This Trip Report Is Under Refurbishment For Your Future Enjoyment (UPDATED 9/13 with final bonus chapter)

What a fantastic trip report this has been so far, it's so well written I feel like I'm almost there!

Thank you and :welcome:

Me and my partner are stopping at Coronado Springs this August, I can appreciate that it was a bit of a building site whilst you were there, but could you let me know how you felt the buses were and any ideal locations to stay potentially for a preferred room?

Thanks in advance, can't wait for Pandora and the rest of your report

I'd say the buses were fine. No better or worse than any other resort. They have the boards at each stop to tell you when the next one is due, so that's helpful. I tried to stay in the Cabanas, which were closest to the main building and the last bus stop on the line before heading to the parks--but they were under refurbishment at the time. They're opening the new high rise there this year so I don't know if that will change anything or not.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Gotta take the good and bad with Disney.

See, I not excited about Galaxy's Edge. I like Star Wars. I'll go see the movies when they come out. But this land....just does nothing for me. The idea of how interactive it will be intrigues me, but I'm in no rush to get down there and experience it. there anything about it that doesn't appeal to you? I'm curious as to what might have turned you off. To me, it's rides/land themed like Star Wars. Sounds cool to me.

I can agree with this, except I absolutely DESPISE the new Mickey cartoons. I hate the animation style, I hate the storylines, just Not. A. Fan. So I'm leery about an attraction centered around that.

I can honestly say I've never watched them. So I have no idea. They do look a little weird compared to classic Mickey and Minnie.

I've ridden it twice. And it was more than enough. My friend summed it up best when she said she didn't enjoy the sensation of passing her stomach on every other floor.

:rotfl2: That's a good way to put it!

WHAT?!?!? :scared1: We've literally gone to DHS just to ride this. And then leave. It's one of the rides I'm most sad about not being able to experience when we go in February.

Yep...that was my first time. Won't be my last, though!

Wait, I thought I was reading Mark's report, not @pkondz 's.

I like to give shout-outs when I can. Those who know will get the joke.:thumbsup2

It is also does not load well. The line never really moves efficiently.

I can see that being an issue there.

And I thought I couldn't get any more shocked.

Well, they hadn't been there since 2012. They were a lot younger then. So we didn't let them stay up late every night.

You can feel that way about Fantasmic, I can feel that way about pie. We're even.

But pie is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Gauntlet thrown!

Actually, I wouldn't do that.
I was kinda combining some thoughts
I've seen the ones that turn to powder when they're hit and that's hilarious.
I think it's crazy the amount if money people spend on gold clubs so I think it would be ironic if an actual exploding golf ball happened.
Explosions make everything better. Just like bacon
know u wouldn't
just having fun :)

was almost positive that the club wasn't affected

Great first ride photo. You and Sarah look like you are having a blast. Scotty looks like he is trying to keep a brave face and Dave....well, he looks like what did I do to myself? Glad everyone liked it in the end.

Our Hollywood Studios day was probably the most fun day we had all week. It was also the day when we spent the most time on our own, just the 6 of us. Coincidence?

Sometimes it's just nice to spend time the way that works for you. Touring with others can be fun - but it can also make you appreciate your own family time even more.

Our dinner was one of the most fun and memorable we’ve had on property.

Sorry your server was a dud - great that the other server included your family with the rest of his tables. there anything about it that doesn't appeal to you? I'm curious as to what might have turned you off.

There's nothing in particular. I think a good portion of it comes from the fact that we were on our honeymoon the week after Pandora opened, and the crowds were INSANE so my favorite park I couldn't really enjoy because there were just people everywhere. And I'm imagining that multiplied exponentially because Star Wars. I'm not terribly sad that we potentially won't be back for the next couple of years and hope the hype will die down.

They do look a little weird compared to classic Mickey and Minnie.

They run a loop of them on one of the resort channels, and we had them on as background one night. I had a horrified expression on the entire time before Joe finally just told me to turn it off if they bothered me that much.

But pie is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

And Fantasmic is the ultimate battle between good and evil and full of magic. It is hands down without a doubt my favorite Disney attraction. I basically have it memorized.
I'm so glad I did this on my trip. I felt like as a DISer I had failed since I had never been in there before.

Definitely worth a visit, especially if you've never done it before.

The model was cool, and that land is going to be amazing. Hopefully it will be worth the wait in 2025 when I get the chance to see it - after the crowds have died down.

