Tiggerific04's DFTW Trip Report 8/10-8/25

I'm still loving your TR! All the pictures of the making me wish I was at WDW right now. It must have been great to spend that much time there. I can't wait to read more.
Congratulations, MRS!

I am really enjoying your TR! You made an absolutely beautiful bride! You have great detail and your pictures are fantastic. It must have been so fun to be there for so long!

Great TR-- keep it coming!
Keep it coming girl! I only have 2 days before we leave for the best place in the world! I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get home in 3 weeks!:cool1:

Anna Marie:bride:
I'm still loving your TR! All the pictures of the making me wish I was at WDW right now. It must have been great to spend that much time there. I can't wait to read more.

It was great to be there for such a long time! We're planning a trip back for our anniversary next year, and 7 days just seems too short now!

Congratulations, MRS!

I am really enjoying your TR! You made an absolutely beautiful bride! You have great detail and your pictures are fantastic. It must have been so fun to be there for so long!

Great TR-- keep it coming!

Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you're enjoying the TR :goodvibes

Loving your trip report. I check every night when I get home from work at 1 am to see if you have updated.

Aww, thank you!!

Keep it coming girl! I only have 2 days before we leave for the best place in the world! I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get home in 3 weeks!:cool1:

Anna Marie:bride:

I'm trying but there's still a lot more! Hope you have a GREAT time!! :hug:
Day Eleven: Goodbyes, AK, and Mini-Golf!

Our alarm went off at 6:00am this morning, but we went back to sleep because DH's family was supposed to stop by soon to say goodbye. We figured we would just wake up when they knocked on the door. Well, I woke up again and it was 7:45am! We had an 8:00am ADR at Boma and there was no way we were going to make it now. I was kind of bummed about it, but DH pointed out that now we had 1 extra ADR and we could try to eat somewhere else. We decided on Crystal Palace because I hadn't really fully enjoyed myself when we went the first day -- I was too anxious about the wedding preparations. I made it for our last full day, 9:30am on 8/23.

We took showers and then noticed had a bunch of missed calls from DH's mom. I called his brother back and he said they were still in the parking lot so I told him to come up so we could say goodbye. DH was still in the shower, but his family waited for him and then we all hugged and sent them on their way. They were going to attempt to drive straight through to NJ without stopping.

We finished getting ready and then got in the car and headed for AK. We stopped to take a quick picture and then hurried on our way to the safari.


We never really stop and look around the Oasis because I've never noticed anything worth seeing. There was a pretty big group standing around and I looked up and saw this guy:


Obligatory tree picture:

On our way, we ran into Flik!





We got to the safari and the standby line was 30 minutes, but we figured we would just wait and it probably wouldn't take that long anyway. It ended up going pretty quickly and we were at the front of the line in no time. The CM ushered us to the second row and put the honeymoon couple behind us in that row as well. They were so excited to see two honeymoon couples back-to-back :bg:

Our truck pulled up and there were two CM sitting in the very first row behind the driver, so we got to sit behind them. I figured the driver was new and was being trained, but then I happened to glance at the papers the two CM were holding, and it looked like he was actually being evaluated -- and he didn't get very good marks for his driving :scared1:

We pulled away and the driver started talking... except his microphone wasn't working. There was no audio at all so the two CM in front would occasionally point out an animal and yell out its name to everyone. I actually enjoyed the ride like this because we got to just enjoy the ride and look at the animals -- the little spiel is cute, but I can do without it. They told us that we could all ride again without waiting, but DH and I chose not to.

We saw a lot of animals up close and got some pretty decent pictures.



Poor hippo!









The zebra crossed the road right in front of us!

We were starving but the Pangani trail is right there, so we figured we would walk through that and then go to Pizzafari.






I love these guys!

