To the CM's on the board: what is the one "tip" you can give us?

Ah! Was it Pecos ? The eatery by the bridge at the bend in the Splash Mountain. Pretty darn sure it was. As you walk in the front doors you see the CMs at registers and they take two lines and order right, then left. To YOUR RIGHT of THEM is an island of four you do it quick order machines. Slide your ATM/Credit/Room Chrage Card/ or Meal Plan card, select the meals you want and hit Order. You take your receipt and walk up the the counter and pick up your food. Simple and FAST !

Yup, it's Pecos we just were there recently and used the machines, but there were also there a few years ago, too (don't know if they took them down in between).

I'm not sure why this location is the only counterservice location to use this kind of ordering...soooooo much faster than traditional lines!
7. As a photographer i do my best to get the shy or timid child to help me take a picture, then i will have them stand in front of me with their attention on me and have the character come up behind them. Then i snap the picture. Most of the time this works out great.

9. One of the biggest things i can say, and its been said over and over again. The NICER you are to us, the more we will go out of our way to help you out. I have had countless times where i will go out of my way to help someone just because they were nice to me in the first place.


We have met some wonderful PP CM over the years. DS9 has autism and PP CM have gone out of their way to help us get some GREAT family pics! Even when the parks were busy and it was hot... Thanks again for helping to make the magic!
I agree! It's sad to see the families who are panicking while they are in the parks. Walking fast like commandos and shoving because they are afraid they will miss something. I wish I could say something that would make them calm down and enjoy things but of course that isn't possible.

I don't shove people but I'm a fast walker by nature :/
I bought my DS (almost 3 the first trip) a cheap Buzz watch to wear while we were at WDW. I wrote our cell phone number on the band with a Sharpie. DS knew that if he ever got separated from us, he was to show his "really cool" Buzz watch to a CM and they would help him find us. He still digs out his Buzz watch before every trip :)

that's really smart! You could also get a luggage tag and attach it to a belt loop. Target often has cute kids ones! (who am I kidding? I bought a cute cupcake one there from the kids luggage section!:rotfl:)
buffettgirl said:
as a guest, here is a sure fire way to bring a smile to someone's face - Say thank you to the woman cleaning the ladies room. 9 times out of 10 the bathrooms are remarkably clean for all the people that go through and 9 times out of 10 someone is physically in the bathroom cleaning. How'd you like that disney's bathrooms all day? Not me. But I absolutely appreciate that the bathroom is clean. I always tell the CM's THANK YOU and the smiles I get are amazing. Sometimes I think these women go for weeks and no one says thank you to them.

so Thank a restroom CM today!

I agree with this. They always seem surprised that someone thanked them for cleaning restrooms. I do it in restaurants/stores too
If someone is in there cleaning.
I've witnessed some pretty heavy duty parental freak outs at their kids this past week. I've watched parents scream loud enough to hear them through the land, shake their kids, and one toddler getting hit hard and a lot for something very minor.

I get that kids act up, I have 3. But please...if you are going to hit your kid, don't do it while you are in the lines and all the other kids have to watch. Remember where you are at. Disney World is supposed to be a happy place.
anyone got any tips for WDW at christmas?

Plan for any kind of weather. It can be 90 degrees or 30. Last winter was epecially warm. And just enjoy it there. I LOVE Christmas time at WDW, the decorations are so beautiful! Make sure to watch at least one castle lighting ceremony and make sure to visit HS for the Osborne Lights. MK has a Christmas shop you can buy some cute Mickey ornaments from to bring home.
3) Frankly, nobody else - hotel CMs, other bus drivers or guest relation CMs gave us good advice about how to get from one place to another. We got three different answers from three different people on how to get to AKL. Our second morning, we had breakfast at BOMA at 8:30. I seemed to remember that there was no resort-to-resort transporation, but called the front desk just in case. The CM said "oh, yes! Just go to the bus stop and wait for the AKL bus". At the bus stop, we asked the driver of the DHS bus and he said "NO! - you can't get there from here on a bus." Go to the TTC. TTC guy said "No! You have to go to MK and take the bus from there". Which is what we did. THAT bus driver was the one who helped us understand that you have to go to a park, and catch the resort bus from there.

This is exactly why I will never make ADRs at a resort unless it's the one we're staying at. I know how to get from park to park but I never want to deal with the hassle of getting to a resort!
This is exactly why I will never make ADRs at a resort unless it's the one we're staying at. I know how to get from park to park but I never want to deal with the hassle of getting to a resort!

