Training Eating Accountability (TEA) Thread- Wk of January 22

Minnie said:
Hi everyone,

I have done SBD in the past with good results but then by winter I normally gain it all back. I have never tried WW but it looks like it is more flexible than SBD and may work better with my lifestyle. I have really been gaining my weight back since my injury stopped my running.

I have no time to go to meetings and I am not a very large person so they really make me feel out of place. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find info on this without going to meetings? I found a point calculator for how many points I should have but where do you find one for how many points certain foods are worth?????

Thanks for any advise!

It's actually pretty hard to find full lists of all the food points because WW keeps a pretty tight reign on their copyrighted material. A good site is there are a lot of points lists, including restaurants! You can also try the boards and do some searches, and you may be able to find something.

You may want to consider going to a single meeting just to get all of the materials (and then not going back)-- I think they have free registration now, so it should only cost like $12 or something like that. Alternatively, you can sign up for a month for the online program, and try to get the info that way! Good luck!!
Just checking in...I made it yesterday! :banana: It wasn't as easy as I thought. After dinner I would have given anything for a diet coke. I was so sick of water. :crazy: I'm thinking today will be a little harder. But, I have you guys to help keep me on track!

Keep up the good work!!!

Great job Sara!

Minnie, the formula for points is:

calories/50 + (fat grams)/12 - (fiber grams)/4 (but you can only subtract up to one point for fiber so 8 grams of fiber still only subtracts 1 point.

It may seem daunting to do the math, but it gets really second nature after a while. I think of it as each fiber gram as a quarter point off, every 3 grams of fat is a quarter point added and dividing calories by 50 is pretty easy. Most vegetables are free (zero points) so it really motivates you to make healthy choices. You can have a 100 calorie, zero fat, high fiber (4+ grams) thing for one point. But a 50 calorie serving of butter is 1 1/2 points!

Leave it to Sunny to figure out the math! And then to explain it in such a fashion that even someone like me can understand! :teeth:

So, last night was an utter disaster. Once more, I look back and see that days on which I exercise a lot I tend to be voracious. Fortunately, I still had plenty of FPs to spare.

The one change I have made that should help me stay accountable, is that I moved my WI day to Wednesday. It gives my body a chance to recover from the usually salty binges of Sundays that keep my weight up a few days. And it forces me to be more careful over the weekend since I still have 2 days to get through on a week's allotment of points. I have been thinking of doing it a long time but didn't have a lot of faith in myself to get all the way through Tuesday on the week's allotment (I know, it is a mind game with me!). Hoping this will help me stay more accountable.
I was 2 out of 3 yesterday and so far, 3 out of 3 today. Not eating after 8pm is the hardest :cake:
Fluids!!!! My goal after observing my fluid intake and high HR when forced to run at 0630 is to increase my fluid intake. Since it is probably going to take baby steps, my goal is to drink 48 oz of fluid a day independent of what I drink working out. I'm saying fluid but since I may have a soda every 3 weeks or so, it is really water I'm talking about. I drink the flavored water stuff and just plain water too.

I'm already a failure for today as the best I'm going to do is 32 oz. But there is always tomorrow.
Boy do I need to be here! Thanks, Sunny, for starting this! pluto: I couldn't even figure out at first what to be accountable for! That's how far off track I am.

I got an idea from reading everyone's posts - drink more water! That way I will drink less Diet Coke, and I will feel more full so hopefully that will help with food portion control. :smickey:
Welcome, Nancy!

I think I did well last night. I ate more than 10 pts after 7PM but it was because I worked until 8PM without having dinner. But I stayed in control and didn't go over my points budget for the day. I'm calling it success ;)

You guys are inspiring me to chug the H2O! I have more trouble getting my water in during the winter.


Need a laugh? I got this forward today:

We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads. So I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold any more so it started filling up the rest of me!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it! !

Sunny - Thanks for both the WW info and Garfield. I needed a :rotfl2: this morning!!!!!

My wish buddy found an online ww calculator for me so I've started putting in the foods that I've been eating. It is really odd to not watch the sugar content in foods though as SBD is all about that and not portion control. I love that salad greens are 0 points but was suprised that my staple yogurt was 2 and my SBD frozen meals are worth 5/6 points :confused3

It looks like my points per day should be between 18-23 so I hope to stick to that range each day.