We kind of rushed through the trail and then practically ran for food. I know everyone seems to prefer Tusker House, but we adore Pizzafari. We snapped some pics on our way there:



We got there and thankfully there were only a couple people on line. DH had the chicken sandwich, I had the cheese pizza, and we both had the frozen strawberry-lemonade for dessert. We grabbed a table and enjoyed our food.






Mmm, pizza. It was sooooo hot that day!

I took a couple bites of my lemonade, but I was too full to eat anymore. DH enjoyed his thoroughly:


After lunch I wanted to ride Expedition Everest. Last year, I did the single rider line and didn't have to wait at all, so I planned on doing that again while DH waited for me.



The standby line was 40 minutes. This is important to note. I told DH to meet me in the gift shop and handed him all my stuff to hold. I walked on line and there were about 10 people in front of me. Not too bad. Well. The CM at the front was only letting on one single rider per every 30-40 standby people. Guess how long it took me to get on? Go ahead. Did you guess 40 minutes? I should have just waited in the standby line for that, at least I would have been in the shade!

Oh well, the ride was just as awesome as I remembered it and totally worth it!

When I was done, we grabbed FP for Kali and then headed to Camp Minnie-Mickey to meet some characters. We stopped by ITTBAB on our way because there was no wait.



I like this show, but I always scream at the spider part and DH laughs at me. It really creeps me out! I also don't sit back in my seat so I don't get "stung" and I stand up as soon as the show is over so that I don't feel the "bugs" under my seat. I know, why do I bother?!


Out of the four lines, Donald's and Minnie's were the shortest so we did those two.


Donald tried to walk away with me and he got yelled at by his handler :cutiepie:


We enjoyed the misting fans while waiting on line and wondered why they don't have them all over all the parks -- they're great!!


We got on line for the Lion King show next and stood under the misting fan for almost the entire time. The show was great as usual. We were in the giraffe section :) Oh, that reminds me! DH and I exchanged wedding presents the day after the wedding and he ended up getting me tickets to the Lion King on Broadway!! We're going in November and I can't wait!!

Continued again ...



After the show it was time for our Kali FP so we wandered over there, eager to cool off.


We were on line, and these people from the standby line tried to cut in front of the people behind us (who had no concept of personal space or disciplining their children, btw :angry: ). The little girl tried to walk in front of us and explained to us that they had FP and were in the wrong line. DH told her that he was sorry to hear that but that they were still cutting in front of a lot of people who had been waiting. The little girl didn't care and they just jumped in line behind us anyway.

I ended up getting SOAKED on the ride -- I went right through all the water! Like everyone else, I just wish this ride was longer.

We were tired and very wet, so we headed for the exit but figured we would try to make the new Nemo attraction on our way. We got there too late and there weren't any seats left, so we just went on our way back to the parking lot. We decided we would go swimming when we got back to Pop.

Continued again ...
We got to Pop and immediately changed into our swimsuits and headed for the bowling pin pool. I like the hippy dippy pool better because it's bigger and it has those water sprayers, but it just gets too crowded and we were much closer to the bowling one.



DH "running" to the pool


We must have spent about an hour in the pool, swimming around, racing, and competing to see who could do the best forward and backward flip (I won). It was waaay too sunny out and my eyes are just so sensitive that I could hardly keep them open. I spent a lot of time relaxing in the shade under the lifeguard's chair, and then I started to get hungry so we decided to call it a day and go take showers so that we could grab something to eat. We did take pics at the pool, but I will spare your eyes of my ghostly whiteness and our jiggly tummies :P

Instead, enjoy some pics of the resort I took on our way back to the room:





After we both showered and got dressed, we went down to the food court to get some dinner. I had the turkey ciabatta again and DH had the chicken alfredo again. He had another brownie and I was adventurous and tried a cupcake!


It was huge, so I cut it in half and barely finished that. It was delicious though -- very moist and fresh even though it had probably been sitting there for quite a while (it was the only one left). The icing was great, but there was just so much of it and I was full from eating the entire turkey sandwich.

