in the midst of that, we stopped to take some last Sunset photos on the pile of luggage. I'd always wanted a photo there and I got a whole photo shoot today. We were seriously there for about 10 minutes, taking photos of me and then me taking photos of Sonnet. We have no chill when it comes to photo shoots. Unfortunately I didn't like most of my photos, but there were a few decent ones.

I got way better ones when I took pics of Sonnet. Alas, I had something to commemorate my last day in Studios before the craziness and another memento of Sunset.

It was time now to go ride Star Tours!

Click to watch!

I don't remember much about this ride, but I know that I didn't end up getting Rebel Spy once again. None of us did. Tragic. HOW MANY TIMES WILL IT TAKE?

It was around this time that Zach (@AMusicLifeForMe) had texted me asking if I wanted to go to Target with him to prep for Hurricane Dorian. They'd been tracking the storm and it was supposed to come through not long after Galaxy's Edge opening so him and his friend, Eve, were going to make a big Target run to prep. I said I would. He then offered joining him to see Fantasmic. I hadn't seen Fantasmic in quite awhile, I'm not even sure I'd seen it at all. I personally am not a fan of Studios's version, especially with having seen the masterpiece that is Disneyland's version. I decided that why not? Last day, might as well. I split off from Sonnet & co. and went on over to Sunset to go to Fant.

Click to watch!

It was about this time that it was starting to drizzle a little. I was worried that this might affect Fant. It also made trying to find Zach a bit difficult. He gave me an idea but I just was peeking out over tops of heads not noticing anything until finally I found him. We were off to the left side of the theater. Luckily with the rain it was only delayed a slight, but they still did most everything in that show. It did however pick up upon the show's end.

Before we get there, let's all enter Mickey's dream!

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It was a pretty hype show on this night. Clearly, a big bunch of cast members had flocked to the park to say goodbye for who knows how long. It was really fun. Probably the best Fantasmic I had seen there in awhile, which it was awhile. I did however long for the Sailing Ship Columbia as well as the Mark Twain, the Magic Carpet, Rapunzel and Flynn, and the Full-Fledged Dragon, etc. etc. It was still cool having the more fleshed out villains section and the Queen transforming into the Hag again, but I still prefer Disneyland's. It's just... better.

It was time to bounce and say farewell to Hollywood for just a little while!

Click to watch!

Click to watch!

I walked out with Zach and Eve. We quickly found his car so we could get out before getting caught in traffic and went right to Target. At Target, we found the store pretty filled up with cast members. Not crazy busy like COVID-19 shopping, but it had energy. Everyone was doing their shopping today. I originally thought I was only gonna get a few things and then grab some quick things from Walgreen's, but ended up REALLY stocking up. It ended up being a blessing in disguise despite what happened with Dorian. I was good for a whole month. We paid up and headed out with three full carts.

Zach dropped me off at Vista first. He offered to help bring the mass of groceries directly to my place, but I decided to take matters into my own hands and sent him and Eve off. They really didn't need to help me further.

Big mistake.

I had quite the adventure carrying all the stuff I brought including a water case back to my apartment. I actually had to hide the water case behind a dumpster to get back later the struggle was so real. Everything made it back to my Vista apartment, even if it took quite the effort.

It was already much later than I anticipated being home so the minute I got everything in their place, I went to bed quick. Tomorrow was the big day! (Both the past big day and currently, since it's actually my birthday tomorrow! What timing!)

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Good afternoon and happy birthday to me today!


It is definitely a weird one considering I can't shake the thought of what today would have been had the whole world had not done a 180 on all of us. I'm making the best of it though and I think writing about one of my favorite days working at Disney is gonna be just the right medicine for this. Hope you enjoy hearing about this one!

Three Hours Early And A MAGIC BAND?!?!

8/29/19: Opening Day Of Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge

It's here! The day had come! Time to lift those travel restrictions and say 'Bright Suns!' to all those eager travelers. Black Spire Outpost was officially open for business! Of course, it's important to note Rise of the Resistance still had not been finished but everything else was so it was to be opened to off-worlders.

