Trial Club Level Fastpass+ Purchase Program Planning & Discussion

Just talking out loud about booking strategy with these FPs.

I booked some last week (had a great call with DSS BTW, the CM really knew her stuff).

I made all my Extra FPs first, then the regular ones after that. We're morning park goers so tend to book FPs starting not too far after park opening. We usually "stick to the plan" early, but then after that we'll just let things flow. So I purposely made the Extra FPs early since I feel I'm less likely to want to tinker with them and won't have the need to call. Then I'll have my three regular ones left and able to modify myself if needed (both before the trip as I finalize plans or day of).

Guess I'll find out if that's a good plan or not!
I just returned today from a week at the poly and I have the club level fast pass purchase also. I found some aspects of the program a bit annoying. I know it is new and they may be working out some Kinks so hoping they may be able to fix these things. Finding the premium viewing area at illuminations and Fantasmic was pretty difficult. I knew I was supposed to check in in front of Germany but there were two or three private functions there with roped off areas and when I asked the cast members if it was the club level they told me no that section is on the other side of the lake. And some cast members had no clue about the club level area at all. Finally I kept asking various cast members who were guarding various roped off areas and i found it. The frustration mainly comes from the fact that after 5 p.m. you cannot contact Disney Signature services or anyone to talk about the club level fast passes for example when they told me that I had to go all the way back across the late for the viewing I wondered if that was correct but I had no way to call or confirm to find out if it had changed to the other side of the lake or not. The other problem I had was I wanted to change some fast passes because traveling with two small children sometimes it's difficult to plan the day out entirely and again after 5 p.m. I was unable to change any fastpasses because that's when the phone lines closed for them. Also one time when I called to change your Fastpass they told me I had to do it at my concierge desk and when I went to my concierge desk they had no ability to change it and they call Disney Signature Services who then were able to change one of them. My main point is if you're spending that much money you should be able to adjust them the day of yourself just like you can adjust your other ones yourself.. I get that there may be no availability but to be unable to completely change it after a certain time a day was really annoying because I actually wound up just wasting some of them. Also I think with six fastpasses pre-planned it is a little difficult with small children.. one day during the program we were just wiped out and we didn't even go to the other Park where I had three fastpasses planned and a viewing planned so we just basically wasted that whole day at the club level package but I admit that one is on us. I just think it's really important to be able to adjust them without making a phone call as it's 2018 you don't need the phone to call to adjust a FastPass and emailing also works but there has to be someone working there at that time which they're not in the evenings. Apologies in advance for doing any typos but I'm doing speech to text and I'm a bit tired from the traveling. Happy to answer any questions

Thank you for your insight!!! This is what I was concerned about with the 3 year old and my husband too who gets anxiety so sometimes have to modify plans along the way. And we also probably wouldn’t do the evening shows anyway. Leaning now towards not doing it but then nervous about not getting FP for TSL. Decisions decisions.
Good morning all... 3 questions...

1. Could someone point me to the other thread, I can’t seem to find it?

2. For those of you who have done the CL FPs, did it make your trip feel more relaxed or more go go go?
I promised my husband this would be more relaxed so trying to decide if this will help. It will be myself, DH, and DDs (7 & 3). My husband and oldest DD would be the only ones to do it for the rollercoasters and new TSL rides.

3. How did you go about scheduling them?

Thank you and sorry for this to be so long!!!

Hi there.

Not sure what you mean by the 'other thread' - but maybe you mean this post:

More relaxed? Well, for us, doing 3 FPs then going back for some resort time has always been our version of relaxing - but I know we're weird. :-) I actually found planning six FPs plus nighttime viewing to be rather stressful! But that is probably more related to our style - we're just not the commando type (arguably not Disney's target audience for this).

For scheduling, we're morning folks so I started at 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 for the Extra FPs, then 12-1, 1-2, 2-3 for the Regular FPs - back to back, on the hour, keep it simple. I wanted to have the Extra FPs first since they can't be manually modified, then the Regular FPs since I can mess with those on my own and maybe double up on something if I wanted to. When we're in the parks - we generally follow the FP plan early, but then can stray as the day goes on and we react to moods, weather, hunger, etc.

Another alternative is to split it up AM and PM. Book some in the morning, back at the resort for rest/pool time, then more FPs and nighttime viewing that night. I did not book this way for this particular trip, didn't fit into the flow, but I could see us doing it that way down the road when our kiddos are older. At the moment we're really bad at sticking to nighttime schedules or plans, no matter what I try to plan in advance.

Lots of ways to go about planning and there's not one size fits all approach, but hope that helps!

