This thread has become an Engineer bashing Thread we'll that's just wrong we rule!


<font color=blue>Table-dancing auctioneer<br><font
Jul 15, 2001
The top ten reason why studying here in the office (Hollow Mountain cavern) during the weekend is better than at home.

Mind you I'm alone here in this great big vast manufacturing plant I call home.

#10 The secretaries have those romance novels all over the place… Why who knew that Sam's older brother, was really Tina's long son that she gave up when Tony told her to give up the child, or the affair was over. Meanwhile Chad the stable boy was working out in the gym his chest heaving in and out, while sweat made his Columbian olive skin glisten like…… well you get the drift.

#9 The copy machines are mine all mine do you hear me ma... top of the world hahahahahah. Anyway it's mine.

#8 I finally got to see the women's bathroom. Amazing its clean, and there's this smell in there like soap, and the toilet seats are all down. What's up with that????

#7 I got to use the ladies room, because lets face it kids the men's room is gross, and smells like taco's and bean dip. Hey it beats going to the gas station down the street.

#6 Goes with #7 I got to lift all the toilet seats, that'll make them wonder.

#5 There's nobody at my door crying, whining, or complaining, that this that or the other thing, is broken, missing, or touching them.

#4 I just scared the security guard (a woman) into tomorrow, by turning off my lights and sitting in the dark, when she checked on my door I stood up and yelled "Who Loves Ya Baby" and "who's your Daddy" Oh thank goodness I'm the VP.

#3 I don't have to worry about what websites that are on my screen hehehehehehehe. No no I mean like Joe cartoon you sickies.

#2 There is food all over the place these women have M&M's, popcorn, granola bars, mass amounts of chocolates, cereal, peanuts from every country, and this new thing I found called coffee… It's a blast.

And The number one reason is…………….

#1 Open mic night, cause I can use the companies PA system to sing Feelings and get ready for karaoke night on the November pin cruise.

Oops gotta go security's back and she's got her supervisor with her….. uhmmm I may be gone for a bit y'all :p

Hey maybe I can give her M&M's and sing feelings to her. Ha ha beat you all to the punch. :)
Raul, a couple of things come to mind ...

One time at a school a female teacher was heading to the rest room. Another woman said, "Don't forget to spray." Well, the male teachers went crazy because they didn't have air fresheners. One of the guys went to the Principal & voila, the guys have air fresheners. Forget that the office secretaries bought the spray themselves.

And, my husband says for open mic night, just imagine being in a smoke filled bar in the Phillippines. On the stage with the live band is a petite local woman. They strike up the tune & out of the speakers comes "Peelings, nutting more dan peelings!" Be careful what tune you choose :)!
Ju haf to estop estudiando por un momentico to answer my email!!!I need adviso on a bery, bery importante trade. Muchisimo mas importante que tu examen!
Por favor, contestame!!!
if he is going to be singing in a bar in the Phillippines, then there has to be a donkey on the stage along with a hot limber woman!

Yeah baby!

Lord of the Edit
Bravo, Ed!!!!

If you hadn't left the seats up in the women's room, I was going to say something. :)

My question is --- NOW does the women's room smell like tacos and bean dip??? :) :p :jester:
Don't forget the number one reason **not** to be studying access!!

I think you should go to one of those libraries with the study carrels like they used to have in college...remember those? You know, you felt like you were sitting in a little wooden box and could not believe that no one ever took the time to put any graffitti on them?

Of course, back then there were no computers....just the giant ones that filled up a whole room and spit out strips of green tape that had things on them you couldn't understand...

Ah...those were the days...NOT!
Charles, my husband said I could not reply to you as this is a family board :)!

Sharon, we know what generation of computer users you started in :)!
Hi Judith,

Thats ok. I am glad to see that the Man of the house makes the rules!

Lord of the Man Show
Okay you have to admit that was a good one:p

But dude be ready for the womens revenge. They attack in large numbers like wolf packs. just wait till they get to my battery post.

Now Charles, and Judith be gentle I'm in enough trouble with the moderators.

I'm glad I'm in the mountain. even if it is the first time is hasnt rained in a week.
Charles, I never said the man of the house makes the rules - he just abides by them :)!

And Raul, I don't have red hair, so I am a gentle soul. Now WHO gets YOU in trouble with the moderators?

Seriously, it isn't raining today in central FL? Good because for one friend it is their last full day in FL & he is supposed to be bringing me a couple of pins :). For another friend it is the beginning of their two week stay, & it has done nothing but rain since they arrived. I hate to say it but you all REALLY did need rain ... ok, maybe not all at once. I bet the rain hasn't stopped pin collectors, pin traders, etc. :)!
But the rains have come to Central Fla...just started here in Casselberry, and is making its wat to the WDW area..the newest news flash I have from that area..(ismetoo) just lives around the corner, is that it is looking threatening...

I sound like a weather forcaster don't I..

But as you said ..a little liquid sunshine never stopped us...the pin trader core...if you had been to the newest pin meet at WDW Boardwalk, we turned out in droves, and pouring rain to attend it last night..outside under the porch, stuffed full of pin traders...please pass the Ban..nothing will stop us!!!!

Next report at 6

Donna, LOL :)!! I'll be waiting for the next weather report live from central FL!
Ed, I know that I left a post here somewhere?

Red did you GET me?!?

Lord of the Missplaced Post

Now now, I think you mean't to say that he enforces the rules!

I know that there are not many men like Ed and myself who are masters of our domains, but we Engineer's wouldn't have it any other way.

Men rule x Engineer's rule = Super Dudes who rule the universe!

Lord of the Super Dudes
You engineers all think alike :)! My engineer husband said to tell you "you really hit the nail on the head about men setting the rules!"

Donna, help! What should we do with the engineers :)? And where's the 6 p.m. weather forecast :)?
The other bad news is that I'm married to an engineer too, and he too thinks he makes the rules..(aren't they sooo cute!!)

and about the better late then never weather report...whew that was is still just sprinkling here, and should end the torrential downpours on Wed..and go back to just our daily heat showers...which can be like torrential downpours..

Judith i promise never to let you down like that again

and he too thinks he makes the rules..(aren't they sooo cute!!)

HA! Matthew knows the score... marry a red head and you don't even THINK about trying to make the rules in the family! ;) ;) :p
When I saw Mean Laureen was the last one to post on this subject, I thought, "Oh No! The redhead locked the thread!" Thanks, Laurie for letting us have our fun!

Donna, you didn't let me down - you were probably trying to stay dry in rainy FL :). As for engineers - you're right - we just let them think they make the rules.

Laurie, I have a red-headed teacher friend who loves to tell her students, "I don't have this read hair for anything!" Watch out!


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