This Is Us- Season 3

I think the whole series is going to heading toward that "this is us" retelling of their lives to Rebecca.
Maybe Rebecca asks her kids to help her commit suicide. Has that been done before on TV?

Yes. Probably more than a few times in the grand scheme of tv. My earliest recollection of that type of storyline was on The Golden Girls (Sophia's friend wanted her to help her commit suicide because of aging/failing health. Though in the end she didn't go through with it. Spoiler alert!). Also I'm sure it must have been a plot line at some point on House, but my memory is foggy on that.
When Chrissy said something that has not been seen before, I was thinking she was referring to the baby Jack storyline. Something that entered my mind was the possibility of cerebral palsy, since that is something that happens with very premature babies. I can’t think of a show that has addressed that.
When Chrissy said something that has not been seen before, I was thinking she was referring to the baby Jack storyline. Something that entered my mind was the possibility of cerebral palsy, since that is something that happens with very premature babies. I can’t think of a show that has addressed that.

I don’t know if it was a result of being premature or not but on Breaking Bad, Walters son had cerebral palsy.
Ok, this one is WAY OUT THERE, but hear me out. I keep thinking about the actress who plays Kate saying they are going to have a storyline that has never been done on TV before. So far everything we have seen does not fit that description. NICU has been done before, all the other trials and tribulations of the characters have been done before as well. So, what if, and this is way out on a limb, they will be the first TV show to have a death with dignity storyline. Maybe that's why they are all gathered on this particular day by Rebecca's beside. Maybe there is a living will that states these are her wishes as a result of being diagnosed at some point with something major.

California does have laws protecting physician-assisted end of life. Now that would be something we have never seen before. Mandy Moore did say in an interview that when she read how Rebecca ultimately ends the series she was taken aback and said, "oh, Rebecca" but then resigned herself to the outcome after thinking about it.

I love mysteries, can you tell?

Maybe Rebecca asks her kids to help her commit suicide. Has that been done before on TV?

Yes. Probably more than a few times in the grand scheme of tv. My earliest recollection of that type of storyline was on The Golden Girls (Sophia's friend wanted her to help her commit suicide because of aging/failing health. Though in the end she didn't go through with it. Spoiler alert!). Also I'm sure it must have been a plot line at some point on House, but my memory is foggy on that.

ER had this story line. Dr. Chen (I think that was her name) assisted a family member.

When Chrissy said something that has not been seen before, I was thinking she was referring to the baby Jack storyline. Something that entered my mind was the possibility of cerebral palsy, since that is something that happens with very premature babies. I can’t think of a show that has addressed that.

Speechless, a show on ABC currently, focuses on CP which is often caused by a birth injury/lack of oxygen during the birth process.

Look at the three kids on the game box.

Whoa. That's crazy - all the details I miss... need to rewatch this episode and I also feel like I need to rewatch the first season too.
I think Kevin's east coast house might explain the Kate and Toby situation also. It could be relatively new and Kate and Jack flew in earlier than Toby to see Rebecca and Toby stayed behind for work and is now joining the family.

I had the same thought to explain the Kate and Toby situation. I’m not sure if Toby’s left hand has been clearly shown. It was holding the bag of sidewalk chalk, but we didn’t get a really good look at it.
I actually loved the vague nature of the finale. Besides the obvious....that these cast members seen or mentioned are therefore still alive, the only things we can absolutely be 100% sure of, based on that flash forward are things that tied up the major story lines we've been seeing during this season, particularly the last few episodes. (And I REALLY appreciate that, I might add! :) )

Kate & Toby's story line= Jack survives. Randall & Beth's story line= They are still together and the dance studio is still working. (The latter of which we already knew from the earlier flash forward of this same time period.) Kevin's story line= he has at least one child. Nicky's story line = to some extent, Nicky is still in contact with the family. And to the subtler story line of things seeming a bit off with Rebecca at times= Rebecca is now having memory issues based on some medical issue.

Now we can find a lot of things that are probable based on the finale (and the earlier flash-forward), but beyond that, the possibilities are endless. We don't know who out of the nearly half of the cast are even alive. They did not show, nor mention Miguel, Annie, Deja, Kate, or Zoe. We don't know exactly how much time has passed. We can't be certain of the relationships of anyone but Randall & Beth. (Toby's lack of ring could be significant in the most obvious way, but it could also be a red herring.) We don't really know what anyone but Beth & Tess are doing and who's in a successful place and who is not. We're not sure where anyone is living, although I think we can guess that Beth's studio might still be in Philly. And while one might guess a fairly common reason for Rebecca's memory loss, they could certainly pull a less common reason out of their hats in the future.

And that leaves the producers and writers with endless possibilities for future seasons, while still keeping true to this incredibly vague slice of the future that they've shown us. And I like knowing that they can still go in countless directions and keep us guessing. :)
I had the same thought to explain the Kate and Toby situation. I’m not sure if Toby’s left hand has been clearly shown. It was holding the bag of sidewalk chalk, but we didn’t get a really good look at it.