Since I held off on it, here is a reminder of who was there making sure all travelers had a good time this day. Unless they somehow got an RDO (Requested Day Off) on this day.

(For the record, I'm only in the nighttime photo so don't bother looking for me in the morning one)

Now, here is how my day went. I woke up mega early even though I didn't have to be in until around noon. The rumor was that it would be a madhouse getting into Studios so I wanted to prepare for potentially the worst traffic possible or being held up for every reason possible. I just did NOT want to be late. So I ended up catching a bus that would get me there hours early.

Yup, I was absolutely insane, but I had not been late to a shift a day in my life. Not one day.

There ended up being no traffic. It was like another day so yes, I was about to arrive 3 hours early to an already 12 hour shift. Smart.

Luckily when I came in, it was hopping backstage. Balloons everywhere, all the new Galaxy's Edge and new Studios banners put up by costuming, etc. It felt like a new Studios today. The best part was walking out of cast services and they had an army of cast experience cast members out once again with the photo ops and gifts for us. I first went to get my cast gift. The gift included a special reusable bag that contained the opening day Galaxy's Edge map, a booklet on the land and a bunch of promotional material that you'd only get on this day. But the creme de la creme.

Click to watch!

Yes, you're seeing and hearing right, AN OPENING DAY ONLY CAST MEMBER EXCLUSIVE MAGIC BAND!! It said it all on the band, including the exact date of opening. I was so gagged. I immediately ran to put it in my locker along with the rest of my stuff. There was no way I was losing this as much as I wanted to have it with me all day, but I was smart about one thing.

(I'm gonna say that despite how careful I was with that Magic Band I did lose that band. I was so mad because I lost it on the day of my CP graduation and I was hanging out with my cast that night. I still have no clue where I lost it or how I did. I will say I was talking about how I was still bitter that the MB was given to anyone who worked in Studios that day, not specifically SWGE CMs so it might be karma but still I DESERVED THAT BAND. It was locked in on my wrist, or so I thought, per usual as tends to be the case with wristbands. I never lost a band off my wrist in my life but this one just disappeared. For all I know it's hidden somewhere and will pop up, but I couldn't find it in my apartment, my complex, my friend's car, Springs didn't find it anywhere... so as far as I know it's long gone. I'll forever be sad about it, especially since I still have the box I kept it in whenever I wasn't wearing it. *sad sigh*)

After that, I went back out and got photos at the photo op which included a bunch of lightsabers and props specifically made for opening day.

I was really hamming it up with this and the cast member who ran this became one of my biggest fans. She just loved gassing me up for the photos. In all honesty, these photo ops never got old to me and you'll be seeing me serving for them a few more times during this program.

After that, I still had two hours to go until I was to start so I went inside the Welcome Center and just waited. I did see Susan, one of my favorite EHH people that I ran into on multiple occasions, which was nice. She kept me occupied for a moment while I waited for my shift time to get closer. Of course, she could only talk for so long. Most of my time in the Welcome Center I was just on my phone, editing the photos I had just taken as well as listen to as much 'pump up' music as I could. It probably was mostly the Paint the Night soundtrack that is perfect for occasions like this. Eventually, it was time to head on over and clock in.

When I came in, I ran into so many of the morning crew who told me it was pretty crazy but not too too bad, which was reassuring. I did hear however that Savi's was a bit more intense than everywhere else, as expected, since we had had a 3 hour wait for our standby all day which was the max we could have for that day. The add-end was people's patience were being tested so yeah fingers crossed I wasn't standby greeter that day. (For the record, we no longer have standby at Savi's (or anything there at the moment) and it's all reservations, partly because of what happened with it during opening weekend. Just an FYI, since a lot of this is very old news.)

To keep it short since I don't have photos, it was a long day but a really fun one that went by really fast. I spent most of the day inside the workshop as a gatherer. Everyone was really nice and really happy to be there. Entertainment also gave us a special gift for those of us who were working in Savi's.

It was really just your regular Hershey bar, but the little wrapping they made was so adorable. I still have that wrapping, safely kept.

