TigH's journal (comments welcome)


Today is an off day for abs/weights. Decided to try running again. Went what I thought was 4 miles (will clock it in the car later, it's definitely more than 3.9 miles but not sure if it's 4 or over 4 slightly, and every .1 counts!) Jogged from the end of my driveway today w/ no walking warm up. Started out too fast and petered out by the end, but still made it all the way "jogging"! ;) Oh and in 47 minutes too, give or take a few seconds on either side.

Then went to Mom and Dad's to cool off in their pool, heh heh! Had a nice visit there, ate an apple and had a big glass of water, yum! Back home late for lunch, had leftover tuna from last night (yummy tuna steaks!) with asparagus and brown rice. GOSH I love tuna!!! It is sooooooo yummy (especially when it's still pink in the middle!)

Tonight will be a challenge, will I or won't I stick to a healthy dinner the restaurant. And why did Jen have to go and order A WHOLE MOUNDS CAKE? This deli/bakery nearby makes the best cake, it tastes JUST LIKE a Mounds candy bar, perfectly chocolate with coconut, it is my favorite. So I know I will want a bite of that after dinner, hopefully I'll stick to a bite since I plan on trying all the desserts at Boma tomorrow!
ooohhhhh.....I've had desserts at Boma....forego the Mounds Cake!

Good for you for jogging the whole way!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Mounds cake, Zebra Domes, Chocolate Mousse on cookies, foo foo, calamari AND MORE! Yikes!

Have been eating like there's no tomorrow (well, Thursday for dinner and last night for dinner!) Feeling fluffy but will be mostly back on track today. Hope to get some exercise in this morning. Have to make a jambalaya today for company, yum! I will go easy on the rice and sasuage when I have some for dinner (but heavy on the chicken and shrimp and salad. And wine. HA HA! ;)

Tried to rollerblade yesterday but it started to rain before I could even do my first regular lap, so I had to bag it. Can't rollerblade on a wet surface (I think that's how Ross ended up falling and busting his chin before we left for England).
Well, had a bunch of food over the weekend, but I'm not feeling guilty about it. I did my exercise and I ate "normal" for most of the days, it was just dinner and dessert that I had more than normal! ;)

Today is right back on plan, getting ready to go out for a run in a little while (after some ab work) and will go ahead and restock our brown rice supply and grill up some chicken! :)

I think my attitude about my body is finally changing. Instead of feeling blue about what I ate over the weekend, I just enjoyed myself and felt great knowing that I was able to reach my weight loss goal and that I continue to work on my fitness goals. I know we won't always have huge eating out plans every weekend, so it was ok to indulge and get over it. This weekend coming up we have one eat out night planned and the rest of the weekend will be "regular" healthy eating, hopefully we'll find some buffalo this week so we can have some "burgers" over the weekend and feel like we are cheating!

It's a bright, beautiful, Monday morning and I am feeling very happy and positive and just ready for a wonderful week full of accomplishments! :)
Had a great day yesterday! Did a 5 mile "jog" (very slow pace) but felt great that I had done it! Getting loads done around the house, so that is the silver lining to my inlaw visit (they can't be the outlaws anymore if they have gotten me into a cleaning/accomplishing stuff groove!)

Also did my abs yesterday and a power walk with Jen and Ross last night. Went to visit a friend in the afternoon and had some lovely caffeine free herbal iced tea while we sat on a cozy sofa in her home and looked out a picture window into her large back yard. It was a great time, we talked about all sorts of fun things and shared lots of happy and positive thoughts about life!

So after a big weekend of eating it seems like my body didn't fluff out too much. That "extra skin" that seemed to be living full time on my tummy isn't as noticeable anymore. It's still there, but the fat seems to be melting away and the skin is starting to shrink up a bit, thank goodness. Doing push ups today I didn't see quite as much horrible skin hanging down from my belly, so I think in a few more months maybe the extra bits will just disappear.

Found some asparagus at the store so we will have that with our grilled chicken tonight. YUM! Next to pears, asparagus is my other "surprise, I really like this" food item. Woo-hoo!
Forgot (ha ha!) to do my ab routine today, d'oh! Did do my bicep and back workout and also ran 4 miles today (12 minute mile). I know that is slow, but I have to keep a slow pace to cover the distance, but I'm hoping to do 4 in 40 over the next few weeks, or 5 in 50! :) That would be great (for me!)

Had 1/2 bagel, 1 tbsp reduced fat cream cheese, 6 egg white omelette w/ 1/4 cup ff cheddar cheese and sauteed mushrooms and red peppers for breakfast. Had a protein shake around 10, then a nectarine at noon. LOTS of water! Had 1/2 cup brown rice and 4 oz chicken with a little sesame/ginger sauce for flavor for lunch at 1:00. Getting ready to mow the lawn, have already cleaned the patio from top to bottom, made the guest bed up with clean sheets, vacuumed the house, and a few other neat things. Feels great to be on top of all this and not accumulate any clutter. I'm so used to the kitchen looking like I just dropped a bomb in it, ha ha! Being "neat" is neat! ;)

Thinking that tonight would be a great night to sit on the patio with a frozen rum runner, now that the patio is all spankin clean and the back yard is about to be trimmed up nice!:smooth:
hi there Karen! how you been? did you treat yourself to a rum runner last night? thanks for the recipe but I haven't gotten to a point to enjoy it quite yet! I'll stick my rummy coke splurge every now and then and try the rum runners in a few weeks I think. I know DH would probably like them too :)

hey, I noticed you mentioned "extra skin" and i've been meaning to ask our group if anyone has feels like that too? Warning: following may contain TMI: I've lost like 4-5 inches in my tummy/lower abs and it almost looks like yukky loose skin. ick! i'm glad to hear your skin is adjusting and we aren't too old to have lost all the elasticity yet! i'll just hang in there and keep crunching!

Just wanted to pop in and tell you how very proud I am of you and your new jogging healthy habit! WTG! Don't be thinking that 12 min mile are shameful or embarassing, girlfriend, lots of folks can't run that far! I use my short leg status as an excuse for my slow jogging! he he he
I am sorry but it just seems weird to see your journal so low on the page so....


it goes!
I feel better. :)


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