If you don't mind shelling out another $10-$20, a cab is the best way to go, especially if you have an early morning breakfast at another resort.
my 12yr ds also has hfasd, if u speak nicely to cm at HM you can skip the stretching room completely, im really claustrophobic and willing miss it with him, on occasions dh has taken other 2 and we met them in the loading area, other times we all skip it....

we printed autism awareness mickey t shirts from the disigners thread on here in 2008 and 2010 and soooooo many people asked us where we could buy them from!! the best was dh had a beers around the world t shirt(again off disigners thread) with mickey sat on a autism puzzle piece, we ended up chatting to a family whos dd had asd, was there 1st trip and didnt know about gac, i shared the magic that time!!

like a few people i startedreading this when planning a trip a few years ago, and have learnt many things from the dis, we have done the ddp for the last few trips and as we have no food tips (hey my holiday revolves around food lmao) here are a few-
ask for water and a drink, we make the kids drink iced water with meal and then they can enjoy their soda/juice after...
get kids desserts fruit bags etc, as to go options and throw them in bag for later...
research ur menus, in 2008 we were in ws, in norway, we had the best cs meal by accident, we always did adrs for ts, never looked at cs, we do now lol!!
some cs places, sunshine seasons, restaurantosaurus have soda fountain where you can refil ur cups before leaving.... my kids drink loads (as u should) and this silly tip has saved me a fortune lol!!
ask at ts restaurants for another soda to go.....
if u cant finish dinner as for dessert to go, fruit salad for bfast rocks )but cheesecake is better;)
think outside the box with snacks, some are "a meal" eg ice cream cookie sandwich from msb, or carrot cake cookies at ws at dhs... both make good b fasts:goodvibes
pick up pastries and take them back to ur room for bfast, we had a coffee machine in our room, and a bfast like that saved us an hour in the morning (we used the jetlag in our favour and was up for rd everyday...

SLEEP... it not a punishment, as my kids see it..... tired/dehydrated/grumpy kids are no fun!!

if kids are over stimulated, turn up at waterparks, BB/TL 2-3hrs before they close, omg.... we had planned days in both parks (not my idea of fun but kids love them::yes::) we literally walked on all the big rides (well they did i watched lmao) and "got" the park out of their system, saved me hearing when we going to tl for the next week lol, and the water pressure helped my sons behaviour...
take towels to water parks, their towels are tiny and rough, after the first trip we went to walmart and brought $5 beach towels, we had a washer in room, so washed and dried them a few times (when doing other washing) and that was MUCH better, then we left them washed and folded to chamber maid (my hubby commented she must have alot of towels at home if everyone did the same thing!! lmao!!

:worship:, well maybe you could show me when im there:rotfl2:

sorry to ramble!!

Loved your post! Too funny! Maybe you should consider writing a Trip Report?
I've witnessed some pretty heavy duty parental freak outs at their kids this past week. I've watched parents scream loud enough to hear them through the land, shake their kids, and one toddler getting hit hard and a lot for something very minor.

I get that kids act up, I have 3. But please...if you are going to hit your kid, don't do it while you are in the lines and all the other kids have to watch. Remember where you are at. Disney World is supposed to be a happy place.

Please don't hit your kid at all!!!!
Thank you for making that point... couldn't agree more. I understand the need to stop and check the map/rest/tie shoe/etc... just please don't do it in middle of the flow of traffic. :rolleyes:

On this note: please use the walkways like you would driving a car! Keeps the flow going much nicer!
Loved your post! Too funny! Maybe you should consider writing a Trip Report?

thanks hun, i ve never had tthe time before i was a head of dept in a high school so breathing was an optional extra some times!! i ve just lost my job due to my illness so i now have time to plan and could do a trip report after next trip... for me id do food porn, i love the dining in the US, esp places u americans hate, arbys, amd taco bell are my gavs lmao!!
Okay, it took me awhile to give share this tip since I have used it for the past few years. But, since this will be our last trip for awhile I will share:

Ask for a room near the laundry room. :laundy: First, most CM's are sympathic towards any woman who has to do laundry on vacation. Second, rooms near the laundry are also near the pool and/or main building. I do laundry everyday on vacation and each time I have asked for this request we have gotten a great room location near pool and main building, even when these rooms are preferred and we paid for standard.:thumbsup2


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