To the CM's on the board: what is the one "tip" you can give us?

I only read the first page and saw the tip about always going to the left...

I think that would have worked at Small World, I took the right and boy that was a mistake. However, in PotC and Tomorrowland Speedway, both left lines were a mistake to take. I'm not sure what's behind the "take the left line" strategy as it doesn't always work.
Yes I goofed at speedway and went right added more time as they let on fast passers.

I don't know about fast passers but the left line only had 1 side working while the right had 2 sides (track on either side of walkway) so it was twice as quick as the left line.
I'm not a CM but I learned this one the hard way (and I didn't see it on the first 6 or 7 pages of posts so sorry if I'm repeating someone else): put your name and contact info in all your belongings, like backpack/purse/camera case...or in my case - videocamera case. A simple business card or piece of paper would do...even with just your first name and cell #.

When I lost my videocamera at Disneyland in fall 2012, it might've saved me a lot of worry if I'd done that. I did get it back safe & sound first thing the next morning but I had a nearly sleepless night. (P.S. when I did get it back I arranged to get a thank you card to the CM who helped me at Lost & Found).
I don't know where the OP got hers, but here's where I got mine:
Look for the 100% Customized Silicone Wristbands.
They're less tha a couple bucks apiece and they come in many colors! They're great. I put my husband's name & cell phone number on 1 side, and mine on the other. I have the kids (ours are younger) put them on their ankles rather than their wrists so they can't take them off. I buy the youth size for a 5 & 2 year old.

This is awesome...just stumbled upon your post while reading through this thread and love this idea so I immediately ordered for DS5.
I'm not a CM but I learned this one the hard way (and I didn't see it on the first 6 or 7 pages of posts so sorry if I'm repeating someone else): put your name and contact info in all your belongings, like backpack/purse/camera case...or in my case - videocamera case. A simple business card or piece of paper would do...even with just your first name and cell #.

When I lost my videocamera at Disneyland in fall 2012, it might've saved me a lot of worry if I'd done that. I did get it back safe & sound first thing the next morning but I had a nearly sleepless night. (P.S. when I did get it back I arranged to get a thank you card to the CM who helped me at Lost & Found).

I just got back and I stuck those charity address labels on all my valuables just in case.
I just thought of another one - make sure your phone, camera and/or videocamera are fully charged up before heading to the park. I believe you can rent "charging lockers" but what if you left your charger at the hotel? You're up a creek!

My digital SLR had a partial charge when I went to CA Adventure last fall and I didn't know how much juice was left in it. I spent the whole day turning it on, snapping a quick pic and immediately turning it off to save the battery. Made me so nervous that it might die any minute. I'll be sure next time to charge'll be easier for me to relax and enjoy my day, knowing I can "document" to my heart's content.

The one thing I did right was charge the camcorder and I had plenty of memory cards. Also remember to download and erase any old pics/videos off of memory cards so you have a clean slate.
WhateverLolaWants said:
I'm a former CM, does that count? If so, the only tip I have for people is to not go expecting a perfect trip, because if your expectations are too high you're not going to have fun. Disney has it tough. They put themselves in a situation where 200% perfect service is expected and not everything can go right. I have seen many guests breakdown for things as simple as a food stand running out of ketchup or the lines being shut down for characters.

Wait, I have another tip. If you're buying ice cream of some sort at a multiple line stand (such as Ahola to get Dole Whips), step back for a second and watch the different people get served. Go in the line where the CM is serving the ice cream that is the biggest.

This was the ONE thing that bothered me on our trip. While nearly everyone gave us a smile there were several people throughout the day that grumbled/ gave us a mean look. I was really starting to feel guilty about it when my husband reminded me that if they really knew the situation they wouldn't trade with us for the world. At the time, we really didn't know if we'd get another year with our child, we were emblazing every smile and laugh in our memories, we relaxed for the first time in 4 years. Praise God, after trying some new things his disease has stabilized and we've been able to slow down the progession for awhile.:banana: Our friends who did the same trip the year before us, were not so blessed. It truly was their one and only family trip. This years trip is a celebration of continued life and boy are we going to celebrate!:cool1:

So one more tip: PLEASE smile at the wish families when they pass you in line. Most are not used to being given preferred service, we're used to sitting in the back, being left out and putting other's first every time. Smiling will really put them at ease.

Quoting for emphasis. I hate seeing Wish families get rotten looks from other guests. :( So glad your family had a great trip, ambiancetc, your post about your experience warmed my heart! And so glad your son is getting better! Best wishes! :earsboy:
How would anyone even know it was a Wish family? If they don't like it, they're probably the same people that take up 4 parking places at the store and honk if you don't move as soon as the light changes...:drive:

I figure that I never know someone's story. If I knew it was a Wishes family, I'd just be wishing that they are having a wonderful time.

I hope your son keeps doing well :goodvibes
Yes I goofed at speedway and went right added more time as they let on fast passers.

Sorry, not a helpful hint but a question.
I didn't realize there were FPs for Tomorrowland Speedway, but from above post Im guessing there are. Is that something fairly new or have I just been oblivious all this time?


Karen :)
How would anyone even know it was a Wish family? If they don't like it, they're probably the same people that take up 4 parking places at the store and honk if you don't move as soon as the light changes...:drive:

I figure that I never know someone's story. If I knew it was a Wishes family, I'd just be wishing that they are having a wonderful time.

I hope your son keeps doing well :goodvibes

When I was AK the last time when it was our turn for Flick a CM walked up and asked if a Wish family could go next. I let the people behind me know what was going on. Later the same day I saw the same Wish family again but this time the people in front of the line did not let those behind them know what was going on. Once again I let the people around me know they were a Wish family.
The CM's are just wonderful. They helped us numerous times with the busses and DH's ECV. People tend to be "grumpy" when they see a wheelchair or ECV board first. It was really bringing me down on our last trip.