We had decided to actually use the mini-golf voucher this trip since we never do and we thought it would be something fun and different. Since my TA booked us with two reservations, we had two vouchers and I was hoping we could use them together and both play for free. We (I) decided on Fantasia Gardens because (1)The theming seemed fun, and (2)I knew where it was.

We hopped in the car and drove over. We got there about 8:00pm, and we walked up to the counter where I asked about using the vouchers. The guy said it was no problem, took them, and asked us which course we wanted to play. Hmm... we had two choices:

1) A traditional mini-golf course
2) A more challenging course.

I knew DH wanted the challenging one even though he said, "Whatever you want." We're kind of competitive when it comes to stuff like this so I thought the harder one would be fun. I chose that one and we were told it would be about 25 minutes and that someone would call us when it was our turn.

There is a small arcade right next to the check-in counter, so we went in there and DH played a couple games while I watched. I was starting to not feel too great -- I think I mentioned earlier that I have IBS. Most people with IBS can figure out what their "trigger" foods are and avoid those, but with me it can be just about anything that sets me off. What made it worse is that I was nervous about what would happen if I got an attack while we were in the middle of playing. I found the bathroom and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge even though the sign said "vacant." I waited a little while and then tried again, with better luck.

I felt much better after that and we only waited a couple more minutes before we were called. We picked out our clubs and balls: DH got blue and I got pink.

We had to wait for the couple in front of us, so we entertained ourselves with a quick game of "golf club swords" and other nonsense that we're entirely too old for:



Look at the Mickey!

We were going to attempt to play correctly and keep score and everything, but that went down the tubes real fast. This was much harder than we had anticipated. By about hole 3, we were just hitting the ball however we could manage and had put away the scorecard and pencil. The couple in front of us had given up as well.


Pretty soon we started hearing music in the distance and then we saw fireworks: Fantasmic! And then we caught some of Illuminations as well. So awesome! That cheered us up a bit and helped us continue on. We were sort of miserable by the halfway point, and that was just emphasized when we caught a glimpse of the other course: it was sooooo cute!! It was themed to Fantasia and had music and cute little decorations and EVERYTHING. DH and I turned to each other and we both said, "We SO should have done that one!!" and then proceeded to pout for the rest of the game.


The Swan/Dolphin are in the distance, but I don't know if you can see them very well.

We got to hole 16 and I swung with almost full-force because it was a difficult shot. My ball went into the bushes so I went to find it while DH started. Well, on the other side of the bushes is a steep cliff and then a little river. I poked around but my ball was nowhere to be found. DH was going to scale the cliff to find it, but it seriously wasn't worth it. I was actually kind of relieved! We played with just his ball for the next two holes.

We got to hole 18 and DH went first. He shot his ball straight into the bushes there! GRR. We both looked for it for a little while, but the people behind us were getting impatient, so we had to leave. We spent TWO HOURS on a course we hated and we didn't even get to finish it!! Remember how "Ghiradelli sucks"? Well mini-golf sucks more!! We were so frustrated and tired and felt like we wasted so much time that could have been better spent doing something else, but oh well. It did help a little that it was free :cutiepie:


DH is not in the mood for pictures, but I needed one in front of the entrance (even though it didn't really come out)

We drove back to Pop, complaining the whole way, and then went to the room and collapsed. We watched some of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and I fell asleep.

Up next: Epcot honeymoon shoot, Summer's Wedding!!, and the best place in Epcot to take a nap.
I stayed at Pop last summer with my DF and it was great!!! I loved all the food and especially the alfredo. We must have ate that everyday! You also stayed in the same building we were in! Your pictures are all beautiful and I absolutely love your dress!! :goodvibes
I stayed at Pop last summer with my DF and it was great!!! I loved all the food and especially the alfredo. We must have ate that everyday! You also stayed in the same building we were in! Your pictures are all beautiful and I absolutely love your dress!! :goodvibes

Isn't the food court fabulous?! DH and I agreed that unless there is some kind of dining promotion next year, we're just going to pay OOP and eat at POP! :lmao:
Day Twelve: Epcot Photoshoot, Summer's Wedding, and Sleepytime in Future World

We got our wakeup call at 7:30am this morning but we didn't get out of bed until 8:20am. We were supposed to meet our photographer at International Gateway at 10:00am, and I was getting nervous because we both still had to take showers and get ourselves ready.

