Today is the first day


Just call me Duckie!
Dec 17, 2004
Of the rest of my life. LOL

I am still debating on weather to do the whole or half marathon. I know I am overweight and out of shape, BUT I just dont like the duck, you know Donald duck! I want a mickey! I want to do a marathon. I have 11 months to train. I am watching what I eat, and my mile is taking 20 minutes almost on the button. Do you think its a mind over matter thing? Do you think that in 11 months I can get to a marathon, I know realistically I should shoot for the half, but Im not sold yet. Stubborn woman!

I will register in a week or two so I have to decide soon, my sister and husband are doing it with me and they havent decided either.
Welcome Tammy! It's hard to say if you can get to where you can sustain the required pace for the whole marathon by January. They are serious about the sweeping thing. So you have to be able to sustain a 16 min mile for 26.2 miles. I would have prefered a Mickey too, but I love my Donald medal. Considering I had never signed up for even a 5k before I signed up for the 1/2 it was a pretty big deal for me (I signed up in Aug.) Trust me you will love your Donald! Donald is nothing to sneeze at and the medal itself is just as big as Mickey. I haven't decided which one I'm doing next year. The full takes alot of dedicated training once you get into 20 weeks out which takes up alot of hours of family time during the holidays.

Tammy, if you are truly dedicated and TRULY want that Mickey medal, then yes you can do it!!! I did the full marathon last year after never running more than a mile in my life. My friends and family thought I was crazy, but I was determined to do it, and I did! Only you know if you have the commitment to follow through... there were plenty of mornings that it would have been much easier to shut off the alarm clock and go back to sleep instead of going out to run at 4AM before work. There were also many times that I questioned myself, WHY was I doing this and was it really worth it...

In the end I'm very glad I did it and so proud of my accomplishment. It was worth every minute of all those hours of training when I finally stumbled across that finish line. You have to decide if you want it bad enough, and if the answer is yes, then there is no reason why you can't do it too!

Good luck in whatever you decide :)

well how soon do you need to register? I get paid in 2 weeks and need a new pair of shoes, Im thinking if new shoes help my feet and sins feel better then I can really strive for the whole, but if the new shoes dont help then I am defiately doing the half, next year and then the whole the following year!!!
Tammy - I'm torn between the half and full, too. I did Goofy this year and while I didn't get swept and got all 3 medals, my marathon time wasn't official because I finished past the 7 hour cut-off. My ave. pace was 16:19. I did 15:19 for the 1/2. I so want to be official!
But I have friends who might do the half and I was going to do that with them instead of the full. Decisions, decisions :confused3 . I don't know what I'm going to do.

I feel like there is an internal fight in me, I walk and Im in pain, Im like I should at least do the helf, but my heart is in the whole! Ive always wanted to do the whole, and I know that there will be other years.
I am trying to convince myself that the half is a big accomplishment for me! LOL Sorry to babble, sometimes it helps to get it out! Im still at a 60-40 but its that 40 that nags me, oh and the extra hundred pounds I carry!

Do you ever feel that while you may be 100 lbs overweight you dont feel that way? Is it that Im comfortable with my weight? Am I afraid to lose it for some reason? I might ned a shrink before this is over
Hi Tammy. My sisters can attest to the look on my face when I saw that the half marathon was a Donald medal, not a Mickey. I was mid-sentence in a conversation and one of them showed me a picture. My jaw hit the floor! My initial reaction was the same as yours. Today, I LOVE my Donald as much as the day I got it over a year ago! :cheer2:

I do have to admit that seeing pics of everyone's Mickey's and, oh my, their GOOFY's :earseek: I have serious "medal envy". I may add another Donald to my collection before I decide to go for Mickey, but I do know that someday I will want to have the set :teeth:

Trust me, you'll LOVE your Donald if you decide to do the 1/2. :thumbsup2



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