It was a long day and there's probably a ton of great memories and guests from that day but there are a few I can immediately think of. First was the end of the night when I was corral (or as we called it then 'bullpen'), which was the person who sat people on the data pad and let them into the waiting area. We were done with letting in shows so I sat with this family who spent the whole day at the parks and just managed to get one more person in their family into a show at the end of the night. I talked with them for a bit about Batuu, Black Spire, the droid they had built and their day. I hadn't had another moment like that since where I really got to spend time with a guest. It was nice, despite both of us being exhausted and Gerry, my coordinator, coming out to get me in the midst of that. Another was earlier in the day when I was Gatherer 4 inside (who gets two builders directly near the door) and I got this newly engaged couple, who were building sabers and I was their single gatherer. They had such great energy and it just warmed my heart their saber choices so I was being so extra with them. May or may not have cried after that show, they were so lovely. I also think I might've gotten a cast compliment on this day along with some special grape sodas (cast member way of giving each other recognition) on my hub account. It really was such a great day.

After all was said and done, I did end up getting ER'd since we ended up being so on top of a lot of things. With that though, I made it through opening day. OFFICIALLY.

This also meant I was allowed to treat myself when I got home.

I slept well that night. Of course, I was back at it again the next day nonetheless. BUT a new era had truly begun.

'Til the spire!

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Good afternoon and happy birthday to me today!


It is definitely a weird one considering I can't shake the thought of what today would have been had the whole world had not done a 180 on all of us. I'm making the best of it though and I think writing about one of my favorite days working at Disney is gonna be just the right medicine for this. Hope you enjoy hearing about this one!

Three Hours Early And A MAGIC BAND?!?!

8/29/19: Opening Day Of Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge

It's here! The day had come! Time to lift those travel restrictions and say 'Bright Suns!' to all those eager travelers. Black Spire Outpost was officially open for business! Of course, it's important to note Rise of the Resistance still had not been finished but everything else was so it was to be opened to off-worlders.

Since I held off on it, here is a reminder of who was there making sure all travelers had a good time this day. Unless they somehow got an RDO (Requested Day Off) on this day.

(For the record, I'm only in the nighttime photo so don't bother looking for me in the morning one)

Now, here is how my day went. I woke up mega early even though I didn't have to be in until around noon. The rumor was that it would be a madhouse getting into Studios so I wanted to prepare for potentially the worst traffic possible or being held up for every reason possible. I just did NOT want to be late. So I ended up catching a bus that would get me there hours early.

Yup, I was absolutely insane, but I had not been late to a shift a day in my life. Not one day.

There ended up being no traffic. It was like another day so yes, I was about to arrive 3 hours early to an already 12 hour shift. Smart.

Luckily when I came in, it was hopping backstage. Balloons everywhere, all the new Galaxy's Edge and new Studios banners put up by costuming, etc. It felt like a new Studios today. The best part was walking out of cast services and they had an army of cast experience cast members out once again with the photo ops and gifts for us. I first went to get my cast gift. The gift included a special reusable bag that contained the opening day Galaxy's Edge map, a booklet on the land and a bunch of promotional material that you'd only get on this day. But the creme de la creme.

Click to watch!

Yes, you're seeing and hearing right, AN OPENING DAY ONLY CAST MEMBER EXCLUSIVE MAGIC BAND!! It said it all on the band, including the exact date of opening. I was so gagged. I immediately ran to put it in my locker along with the rest of my stuff. There was no way I was losing this as much as I wanted to have it with me all day, but I was smart about one thing.

(I'm gonna say that despite how careful I was with that Magic Band I did lose that band. I was so mad because I lost it on the day of my CP graduation and I was hanging out with my cast that night. I still have no clue where I lost it or how I did. I will say I was talking about how I was still bitter that the MB was given to anyone who worked in Studios that day, not specifically SWGE CMs so it might be karma but still I DESERVED THAT BAND. It was locked in on my wrist, or so I thought, per usual as tends to be the case with wristbands. I never lost a band off my wrist in my life but this one just disappeared. For all I know it's hidden somewhere and will pop up, but I couldn't find it in my apartment, my complex, my friend's car, Springs didn't find it anywhere... so as far as I know it's long gone. I'll forever be sad about it, especially since I still have the box I kept it in whenever I wasn't wearing it. *sad sigh*)

After that, I went back out and got photos at the photo op which included a bunch of lightsabers and props specifically made for opening day.