Sorry for being long winded here.
Hi there.

Not sure what you mean by the 'other thread' - but maybe you mean this post:

More relaxed? Well, for us, doing 3 FPs then going back for some resort time has always been our version of relaxing - but I know we're weird. :-) I actually found planning six FPs plus nighttime viewing to be rather stressful! But that is probably more related to our style - we're just not the commando type (arguably not Disney's target audience for this).

For scheduling, we're morning folks so I started at 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 for the Extra FPs, then 12-1, 1-2, 2-3 for the Regular FPs - back to back, on the hour, keep it simple. I wanted to have the Extra FPs first since they can't be manually modified, then the Regular FPs since I can mess with those on my own and maybe double up on something if I wanted to. When we're in the parks - we generally follow the FP plan early, but then can stray as the day goes on and we react to moods, weather, hunger, etc.

Another alternative is to split it up AM and PM. Book some in the morning, back at the resort for rest/pool time, then more FPs and nighttime viewing that night. I did not book this way for this particular trip, didn't fit into the flow, but I could see us doing it that way down the road when our kiddos are older. At the moment we're really bad at sticking to nighttime schedules or plans, no matter what I try to plan in advance.

Lots of ways to go about planning and there's not one size fits all approach, but hope that helps!

Sorry for being long winded here.

Thank you for your great information. I’m feeling the same way about planning. It’s very stressful more stressful then the regular 3. I was thinking of doing just what you said and so now I’m back to saying “let’s try it”. I really want this trip to be less go and more relaxing and we will be staying at YC so we could always modify our regular ones to Epcot or HS if we don’t feel like going back “out” too far.

The other thread was the one mentioned in post 1 about the pros and cons. But still have 30 days to plan so maybe I’ll take it slowly with respect to planning.

Another question, do you do sit down meals during the lunchtime? Maybe that’s where I’m struggling. Also we were going to do the MNSSH while we are there but maybe we will do this instead... we aren’t big Halloween people but I thought it might be neat, but cheaper to do another day of this.

Thanks again for all your info!!!
After reading pp review, I think I am leaning towards extra FP in AM as well.
My plan is different every day we plan to use them. Some days scheduling FP 9-12, with an afternoon break and returning for remaining, and some days late arrivals so FPs from 2-whenever.
I'm still messing with our plans, we don't make our FPs for a month. I'm torn on our MK day bcuz since we are doing a "quick" trip this time, we are only planning MK for our AM before attending MNSSHP. (August 17th)
So we will lose the HEA viewing, (unless they allow something for party nights for those with tickets, wouldn't that be fabulous. :) )
We are staying in a TPV room at CR, and we did the HEA dessert party last trip, so the thought of not fighting those crowds afterwards and watching from our room is something we figured we would do this trip anyway.
Our MK day is an 8am EMH, so right now I have us scheduling FPs and leaving at 11:30, then heading back around 3.
My other option is to hit Epcot on arrival day we are starting at the Dolphin for 2 nights, so it'd be an easy trip over. (we land at 12:30, Epcot has an evening EMH as well) and do MK on Thursday instead of Friday. My worry is Thursday will be a lot busier since Friday has the MNSSHP. My kids say "will it matter if we have all these FP?" My old ways of planning want to scream "yes!" but will it?

Ughh. It is a bit stressful planning all these now, but I think the end game, for us at least, will be a more relaxing trip...I hope anyway...

All this does have me wondering, how will the CL FPs work once the parties start in full gear? :scratchin Non party day are going to get a whole lot busier I'm guessing.
If they don’t fix it then yes, you’d need to wait until you have 4 days of FPs remaining for Stay#1 to book your 3 CL FP days...if you’re only purchasing 3 days of Extras.

And now, I’ve done way too much math for today. ;)
Ugh. I’m getting that I may run into a problem. Can you put your math hat back on with my trips in mind please. We have 3 trips booked and plan on buying the paid FPs for the middle trip. All are onsite.

1. Late June, 60 day window opening soon

2. Late August, 90 booking opening late May - - I will already have FPs for my June trip. August is the trip I want to get the paid FPs

3. Mid September, 60 window opening mid July. - - hopefully I’ll already have FPs both paid and regular for my August trip

Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your great information. I’m feeling the same way about planning. It’s very stressful more stressful then the regular 3. I was thinking of doing just what you said and so now I’m back to saying “let’s try it”. I really want this trip to be less go and more relaxing and we will be staying at YC so we could always modify our regular ones to Epcot or HS if we don’t feel like going back “out” too far.

The other thread was the one mentioned in post 1 about the pros and cons. But still have 30 days to plan so maybe I’ll take it slowly with respect to planning.

