Thoroughly confused about getting to parks early

How is transportation from Wilderness Lodge to the parks. We like the idea of staying there but, we are wondering about being able to rope drop on some days. My mother can walk with a cane but not like DISNEY walk so we are getting her a scooter. I know you can boat to Magic Kingdom and Contemporary but, not with a scooter. So, how is the bus system from Wilderness Lodge? Everyone seems to love staying there.
I’m at WDW now—staying at BWV. First morning we planned to drive to AK. As we were walking out to parking lot the bus from BWV to AK happened to pull up just as we were walking by at 6:50 am for an 8 am AK opening. We were at AK by 7 am. We were at gates by 7:15 with about 50-100 people max. Gates were opened by 7:25 am. We ride both rides at Pandora and were out of that area by 8:07 am. Today we walked to international gate at Epcot from BWV. We were there by 10:00 for 11:00 am opening. We were 5th and 6th in line. About 10:15 we were let in and into a separate line where we were socially distanced. Once that line started filling uo they let us up to the gate. At 10:30 they let us in gates. We went straight to Soarin. We were 10th and 11th in line at Soarin. They didn’t start running the ride until close to 11. Tomorrow is MK. I’ll give update tomorrow. I will say don’t believe what the CMs are saying about when buses /boats, etc. start running. We’ve been told they start 30 minutes before park opening. The buses and boats have definitely been running earlier than that.
I’m at WDW now—staying at BWV. First morning we planned to drive to AK. As we were walking out to parking lot the bus from BWV to AK happened to pull up just as we were walking by at 6:50 am for an 8 am AK opening. We were at AK by 7 am. We were at gates by 7:15 with about 50-100 people max. Gates were opened by 7:25 am. We ride both rides at Pandora and were out of that area by 8:07 am. Today we walked to international gate at Epcot from BWV. We were there by 10:00 for 11:00 am opening. We were 5th and 6th in line. About 10:15 we were let in and into a separate line where we were socially distanced. Once that line started filling uo they let us up to the gate. At 10:30 they let us in gates. We went straight to Soarin. We were 10th and 11th in line at Soarin. They didn’t start running the ride until close to 11. Tomorrow is MK. I’ll give update tomorrow. I will say don’t believe what the CMs are saying about when buses /boats, etc. start running. We’ve been told they start 30 minutes before park opening. The buses and boats have definitely been running earlier than that.
On our last day we popped into Contemporary after leaving AK (we had rental car). The CM at that gate not only looked at our Mobile Order for Contempo Cafe to confirm, he made us hit the button "We are here, prepare the order", essentially removing the option to cancel your order. I wouldn't be surprised to see Boardwalk or Beach Club doing this as well.
That Speedway is always busy in the morn with actual customers getting gasoline and their breakfast snack, etc. They certainly don’t need Uber Lyft using it as a drop off . Just be careful if you are a pedestrian in this area, especially with children .
you'll find me crossing the street there at about 8-8:30.

Is there a crossing path there?

See more people now talking about this work around on this thread.

Fairly certain speedway doesn't want Uber and lyft dropping off there all day I might be wrong so I personally wouldnt do it.

Just like this last trip never once was tempted to "go to BLT" just to get there early.

Instead just arrived 1hr 30mins early for my MK day and on 2 of the 4 days we had a bus 1hr and 15mins early and other days were at 45 mins early.

Busses were pulling in to HS by like 1hr early in the morning as well.
On our last day we popped into Contemporary after leaving AK (we had rental car). The CM at that gate not only looked at our Mobile Order for Contempo Cafe to confirm, he made us hit the button "We are here, prepare the order", essentially removing the option to cancel your order. I wouldn't be surprised to see Boardwalk or Beach Club doing this as well.
I really like this!!! What a great way to prevent abuse of the system!!! I hope all resorts start doing this!
Is there a crossing path there?

See more people now talking about this work around on this thread.

Fairly certain speedway doesn't want Uber and lyft dropping off there all day I might be wrong so I personally wouldnt do it.

Just like this last trip never once was tempted to "go to BLT" just to get there early.

Instead just arrived 1hr 30mins early for my MK day and on 2 of the 4 days we had a bus 1hr and 15mins early and other days were at 45 mins early.

Busses were pulling in to HS by like 1hr early in the morning as well.
No, there is no crosswalk there. It's an easy walk, about 8 mins over to BW front entrance. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why guests can't just take the bus.


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