I was really hamming it up with this and the cast member who ran this became one of my biggest fans. She just loved gassing me up for the photos. In all honesty, these photo ops never got old to me and you'll be seeing me serving for them a few more times during this program.

After that, I still had two hours to go until I was to start so I went inside the Welcome Center and just waited. I did see Susan, one of my favorite EHH people that I ran into on multiple occasions, which was nice. She kept me occupied for a moment while I waited for my shift time to get closer. Of course, she could only talk for so long. Most of my time in the Welcome Center I was just on my phone, editing the photos I had just taken as well as listen to as much 'pump up' music as I could. It probably was mostly the Paint the Night soundtrack that is perfect for occasions like this. Eventually, it was time to head on over and clock in.

When I came in, I ran into so many of the morning crew who told me it was pretty crazy but not too too bad, which was reassuring. I did hear however that Savi's was a bit more intense than everywhere else, as expected, since we had had a 3 hour wait for our standby all day which was the max we could have for that day. The add-end was people's patience were being tested so yeah fingers crossed I wasn't standby greeter that day. (For the record, we no longer have standby at Savi's (or anything there at the moment) and it's all reservations, partly because of what happened with it during opening weekend. Just an FYI, since a lot of this is very old news.)

To keep it short since I don't have photos, it was a long day but a really fun one that went by really fast. I spent most of the day inside the workshop as a gatherer. Everyone was really nice and really happy to be there. Entertainment also gave us a special gift for those of us who were working in Savi's.

It was really just your regular Hershey bar, but the little wrapping they made was so adorable. I still have that wrapping, safely kept.

It was a long day and there's probably a ton of great memories and guests from that day but there are a few I can immediately think of. First was the end of the night when I was corral (or as we called it then 'bullpen'), which was the person who sat people on the data pad and let them into the waiting area. We were done with letting in shows so I sat with this family who spent the whole day at the parks and just managed to get one more person in their family into a show at the end of the night. I talked with them for a bit about Batuu, Black Spire, the droid they had built and their day. I hadn't had another moment like that since where I really got to spend time with a guest. It was nice, despite both of us being exhausted and Gerry, my coordinator, coming out to get me in the midst of that. Another was earlier in the day when I was Gatherer 4 inside (who gets two builders directly near the door) and I got this newly engaged couple, who were building sabers and I was their single gatherer. They had such great energy and it just warmed my heart their saber choices so I was being so extra with them. May or may not have cried after that show, they were so lovely. I also think I might've gotten a cast compliment on this day along with some special grape sodas (cast member way of giving each other recognition) on my hub account. It really was such a great day.

After all was said and done, I did end up getting ER'd since we ended up being so on top of a lot of things. With that though, I made it through opening day. OFFICIALLY.

This also meant I was allowed to treat myself when I got home.

I slept well that night. Of course, I was back at it again the next day nonetheless. BUT a new era had truly begun.

'Til the spire!

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Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!

Thank you!

Happy Birthday! Enjoying your report very much!

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!
🎁Happy Birthday Timmy!!!🎂
I recall all of the others you've celebrated for the last 10 (?) years....eeek 🎆

Thank you!! And omg that is so wild to think about. It really has been. Wow, time flies.

Oh Yeah! There Was Another Big Opening, Wasn't There?
8/30 – 9/1/19: That Savi’s Life Plus Food & Wine

August 30th, 2019

We arrive at day two on Batuu of a very many. We were back in Savi's and back to continue the energy that was ripe and ready for opening day. Except we have now survived baby's first official opening of a land in a Disney park (the biggest and most immersive land expansion at that). Now, I had a whole program to complete here as well as a potential extension and the future and who knows what? Pandemic? No did not see that one coming but we had planned for awhile at this point so we're gonna thinking long term.

