Toy Story 3 REVIEWS

Speaking of Toy Story characters, was I the only person that thought "Boo" was at Sunnyside (in the Butterfly room). She was sitting on the floor, with a blue stuffed cat -- they way she called it "kitty" really got my attention.


I figure with the references to Wall-E, Up, and Cars in TS3, it may be a hint to the upcoming Monsters, Inc 2
It was amazing. It was a great but slightly sad there for awhile end to the toy story saga.

That said, it is not for the under 5 crowd and I think it wasn't meant to be. I heard many upset toddlers in the theater. I was actually surprised to see so many babies and toddlers there. Toy Story has been around for so long that most of the kids that loved the first one are close to grown up now. Many adults loved it and I do too and I think it was made more for them.

I loved it, it was great and I even got choked up a little but out of the 3 , it's not the one I will watch 8000 times like I did the first 2. I want to see it again, I will buy the dvd and it was good but it's intense in a way that the other 2 aren't. It was still funny but it's not as light hearted.
WOW. I absolutly LOVED TS3, it was amazing!! I'm 20 years old and grew up with the Toy Story movies. On Saturday night, I went with three other 20 year old guys to see it, and we all could not say enough good things about this movie!!

My DBF even said they gave you the 3D glasses to cover your eyes from the tears!! I can't get over how good it was!
We just got back from TS3 and *looooved* it! I didn't think it was as dark as Toy Story 2 - I'm almost 40 years old and the whole part with Sid's room in TS2 still creeps me out! I didn't have those issues with TS3.

My sister's daughter starts kindegarten this fall, and my sister said both she and her husband were weepy. It's definitely a movie that can make you shed a tear or two. Sweet tears. Not sad tears. Not like Up! (omg ... the beginning of that movie makes me sob).

We saw it in :3dglasses - it was superb.

ETA: The little kid behind me kept asking, "Mommy, why is she laughing?" ahahahhaahaha There were a few parts where we got so tickled it took a while to settle down. Hubby LOVED Chuckles.

And I agree about Lotso - afterwards, we were both wondering why they are marking this cuddly wuddly toy when he's the villain! He doesn't even really repent, but does get his comeuppance.

I loved all of them including TS3, but the scene you describe is the original TS, not TS2, just to avoid any confusion, and yes, Sid's room was dark.
Speaking of Toy Story characters, was I the only person that thought "Boo" was at Sunnyside (in the Butterfly room). She was sitting on the floor, with a blue stuffed cat -- they way she called it "kitty" really got my attention.


I never thought of Boo. However, the kitty looked a lot like Periwinkle from Blue's Clues to me.
OK, I thought it was excellent, but it was way too intense for small ones. Our DD is 7, she didn't want to see it, so DW and I went on our own.

I had a couple of qualms about it, which puts it a notch below the previous two Toy Story movies - note that there are NO spoilers in these comments, at least for TS3.

1st- this is the big one - there was no character arc for *any* of the characters. While I don't expect every character to have an arc (after all there are about 28 characters in this movie) in the first Toy Story - both Woody and Buzz have good arcs. Buzz learns that it's being a space ranger isn't all that matter - sometimes being a toy is enough. Woody learned that he doesn't need to be the most popular and to be OK with it. TS2 it was Woody and Jessie that got the character arcs. In this one...nobody! The characters rested completely on their development from the previous movies, and even that sometimes got ignored. (Wouldn't you think Jessie would be *MUCH* more frantic than she was based on TS2?) Let me put it this way...if we didn't already love / know these characters so well from TS1 & 2, would this still have been as great a movie? I personally don't think so - the story coasted on established characters. Is there any other reason that a new character - "Ken" can steal the movie considering he's only in about 6 scenes.

2nd - this is a minor quibble - the whole thing just seemed very slight to me. After the grand scale of recent Pixar films (WALL-E, UP, Ratatouille, Incredibles) this movie just felt so small. That said, the first two felt the same way...I guess I just want more out of Pixar now. (And while I wanted to see this movie very much, I am a little annoyed at Pixar making us wait 3 years (!!!) between original movies (UP in 2009, Brave in 2012).

I hope that doesn't make it sound like I don't recommend it...the story itself was great - the action sequences clever and the tension was set up marvelously, and the ending was done brilliantly - though there was almost no other way to go with it - the way it was actually done couldn't help but leave you with a tear in your eye.

So, I give it 9 out of 10, and place it just below the first two in my esteem, which I consider belong hand-in-hand and still the best movie of the year so far.)


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