I'm a big diet soda drinker so I need to work on that too but one thing at a time!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing great!!!!!!!!!
Hi guys!! Just a quick break in my hectic day of meetings...

I was able to survive my catered lunch at work yesterday!!! :cool1: I used 3 of my flex points....but that is still staying within my goal for the week.

I'm fortunate enough to have a friend that is a personal trainer. We went to the gym after work last night. She led me and another friend through a circuit training routine. It totally kicked my butt...but was an awesome workout. I'm striving to get at least 2 strength training days worked into my weekly schedule.

Interesting fact: Last year, about this time, I struggled to run one lap on the in-door track at the gym. Last night, I ran 16 laps without totally exhausting myself. :banana: Oh, what a difference a year makes!!

Well, back to the grind!! I hope everyone has a fabulous day!!
Great, Minnie!

A word of caution. If you are training at a fairly high level you may need to tweak your target range. WW targets and their Activity Point allotments are geared towards "average' people, not athletes. Trust you body, if you feel too hungry, light-headed, etc., increase your target points.

Good luck!
:rotfl2: OMG, Sunny, that Garfield sure looks like me in the AM! I'm not an morning person, never have been, never will be as much as I wish I could! I'm also getting older, so does that mean all this extra weight I'm carrying is ---- WISDOM???!!! Well, OK, probably not! If it was wisdom, I sure wouldn't want to be getting rid of it!

As to my water goal, I, too, have a lot more trouble with that during the winter. That's why I'm starting off by targeting that. So far, so good for today. I had not been keeping ice water in the fridge since we moved in here in Sept, but it's there now. I have been drinking it, and so far no caffeine free diet Coke, only 1 Crystal Light. I'd been wondering about the flavvored water, that does count, right? If it does, I'll have to go get some.

Chropistopy, I would be so thrilled if I could improve as much as you have in the past year. Right now I can walk for a long way, but my pace is very slow. Running I could make 1 lap on a track but that would be about my limit. It gives me hope to hear that you have been able to improve that much. Of course, when I remember that when I started several years ago walking 1 lap very slowly around a track was huge for me I do have to realize that I have already come a long way. It's just that I still have so far to go.....but if I keep waddling (Penguin reference :teeth: ) on, I'll get there eventually.
Sunny, thanks for the laugh! Good job with your points!

Doing better with the water. It really does make me feel better. :sunny: All this talk about eating...maybe I should include that next week. I'll have to think about a specific goal.

perfectmatch300 said:
:rotfl2: OMG, Sunny, that Garfield sure looks like me in the AM! I'm not an morning person, never have been, never will be as much as I wish I could! I'm also getting older, so does that mean all this extra weight I'm carrying is ---- WISDOM???!!! Well, OK, probably not! If it was wisdom, I sure wouldn't want to be getting rid of it!

As to my water goal, I, too, have a lot more trouble with that during the winter. That's why I'm starting off by targeting that. So far, so good for today. I had not been keeping ice water in the fridge since we moved in here in Sept, but it's there now. I have been drinking it, and so far no caffeine free diet Coke, only 1 Crystal Light. I'd been wondering about the flavvored water, that does count, right? If it does, I'll have to go get some.

Chropistopy, I would be so thrilled if I could improve as much as you have in the past year. Right now I can walk for a long way, but my pace is very slow. Running I could make 1 lap on a track but that would be about my limit. It gives me hope to hear that you have been able to improve that much. Of course, when I remember that when I started several years ago walking 1 lap very slowly around a track was huge for me I do have to realize that I have already come a long way. It's just that I still have so far to go.....but if I keep waddling (Penguin reference :teeth: ) on, I'll get there eventually.

Thanks, Perfectmatch!! You're so right. Just keep at it and you'll get there. I really had not thought about it before. It just struck me in the middle of the run last night how far that I've come. It's amazing when you have a point of reference.
OMG - Certain things are so high in points!!!!

Yesterday I was feeling crappy in the afternoon and needed something so I had a baggie of trail mix. Hang on to something..... I just figured the points on that sucker 19.5 :furious: and then this afternoon I didn't have lunch due to the Orthopedic apt so I had a bag of peanuts - 7pts :furious: again!