Anyways, it was a pretty ordinary day. I was working 10 hours so another rather long day so scrap scrap scrapping all that metal again. It was pretty wild and went by fast. That night, Sydnee drove Taylor and I both home, which allowed us to vent about so far a crazy two day streak. We all needed that. Especially since we were all going right back into it the next day.

August 31st, 2019

After waking up today, knowing I had a shorter shift on my hands, I decided that I would hit up Food and Wine at Epcot before work. I think I had waited out the initial crowds long enough that it would be a pretty good day to sample some things over there and heck maybe even have a drink before I go into work.

I took the bus to Studios so I could drop off my stuff and not have to lug around a costume with me. I walked all the way from there to Epcot as I tend to do, wearing my SWGE Opening Day Team Magic Band with PRIDE! (Ugh, why did I make notes like that?)

Once I was inside, I scooped up some Food & Wine goodies, ready to begin what would be the first of very many visits.

First, I stopped at the Australia booth to try the Lamb Chop.

Roasted Lamb Chop with Sweet Potato Purée, Bushberry Pea Salad, and Pistachio-Pomegranate Gremolata

I really enjoyed this one. All my notes say is 'good', which is super insightful but I remember really liking it. I know it wasn't a mega highlight, probably because of the portion size, but it was enjoyable and a good start.

Next, I had to get a little bit of drink on so I got the Frozen Mimosa from Shimmering Sips.

Frozen Mimosa featuring White Claw Natural Lime Hard Seltzer

Gosh, this drink. THIS DRINK. I mean, obviously I LOVE mimosas but this was the best. It was so tangy and fruity, but not in a gross way that alcohol can be. It was like a healthy candy of sorts and wow I downed it QUICK. Thank goodness I had to go to work and was aware of my alcohol intake cause this could've been a really dangerous precedent here.

After that, I was feeling in the mood for Spaceship Earth so I took a quick break to sail across time with Dame Judi Dench herself.

Click to watch!

I was getting really luck with those cameras. If only it wasn't just me to enjoy the surprise of actually seeing my face in my future lmao

I was definitely feeling a hankering for something a bit more than what the booths were offering so I ran to Norway to go get myself some Schoolbread to fill me up a bit more.

You can never go wrong with Schoolbread. Truly.

I then went on back to Studios, walking all the way once again, probably burning off the miniscule amount of calories I had just eaten. What a waste lol

Goodbye for now, Food and Wine!

When I got to Studios, after changing into my costume, I decided to chill in the Welcome Center a bit before I walked on over to clock in for surprise, surprise A DROID SHIFT!

Yup, somehow in the midst of all these Savi's shifts they managed to drop a droid shift on me. Of course, this was probably the one and only for quite a few months, but I was indeed in Droid Depot today.

I spent most if not my entire shift as Assembly Engineer. I don't have any notes on how that went, but apparently it went fine. My guess is it was much later when I really did not know what I was doing, but I got through this in one piece, thank goodness.

I ended up ER'ing (just to remind you ER = Early Release in cast member terminology) an hour early so I was able to get home to get a bit more rest for the next day when I'd be back once again. Back in Savi's, of course. It also allowed me to dig in a bit to some of my hurricane supplies before bed because you got to eat some of that food eventually, right?

Well, asleep I was now and the next day awaited.

September 1st, 2019

I'm gonna be honest I don't have anything to write about today. All I know is I was in Savi's and it was unmemorable. It happens. You can't really write up too much about a day-to-day job. I do promise to have better stories. The next day however was my day off and I was returning to enjoy some more spooky fun over at the castle. Get ready for part two of Max Goof's Halloween Adventures! Don't worry, this sequel might just improve on the original, let me tell ya!

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Happy Birthday, Timmy!! What a perfect day to write about Opening Day! :D

Thank you! And truly. We love how that lined up perfectly.

Happy Birthday Timmy! What a crappy time to have a birthday. I'm so sorry.

Thank you! And it's ok. I made the best of it. :goodvibes

LOVE this treat!!!!

Schoolbread is THE BEST.

Happy Birthday, Timmy! I hope you were able to have a great day!

