Toe Diggin'!


DIS Veteran
Apr 2, 2004
It's the only way to find shells in the ocean! :cool1:
Seriously! How else would you do it?
Don't try that on the OR/WA coast or you'll surely freeze to death before you even get through the top layer of sand! :cold:
Collect them off the beach or dive down for them.

Not that i get to do it much where i live, its a pebble beach and its English weather! :cold: :umbrella:

We have a nudest beach round here somewhere, but i've never gone looking! :scared1:
Pete needs to do a random drawing to send bonus prizes for segments like that---like picking a name and send them a bag of shells or pictures of Bawb's kahrt. :lmao:

I have not been to a beach in ages so the last time if I recall right...I picked them off the sandy beach/shore.
One time I was on Sanibel Island and was walking down the beach when I saw a sand dollar laying there!!!! it was perfect and as I went to pick it up some dude ran in front of me picked it up and ran off!!!!


searching for shells has never been the same
Well, I haven't spent much time on the beach yet this year, but the last time I was out last year, I think we probably found 10 sand dollars. Yep, I was toe diggin'. :lmao:


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