Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Round and round... ⚽🪩🥝🥘🔮🏐🥎

A lighter note today: -

Tennis balls
It'll be the French Open soon and, then, my favorite - Wimbledon! 🎾 Some of the best matches were Nadal vs. Djokovich, and, for me as a Brit, any with Andy Murray. It's a new era, now, so I'm looking forward to what happens this year and who are the ones to watch.

Balloons (sort of round!) 🎈 I think it's good to be a little more childlike (as opposed to childish), sometimes, and balloons are one of those things that bring out my playful side.

Maltesers Do you have them over there? 🟤 Little honeycomb balls dipped in chocolate.

Oh, and the seeds ready to plant for fresh peas this summer.
Worship services at church in person. God willing, it will be a blessing to me to be able one day to go back to a church in person. Same with joining God's choir at a church. Meantime what a grace to be able to worship virtually. Miracle to me, to know forever, God is in all and wherever I am. A grateful heart open to and welcoming of, communicating with Him is all I need. No 4 walls required.

This very kind thread and that of the Quacker thread.

God's additional grace of Guiding dad and I day by day together, with, to, and fie Him and one another.

Snail mail
Happy Saturday Friends! :wave:

I am an incredibly social person, so I could go on and on with this topic. DD20 tells me all the time - you can make friends with everyone. I take that as a great compliment.

#1 - Monthly Mom Friends Dinner - Once a month I get together with 3 of my softball mom friends for dinner. I love this get together - we’ve known each other a long time now.

#2 - My 2 jobs - Both jobs allow me to socialize with some awesome people. My main job has blessed me with meeting some wonderful people that I now have known for 12 years. The little 2nd job has blessed me with continuing to see all my softball friends, and I’ve met so many new people.

#3 - Social Media - All of them - I use them all. It’s a great way for me to stay in touch with people I don’t get to see much. It also allows me to chat with some good people - I’m looking at you @WDWEPCOT :goodvibes

#4 (bonus) - My Church - So many lovely people there that I look forward to seeing and talking to every week.
SLO 😋❤️ what a great way to start my day!! Thank you my friend!

Disboards- I can’t say how grateful I am ( huge amount ) that I found these boards all those years ago and this awesome thread !! This thread alone has been so uplifting to me in the past two years with all the personal drama I had to go through
I’ve made some friends on here and ONE really CLOSE friend who I have a lot in common with - you’d think we were sisters and I’m so Grateful for God brining us together - yeah I’m talking about you SLO !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

But it wouldn’t be right for me not to mention a few others on here who I’ve chatted with who are so kind and so nice - Mona 😋❤️ / PollyannaMom 😋❤️ and a person who’s dealing with a lot but is always so kind and needs to provide us updates because we care - Spaceman5 / friends I chat with about horse racing lynxstch / all friends I’ve made on the awesome Boards and I’m so grateful for each and every one of you !!!

I often find when I’m out and about I end up chatting with total strangers - these are not one off things - no thus happens ALL the time - not a quick chat either I’ve been known to be there an hour chatting away !! People will tell me things I don’t need to know ( private things) I don’t know what it is but it must be something because this happens a lot so it must be something God gave me to help others !! It’s not a one off thing it happens frequently- I’m grateful if I can help someone I know I’d be grateful if it helped me !!


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