Thank you! It did end up being a good one.
The Moment My College Program Memories Had Peaked
9/2/19: Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party Part Two

Dorian loomed near and everyone was trying to get out of Florida or get to safer ground, but because I had nowhere to go and was ready to barren down the hatch, what do I do? I go to another Mickey's Not So Scary!

Yup, I had managed in one of the days since my first MNSSHP to nab another ticket! I also found out that my friend Cassidy from SWGE would be going to so we planned to meet up. Of course, I was feeling pretty up for the day so I got up rather early to hang out in the park beforehand.

I got to Magic Kingdom around 2pm today, now knowing how early I should get in line for Jack and Sally. I kinda wanted a re-do today on that one.

When I got inside of Magic Kingdom, Festival of Fantasy was just about to come through so I found a spot along Main Street. At this point, there looked like a rainstorm was about to come through so it came through rather quickly. A lot of sections weren't even doing their regular choreography so they could get off-stage before it hit.

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When the parade ended, it was definitely starting to drizzle so I headed over to Fantasyland and booked it inside of Mickey's PhilharMagic.

Truly the best spot to try and wait out the weather. Unfortunately, when I got out the weather was still not great so I tried to browse Fantasy Faire until it was clear that that rain was not letting up and it was now getting close to time for Jack and Sally to start meeting. I then bolted across Fantasyland to the Pinocchio's Village Haus restrooms to put my one touch of make-up so I'd be ready to meet the undead duo.

From there, I went to Main Street where the sky started to clear. It was also here that I realized how truly dead it was. Dorian wasn't gonna hit until tomorrow but today was one day where it was suggested that he might hit so people had cleared out. Not to mention it was a party night at MK so it REALLY cleared out. It was crazy how noticeable it was.

I got to the Town Square Theater right as they were about to open the line for Jack and Sally. The cast member who was handing out the wristbands literally showed up as I got there.

Alan was there when I got there so we got in line to be the first two to meet Jack and Sally. His friend, Isa, ended up joining us. I chatted with them as well as the lady in line behind us to help past the time while we waited. We mostly talked about the hurricane and Halloween and such. I found out through this that Isa was actually going to be a scare actor at Halloween Horror Nights, which I was super excited for since it was opening in just around a week at this time.

Eventually, it was time to go in.

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We had a bit of a hiccup once we got inside. I was trying to meet Jack and Sally separate from Al this time so the interaction would be a bit more personal. I tried to make it so him and Isa went first while I went second. Of course, we all knew each other so that would be a whole group. I didn't realize that's what we had to tell them and we had to go through the same procedures as if we were all together. It led to a bit of a kerfuffle with the attendant, but not much. We did figure it out in time for when Jack and Sally walked on. Isa also ended up wanting to meet them without Alan or me so we just kinda went down the line switching out and taking photos for each other. Alan first, Isa second and myself last. I took photos for Alan and Isa while Isa got them for me.

Click to watch!

It was a step up from my meet last night, but not great. Jack talked about taking one of my hands to help in Halloweentown. And when he said take, he meant chop it off. Bring it back with him separate. I love dark plays on humor so I totally hammed it up on that, but it didn't go much elsewhere beyond that. I'm glad I got a good video this time around though.

When we left, I split off from them since they ended up that thruway by Tony's where you get your treat bag and treats and can get photos at all the photo ops. However, the photo ops were very few since they took out all the character statues probably in preparation for the hurricane to make sure they were safe. Good thing I got the ones I wanted with those the party prior.

I walked out of there around the time Move It! Shake It! was happening so I ran up to watch realizing I was basically looking at my own reflection.

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As you can tell, the real Maxie didn't notice me at first. He was pretty oblivious actually. It wasn't until I started make my way towards the street but a parade dancer noticed me from afar and brought Max over. Max got super excited and was gesturing at how we were the same person. It was crazy. He gave me one of the best hugs ever and then took my hand and brought me out to dance with him right in front of his float. We got there just as the dancing was starting. Luckily, Photopass happened to be right there and booked it out to get me some photos. Thank you to Alan for downloading these for me later on!