I have absolutely no problem with waiting until then to see it. It won't be worth the crowds at opening, for sure.

I can't say I hated The Great Move Ride, but I didn't really like it either. I think I only rode once. In 2008. Once was fine for me.

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the point of the storyline was in that ride.

Interesting. Some would call the Frozen Sing-along a bleeping deathtrap.

:wave2: :rotfl2:

We've talked about this. I feel the same way about drops. I won't ever ride ToT. I did however ride Splash the year 2000. That was enough, thank you.

My kids actually guilted me into Splash Mountain on this trip. It had been many years since I'd been on it.

Even though my August trip was my second time riding RnRC, I was still freaked out, perhaps a little less than my very first time. I was a mess then. Maybe if I do it a third time I'll be able to relax a bit more. I think it's the fact I can't see the track makes my mind play tricks on me and gets my nerves going. I actually feel that way about Space Mountain too, even though it's similar intensity to BTMRR, my favourite ride.

They really build up the anticipation. It's hard not to get nervous. I'm sure many sadists would tell you that's part of the "fun", right?

That's an awesome ride picture!

I was so glad I didn't look like a wuss! :rotfl:

While I'm disappointed I didn't get into Launch Bay, I'm not too upset that I didn't meet any characters. The one I actually thought I would meet if I went in was BB-8. Interesting to hear it was a bit of a dud. I knew he would just beep, but assumed maybe his head would move and beep in a way to "speak" to you.

Well, his head moved and he did beep. But how exactly are you supposed to respond to that?:confused3

I really didn't have an interest in meeting Kylo Ren. I ger that he's the bad guy and he's playing the part. From the reports I've read and seen, it just seems a bit too intimidating.

Sounds like he definitely plays the part. My crew had fun with it.

I'm happy to say that my family has moved beyond Disney Jr. Sitting on that floor for the puppet show is not kind to middle aged dads with bad knees and sore backs.

True. In this case, the A/C trumped all.

Yep. I had this on my 3rd visit to 50s PT. And the best part - no green stuff!


I had this on my 2nd visit. Also very good, but the green things are a bit of a problem. I tried to hide those from my Aunt, but still got in trouble. "I ate some of them" (and I really did eat one or two).

Just FYI, don't get the chicken pot pie. I had that on my 1st visit. Big chunks of green things in it. I almost didn't go for a 2nd visit.

Yeah, the green things are a problem. I wonder how many are rotting in the seat cushions.

I have never understood the appeal of chicken pot pie. It's like pie, but...much worse.

Sounds like a great visit to 50s.
I have to be honest - my family got tired of it. The last 2 waiters we had just weren't that into it. Although the food was good, we decided to skip it our last trip. I might like to do it again some trip. But it's not at the top of my list.

It really does depend on the server. We've typically had really good luck there. And we like the food a lot. may be on to something there....


I'm pretty sure I've read about this before, but I have never noticed it.

Well, now you know what to look for.

Sounds like a fun meet. I saw them through the door. I was kind of curious to do the meet, but I think the wait was 1/2 hour at the time, and I didn't think it was worth that.

No character meet is worth that. Like I said earlier, I'm looking forward to when Drew is too old for these things.

For the first time, I didn't buy any overpriced Disney shirts on my trip. I saw lots I liked, I just can't justify the cost. I did find two t-shirts at the Disney outlet store for $5 that I bought. That's more my price, even if I didn't like them quite as much.

Nice work! I usually justify it if I really like the shirt figuring it's vacation and you're supposed to splurge. But yeah, sometimes the prices are outrageous.

I like to see Fantasmic! once a trip (assuming there is a couple years separating those trips.) But it's my least favourite of the three night time spectaculars (I'm not counting Rivers of Light - that doesn't really qualify as a "spectacular")

I'm ok to skip it. I was surprised they built such a large stage for performers and then made such little use of it, preferring to show movie clips on the water screen.

Anything where you can use the description "pillars of flame" has to be a good thing. I really enjoyed the Star Wars fireworks, even though it is rather light on the fireworks.

But heavy on the fire! ::yes:: :rockband:

Exploding golf balls are good.

And a great practical joke.

That new $2000 driver...toast!!!

:scared1: Not my driver!!!
I was so glad I didn't look like a wuss! :rotfl:

I have never understood the appeal of chicken pot pie. It's like pie, but...much worse.

:scared1: Not my driver!!!
We never said you didn't look like a wuss.