In SBD I didn't watch calories or portions just what I ate so this is a whole new ballgame for me.

Thanks for the support!!!!!
Minnie- they have some chex mix bags that are 100 cal-2pts I think. They dont have much in them but they are pretty good.

I haven't done great this week, but I have done o.k. Been drinking lots of water & watching what I was eating. Next week I'm going to tackle actually writing down my points. However, between swimming & the steroids I'm on for the tendonitis, hunger is going to get me! :crazy:
Ok, I'm doing better now-- helps that I'm not feeling so bloated as I was at the beginning of the week! I am also trying to cut back on caffeine (I am addicted to it-- I drink coffee all day long!!) So I brought some water with me to drink all day, and I'll be trying to fill those up, too!!

Hmm... I say that as I am sitting in a Starbuck's with a grande Yukon blend!
Chropistopy-- congrats on the great progress!

Cam-- glad you had the fp to compensate. It seems to be really difficult to pull the appetite back to non-training levels, it doesn't seem to magically return by itself.

Lynn-- how are the fluids going?

TiifJ-- you're here and making progress, that's what counts!

Minnie-- Oh I remember when I first starting figuring out points on things and I got really mad! I recall getting really mad at the fact that a snicker's bar has 6 pts! It really is an eye opener. Nuts and dried fruits are really high in points. Great in small quantities, but you really have to measure them out.

Sara, Nancy, Mel-- great job with the water. Keep it going. Nancy, I sometimes substitue herbal tea for some of my water in the winter. Its hard to drink alot of cold stuff!

As for me, I'm learning my late night eating isn't easy to regulate. I didn't realize I had so many legitimate reasons to eat late. Last nights legitimate reason was that I had 12 pts left for the day after 7pm, then I went to the Y and earned 8 APs. I got home at 10:30pm with 20 points available to me. I was worried about going to bed with a huge deficit, that might spark a hungry horrors episode :rolleyes2 So I ate all my alloted points at 10:30PM :confused3 But I still don't consider it a failure on my goal since it wasn't overeating. Maybe next week I'll join the fluids gang instead!

A trainer from my gym sent this out today:

It has some helpful tips:

By Will Brink,
Author of Diet Supplements Revealed, and Muscle Building Nutrition

I have a Cheez-It problem. You’re not listening, I really have a Cheez-It problem! I have never met a Cheez-It I didn’t like.* Some people can’t resist chocolate or ice cream, some people it’s pizza or some other food or sweet. While I enjoy all of those foods on occasion, Cheez-It’s are the food equivalent of crack cocaine for me.

It takes all my willpower to pass up the isle where the Cheez-It’s reside on the shelves at my local grocery store. My ever-loving girl friend Kimberly rolls her eyes at me in sheer disgust when she sees how weak I am to the power of these little crackers, which draw me in like a cheese-flavored black hole. “But you have given advice on nutrition to millions of people Will, how could you - of all people - be so weak willed about some little cheese flavored cracker?” she says. I hang my head in shame and avoid eye contact with her for the rest of the day.

The point of this introduction is to point out we all have our weaknesses and we are all human - even me. I find Cheez-It’s to be cheese flavored morphine!

This small problem got me to thinking. If there is one thing I have learned after all these years of doing nutritional research, writing countless articles on the topic of nutrition, and working directly with people on their diets, it’s this: it’s rarely one single thing a person does that is sabotaging their efforts to lose fat and or gain muscle, but a bunch of little things that have an accumulated effect.

There are some amazingly simple behaviors and strategies we can all add to our nutritional goals and workout plans that will have a positive effect. Using my own addiction to Cheez-Its as the primary example, I am going to cover a few of these surprisingly simple yet effective strategies. A few issues to keep in mind:

(1) Taken alone, these simple tactics will have very little effect. Used alone without any other dietary changes and an exercise plan, these strategies won’t amount to much. However, as I mentioned, it’s often many minor mistakes adding up to a lack of results for people, and taken in that context, these are some simple mistakes that can be avoided, hopefully resulting in an accumulated effect in a positive direction.

(2) I didn’t invent any of these tips. They are some of the oldest and simplest tips you will ever read. I don’t even know who first came up with them, and I bet most people have seen these strategies in other places, such as various diet books, articles, or web sites. I do however think that they may be so old and so simple that most people with the best of intentions about their nutrition and exercise plan, don’t follow these simple concepts.