I stayed with him during the entire parade for every dance. Cool jerk, shimmy, pony, etc. It was a blast and I had the best dance partner ever. I wish I had someone to get a whole video because it must've been the wildest thing to watch. I mean, even all the kids and parents around let us do our thing. It must've been truly a sight to behold. I mean, Goofy was on the float behind us and at one point we had stopped long enough for him to notice what was going on. It was crazy. I was truly living my best life through it all. Unfortunately, the parade had to end and I had to hop up on the pavement but Max gave me the biggest hug and blew all the kisses before I left. I could tell it was as much fun for him as it was for me. One of the dancers also tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Good job Max!"

Really, it was all so unbelievably magical.

Max was even still pointing me out as they were all doing their last dance in the streets.

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Then, he had to leave and it was very clear he didn't want to say goodbye so he was waving to me his entire way out.

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I wish I had a video of it but he literally was leaning out of the float waving to me as it went down Main Street and I followed. I did however turn away to go grab some of the puff balls that are launched from the floats before the floats begin to leave.

Once the floats were gone, I might've teared up a bit. It really was so amazing. Honestly, a highlight across my many programs and trips I've had. I thought dancing with George at my last party was a peak moment but this beat it, hands down. Gosh, what a dream.

I checked my phone once I had come back to earth to see I had quite a bit of time before the party began. I realized today would be a great day to go ride attractions with normally crazy waits so I went to Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. When I got there, they had just reopened the attraction so I hoped right in line. When I got in line, Alexis had texted me saying she was hanging around a bit and wanted to meet up. I told her I was at 7DMT and that nobody was behind me so she could hop in line with me. Luckily, she was right there so we were able to wait AND eventually ride together.

Click to watch!

7DMT definitely was better than I remembered it being. It might've been just because I was with someone to really enjoy it with. Certain rides hit different when you're with the right people.

When we got off, we went to go see if we could meet Peter Pan but his line was closed when we got over there so we nixed that plan. Alexis was feeling hungry and it was about this time that they were getting ready to land clear for the Halloween party and Alexis was going on another night with her mom. She was hungry so we headed over to Casey's. I waited for her by the exit while she ordered her food. When she got her food which I think were the corn dog nuggets, we went over to the still open hub grass to chill. Cassidy was just arriving at MK for the party so I told her to meet me over here since probably by the time she got there Alexis would head out.

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Clearly, despite another party this year and a few under my belt from past years, I was excited! Once she finished, she headed out so I said goodbye and right as she left, Cassidy came over from Main Street. The party had already begun so it was time to get down to business.

Time for MNSSHP Parte Dos!

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We Witnessed The Unforgettable Jack Sparrow Swagger
9/2/19: Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party Part Two

When Cassidy found me, we decided we'd head over to Adventureland first. At Adventureland, we both hit up our first treat trail by going to the one at the Jungle Cruise. There was where we met the cast member, Matt, who was super funny and made some great jokes about my costume then made fun of Cassidy for not really having one. He was a really good time. We ran into him again later in the night and eventually wrote him a cast compliment.

After we went further into Adventureland and I saw that the line for Jack Sparrow wasn't too long so Cassidy and I got in. It was about then that Alan and Isa ran into us again so they joined us in line. We all ended up meeting Jack together, which ended up being the most chaotic hilarious meet ever. It involved Alan and Jack singing along to the Adventureland Halloween music loop, Hurricane Dorian, some other weird jokes and... the Jack Sparrow Swagger. The new dance craze sweeping the nation as we prepare for the Hurricane.

Here it is on display by the man himself with very vivid descriptions as to what he was doing.

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Gosh, it was so wild, but a meet that definitely will stand out in my mind for Jack Sparrow. That is saying something considering I've had some crazy uncomfortably close ones with him. If you've ever had a one-on-one with him, you know he gets REALLY close.