If all you've ever had are store bought pot pies, I can understand that. DW makes one that's amazing. Is there a yum or drool emoji?

Of course not. I would never use them on your driver. Sand wedge maybe.
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only able to type with one hand so excuse typos & shortcuts

I didn't see the back story on this until later. Hope you're ok!

Ah. so Disney bought them too.

It wouldn't surprise anyone at this point, would it?

true. I've not been there 24/7/365,... there might be a day when it's nit needed.

A day...maybe 2.

I suspect 2 is the more important

It is to me, at least.

makes sense since you need the big drop to get momentum for those loops

Right. Unless you do the launch like RnRC. I find that to be the preferred option.

yup. been there (not ti that degree tho). not fun

Worst I had it was whale-watching in Maine many years ago. I thought that excursion would never end.

hearing loss and brain cell loss.

it doesn't get any better

Welp, that's it. I'm packing it in and going to live in a cabin somewhere.

:laughing: well, glad he decided to like it. :)

No, I'm just not one for confrontation.

good point! they may have competed w/each other and ruined it.

Looking back, I'm almost sure that was it.

been years since i've seen that

Me too, but I use that line a lot.

DHS is a 1/2 day park for me so never there that late.

With Toy Story Land and then Star Wars, I'm guessing it will finally be a full-day park. They'll finally have enough attractions to fill the day.

Explosions make everything better. Just like bacon

I seem to recall somebody saying this somewhere...:rolleyes1
Great first ride photo. You and Sarah look like you are having a blast. Scotty looks like he is trying to keep a brave face and Dave....well, he looks like what did I do to myself? Glad everyone liked it in the end.

It cracks me up that Dave basically looks like this in every single ride photo we took. I was so worried I would look like I was totally freaked out.

Sometimes it's just nice to spend time the way that works for you. Touring with others can be fun - but it can also make you appreciate your own family time even more.


Sorry your server was a dud - great that the other server included your family with the rest of his tables.

I'm almost sure that they had an understanding that the one server was basically running the room. It makes sense that way.

There's nothing in particular. I think a good portion of it comes from the fact that we were on our honeymoon the week after Pandora opened, and the crowds were INSANE so my favorite park I couldn't really enjoy because there were just people everywhere. And I'm imagining that multiplied exponentially because Star Wars. I'm not terribly sad that we potentially won't be back for the next couple of years and hope the hype will die down.

I wouldn't be caught dead at a new park opening. We were at Toy Story Land only 3 weeks after it opened, and I was surprised that the crowds weren't terrible. I was expecting the worst. I think Star Wars may actually be worse than Harry Potter when that opened in terms of crowds. So I don't mind waiting a couple of years to see it. I don't need to be first.

They run a loop of them on one of the resort channels, and we had them on as background one night. I had a horrified expression on the entire time before Joe finally just told me to turn it off if they bothered me that much.

Huh. I really have no idea. I don't think Drew has watched them at all. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is more his speed.

And Fantasmic is the ultimate battle between good and evil and full of magic. It is hands down without a doubt my favorite Disney attraction. I basically have it memorized.

Ah, now I see. I was poking a sensitive spot for you there. Well, to each their own.

Of course not. I would never use them on your driver. Sand wedge maybe.

That reminds me of one my favorite Simpsons quotes, when Homer was learning golf.

Mr. Burns: Use an open-faced club, Simpson! The sand wedge!

Home: club sandwich...
I didn't see the back story on this until later. Hope you're ok!

Doing okay. Relieved to type with two hands again. Several scars and blisters, but doing okay.

It wouldn't surprise anyone at this point, would it?


Right. Unless you do the launch like RnRC. I find that to be the preferred option.

So then this would be okay? (Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point Sandusky)

Worst I had it was whale-watching in Maine many years ago. I thought that excursion would never end.

I can understand that. I went shark diving in Hawaii and was fine until the trip back. Then I was miserable. I managed to keep it together, but man was I happy when we got back to dry land.

Welp, that's it. I'm packing it in and going to live in a cabin somewhere.

If you can find it.

Me too, but I use that line a lot.

I've noticed... and every time, for whatever reason, I think of Jackie Gleason in Smokey and the Bandit.

With Toy Story Land and then Star Wars, I'm guessing it will finally be a full-day park. They'll finally have enough attractions to fill the day.

I think that's why they put so much effort into that park. They know there's not much there since they took out rides.
Doing okay. Relieved to type with two hands again. Several scars and blisters, but doing okay.

