To Much Time on My Hands...

AZ JazzyJ

<font color=teal>The Talented One<br><font color=p
Dec 6, 2000
Well, I was sitting around one day staring at the window while trying to remember where I put that stupid 100 Years of Magic pin that I could have sworn should have been in my pin book when a ray of light struck my eyes. My first reaction was the same as a deer who is standing in the middle of the road at night, "what is that coming towards me, a Buick or is this my lucky day and it is two motorcycles?" After shaking the fear and the grillwork out of my teeth, I decided what I really needed was a hobby. Not just any hobby though, this had to involve sharp glass, lead, safety glasses, and lots of band-aids. So after looking into buglary and learning that crime really doesn't pay I decided maybe I should take up stained glass. After all, from the looks of my shirt I was pretty much an expert on stains. All I really needed to do was direct the mess away from my clothing and onto a piece of glass. I mean, how hard could this really be right? Well, after countless amounts of broken glass, a couple of trips to the doctor to remove shards from various appendages I decided maybe it was time to forget dumb and dangerous and move on to safe and sane. But after more hours than I care to remember, I completed my first project.


Thought you guys might like to see what happens when you let a left-handed artist loose with a right-handed glass cutter. And just for the record, guys who work in stained glass shops fail to see the humor when you refer to the size of the bottle that the flux comes in as its Flux Capacity.

OMG Jeff it's absolutely beautiful!!!! Like I told you earlier tonight, there is no end to your talent (even if you are left handed ;) ) <just teasin'>

If any of those pieces of glass end up in the shape of a sad baby elephant you do know they would have a great home in Virginia, right? :D ;) :)
My goodness Jeff - THAT is amazing!!! It is so perfect - the proportions, everything!! What an incredibly awesome job - way to go!

Love your stained glass project.
Enjoy your posts and your sense of humor.


what the @**@ is up with your Derek Jeter comment mister????? Derek is the epitome of greatness!!!! This time I'm not LOL!!!!

PS: Hope you're only kidding!!! Don't get me started on Randy Johnson.

The Yankees are the greatest team ever....but the Atlanta Braves are a close 2nd!!!
I am stunned and amazed! And to think this whole time, I thought you were just some whacked out pin collecting, baseball crazed guy from the desert.......Who knew?
Your unending talents will continue to amaze and astound through the ages!!!!!
Pooh is next, right?;)
Had to stop by here and admire the handy work. It is awesome great job!!
Are you saying that this is the first stain glass project you ever did? No way. This piece looks as professional as they come. You did an outstanding job. Where can I place an order?
You are truly blessed with talented hands (the rest of you well....:D )

The work is stunning.


From your fellow lefty and left coaster,
and just to make you feel alittle better, my daughter does stain glass and it is a dangerous hobby no matter who is doing it. All the people I meet that does it end up at the doctors with wounds and some pretty it isn't just you !!!!
Jeff that is absolutely beautiful-- I am in awe :eek:

I am just too stunned to tell you how much I love what you did!!

Let us know when you go into business, I'm sure the order stack would be a mile high......

have you thought about doing something like this for your front door ( if it has a place for a window that is) :)

Anyway, thanks so much for sharing
Wow, that is absolutely stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would kill to be able to make something like that, or heck, even to buy something like that!

so when are you opening up the business...I want to e one of the first in line...I now how hard that is to do..

Just for your into thought...those left handers are pretty smart....Raul is one, and Ismetoo.....scary thought though huh and Raul alike.....

You are a true artist! If you ever decide to go into business doing this, please let me know.


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