Thank you all. I finished watching the last few episodes last night.

Does anyone know why Toby specifically pointed out he had the sidewalk chalk?

Approximately how old does Tess look? That would determine approximately how many years have passed since at lil Jack's birth, she was about 12-13, is that correct?

I know someone mentioned/wondered if Nicky could be with Rebecca but I don't think so and I would think if they really were, he would have been closer
to her in bed, for instance, the side of the bed not at her feet.

Regarding the placement of where people are in Rebecca's room, did we see who, if anyone is to the right of Rebecca? Did they show that part of the room or
did it just show Rebecca in bed and her left side of the bed?

I think Kate is very self absorbed and think he she/Toby were divorced, she would not want him to show up at her monther's deathbed. The way he/Randall spoke, made it seem like they were happy he was there but weren't going to get too upset if he didn't show and would have understood.

Maybe Rebecca ended up with Kevin, the one that was always left out. Remember a few weeks ago when Rebecca said she/Miguel were moving to the West Coast, Kevin told Randall he wasn't the only one that had dibs or should have dibs on her or something to that sort, can't remember the exact wording.

Maybe Nicky is also living with Kevin and due to his medical training, is making himself useful as Rebecca's caregiver?
Does anyone know why Toby specifically pointed out he had the sidewalk chalk?

Approximately how old does Tess look? That would determine approximately how many years have passed since at lil Jack's birth, she was about 12-13, is that correct?

Maybe Nicky is also living with Kevin and due to his medical training, is making himself useful as Rebecca's caregiver?

I have been wondering about the chalk. That seemed so random.

I figure, based on Kevin's son (and assuming he's Kevin's biological son) that at least a decade has passed. Since the brief glimpse of that kid made me think he could be in the area of the tweens. BUT, I definitely think they tried to age the adult actors more than just a decade. So perhaps Kevin doesn't become a Dad right away. :)

I like the theory of Nicky living with Kevin and helping care for Rebecca.
Copying this from a poster on another message board. Thought it was helpful in creating a timeline:
"I just read the Entertainment Q&A with Mandy Moore and she refers to her old age makeup as being 83 years old. She was born in 1950, so the future date we were seeing is 2033. The kids were born in 1980, so they are now 53."

So, it appears we are seeing 14 years into the future...
Copying this from a poster on another message board. Thought it was helpful in creating a timeline:
"I just read the Entertainment Q&A with Mandy Moore and she refers to her old age makeup as being 83 years old. She was born in 1950, so the future date we were seeing is 2033. The kids were born in 1980, so they are now 53."

So, it appears we are seeing 14 years into the future...

Thank you.

So that would make lil Jack approximately 14 and Kevin's son looked about 11ish so about
three years time for Kevin to have a baby after Kate. It takes almost a year to have a baby and that would leave two years for Sophie to leave her boyfriend, get back with Kevin and have a baby since she said he always gets what he wants and he probably always wanted a life/baby with Sophie.

Rebecca looked like she had a stroke to me but I'm not a medical professional, only when I watch TV and movies LOL
Maybe we don’t know the significance of the sidewalk chalk because we haven’t seen that scene yet. Maybe it’s something that baby Jack and Rebecca did a lot as he was growing up or maybe it’s because of Kevin’s son? I can’t really think of any significance to a scene we’ve already seen.
Maybe we don’t know the significance of the sidewalk chalk because we haven’t seen that scene yet. Maybe it’s something that baby Jack and Rebecca did a lot as he was growing up or maybe it’s because of Kevin’s son? I can’t really think of any significance to a scene we’ve already seen.

Yes, perhaps you are correct. Someone mentioned on another message board that they showed Rebecca's hands fumbling and kept moving. They said the show also showed another time where they focused on her hands and very figitey. Maybe it's so she can hold the chalk in her hand but I'm thinking no.

On another message board, someone said if you google an old box of Pin the Tail on the Donkey (can't remember what year, maybe 80s), it is actually the same picture so it is a real picture that was used and not the Big 3 although maybe they liked it due to the picture.
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Well, the corn sandwiches brings the disboards and TiU full circle. Maybe Jack is related to the "corn people".
Another that’s my that makes me wonder about Rebecca’s condition is the way Tess and Randall discussed seeing “her” and not being ready in the initial future scene. It seems that this must be a relatively sudden development or serious worsening of her condition.

I think 14 years (as surmised above) seems about right based on Tess. I see her 26 (to 29). I think Randall and Beth look older than 53.
Another that’s my that makes me wonder about Rebecca’s condition is the way Tess and Randall discussed seeing “her” and not being ready in the initial future scene. It seems that this must be a relatively sudden development or serious worsening of her condition.

I think 14 years (as surmised above) seems about right based on Tess. I see her 26 (to 29). I think Randall and Beth look older than 53.
I took the "not being ready" to mean needing to say goodbye to someone when that episode first aired. I feel that way even more now. I think they are all gathering to say goodbye, either because the doctor has given her days to live or because she is going the assisted suicide route.


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