Yuck. 2nd degree...that's some serious pain, right there. Hope it heals quickly.

So then this would be okay? (Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point Sandusky)

That appears to incorporate a very big drop.

I used to watch "Bert the Conqueror" on Travel Channel, and he rode that very coaster. He experienced what they call a "rollback"--i.e., the coaster doesn't quite get enough momentum to make it over the top and rolls backwards to the start. It was pretty funny to watch his reaction.

I can understand that. I went shark diving in Hawaii and was fine until the trip back. Then I was miserable. I managed to keep it together, but man was I happy when we got back to dry land.

There's no better feeling! I have a photo of me kissing the ground when we returned from whale-watching.

If you can find it.

Well, I never ask for directions, so...yeah.

I've noticed... and every time, for whatever reason, I think of Jackie Gleason in Smokey and the Bandit.

Also acceptable. I actually never saw that movie, though.

I think that's why they put so much effort into that park. They know there's not much there since they took out rides.

I agree. I think they also knew it needed more family rides that everyone could do together.
Yuck. 2nd degree...that's some serious pain, right there. Hope it heals quickly.

Getting better. :)

That appears to incorporate a very big drop.


I used to watch "Bert the Conqueror" on Travel Channel, and he rode that very coaster. He experienced what they call a "rollback"--i.e., the coaster doesn't quite get enough momentum to make it over the top and rolls backwards to the start. It was pretty funny to watch his reaction.
:lmao: I can only imagine!

“Am I going to die now?”

There's no better feeling! I have a photo of me kissing the ground when we returned from whale-watching.

:laughing: post it!

Also acceptable. I actually never saw that movie, though.

You... you... you’ve never seen Smokey and the Bandit???

That’s... Un-American!!!
The 4:00 p.m. Florida rain shower was about 2.5 hours early that day. We dodged a few raindrops as we left Toy Story Land, and then decided to take cover when it started to rain harder. We decided to duck into Walt Disney Presents: One Man’s Dream since the kids had never been in there before.

I'll have to remind my parents about that afternoon rain shower. We will mostly be in the parks when that rolls along....

But on the plus side, they had a model of the new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge on display, so I still had something to gawk at. I’m sure this will be an amazing place to walk around when it’s finally open.

I hope that exhibit is still there now, I would definitely go see that. We have some time in between our FP+ and I want sure what we would do to kill time. That works.

Another display highlighted a forthcoming attraction that I’m also excited about, if in a more low-key way than I am for the Star Wars rides. Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway is slated to open later in 2019,

I'll be happy to see that too. Fran was a big fan of the GMR, but I'll be happy for something new.

My kids had never tried this one, and were interested in giving it a shot.

I can see your kids not having been on the ride, but how could you have not tried it????? :confused3 I made FP+ for my whole party and my Dad is likely the only one who will try it with me. I'll use the other two myself if there is time!

True confession time: this was not just my kids’ first time riding the Rock ‘n Roller Coaster. I’d never been on it, either. In the past, my kids were always too short to ride it and Julie had zero interest, so I’d never bothered because I didn’t want to waste everybody’s time while they waited for me.

You are too considerate! :laughing: Fran brings her tablet and reads while I'm on the rides, then again we are AP holders and live half an hour from Disneyland.

The seat restraints were lowered into place with a loud click. No turning back. The coaster moved around the bend to the launch position. And then we waited.

And waited.

I know, get this thing going!




I'm glad you got the right answer. :teeth:

We moved into the greeting room, and as it turns out, the idea of meeting BB-8 might be one of those things that sounds better than it actually is. It just sits there on a table, its head moves and it beeps. There’s not really any interaction. So you turn around, take a photo, and leave. Yay?

:lmao: Our meeting with R2D2 was more fun than that!

They reported back to me later that Kylo Ren is not one to be trifled with. At one point Julie started laughing and he barked, "Silence!"

I had an interesting encounter with him as well, but he didn't bark! :laughing:

With evil finally vanquished by the needs of social media, we moved on to the Disney Jr. Show. We did this purely for the sake of 1) doing something Drew would enjoy, and 2) taking the opportunity to sit down in air-conditioning.

Wwe go have an adult beverage to enjoy the AC. :drinking:

It was time for dinner, at one of our favorite Disney restaurants: the 50’s Prime Time Café.