I got dressed in record time and did my hair and makeup as best I could. I am not a girly-girl at all -- my hair usually gets pulled back into a ponytail or clip and the most makeup I wear is powder and maybe lip gloss if I'm feeling adventurous. My hair was a huge frizzball, but luckily I still had the can of hairspray that Ana had left for me, so I used that to try and control it a bit.

I finished up and was waiting for DH to do his hair when my mom called and left a message saying that she's starting to get worried because she's called and left messages and hasn't heard anything back from us. UGH.

I called her back and told her that we're fine, but we're on our honeymoon and on vacation and we really don't need hourly updates on the cat or whatever else she has been calling to tell us about. I told her that we were shutting our phones off because we wanted to enjoy our time together away from the "real world" and she apologized and said she wouldn't call again unless it was an emergency.

DH's hair was not cooperating at all, so it took forever for him to finish. We didn't even leave the room until 10:00am. We sped over to the Boardwalk, told the guard we were there to "look around" and parked. We ran to the lobby and we passed a white limo on our way. It briefly crossed my mind that Summer's wedding was happening right about now and I wondered if that was her limo.

As we were speed-walking down the boardwalk, I noticed we were getting closed to Sea Breeze Point. I wasn't sure if we'd be able to see anything, and I wasn't even entirely sure what time her wedding was, but we got closer and my thought process went like this:

Ok, I see Randy. I know she hired him. I see a videographer. Must be Stan. That looks like Rev. Miller. Bride with dark hair. That doesn't look like her dress. But that looks like Steven and there is only one guest. Must be her mom. Duh, she got a new dress. It has to be her. OMG it's Summer! And she's in the middle of getting married! And she looks great! I should take a picture. DH will kill me if we stop to pull out the camera now since we're already 15 minutes late and we probably missed our shoot. Well if the photographer left then maybe we can come back and say hi! Would that make me look like a stalker? I don't want to crash her wedding. I'll just tell her I saw her when we get home.

I slowed down and got really excited and pointed and told DH, "That's Summer!!" and he says, "Who?"

"DUH! The girl from Scotland from Disboards!!"

And we had to keep going because we were so late already, but I wish I would have been able to snap a picture or something.

We get to the turnstiles and I see a Disney photographer hanging out by the fence so I go introduce myself and apologize profusely for being so late. His name was Joe and he was soo nice and understanding. He told us not to worry about it at all and it was no big deal. He asked us what we had in mind for pictures and I was kind of taken aback because I thought that was up to him? I told him that we had chosen France and China, so we headed across the bridge to France.

I was sort of disappointed in this photoshoot because there was no direction at all from him about where we should stand or what we should do with ourselves. I thought it would have been like the MK shoot where they tell you EXACTLY what to do. I felt really uncomfortable and awkward most of the time.





We took some shots in front of the fountain and back by the bakery, and then in front of the gardens over on the side. We started to leave and Joe asked if we'd mind stopping in Morocco because he thought we could get some really great shots there. Sure! He did set up a couple of these poses so I was feeling a bit better.




We left Morocco and Joe thought there were "great shots" in Japan as well, so we stopped there and took some pics on the bridge. I really, really like these but it annoys me that DH's shirt is messed up and Joe didn't say anything. I'm sure he must have noticed, right? Oh well.



We skipped America but we stopped in Italy and got a couple shots.