Another question, do you do sit down meals during the lunchtime? Maybe that’s where I’m struggling. Also we were going to do the MNSSH while we are there but maybe we will do this instead... we aren’t big Halloween people but I thought it might be neat, but cheaper to do another day of this.

Thanks again for all your info!!!

Lol - I consider myself pretty well-versed in Disney planning, have a good grasp of the FP system, how we like to tour, etc. The first time I sat down do book six FPs, I was totally stumped! :rotfl:

For us, yes - we will often do a larger sit down lunch. Especially at parks like Epcot and AK. Granted there's not one set standard day... but when we've stayed CL, it's often breakfast in the lounge, RD a park until noonish/lunch, back to the resort for pool/resort time, evening apps in the lounge and then maybe (or maybe not) back out in the evenings. My kids are little (7 and 3), so often for the later part of the day we don't try to jam any sort of schedule and just let the evening flow.

As far as MNSSHP, I would do that over this Extra FP stuff in a heartbeat. We love MNSSHP. One of the reasons we love it is for the walk-on to (most) rides. If I were in WDW during a time when MNSSHP was happening, you couldn't keep me away. :-)
Thank you for your great information. I’m feeling the same way about planning. It’s very stressful more stressful then the regular 3. I was thinking of doing just what you said and so now I’m back to saying “let’s try it”. I really want this trip to be less go and more relaxing and we will be staying at YC so we could always modify our regular ones to Epcot or HS if we don’t feel like going back “out” too far.

The other thread was the one mentioned in post 1 about the pros and cons. But still have 30 days to plan so maybe I’ll take it slowly with respect to planning.

Another question, do you do sit down meals during the lunchtime? Maybe that’s where I’m struggling. Also we were going to do the MNSSH while we are there but maybe we will do this instead... we aren’t big Halloween people but I thought it might be neat, but cheaper to do another day of this.

Thanks again for all your info!!!

We usually do ADR lunches and add those in when figuring "rest time", but this trip we are not doing any, I don't think.
I found it to be easier to plan our days without them. We have some items we've always wanted to try at QS, so hitting those up this trip, and my kids want to try the new lunchbox items in Toy story land instead of Scifi lunch.
We are big on afternoon breaks, so we usually go 9-12, eat and head to resort. This trip we will still do the same, but eat at QS earlier, hit one more FP, then leave.
We do, however, have some dinners: extra downtown, and helps break up FP timing. :)

We must be going around the same time if you make your FPs in 30 days too. pixiedust:
Ugh. I’m getting that I may run into a problem. Can you put your math hat back on with my trips in mind please. We have 3 trips booked and plan on buying the paid FPs for the middle trip. All are onsite.

1. Late June, 60 day window opening soon

2. Late August, 90 booking opening late May - - I will already have FPs for my June trip. August is the trip I want to get the paid FPs

3. Mid September, 60 window opening mid July. - - hopefully I’ll already have FPs both paid and regular for my August trip

Thanks in advance!

How many park days each trip?
We usually do ADR lunches and add those in when figuring "rest time", but this trip we are not doing any, I don't think.
I found it to be easier to plan our days without them. We have some items we've always wanted to try at QS, so hitting those up this trip, and my kids want to try the new lunchbox items in Toy story land instead of Scifi lunch.
We are big on afternoon breaks, so we usually go 9-12, eat and head to resort. This trip we will still do the same, but eat at QS earlier, hit one more FP, then leave.
We do, however, have some dinners: extra downtown, and helps break up FP timing. :)

We must be going around the same time if you make your FPs in 30 days too. pixiedust:

We are going Aug 25, when are you going?
Ugh. I’m getting that I may run into a problem. Can you put your math hat back on with my trips in mind please. We have 3 trips booked and plan on buying the paid FPs for the middle trip. All are onsite.

1. Late June, 60 day window opening soon

2. Late August, 90 booking opening late May - - I will already have FPs for my June trip. August is the trip I want to get the paid FPs

3. Mid September, 60 window opening mid July. - - hopefully I’ll already have FPs both paid and regular for my August trip

Thanks in advance!
How many park days each trip?
Knowing the number of pre-booked FPs for Stay#1, determines the answer for the # of “regular” FPs for Stay#2.

7 or more booked “regular days” for Stay#1 will block you from pre-booking regular FPs for Stay#2.