I'm sorry that happened to you. When I see people getting "grumpy" in a situation like what you described, I want to tell them to do an attitude check! On the metro train here in my hometown, sometimes disabled passengers get on and off. Naturally it takes longer because the driver has to come out of their cabin, lower the ramp, wait for the disabled passengers to board or exit, and bring the ramp back up. So meanwhile, all the people who need an attitude adjustment are sighing, getting all impatient, rolling their eyes, etc...I just want to tell them "Hey, take this extra minute that we're stopped to think how glad you are to be healthy and mobile. And stop griping!" Sheesh! Same thing at Disney...there's no call to be one of the lucky few (out of billions on the planet) who gets to go to Disney and be cranky about much of anything.
Sorry, not a helpful hint but a question.
I didn't realize there were FPs for Tomorrowland Speedway, but from above post Im guessing there are. Is that something fairly new or have I just been oblivious all this time?


Karen :)

There are no FP for Tomorrowland Speedway. However, Autotopia in DL does have FPs, so possibly OP is thinking of that? :confused3

I love the comments about the wheelchair/ECV people. I used to be grumbly (quietly) when we would be inconvenience by a bus having to load an ECV until I read some post on the DIS about it. I am sure there are people that abuse it, but I try to assume that is never the case around me, and I really, really try hard not to get annoyed when things are slowed down by an ECV. I just think to myself "That family deserves their vacation as much as I."

Besides, which is better for us regular park-goers: To assume the person is "cheating" the system and be mad, or assume the person is really in need and be happy that they get to be here. So, I say don't let those frowns get to you!
skier_pete said:
There are no FP for Tomorrowland Speedway. However, Autotopia in DL does have FPs, so possibly OP is thinking of that? :confused3

I love the comments about the wheelchair/ECV people. I used to be grumbly (quietly) when we would be inconvenience by a bus having to load an ECV until I read some post on the DIS about it. I am sure there are people that abuse it, but I try to assume that is never the case around me, and I really, really try hard not to get annoyed when things are slowed down by an ECV. I just think to myself "That family deserves their vacation as much as I."

Besides, which is better for us regular park-goers: To assume the person is "cheating" the system and be mad, or assume the person is really in need and be happy that they get to be here. So, I say don't let those frowns get to you!

Ah you are right. I have been to both wdw and DL I get confused
Besides, which is better for us regular park-goers: To assume the person is "cheating" the system and be mad, or assume the person is really in need and be happy that they get to be here. So, I say don't let those frowns get to you!

I know what you mean about wondering if someone is "cheating" but I'll tell you, as someone who is recovering from a recent foot surgery - if you saw me parking in a handicap space or hopping on an ECV, don't judge. I look "normal" at this point because the bandage is gone, I'm off crutches and only use a cane sometimes. BUT - I can't walk far! So if people look at me and judge or assume and think "She looks like nothing's wrong...why is she using that ECV?" It's because I have a physical problem (thank God it's temporary!) that isn't obvious from the outside. This isn't to say no one cheats. But we don't know the whole story on strangers so it's best to do what you said and be happy they have the opportunity to be at WDW.

And now for my next tip (to keep on topic. I need this reminder myself so I wrote it down after our last trip to DL):

Take a TON of pictures. If you've got a digital camera, you can always delete the ones you don't like, but you can’t go back and take more after it’s over! Plus, if it’s a picture of people in your group, take at least 3 or 4 in case someone looks funny or the photo is blurry or tilted. Sometimes people take crummy pictures - either they zoomed way out so you appear tiny in the photo, or you didn't get something you wanted in the background, etc. (This especially goes for if you have a stranger or even a CM take your picture.) One time I was at DL alone and asked a Photopass CM to take my pic in front of the Mickey head outside the gate. It was a terrible pic - all crooked! I understand that if I hand my fancy digital SLR to a stranger they won't know how to use it so I set up the shot for them and just ask them to press the button. After I saw the pic I just thanked them, waited until they walked away and asked someone else to take my photo! I didn't want to criticize or embarrass the first person but it's like "Wow, really? If your photos are this bad then why is it your job to take photos of people?" It doesn't have to be magazine-worthy but could it at least not be crooked?

Lastly, familiarize yourself with the different settings on your camera especially if its been a while since you used it (if you're like me and generally use "Auto" for most things!).
On our last two visits, my husband has used an ECV. He has a bad back and walking long distances is very painful for him. At first, he didn't want to use the ECV because he didn't like how people looked at him, he would be embarassed. This last time, he told me that he could enjoy his trip and not be in pain or be in pain and unhappy. He choose enjoying the trip and using the ECV. Until you walk in someone else's shoes, don't judge.
dminnie said:
How would anyone even know it was a Wish family? If they don't like it, they're probably the same people that take up 4 parking places at the store and honk if you don't move as soon as the light changes...:drive:

I figure that I never know someone's story. If I knew it was a Wishes family, I'd just be wishing that they are having a wonderful time.

I hope your son keeps doing well :goodvibes

Often someone in a Wish family will be wearing a Make-A-Wish, other foundation, or Give Kids the World shirt. The Wish child will be wearing a big button (either pink or light blue) if they are staying at GKTW.

I was "yelled at" by Dora (@ Universal) after I had my son wait in line for her autograph. After signing, she flipped to a back page and wrote "NO lines w/ Button!".

PLEASE, understand that Wish families would rather not be one, and many of us have felt guilty about not waiting in as long of a line as everyone else. But when you are told by a doctor to take your 6 year old home and "enjoy every moment"...

Maybe you'll hold your family tighter for that extra 45 seconds in line.


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