todays exchange rate

today rate at thomas cook online $1.5300
£500 = $765.00

Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50

today rate at thomas cook online $1.5330 UP $0.0030
£500 = $766.50 UP 1.50
UP $1.50
Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50

today rate at thomas cook online $1.5260 DOWN $0.0100
£500 = $763.00 DOWN 5.00
DOWN $5.00
Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50


today rate at thomas cook online $1.5210 DOWN $0.0050
£500 = $760.50 DOWN $2.50
DOWN $7.50
Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50

today rate at thomas cook online $1.5240 UP $0.0030
£500 = $762.00 UP $1.50
DOWN $6.00
Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50

today rate at thomas cook online $1.5280 UP $0.0040
£500 = $764.00 UP $2.00
DOWN $4.00
Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50


today rate at thomas cook online $1.5415 UP $0.0135
£500 = $770.75 UP $6.75
UP $6.75
Record low last year Thursday 16th January 2012 $1.4890 £ 500 = $744.50
Record high last year thursday 28th April 2011 $1.6270 £ 500 = $813.50

I just got a better rate than usual! 1.5550 with the Post Office :D

Don't usually take cash but a customer returned last week with $620, bought them off her at $1.60/£1. Just watch the rate rise now, I will wish I had stuck to the credit card.


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