These tips are more about behavior changes and psychology then nutritional science, study results, or research. I have written many articles based on the later topics, but this is not one of those. If you are looking for more in-depth science oriented information about nutrition, supplements, and fat loss or gaining muscle, I suggest reading my ebooks on the topic and the many free articles on my web site.

Tip #1: never ever go food shopping hungry

This is one of the most effective strategies I know of to avoid unwanted junk and various snacks from finding their way into your shopping cart, which ends up in your home, which ends up on your butt!

Make sure to eat something before you go food shopping and you will be able to resist the junk that often finds its way into your cart. If I go food shopping without a good meal in my stomach, I often come home with a family sized box of Cheez-It’s and feel like sh*& for days after eating the entire box!

Human hunger and appetite are regulated by a phenomenally complicated set of overlapping feedback networks, involving a long list of hormones, psychological factors, and others way beyond the scope of this article. Suffice to say, we often make snap decisions and impulse purchases with certain foods due to one or more of these feedback loops being activated due to an empty stomach while we shop.

Translated, your “willpower” to resist junk foods will be much greater if you eat something healthy at least 20-30 minutes before you go food shopping. You can either plan your meal schedule so that one meal is eaten before you go shopping, or have a snack (at least 20-30 minutes before shopping) which will have the desired effects.

A yogurt with some flax oil mixed in is a good choice, as is a half cup of cottage cheese and a handful of walnuts or some other nut. A protein shake or MRP will suffice, but solid food tends to be more satiating.

Tip # 2: never keep snack foods in the house

This tip is a logical extension of tip number one. If it does not make it into your cart at the food store, it’s not in your house. However, many people use excuses like, “I have snack foods for the kids” or my spouse keeps a box of Oreo cookies in the kitchen cupboard” as reasons they can’t avoid the snacks that sneak into their diets and sabotage their efforts.

Many of the foods we eat that we know we should not be eating are based on an impulse. Impulse control goes a long way here but no one will deny it’s far harder to resist that impulse if your favorite junk food is under your nose. That’s human nature. When I have an impulse for some Cheez-its, I won’t resist it well if it’s only a few steps to the kitchen vs. having to get in the car to go get a box.

The former I can’t resist, the latter I can. Remember an impulse is defined as ?a sudden desire, urge, inclination.? That means it’s short lived and will go away given sufficient time, so it’s a matter of not having foods in your house that allow you to act on the impulse while it lasts.

As for the excuse of the spouse, kids, etc. That is more an issue between your kids and or your spouse. Should the kids be eating that stuff anyway? No! I had a client tell me one day, I keep eating hot dogs - cause I keep them in the house for the kids.? I said “so you’re Ok with feeding your kids foods you know to be unhealthy for you and them?” She stopped feeding her family hot dogs shortly after.

...Bottom line here is, those foods should be occasional treats for both kids and adults, not staple foods that can be found in your kitchen. It’s more an issue of teaching the kids good dietary habits young so they don’t end up overweight unhealthy adults.

As for the spouse, I like to have some chips in the house, which I can resist without a problem. That is, unlike the Cheez-its, I can walk past the chips without having to eat them all. I can regulate myself with them. However, Kimberly can’t. Chips are to her what Cheez-its are to me, so I make it a rule not to keep chips in the house.

Point being, your spouse needs to support your efforts by making some small sacrifices. If you were an alcoholic trying to avoid alcohol, you would (or at least should!) expect your significant other to not keep booze in the house. If they wont support your efforts here, then relationship counseling is in order or a long talk, and I can’t help you there; sorry!

Tip # 3: eat off of smaller plates

The first two tips are common sense, this one is less so. However, I find it helps, albeit not to a great extent. Again, how much we eat is based on many variables. One of them is the visual cues we get looking at the food we are about to eat. We are extremely visually oriented creatures and part of deciding how large an object is must be compared to other objects, in this case, the food we put on the plate in comparison to the size of the plate we put the food on. Some of you may remember this little visual test from grade school.

Looking at these two horizontal lines below, which one is longer?