Best. Fried. Chicken. Ever. (well besides the Plaza Inn)

As most of you know, the food here is very good (especially the fried chicken).

Didn't I just say that?

Our particular server was a little bit of a disappointment.

That's too bad.

But that didn’t matter. For one thing, we had good food. I went with the fried chicken, which is the best thing on the menu here.


The other item in our favor was that the other tables in our room were being waited on by “Uncle Eric”. And Uncle Eric was in rare form that evening.

Sounds like Uncle Eric more than made up for it!

Our Hollywood Studios day was probably the most fun day we had all week. It was also the day when we spent the most time on our own, just the 6 of us. Coincidence?

:scratchin: I'm glad it was a fun day, and nice that it's becoming more and more of a full day park.

Baby Groot immediately started shaking in fear, and Star-Lord had to comfort him by reassuring him that no, Scotty had not just pulled his own head apart.

OMG! I have to meet Baby Groot!

My kids had never seen Fantasmic! before, so we made our way to the theater.

That's a good reason to see it.

For me, Fantasmic! is a meh.

I agree with you on the Florida Show. The one in DL is still awesome.

It was probably the combination of John Williams music and the pillars of fire. Those hit me in my sweet spot.

I can see how that would make for a great experience.

You... you... you’ve never seen Smokey and the Bandit???

That’s... Un-American!!!

:lmao: Says the Canadian! :lmao:
I’m glad that this little attraction was kept even through the recent refurb of the area, since it’s a fascinating collection and look back at the history of Disney and Disney Parks,

I'm so glad they kept it too!!! SO. Glad. And if you liked that, you are going to ADORE the Disney Family Museum. :)

Another display highlighted a forthcoming attraction that I’m also excited about, if in a more low-key way than I am for the Star Wars rides. Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway is slated to open later in 2019, replacing the Great Movie Ride in the Chinese Theater building. I’m excited for this change not because I know anything about the ride, but more on the idea that anything has to be better than the Great Movie Ride.

Well, sadly, I'm in the I-Loved-GMR Camp. I kinda wish they'd ADDED the coaster not replaced the other. Yeah, GMR need a refurb... badly, but still liked the concept.




I absolutely loved the pure speed of this ride. No issues with the loops or inversions whatsoever—you’re just moving so fast that your brain doesn’t have time to register which way gravity is going. I think the four of us may very well have a new favorite ride at WDW. It was an absolute blast to conquer it together.


Can't do that one much anymore with my rotten neck, but glad you got to try it and loved it.

We moved into the greeting room, and as it turns out, the idea of meeting BB-8 might be one of those things that sounds better than it actually is. It just sits there on a table, its head moves and it beeps. There’s not really any interaction. So you turn around, take a photo, and leave. Yay?



But that didn’t matter. For one thing, we had good food. I went with the fried chicken, which is the best thing on the menu here.

Been there once, and I'd agree, the chicken was pretty darned good! I'd go back. In fact, it's on the list for the Sept. Trip.

He got on me early. After making our orders, I had my phone out and was texting my brother, who was having some confusion with my parents over their itinerary that evening. Uncle Eric saw me with my phone out and sidled up to Sarah. He nudged her and said, “Hey, next time he gets his phone out, I want you to look at him and say:

Dad…I miss you. I miss the times when you were a part of my life, and taught me about things like being present, and making eye contact.”

Man, this guy was on FIRE! I'm so going to ask for him when we go.

Ten minutes later, another chorus of “Happy Birthday” rang out. Uncle Eric rolled his eyes and said, “Another one! You gotta be kidding me. Ok, everyone: as soon as the song’s over, I want you all to shout, It’s not real!”


Then he started on another story. He looked at Dave. “When I was young, do you know what my parents said to me?”

I was so proud of David. He didn’t miss a beat, and came up with the line of the week: “Happy birthday?”

We all lost it. Even Uncle Eric broke character on that one. He gave Dave a nod and said, “That was really good.”

Whoa... you have a comical genius on your hands.

That was hysterical!

I don't meet characters all that often, but this just went on my list.

For me, Fantasmic! is a meh. Some of the effects are cool, and the fire-breathing dragon is a plus (remember, pyrotechnics make everything better!). I think my problem is that if it’s a 20 minute show, 16 of those minutes are spent showing movie clips on a water screen. I feel like there’s not enough actually done by performers on the stage to warrant any special effort to see the show.

Meh. I'm with you. No desire to see that again whatsoever. It's okay. Once.