We ended up deciding to stick around with Isa and Alan for a bit. We checked out all the treat trails that we could find in Adventureland and across the west side of MK since I hadn't spent any time there at all at my last party. We even got a glimpse of Gracey Manor in all its Halloween spooky glory. Eventually, we did take a break to go scout out a spot for Boo To You. Alan has his special spot which is right outside of Pecos which was perfect for food and such. We all dropped our stuff there. Isa and I both bounced for a moment so that she could go ride Haunted Mansion while I went to go see the Cadaver Dans, who were the only aspect of MNSSHP from my first program that I didn't get to see. Alan wanted to see them but I said I would watch them for one song then swap with him.

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As you can tell if you look in the corner of the video, Alan managed to convince Cassidy to watch over everyone's stuff and hold the spot until we got back. I did go back immediately after they finished their set while Alan stuck around for what ended up being a long time. Isa also got back before Alan did.

When she got back, I went inside Pecos to go try out one of the party exclusive offerings, which were the Hades Nachos.

They were basically blue corn nachos that looked black topped with buffalo chicken and a nice hot sauce. I also added some added accoutrements to it so it would really fill me up. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it but it actually was pretty good. I love spicy foods and this was definitely spicier than the average fare. I really hoped they'd bring it back next year.

Cassidy was really rearing to go ride Big Thunder. We had a bit of time but I said she would need to really run to make it back in time for everything including the Headless Horseman. She then ran over that way. It wasn't too long after Cassidy left that Alan showed back up, telling us about how he got caught up with Brer Rabbit, which is why he took so long. I believe he also took a moment to get some Hades Nachos too.

I also saw my friend Adi from the housing event while we waited. She worked at BTMRR so also did PAC for Boo To You and the other parades. She was putting out the lines and stanchions for the parade when I saw her. We didn't talk much, we were mostly acquaintances, but it was cool seeing someone I knew working.

Eventually, it was Headless Horseman time though!


Lowkey worse boomerang ever, but there's your proof he was there.

I thought because Cassidy wasn't back she missed it but she actually came across right after he went by. She made it in the knick of time. This meant, we all got to watch Boo To You together! Woohoo!

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It was actually a really fun viewing of the parade. Cassidy and I were whooping it up big time. Most characters and performers were focused on Alan, but I did get attention from Peter Pan who thought he was making fun of me by saying my hat was on backwards.

After the parade, Alan, who had the party pass and had been to every party so far, decided to end his night there. He seemed pretty beat by my assessment. We assumed this meant Isa would split but she stuck with us, which we weren't exactly thrilled with. We didn't really know her that well and were hoping to just be us friends at that point.

Nonetheless, we hit up more treat trails around Frontierland heading on over towards Tomorrowland. These included CoP, Laugh Floor and I believe PhilharMagic again.

Back in Tomorrowland, we also decided to go ride Space.

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You heard that right! 10 MINUTE WAIT FOR DEEP SPACE MOUNTAIN. It was DEAD this night.

After a fantastic voyage through the deepest recesses of space, we all needed a bathroom break. I kinda hoped this would be when Isa split off since Cassidy and I honestly didn't like her. We didn't want to be too too mean, but it was kinda putting a damper on the night having her around. I had hoped that the bathroom break would result in us being able to sneak away, but it was not to be. I know I sound awful, but she was strange (like really weirding us out) and again we never intended to keep her around. It was just easier to squad up at parade time and we knew Alan so it made sense.

I tried to drop hints about splitting off, but it wasn't exactly working. She continued to stick around and we all decided to go check out the Monsters Inc. dance party once again.

Click to watch!

That attendant dancing was giving me life the whole time we were there. He knew every word to Cascada's Evacuate the Dancefloor. He knew the words to a lot of other songs and it was clear the attendants just let him go at it. I might've given him a cast compliment.

It was in watching him and dancing around ourselves that George Sanderson showed up and he actually recognized me. He came over to give me a hug and say hi. We danced a bit with him, but other guests wanted their time with him so he floated away. It was great knowing he remembered me, granted how could you forget a moment like that?

It was after that, that Isa decided to split off. She said she had friends to meet up with, which we assumed was code that she could tell we were kinda not about her. Part of me felt bad for being the way I was that probably resulted in this, but I was so so happy to just be Cassidy and I for the rest of the night.

Seriously, where to next?

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