Too hot in florida for jeans in evenings?


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2001
Hello: I am four days away from our trip to wdw. Been told to take long pants for the evenings, cause of bugs biting. Now is it too hot for nice jeans in the evenings, am I better with a summer type light weight pant?
I keep looking at the weather on the internet, it says lows around 60. Any comments.


It really depends on you--I can wear jeans in the 60's. It also depends on what you have planned. A night ont he water is going to be cooler than one "on land". I.e. the pontoon boat ride. It can also get windy around the lake at Epcot for Illuminations viewing.
We wear jeans all the time down here. Bring your jeans if you want. You will fit right in.
hey there cottontail! I am right behind you! 5 days to go!

We went this time last year too and we never had to wear jeans at night. My family wore jeans on the airplane to and from Orlando but never had to bring them out again.

I wore long summer dresses occasionally ~

It was beautiful weather ~ check out this weather link

5 days for us too!! AND COUNTING! I'm planning on bringing one pair of jeans. 60's at night with a breeze is perfect for jeans and a short-sleeve shirt.!! Some of the bugs bite you right through thin pants, so jeans would be a must! If it is too hot for jeans, I'll put on a long summer dress.

Speaking of weather, the long-range forcast looks great! I have never seen a 10+ sun forcast before! When were were there in November, the UV index was a 4/5 and we came home very dark! I'm afraid of burning! Bring that sunscreen!

I guess you guys will get there before me, as you are all flying. What number sunscreen are you guys taking. I am taking 45, hope that will be good enough.

Thanks for the great link sandra, I will keep checking on it. But it sounds like super weather.


i think it depends on you - i wear jeans in the 70's and sometimes in the 80's here. :)
I'm in south Florida and haven't worn jeans in months! They are so hot , tight , and scratchy to me. I'm leaving in 17 days and plan on shorts in the daytime and lightweight pants (capri's) at night. The only reason I'm even bringing pants is because I like to be more dressed up in the evening (dinner at Le Cellier!). If you are really a "jeans" person, I would bring them , just in case.
Isn't it funny how some people can wear jeans no matter how hot it is? My fiancee refuses to wear shorts (other than swimming trunks and workout clothes) and wore jeans every day for park touring last September. The heat doesn't even bother him. My dad is the same way.
I think you might be a bit crazy to wear jeans, but of course I might eb the crazy one. I am from Seattle and I packed on pair of jeans and a sweatshirt last trip. Guess what, NEVER AGAIN. I never needed them at all!
when the weather says"low of 60", that might be at like 3 in the morning! I'm now 8days out and not even taking pants! It is so HOT here. I'll take my chances with the insect repellant!
I only own 1 pair of jeans and that was purely for fashion sake! they are really cool low riders.
Nope, No jeans for me....I will however pack a pair to got to Pleasure Island!:D
I wear slacks daily even in the heat of summer down here. Jeans I wear occasionally in the summer. I rarely wear shorts, especially now that I take a med that makes my photosensitive.
I'm fair already and don't need a sunburn. Long dresses get caught in the wheelcchair of my wheelchair.


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