< --- >

Answer: both lines are identical in length. As you can see, the bottom "plate" looks longer then top "plate", yet they are the same length. It’s a visual illusion that shows how our brains are set up to interpret certain visual cues. It is my experience that people will put less food on their plate if they eat from smaller plates as a smaller plate full of food looks like much more to eat then a large plate with the same amount of food on it.

I know for myself I tend to put 2 slices of pizza on a small plate and three on a large plate! Now this is only one minor cue we have to self regulating how much food we eat, and other feedback loops (i.e., hormonal, psychological, etc.) can kick in and easily offset this strategy.

For example, you could simply come back for a second helping using the smaller plates. However, it’s my hunch (and it’s only a hunch as research is lacking here) that over the course of say a month, a person may end up taking in fewer total calories using this strategy as has been my (admittedly anecdotal) experience with both myself and the many people I have given advice to over the years.

Again, as already mentioned, taken alone, this strategy will probably have no effects on your efforts to lose fat if there is not a specific diet and exercise plan involved in the overall equation. It is however one simple small change that may improve compliancy to your efforts. It would be interesting to see a study on this, but whatever effects it may have, would be subtle and fairly small I suspect. Even so, over the course of a year say, it may help.

Tip #4: Know Thy Self

Lesson here is, we are all human and we all have our weaknesses. Trick is to know your weakness and develop strategies for coping with them. How well do you know yourself? That is, do you know what cues/triggers tend to set you off? Have you examined that issue for yourself? It’s essential to recognized the cues that sabotage your efforts. We all have them. Find yours and take steps to avoid them where possible.

For example, try making a list outlining the things you know tend to set you off and how you react to the, then add a column for how you could deal with it. For example you might write "talking to my crazy mother makes me anxious and I eat things I shouldn’t immediately after the phone conversation" which would be followed by a suggestion of steps to change it, such as "always eat a meal right before talking to mom" and "only take calls from mom when I am ready and able to deal with her" and "go for a walk immediately after talking to mom to distress and give me time to get over impulse to eat junk" and so on.

Develop coping strategies to your known triggers. I know for example going food shopping on an empty stomach means I will most probably end up with a large box of Cheez-its in my house. I have also found if I go shopping irritated over something I will buy more foods I don’t need as food is one of many ways we self medicate looking for some comfort. Hence the term “comfort foods,” which is commonly chocolate, ice cream, and so on.

Bottom line:

Learn what your hot buttons are that lead to a negative behavior

Learn to identify when it’s happening

Develop strategies for coping with it.

How do you go about doing that? As entire books have been written on that topic, my advice will fall short here. That journey is also highly individual. For some it?s working with a therapist or behavioral specialist, for some it?s reading a few good self-help type books, and for some it?s activities such as meditation, joining support groups, and others. It?s also a life long journey.


The purpose of this article is not as much to supply tips for success in your fat loss endeavors but to actually remind people of what is stated in the intro to this article: most people fail in their fat loss/diet goals not due to a single mistake they are making (with exceptions) but many small events that have an accumulated effect that sabotages their efforts. If the tips in this article help, all the better.

Some people are amazed how many extra calories slip into their diet from snack foods that they are not accounting for, or the fact they tend to take the elevator when they could take the stairs, and so on. 99 out of 100 times the person that says, "I have tried everything and nothing works" actually translates into, "I have not stayed on any one plan long enough for it to have an effect and sabotaged it with small unaccounted for negative habits and behaviors." Now, if I can just get the funding for that adult Cheez-it rehab center I want to have built.

* Cheez-It's are a cheese flavored cracker made by Sunshine foods and can be found on the shelves of any major food store in the US.

About the Author - William D. Brink

Will Brink is a columnist, contributing consultant, and writer for various health/fitness, medical, and bodybuilding publications. His articles relating to nutrition, supplements, weight loss, exercise and medicine can be found in such publications as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000, MuscleMag International, The Life Extension Magazine, Muscle n Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise For Men Only, Body International, Power, Oxygen, Women's World and The Townsend Letter For Doctors. He is also the author of Priming The Anabolic Environment and Weight Loss Nutrients Revealed. He is the Consulting Sports Nutrition Editor and a monthly columnist for Physical magazine and an Editor at Large for Power magazine. Will graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to major supplement, dairy, and pharmaceutical companies.


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