He asked if we wanted anything in Germany, and although it's not my favorite pavilion, if he was asking I wasn't going to say no! I was really confused as it seemed like we were going to take pics in almost every country, but I didn't say anything and ruin our good fortune.


Next was China, which is the other country we had picked. Joe didn't seem to keen on this pavilion for photos, but we got a couple good ones. I wanted some in the back with the architecture in the background, and then he suggested over in front of the ponds. Two of my favorite pictures are actually from here:



We skipped Norway and Mexico as Joe didn't feel they had much to offer in terms of scenery. I was a little disappointed, but we had already received more than we expected so I wasn't complaining. We did stop in front of Showcase Plaza and we waited to see if a monorail would pass by. I was getting super hot and sweaty at this point and just wanted to get going so I told him we could take the picture without the monorail. I also felt kind of silly because World Showcase was open at this point, and people were looking at us funny walking around all dressed up with our own photographer!


We stopped in both Canada and the UK for our final poses. Again we had no direction and didn't know what to do, and I hate that DH's hand is on my tummy. I think it makes it seem like I'm pregnant or something! When we got to the UK, Joe's idea was for the lamp post shot -- I hate it, lol. I know, I'm such a complainer!




We got back to France and said goodbye. Overall, he was great and very nice but I would have preferred him to take charge a little more since he is the photographer after all. DH thinks I was being too hard on him and he is probably used to dealing with Bridezilla-type women who know exactly what they want :lol:

We were tired and sweaty and I wanted to get changed, so we wandered slowly back to the car. I looked around for Summer, but she seemed to be long gone, although we did see Randy again packing up his stuff while we were leaving, so I guess we didn't miss her by much.

We went back to Pop and got changed and then pretty much immediately headed back to Epcot. We took the bus this time because I planned on trying out those slushies in France and I wanted a drink with dinner. You know, for medicinal purposes :cutiepie:

You got some really cute shots during the honeymoon shoot. I love the dress you wore too :)
Day Twelve: Part Two

We got to Epcot and the first thing we did was head to Soarin so that I could get a FP. The return time wasn't until 6:00pm, and it was only about 2:00pm, so we had time to kill. Our ADR at Coral Reef was at 7:30pm, and we were starving since we hadn't had anything to eat all day, so we started walking towards Tangierine Cafe in Morocco. We ate here last year and I LOVED it so I really wanted to go back. DH likes it, but it isn't his favorite or anything.

We got there and I ordered while DH saved us the only available table in the back of the restaurant. My one complaint about this place is that it's not air conditioned, but I guess it would take away from the atmosphere if it was. I ordered the vegetarian platter for me and the meatball platter for DH, and we both got the included dessert -- I think it's baklava.




My food was very good, but I'll admit that it wasn't as great as I had remembered it. I ate it all nonetheless, so it couldn't have been that bad! The dessert alone made this meal worth it... soooo yummy! Even DH likes it and he's usually very picky about pastries.



Most unflattering pic of me ever, scarfing down my lunch

We walked around a little bit and took some photos. I love to take pictures here -- the lighting and everything makes it all so beautiful.



We left Morocco and decided we would head towards Mexico to catch the Mariachi show. This is one of our favorite things to see in Epcot and we had missed them the other day, so we were determined to see them today.

We arrived in Norway and wanted to ride Maelstrom, but the line was out the door and halfway to the main walkway of WS :eek: The standby time said it was a 10 minute wait, but there was no way that was accurate. We kind of stood there for a minute trying to decide what to do, when a CM came up to us and congratulated us and told us we could go ahead and use the FP line! We said thank you and when we got to the next CM we pointed and explained that we were told we could go through. We received a huge smile, another congratulations and were at the front of the line in no time. The two CM up there gave us even MORE congrats and asked if we wanted our own boat. We were hesitant because the line was sooo long and I knew people would be upset if they saw a boat pull away with only two people in it, but the CM was convincing and we accepted. I did feel odd with everyone giving us the evil eye, but it was also really cool to be in the front row of our very own boat! The ride was good as usual and we were congratulated over the microphone by the CM at the end as well. Yay for Norway!! :woohoo:

We made a quick detour through the air conditioned shop:


And then we arrived in Mexico:


This is one of my favorite pavilions (I think I say that about all of them!). I love that it is inside, but made to look like it's outside and I love the vibrant colors and the fountain and everything! We had some time before the show started, so we had a seat on the edge of the fountain and I fiddled around with the camera. Well! Look that that! There's a "night portrait" setting. I wonder if that will allow us to take better pictures in low light?