When you do add on regulars for Stay#2, it will affect the “regular” FP booking for Stay#3...unless they fix this pre-booking problem for regular FPs.
Lol - I consider myself pretty well-versed in Disney planning, have a good grasp of the FP system, how we like to tour, etc. The first time I sat down do book six FPs, I was totally stumped! :rotfl:

For us, yes - we will often do a larger sit down lunch. Especially at parks like Epcot and AK. Granted there's not one set standard day... but when we've stayed CL, it's often breakfast in the lounge, RD a park until noonish/lunch, back to the resort for pool/resort time, evening apps in the lounge and then maybe (or maybe not) back out in the evenings. My kids are little (7 and 3), so often for the later part of the day we don't try to jam any sort of schedule and just let the evening flow.

As far as MNSSHP, I would do that over this Extra FP stuff in a heartbeat. We love MNSSHP. One of the reasons we love it is for the walk-on to (most) rides. If I were in WDW during a time when MNSSHP was happening, you couldn't keep me away. :-)

Our kids are the same age, 7 and 3... now maybe I’ll try to save up for both . The CLFP would be for 7 yo and DH, and we will just do child swap if I choose to ride.

We would be going to MNSSH on Aug 28th, I was thinking it wouldn’t be too crowded and it would be a good time to get some rides in... but like I said before I have sometime to decide.

This is also our first time CL so I’m trying to optimize issuing the CL stuff. So much new stuff is stressing me out, but I’m the only stressed one and the stress will be over before I get there and I’m determined to just go with the flow this time- cuz I’ll be at Disney so what could be bad.

Thanks again for all your help.
Just talking out loud about booking strategy with these FPs.

I booked some last week (had a great call with DSS BTW, the CM really knew her stuff).

I made all my Extra FPs first, then the regular ones after that. We're morning park goers so tend to book FPs starting not too far after park opening. We usually "stick to the plan" early, but then after that we'll just let things flow. So I purposely made the Extra FPs early since I feel I'm less likely to want to tinker with them and won't have the need to call. Then I'll have my three regular ones left and able to modify myself if needed (both before the trip as I finalize plans or day of).

Guess I'll find out if that's a good plan or not!
I book ours next week and I was thinking of doing the same thing.

I thought I would do our CL FPs first, then our regular 3 in case I can double up on a ride. I'm waiting to hear if others were able to do it.

We are RD people most days, so we usually ride as much as we can and then use our 3 FPs. So, adding 3 more makes me worried about being too tired, lol!

Our kids are not little (9,13,15) but we still get tired. Doing the other 3 in the evening would probably not work with our style. I'm hoping the CL FPs can be overlapped a little. I thought I heard in the beginning that they could overlap them, but haven't hear any more about that. We like to have a sit down lunch especially in the summer, so that adds even more time.

I was on the fence about doing it at all, but being able to get all the TS rides at HS plus the viewing for HEA makes it worthwhile. I'll use my other 2 days at AK and MK.

I'm pretty excited, but it is a lot of planning. I love the planning part, but this is the first time that I actually made a spreadsheet. My husband just shook his head!:rotfl:
I thought I would do our CL FPs first, then our regular 3 in case I can double up on a ride. I'm waiting to hear if others were able to do it.

I was at WDW and off DIS the first week of April when there were some first-hand reports coming in, but I think I read folks (or at least one person) indicating they had no issues doubling up. @hiroMYhero, do I have that right?
I thought I would do our CL FPs first, then our regular 3 in case I can double up on a ride. I'm waiting to hear if others were able to do it.
Yes, duplicating FPs does work. Look for @Chef Louis ’s posts in this thread. You can use the Search function for this specific thread.

Yes, @GADisneyDad14, you are correct. :)
I was at WDW and off DIS the first week of April when there were some first-hand reports coming in, but I think I read folks (or at least one person) indicating they had no issues doubling up. @hiroMYhero, do I have that right?
That would be great!
There are really only 2 rides we would want to double up, so it's ok if we couldn't. But it would be great if we could. Gotta ride the BTMR as much as possible!
The CLFP would be for 7 yo and DH, and we will just do child swap if I choose to ride.
And for your “regular FPs” that are booked 90 days out by DSS, Disney gives you the ability to “Add Guests” to the regular FPs. You’ll be able to add on yourself and kid#2 to the regular FPs without waiting until 60 days out.
Lol - I consider myself pretty well-versed in Disney planning, have a good grasp of the FP system, how we like to tour, etc. The first time I sat down do book six FPs, I was totally stumped! :rotfl:

That's exactly how I felt. The other issue I found was that since each FP has an hour window, you're basically setting up your whole day. So I booked the ones I knew would be hard to get at 60, and then I figure I'll get the others on the fly. Not sure about that yet, but having to pick six 79 days out was pretty interesting. :)


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