To whom it may concern....

I heartily agree with what everyone has said so far. You all are definitely my friends. I am so thankful that I stumbled across this forum and became a part of this fantastic community. You all have inspired me to stretch my creativity through swaps and challenges and reawakened my passion for scrapping. And probably more importantly I know that I can always count on my DIS buddies to chat with, cheer me up, make me laugh or offer a sympathetic ear. I'm not sure my family really gets it when I talk about my "internet friends" - my DH has repeatedly asked me half-seriously "Are you sure you don't have some secret boyfriend you're talking to online?" No - it's something WAY better than that.

:grouphug: to everyone going through difficult times right now.
Ya'll are going to make me cry!!!!!

For You!
I admit it, I am a lurker on the swap boards due to the fact that I am a scaredy cat when it comes to thinking about starting to swap. I am much more chatty in the living room and on the scrapbooking board. However, this thread has brought me out of my shell.

I started DISing last year when I was planning our family trip to Disney. I started on the family boards and I got burned. I posted what I thought was an innocent question and I got blasted- reduced to tears. So I stopped DISing for awhile. I came back this past spring and found you guys! And I have to say I am so happy that I did. You are the greatest friends a girl could have! :grouphug: You are welcoming, thoughtful, fun, hilarious, uplifting, protective, creative, and just a huge ray of sunshine! I can't get through the day without checking in with you guys several times!

Life is a little stressful right now and I am so glad that I have friends that I can rely on. So thank you DIS family for making my day! Love ya'll!! (Yes, I am from Texas! ;) )
I feel pretty much the same way as everyone who has posted. Just to add that this is a very easy group to be a part of, very friendly and accepting! I do not know anyone here who scraps or swaps, even though there are obviously a lot of people who do, but I doubt that they would have the same interests and understanding that this group does. I don't know if I would even have gotten so into it if I had not been involved in this board. I think many of us spend a lot of time alone, and this does provide some special companionship.
I admit it, I am a lurker on the swap boards due to the fact that I am a scaredy cat when it comes to thinking about starting to swap.

i'm with you ashley! i'm too afraid to swap 'cause i don't think i'm good enough at my scrapping to make things for other people! someday, maybe i'll jump in.

i agree with every one's comments. you guys really are the best friends a girl could have. i talk about you all the time to dh and i think he thinks i'm nutty! everyone here has ALWAYS been so kind and helpful and i just feel as though i belong here. thank you everyone! i needed this today.:grouphug:

susie, i'll pray for you and your son. come and chat with us when you're having a tough day. we'll get you thru it. that's what we are here for. :grouphug:

aprilvaca so sorry to hear about dd's friend. it must be so hard on his family and friends. i don't know what life lesson is there when you loose someone so young, but i'm sure we are supposed to learn something from it. what? i don't know. maybe to appreciate what you have more???? my heart goes out to her. :grouphug:

look at me, i'm just passing out all the hugs!

in all seriousness, i love my friends here. thank you one and all.
Love this! I agree with what all of you have said. I find myself saying sometimes, "I have a friend who lives in ___________, and she does blah blah blah". I love having this board and you all to talk to all the time! I'm glad to have friends here!! :)
i'm with you ashley! i'm too afraid to swap 'cause i don't think i'm good enough at my scrapping to make things for other people! someday, maybe i'll jump in.

i agree with every one's comments. you guys really are the best friends a girl could have. i talk about you all the time to dh and i think he thinks i'm nutty! everyone here has ALWAYS been so kind and helpful and i just feel as though i belong here. thank you everyone! i needed this today.:grouphug:

susie, i'll pray for you and your son. come and chat with us when you're having a tough day. we'll get you thru it. that's what we are here for. :grouphug:

aprilvaca so sorry to hear about dd's friend. it must be so hard on his family and friends. i don't know what life lesson is there when you loose someone so young, but i'm sure we are supposed to learn something from it. what? i don't know. maybe to appreciate what you have more???? my heart goes out to her. :grouphug:

look at me, i'm just passing out all the hugs!

in all seriousness, i love my friends here. thank you one and all.

Thanks so much for the hug...I really do appreciate it. I'll make sure I run upstairs and pass it on to my DD. She can use them right now for sure! It's just such a difficult situation with I am sure many lessons to be learned. Right now she is just so heartbroken that she can't see much thru the sadness. I'm very proud of her though because she was interviewed by the local paper about the whole situation and was asked to find a way to let people know what kind of person Eric was. She did an awesome job articulating her feelings and his parents said her words brought them great comfort:hug: Thanks again
Although I am just getting to know all of you I feel more at home here than anywhere else on the boards. Scrapbooking has been my escape and my salvation the past few months. Life has handed me lemons and I am trying to make lemonade. Making swap items has given me so much joy and a purpose outside the demands of real life. I'm glad I found all of you!

aprilvaca04 that's such a heartbreaking thing to happen. My nephew was involved in a serious car accident almost two years ago and he is paralyzed, but thankfully he is alive. It really affected my DD and she is a bit scared to start driving next year. I'm glad to hear this young man was an organ donor. :grouphug:

I'm glad for your newphew although I'm sure it has been a long road I am happy you all still have him. Having Eric be an organ donor has brought great comfort to many people. It reminded me what an extraoridnary gift it truly is. It's just been so hard to watch my DD be so heartbroken. While I know this is reality and there are life lessons to be learned it breaks my heart because all I want to do is protect her because she'll always be our little girl!:hug: Thanks for your thoughts, we appreciate them.

I definitely needed that.