HA! It does!


That would have been nice to know the other day at the P&P Party!






Trying on the hats makes DH nervous about lice and diseases, but I am fearless!

We started to walk up towards where we thought we remembered the Mariachi playing, because we wanted to be in the front. While we waited, we saw this lovely display:


Mmmm, margaritas...

The Mariachi came out soon after that and we were right up front just like we wanted. I always want to take a picture of them playing, but I'm afraid of blinding them with the flash. Although, several people did walk right in front and pose for pictures as they were performing. They didn't seem to mind, but I thought it was kind of rude. The show was great as usual and we regretted not videotaping it for DH's mom. She would have really loved to see it.

We were starting to get really tired, but we still had a few hours before dinner and it didn't seem to make any sense to leave and come back. We walked into Future World and were trying to find something to do with ourselves, but everything had really long lines. I thought maybe we could do Ellen's Energy Adventure since I knew we'd be able to sit down in the A/C and relax for about 40 minutes. Luckily there was only a 10 minute wait posted, so we ran over and walked in during the middle of the show. We didn't have to wait very long before boarding the cars, and there weren't that many people in there so we had a whole row to ourselves. The ride started, and I felt my eyes closing, but I fought it and tried to keep them open. I noticed the grandma in front of me nod off, and I looked next to me to see DH fast asleep! The people behind us were napping as well, so I figured I would join the crowd! I rested my head on my arms and fell asleep! We all seemed to wake up at the same time, right as the lights were coming on. We all looked around at each other and then got up and walked back out into the sunlight.

I was feeling a lot better, but we were still kind of bored. How is that possible?!! We attempted to go meet some of the characters, figuring it was almost time for that area to close and people would probably all be in WS by now. Nope! The line was insane! We had about 45 minutes before my FP, but we headed into the Land anyway.


There wasn't a wait for Living with the Land, so we decided we would do that again and at least we'd get to sit down. We liked it a lot (again) -- I especially like the part where they show you how they are growing plants in the air without soil. So cool!

It still wasn't time, and there was nothing else to do in the Land, so we went back on the Nemo ride.




It was cute (again). We wandered through the aquariums afterwards and took pictures of all of our aquatic friends:





Look at all the Nemos!!


We walked outside and sat on the bench right outside so that I could check my voicemail. Guess who? That's right: my mother. She said that I didn't have to call her back and that she didn't want to disturb me but there was a keychain she wanted and could I pick it up for her before we come home? GRR.



See the little boy on the left? I don't understand why people think it's ok to trample all over the grass and shrubbery when it's perfectly easy and fine to just stand or sit on the ledge and take a picture there. :ohno:

I went and used my FP for Soarin and loved it as much as always! I keep trying to talk DH into trying it, but he hates heights and doesn't like things that move along with a video screen. I really think he'd like it, but I'm also afraid that he would get on it and hate it!

After that we figured we would go grab those slushies in France before dinner.





I knew there were two flavors: orange and lemon. We got up to the stand and we couldn't decide which to order so I made an executive decision: we would have both! The CM totally didn't believe that I was old enough even though I'm 26. She stared at my ID for the longest time before letting me have the drinks. I know I look young, but geez.


