Tim Tracker advised not to take selfies with guests at Magic Kingdom

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My take on this..

I discovered Tim’s channel and whilst planning a trip, enjoyed the content.

I noticed that when Jenn was in any vlogs, they were not the same, something seemed odd. False maybe, I couldn’t understand what, but just not as good.

I looked at old videos and you clearly can see that they are acting to a degree now and all vloggers do this. Their old vlogs are eye opening and they clearly were pretty much rough around the edges.

Once they started getting hosted any semblance of impartiality has gone, that’s to be expected. Anyone who thinks that Disney will give them free things, but wouldn’t demand nothing but positivity and no negative reviews are clearly not wise to the ways of the world.

Finally. Twitter. I posted the other day about the trackers holding a meet and greet which is bang out of order, I replied to someone else. One tweet. Nothing else. I didn’t even copy her in the tweet. Never even tweeted about the trackers before.

Jenn blocked me. So any idea she isn’t using Twitter still is utter rubbish. And if you looked at her old tweets before she deleted heaps of them, they point to a completely different person and attitude.
Wow, so much envy in this thread. If you begrudge any of these channels their income, please go ahead and start your own...

Actually, no envy here whatsoever. Think they have done well. Always an easy reply isn’t it when someone posts an opposing view.

The Guru thread on the trackers is insane though and way to hateful. Not for me. I am just pointing out that something is off with the channel.

Just dig deeper. Look for the vlog where Tim is poking fun at Fat people or drunk wandering around resorts. That’s at odds with the image now and clearly they are are aware and you’d have to ask yourself if that is why they are slowly deleting vlogs and Tweets
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Actually, no envy here whatsoever. Think they have done well. Always an easy reply isn’t it when someone posts an opposing view.

The Guru thread on the trackers is insane though and way to hateful. Not for me. I am just pointing out that something is off with the channel.

Just dig deeper. Look for the vlog where Tim is poking fun at Fat people or drunk wandering around resorts. That’s at odds with the image now and clearly they are are aware and you’d have to ask yourself if that is why they are slowly deleting vlogs and Tweets

People learn from past mistakes and grow and change. I would certainly hope they delete things that were in poor taste, immature, etc.
My eyes have rolled so far into the back of my head I can see yesterday... He eats all kinds of things in the parks (ALL the Florida parks) and they eat lots of interesting and different things in their home vlogs. If you just don't like him/them/their channel, just say it or better yet, say nothing and don't watch....but do not make stuff up or exaggerate to fit your narrative.

I rarely would watch them at home, don't care to watch that. But find me a restaurant video where he didn't order steak or a burger. He's always the same, with maybe some chicken thrown in.

Another thing they do which is the total opposite of DIs is they never disclose that it's paid for by someone else. They also don't do reviews for viewers, because they quite often order the exact same thing.
I rarely would watch them at home, don't care to watch that. But find me a restaurant video where he didn't order steak or a burger. He's always the same, with maybe some chicken thrown in.

Another thing they do which is the total opposite of DIs is they never disclose that it's paid for by someone else. They also don't do reviews for viewers, because they quite often order the exact same thing.

They disclose at the top of each video when what they are doing is comped (hotel stays, meals, party tix etc).
They disclose at the top of each video when what they are doing is comped (hotel stays, meals, party tix etc).

Absolutely correct. Not sure why bbjm would say otherwise, it’s very clearly mentioned at the start of every video. Unlike some others (mentioning no names) who have multiple dining reviews paid for by fans who you only see in a blink and you’ll miss it moment at the end!
They disclose at the top of each video when what they are doing is comped (hotel stays, meals, party tix etc).
Was just going to point this out @Jennasis - thank you for beating me to it!

I never mind reading opposing viewpoints to my own (despite some here saying differently - not to me specifically, but in general) but I do not like to see total untruths stand unchallenged. No matter who they're about.

And bravo also to your other post about people changing. OMG - when I think back on the train wreck of a person that I used to be back in my younger days - I'm GLAD there really is not a single person in my life now that knew me then! And DEFINITELY glad it's not recorded for posterity anywhere (that I know about!). ;) Yikes!!
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People learn from past mistakes and grow and change. I would certainly hope they delete things that were in poor taste, immature, etc.

What are your thoughts on the train wreck that is Jenn’s Twitter account?

I agree people change, but how do you know they have ? Or is it keeping Disney sweet?
Absolutely correct. Not sure why bbjm would say otherwise, it’s very clearly mentioned at the start of every video. Unlike some others (mentioning no names) who have multiple dining reviews paid for by fans who you only see in a blink and you’ll miss it moment at the end!