It has been a little tough this week. DS5 had to start working with a psychotherapist this week. Not that I have a problem with that but it's just tough on my own. Please don't think I am whining. I know there are lots of people out there that would love to have any child. I love my child just don't like parts of the situation.

Anyway, this board is my escape and I appreciate each and every one of you.


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son...and you know so what if you were whining everyone deserves to do that sometime especially us moms:flower3:
I admit it, I am a lurker on the swap boards due to the fact that I am a scaredy cat when it comes to thinking about starting to swap. I am much more chatty in the living room and on the scrapbooking board. However, this thread has brought me out of my shell.

I started DISing last year when I was planning our family trip to Disney. I started on the family boards and I got burned. I posted what I thought was an innocent question and I got blasted- reduced to tears. So I stopped DISing for awhile. I came back this past spring and found you guys! And I have to say I am so happy that I did. You are the greatest friends a girl could have! :grouphug: You are welcoming, thoughtful, fun, hilarious, uplifting, protective, creative, and just a huge ray of sunshine! I can't get through the day without checking in with you guys several times!

Life is a little stressful right now and I am so glad that I have friends that I can rely on. So thank you DIS family for making my day! Love ya'll!! (Yes, I am from Texas! ;) )

Sorry about your bad experience but glad you gave it another try.

Please come join us on the swap board. Everyone is soencouraging and supportive.
I posted what I thought was an innocent question and I got blasted

Did you DARE to ask about what to do when a kid turns 9 during a vacation, or venture a question about strollers for over 8's? ;) Some people get WAAAAAAY heated about things which, if you're new to Disney, seem sensible queries. Hey, we're not born knowing how Disney works, and if like me you only make rare visits how are you supposed to keep up with the latest etiquette if you're not psychic?:confused3

Stick with something safe like swapping:rolleyes1 and remember for some poeple there is NO non-Disney life;)

We have our share of weirdos I'm sure but we don't let it get in the way of scrapping:rotfl2:
Thanks for the support and encouragement! :thumbsup2 My DH was study and taking the bar exam last summer. We were leaving for Disney on my 30th birthday which was one week after he took the exam. HE asked me to go to the experts on the DIS boards to get ideas for how he could make my day special since he was studying. I laid out the scenario as I just did and people blasted me for being selfish, told me to let it go, pretty much chastised me for even thinking that he should plan anything! Never mind he asked me to do it. It doesn't sound so horrible to me now, but when it happened I was crushed. Ah well, doesn't matter because I have you guys now! :grouphug:
Ok girls.. I came home to this and wanted to chat..but DH was trying to get kids to bed.. which insued the fight that of course only a mommy can take care of by getting on all kids and DH!

If it weren't for you gals over the last year I don't know how I would have managed.. Most of you didn't know me really well...when I came here and told you about DH being in the hospital...and you all were there for me.. phone calls, cards, PM's, emails... My DH was so greatful to know that you all were keeping my spirits up and my sanity going! Which btw, another clean bill of health at the last checkup!! Woo hoo!!! ;)

You all have made me laugh when my DD was pulling at my last nerve.. And BAMB is always the first one there with the "stomp,stomp, slam line" that gets my laughing and what had irritate me hadn't been really as bad as it seemed!

When my true blonde moments came out.. YOU all just laughed w/ me I hope.. or were you laughing @ me and being nice about it? :lol:

And of course to my CJ friends who if it wasn't for you sharing your stories about how the "outlaws" in the family work.. I wouldn't have been able to survive the bridal shower from He**! Yes, same stuff.. different day... I must really love my DH to endure that crap all the time... Only the wedding left... and than I'm calling it quits w/ the visits...

To each of you.. I thank you for always being there for me... because if it weren't for you all... I'd go nuts.. The drama around here(hometown)... seems like we are still in it's a good thing being a SAHM I can talk to you all and you all can relate..even if you are a SAHM or a Working mom...and I'm not judged... there is enough petty stuff that I see in the community that I'm glad I have you girls to talk to... too many run-a-muck gossipers in this town! And the worst part they get the darn story wrong!

and Susie.. I'm only an email or PM away.. I've been in your shoes... :hugs:
Thanks for the support and encouragement! :thumbsup2 My DH was study and taking the bar exam last summer. We were leaving for Disney on my 30th birthday which was one week after he took the exam. HE asked me to go to the experts on the DIS boards to get ideas for how he could make my day special since he was studying. I laid out the scenario as I just did and people blasted me for being selfish, told me to let it go, pretty much chastised me for even thinking that he should plan anything! Never mind he asked me to do it. It doesn't sound so horrible to me now, but when it happened I was crushed. Ah well, doesn't matter because I have you guys now! :grouphug:

See, that is why I stay down in my happy little work down on Creative Community... we don't do that stuff here... Next time you want to know how to celebrate or something to do.. come to us.. We have some great suggestions... :hug:
This does seem to be the friendliest, closest-knit group on Dis. No bashing and shouting here. Just fun. Exactly what I need.

For example, the amazing baby book that ladies here put together for me. My Dh's first response was WOW!! followed by being so impressed at what great friends I have "for people I've never met." :rotfl: Yup, great friends. :)
This does seem to be the friendliest, closest-knit group on Dis. No bashing and shouting here. Just fun. Exactly what I need.

For example, the amazing baby book that ladies here put together for me. My Dh's first response was WOW!! followed by being so impressed at what great friends I have "for people I've never met." :rotfl: Yup, great friends. :)

and how is our precious little nephew doing???
I would like to know how he is doing also. I think of you often, as I have been down your road with my DD. She was not able to hear as a baby, therefore did not talk. Everyone in the family learned sign language, it was a challenge to everyone except her.

Keep your head up,


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