All in all, our Hollywood Studios day was a great day. Toy Story Land helped to put more family rides into the park, which was sorely needed. Our dinner was one of the most fun and memorable we’ve had on property. And we’d been able to just do what we wanted through most of the day without having to coordinate schedules with anybody else. We were glad to have our Disney mojo back.


I love the day you had here. You did some really great stuff and had such a nice time together. The perfect Disney Day!!
This MIGHT be one of the best TR's I've read in a really long time...keep it going! :)

:welcome: And thank you! So if it MIGHT be one of the best, what would get me there for certain? Bribes?

Getting better. :)

Glad to hear it!

:lmao: I can only imagine!

“Am I going to die now?”

I think he had a lot more words bleeped out, but basically yeah.

I'll have to find it and scan it. It was from back when Julie and I were first married!

You... you... you’ve never seen Smokey and the Bandit???

That’s... Un-American!!!

Meh. Never had a big desire to see it, to be honest.
I'll have to remind my parents about that afternoon rain shower. We will mostly be in the parks when that rolls along....

You can almost set your watch by it. Especially in the summer.

I hope that exhibit is still there now, I would definitely go see that. We have some time in between our FP+ and I want sure what we would do to kill time. That works.

I would imagine it will stay at least until the attraction opens.

I'll be happy to see that too. Fran was a big fan of the GMR, but I'll be happy for something new.

Whatever charms the GMR had were completely lost on me.

I can see your kids not having been on the ride, but how could you have not tried it????? :confused3 I made FP+ for my whole party and my Dad is likely the only one who will try it with me. I'll use the other two myself if there is time!

I didn't want to make them wait for me! Felt selfish.

You are too considerate! :laughing: Fran brings her tablet and reads while I'm on the rides, then again we are AP holders and live half an hour from Disneyland.

Right. I have 1 week every 5 years, so we're trying to do as much as we can together as a family.

I know, get this thing going!


I'm glad you got the right answer. :teeth:

Whew. I didn't know there was going to be a test.

:lmao: Our meeting with R2D2 was more fun than that!

I would hope so!

I had an interesting encounter with him as well, but he didn't bark! :laughing:

Well, not literally, but you know...

Wwe go have an adult beverage to enjoy the AC. :drinking:

Also a valid choice.

Best. Fried. Chicken. Ever. (well besides the Plaza Inn)

I see what you did there.

Didn't I just say that?

Do you ever get that feeling of deja vu?

That's too bad.

Sounds like Uncle Eric more than made up for it!

My guess is that our server knew that it was Uncle Eric's room, so she backed off and let him have the spotlight.

:scratchin: I'm glad it was a fun day, and nice that it's becoming more and more of a full day park.

They needed the new attractions badly. I think it really helped.

OMG! I have to meet Baby Groot!

That was cute, for sure.

That's a good reason to see it.

About the only one I could think of! :rotfl:

I agree with you on the Florida Show. The one in DL is still awesome.

I missed that one. Guess we'll have to go back!

I can see how that would make for a great experience.


:lmao: Says the Canadian! :lmao:

Yeah, what's up with that? :rotfl2:
I'm so glad they kept it too!!! SO. Glad. And if you liked that, you are going to ADORE the Disney Family Museum. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing it!

Well, sadly, I'm in the I-Loved-GMR Camp. I kinda wish they'd ADDED the coaster not replaced the other. Yeah, GMR need a refurb... badly, but still liked the concept.

Different strokes for different folks. I just didn't get that one at all.


Can't do that one much anymore with my rotten neck, but glad you got to try it and loved it.

That was so much fun! Can't wait to do it again.



Yeah. I don't feel the need to go back.

Been there once, and I'd agree, the chicken was pretty darned good! I'd go back. In fact, it's on the list for the Sept. Trip.

I love that place. It's one of my favorites.

Man, this guy was on FIRE! I'm so going to ask for him when we go.

He was so much fun! I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Whoa... you have a comical genius on your hands.

That was hysterical!

Dave is usually the quiet one, too!

I don't meet characters all that often, but this just went on my list.

The bit with Scotty's hat was funny. Other than that, I don't know if it was anything special.

Meh. I'm with you. No desire to see that again whatsoever. It's okay. Once.

Yep. Lots of movie clips.


I love the day you had here. You did some really great stuff and had such a nice time together. The perfect Disney Day!!

That was a great day. And a real relief after the day that had preceded it.


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