The orange one was grand marnier, and the lemon one was grey goose vodka



DH tried the orange and I tried the lemon and then we switched. The lemon one is better, hands down. Neither one of us wanted to give it up! We shared both of them and finished them waaay too quickly because it took us longer than anticipated to walk to France! I'm not sure why we didn't just drink them as we walked, but apparently that was too difficult for us.


Continued... again

We high-tailed it back over to Coral Reef just in time for our ADR.


We checked in and were asked to take a seat, so DH waited and I made a quick trip to the little girls' room. When I came out, he was standing with a CM and we were escorted to our table... right next to the tank!! And there was a GINORMOUS sea turtle waiting there for us! Well, maybe he wasn't waiting, but you get the idea. I wanted to get a picture, but the CM was standing there trying to tell us about the fish and fish chart and the aquarium and blahblahblah. I'm sure it was all very interesting but there was a SEA TURTLE waiting to be photographed, buddy! By the time the CM was done with his spiel, our friend had swam away and I was left with no photo of him :(


I soon forgot all about this horrible injustice when I opened my menu and saw that we got the special honeymoon menus!


See that empty space in the aquarium? That's where the turtle was.


I swear I'm not naked.

Our server came and we ordered our drinks and appetizers. Iced tea for DH, diet coke for me, a glowtini for me, the "land and sea" appetizer for him, and the lobster bisque for me. I had wanted a glowtini ever since I saw a picture on the Dis. I didn't care what it tasted like -- it was blue and glowed and that was good enough for me.

We were brought our drinks and our bread:


The bread and butter was very good, but nothing special.


DH liked his appetizer a lot.


I had never had lobster bisque before, so I don't have a comparison, but I thought it was VERY good. It was thick and creamy and had lots of chunks of lobster and shrimp. Yumm!


Mmm, glowtini. It actually didn't taste that great -- there was a flavor that was somehow off, but I was happy with it anyway because IT GLOWED. Yay!

Our entrees arrived soon after that, as did our dining companions. The tables here are VERYVERY CLOSE together. The people next to us might as well have been eating at our table. There were perhaps inches between our table and theirs.

I had the shrimp pasta:


It was very good. I liked the sauce a lot and the sundried tomatoes were delicious.


DH had the chicken and rice and thought it was very good also. His only complaint was that there was not enough rice for the amount of chicken. He likes it to be proportionate so that he has chicken and rice in every bite.

For dessert I ordered the chocolate wave since it receives such rave reviews, and DH had Bailey's and Jack Daniels mousse.



The chocolate wave? Eh. It was cold and dry and the chocolate inside was nothing to write home about. The one at Mama Melrose is much better IMO. DH didn't like it either and he is a HUGE chocolate cake fan.

The mousse, however, was very good! Nice and creamy and the layers all had a distinct flavor.

We both agreed that we were glad we tried Coral Reef, and the atmosphere was nice, but we wouldn't go back.

We gathered up our stuff and headed out. We weren't able to catch Illuminations, so we just took some pics on our way back to the bus.




Apparently the bus ride back was uneventful as I don't have any notes about it!

We got back to the resort and took some more pics on the way to our room:




Food court poster in the elevator


We had a message from the front desk about how we were "checking out" tomorrow morning, so I called them right away and told them how we had requested to stay in the same room as our reservation was continuing. She said that was no problem and asked what time I would like our new keys delivered. I told her 7:30am because we had an 8:00am ADR at Ohana. She said that would be fine and I hung up. We took showers and then drifted off to sleep.

Coming up: Where are our keys?? We're losing HOW MANY dining credits??
Great Trip Report. Now there are 3 drinks I want to try : The mango margarita, the lemon slush and the blue glowtini. You make them all sound great.
Great Trip Report. Now there are 3 drinks I want to try : The mango margarita, the lemon slush and the blue glowtini. You make them all sound great.

The mango margarita is way better at Pop than at the stand in Mexico, IMO. I prefer the regular margarita there. You can't go wrong with the lemon slush, though -- sooooo yummy! :banana:


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