Actually there are a few videos where they didn’t disclose being hosted, it’s actually quite well known. Actually illegal as it’s a taxable income in the states.

What are your feelings on doing the Panteon chats for $$$$ whilst living in a $450k gated home?
Actually there are a few videos where they didn’t disclose being hosted, it’s actually quite well known. Actually illegal as it’s a taxable income in the states.

What are your feelings on doing the Panteon chats for $$$$ whilst living in a $450k gated home?
Ya didn't ask ME, but I'm going to to tell you how I feel. I will just cut/paste a previous post of mine on this same issue. My feelings have not changed. The only thing I think HAS changed (before somebody jumps down my throat to correct me) is that I'm pretty sure Tim no longer works, since I posted the below comment. Bravo to him for not having to! And if their lifestyle seems attractive enough to you (or anyone) to keep bringing it up, why not start your own Twitter/Pateron/YouTube/whatever channels, and get it for yourself?

Here is my cut/paste:

I will keep this sweet and simple, as I'm not sure how far to discuss "another vlog" here without violating TOS, and it makes me uncomfortable to talk about that here anyway. However - Tim does work, and while Jenn no longer does, since they pump out extremely enjoyable content - 365 days a year - and I have no IDEA how much time, expense, talent, and effort is involved, but I'm quite sure it's pretty daunting - I believe they are entitled to whatever they have in life. Besides - everyone has the same perogative to watch, or not, as is SO often pointed out here.

Work hard, enjoy hard, IMHO. 'Nuff said.
Ya didn't ask ME, but I'm going to to tell you how I feel. I will just cut/paste a previous post of mine on this same issue. My feelings have not changed. The only thing I think HAS changed (before somebody jumps down my throat to correct me) is that I'm pretty sure Tim no longer works, since I posted the below comment. Bravo to him for not having to! And if their lifestyle seems attractive enough to you (or anyone) to keep bringing it up, why not start your own Twitter/Pateron/YouTube/whatever channels, and get it for yourself?

Here is my cut/paste:

I will keep this sweet and simple, as I'm not sure how far to discuss "another vlog" here without violating TOS, and it makes me uncomfortable to talk about that here anyway. However - Tim does work, and while Jenn no longer does, since they pump out extremely enjoyable content - 365 days a year - and I have no IDEA how much time, expense, talent, and effort is involved, but I'm quite sure it's pretty daunting - I believe they are entitled to whatever they have in life. Besides - everyone has the same perogative to watch, or not, as is SO often pointed out here.

Work hard, enjoy hard, IMHO. 'Nuff said.
What they do is just as hard if not harder than a normal job. You are at the mercy of monetization policies of platforms (YouTube, Instagram) and are constantly facing growing competition. Sure, they visit all of these theme parks all the time, but I can't help but wonder if the enjoyment isn't nearly what it used to be considering every time they walk into Magic Kingdom, they are working. They must be producing content all year long, no breaks. If they do, they will lose money. It's surely a grind and we get all of this for free from them.
Not the only food reviewers to be like that...

Cough **Steve Porter & Fiasco** cough.

Or the Disney Food Blog videos. DH jokingly calls them the "Meat & Sugar Videos". ;) People are going to eat what they like, whether they are blogging about it or not. And I think there's some good in that. If I go to a restaurant to review it and I purposely pick something I don't like just to offer variety in my blog, how can I accurately review the food if it's something I don't like from the get go? "Well I hate shrimp with a passion, but this looks like it might good for folks who actually like shrimp" ;)
I LOVE the Dis team and their videos. So refreshing to see extremely honest opinions in them. I enjoy the Trackers and they do a very professional job but that's the problem now. EVERYTHING is gifted and they are hosted EVERYWHERE. I can not take their opinions seriously because of that fact. I noticed it is getting worse; Aulani hosted, Dollywood, and such random other things that it's now boring. I like Tim's WDW construction update vlogs and home cooking vlogs the most at this point. GKTW was fantastic. The media events and gifted vlogs are least enjoyable to me now.
What are your feelings on doing the Panteon chats for $$$$ whilst living in a $450k gated home?

Celebrities can live in far more expensive homes and people would (and sometimes do) pay to chat with them. How is this different? To a small group of people, these vloggers are minor celebrities. Some people love them, some people hate them, most people fall in the middle with their opinions.
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