To Wish Aussies travelling Feb 2011 safe travels, bon voyage.

thanks Aussiegirls :flower3:

I am beside myself with excitement at the thought of telling the kids. They really are going to go nuts :rotfl2:

and it really is getting quite difficult not being able to have conversations out in the open about it.
O.K the clock is ticking ticking ticking. HURRY UP already, I am ready to go like yesterday!
Kyl I feel your pain. I'm sure that the clocks have all slowed down. I have found myself very impatient and can't concentrate on anything else. Bring it on I say :woohoo:
You guys are so lucky!!! I've got 6 months to go!!
Hope you all have an amazing time, can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.
Please spare a thought for those of us who have to wait for a bit longer before we can leave...sigh

But very excited for you all!!! :goodvibes
*Sigh* I'm so happy for those of you travelling this month. I wish you all safe travels!

I can't believe we are 17 sleep out now!!! The clock has definately slowed down big time, so for each day it feels like two. Never mind I am sure the last week will go really quickly thats what happened last year so lets hope it happens again. So who is off first? Loving the land have you told your children now? What a lovely lovely exciting surprise for them. Far out I wouldn't of been able to contain my excitement and not tell them for this long. You have great will power and I am sure the excitement of finding out so close to going will only add to the magic in there little lives. xx
Kyl it's been so hard but it will be worth it. Dh & I have to keep making sure we delete our text messages. (we text each other at work each morning with the how many sleeps countdown). I'm so paranoid about them finding out now when we've kept a secret this long. There have been so many times when we've nearly let it slip. DS 12 keeps growing out of his shoes rapidly as he's having a major growth spurt and I so wanted to say "in 2 weeks we will get you new basketball shoes in America". Then he found some he loved on sale and wanted to buy them with his own money and we wanted to say "no, save your money and don't get the shoes yet", but we couldn't so we will give him that money and extra money back the day we leave. He will just get some over there in the next size up which will probably fit him next month anyway, hehe. But there have been so many times when it would be so much easier if they knew.
Now we are trying to find a box big enough to put the helium balloon in. It's 69 x 53 cm.
Kyl, have you packed yet? What are you doing to prepare/pass the time? Any good ideas? I have been putting together surprise boxes which has occupied me a little.
Oh wow surprise boxes do tell.....I ended up buying some new clothes yesterday to take away. I am going to do a full pack this weekend. I have brought bits and pieces over the last couple of weeks now just to put altogether. How long are you going to disneyland for? We are going to do our last few nights in the states there and I just got accomodation at 25% off in the disney hotel. So exciting isn't it!
Well to pass the time, ummmm being on here is a way. I had to laugh last night DD(7) has no underpants left in her draws. I couldn't understand and asked her where on earth have all your nickers gone? Next thing she pulls out a secret bag she had packed for herself. It was so cute. Lots of undies, swimmers and two PJs oh and one jumper. Thats it she said I'm packed mum. What a sweet heart hey. Children can be so funny. Last year when we went to disneyland she again had packed a bag and came to me with it and said is this alright? It was full of her toys and a box of tissues go figure???
Well, at the bottom of the big box at the front door containing the helium balloon with note attached is going to be 3 boxes (1 each). I got really nice gift boxes from Disney store online and I also got a few items of disney clothing each and disney pyjamas and other bits and pieces. a Mickey bead for DD15's pandora bracelet. I also have little disney gift boxes to put inside them which will contain some $US cash. Then I also purchased some Mickey shopping bags from Disney shop which I will do like show bags for the plane with lollies, chips, chocolate, diaries, pens and a magazine each. Kyl, how precious of your daughter. Their excitement is so cute and makes you realize why you do it all. Not like you didn't already know, but you know what I mean? anyway, we have 14 day passes to Disneyland. Not sure how many days out of the 14 we will be there that we'll actually go. Want to play it by ear a bit this time. I also booked the Disneyland hotel for the last 2 nights because it was really cheap. Not sure I will love the idea of changing hotels when the time comes, but at least most the packing will be when it comes time to fly home two days later.
Aussiegirls just think, when we're all home we'll be wishing we were you. But at this point in time I seriously don't think I could contain myself for any longer then 2 weeks.:yay::yay::yay::yay:
Oh what a clever idea how exciting to see their faces when they open the boxes and the bags for the plane. Great idea! I am going to copy the plane bag idea.....14 Days disneyland. Wow thats so exciting I think I could of done 14 days we did I think 6 Days but stayed 7 nights last year in the GCH. Beautiful hotel, can't afford to do it this time though. But I think the disneyland hotel looks nice as well. You will get to see everything for the 14 days how nice not to feel rushed, you can just stroll and enjoy. Then you can also relax at the pool midday and not feel like you are going to miss out. Very smart I say! O.K so today is nearly over...he he he. Another day down well nearly.
We are exactly 3 weeks out today and I have just finished packing my carry-on. I'll also start packing the proper bags this weekend.

Are you going to video the kids finding out about the trip Lovintheland?
Lovintheland I will just live vicariously through your stories at the moment and then when you come back you can relive it vicarioulsy through mine :lmao:

I love the idea of the plane bags, I might just steal that one too.

One question though lovintheland, when you have ordered from Disney online, have you had to pay billions of $$$ in postage? That has been the one thing that has really put me off buying from there.

Yes Oz-Kateer, the plan is for DH to leave the house for work (cough cough) he will go to his car and get box and place it at front door, knock on the door and then hide at the front of the house with video camera in hand. The boxed will be addressed to them and as always when their aunty sends them gifts in a box I make them all open it together. so DH will capture it all. fingers crossed it will all go to plan.
Aussiegirls when I ordered there was a deal with free shipping which of course didn't apply to Aus. But I ordered some absolute bargains and got a big box delivered only a four working days later for only $36. I was truely amazed and actually wished I'd ordered more. The weird thing was DH had happened to come home before us that day and lucky he did because the box was sitting on our outdoor table when he got home. We are still not sure how it got there as we have two dogs who bark crazily when anyone enters the front of our yard let alone the back. But the box had Disney right across it so lucky the kids didn't see it.
We are all getting so close now Sept/Oct Aussies.

10 days today for us :cool1:

Tomorrow will be the single digit dance :woohoo:
We have 3 sleeps!!!

The kids clothes are all organised (and packed) - what we are taking is all washed but no other packing done.

We are having the house painted (inside) while we are away so we are still really busy packing everything away taking pictures down and cleaning in those corners you (well me....) usually just ignore cause no-one looks there anyway!!

Has turned into a really horrible time this last week with my husband finding out he is to be retrenched in November. So we can't wait to just run away from it all for a while - and what better place to go.

Happy organising everyone - will keep in contact while we are away with some on site reports as we will have the lap top.


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