Toy Story Mania - No Physical 'Darts'


May 20, 2005
Donning 3-D glasses, guests shrink to the size of a toy, and hop into fanciful ride vehicles that travel and twist along a colorful midway-themed route. Upon arriving at each game booth, they will aim for animated targets using their own special on-board "toy cannon."

During the games, the riders will be experiencing 3D imagery, wind effects, vehicle motion, water spray, and smells.


Each rider has their own toy canon. One of the unique features however, is that the canon will not be limited to being just a regular canon, as it is in Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin by being a laser blaster. In some games it will fire pies, and in another it will be eggs and balls, and in another, a ring tosser.

Games include midway style ring-toss, dart throwing, ball throwing. Each game booth will be manned by a Toy Story character, including Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Hamm, Bo Peep and the Little Green Men.
Darn, I was really looking forward to hearing future roundtable discussions on how the team shot their darts at each other instead of the targets!
If they were real darts wouldn't they have to be worried about darts bouncing off, going under the ride vehicles and causing a break down?
I am so disappointed...:sad1:

I was already planning a trip with my in-laws just to do that ride......with them in the car ahead of me.......that would have been worth the cost of the trip. It would have been so cathartic.
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If you place your cursor on the different targets and left-mouse-click, you will "shoot" these targets. Each time it is in a different way such as ring toss, dart, egg, etc.

My guess is this is a simplistic example of how you will shoot things when you are on the ride.

Another guess is that the guns will be spring-loaded to simply add to the effect of you launching some type of ammo. The digital ammo images on the screens will feel more like they actually came out of your gun.
I am so disappointed...:sad1:

I was already planning a trip with my in-laws just to do that ride......with them in the car ahead of me.......that would have been worth the cost of the trip. It would have been so cathartic.

It would almost be worth spending time with the inlaws if I could shoot them with darts. :teeth:
Not surprised, though...there was simply no way they could pull off shooting real objects (liability-wise). I am sure that the tech effects used will be ultral-cool, though. We are planning a trip for just after it opens...
I am surprised nobody thought to compare the shooting to the Toy Story attraction inside Disney Quest. Those actually shoot real balls at other cars. You drive over a ball and the car "sucks" it up into the chamber to allow it to shoot. Before the op's post I was wondering if it would be something like that . But I guess not.

I am looking forward to it either way! ;-)
It will be like Pirates in DisneyQuest, where you have to pull that spring loaded string to shoot the cannons on the ship. Its actually pretty lame, so hopefully they've come up with something more interesting for Toy Story Mania.


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