Trip Report: Hale Koa 6-6 to 6-8 and Aulani 6-8 to 6-15

Saturday, June 11th we drove to Kualoa Ranch for their movie site tour. This was one of the things on the Go Oahu card. Our boys are big movie buffs so this was something up their alley. You ride on a vintage school bus. The bus driver/tour guide was quite entertaining. The best parts were where a scene from Jurassic Park was filmed, and where Lost was filmed. (They also filmed some of that new Zach Efron movie, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates there--if you see the full trailer, there is a scene that looks like it is in Lost. That was filmed at Kualoa Ranch. It's at the 2:00 mark on the trailer here: Movie looks awful but it was kind of cool to see the scene in the trailer. ;)) Afterward, we drove up the coast to try to find Shark's Cove to snorkel. A co-worker of my husband's who lives on Oahu recommended it. Well, it was Saturday and apparently a holiday Saturday to boot, and traffic in that area was terrible. There was literally NO WHERE to park anywhere around Shark's Cove, and the traffic was so bad both directions that stopping to turn around and look some more for a parking spot would have been insane. So we just kept going. Kind of a bummer, especially because #1 son was flying out the next morning and that was something he really wanted to do. We did manage to find Matsumoto's Shaved Ice and hubby finally dropped us off and found a parking spot a couple of blocks away. We only waited 10-15 minutes but by the time we were done, the line was gigantic. It was delicious, definitely worth the trip up the north shore.

We drove back across the middle of the island, somehow missed the Dole Plantation (we weren't particularly looking, but probably would have stopped for a Dole Whip at least!), and ended up back at Aulani. We grabbed some things and decided to head up the west side in search of a beach. The bell hop told me to be careful because that area has more "unsavory characters" and we definitely saw what he meant--some areas looked quite sketchy. We finally found a beach that looked reasonably safe and ended up having a great time there. No snorkeling, but lots of fun just playing in the waves, throwing the football, etc. There was an interesting public restroom across the street--with a person (couldn't tell the gender) asleep on a bench in it. I had my son stand literally next to the open doorway while my daughter and I went in and used the restroom and dashed back out. Person never moved and was all covered. Whew! He or she was probably harmless, but that's not in my normal comfort zone. It was an adventure for sure!

Photobucket is down for maintenance, so I'll have to try to post some pics tomorrow.
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Inside the bunker at Kualoa Ranch. I think a scene from Hawaii 5-0 was filmed here?

A "Lost" filming site

At a Jurassic Park site (where the kids hid the log)

This was so funny! The tour guide literally held a plastic toy dinosaur in front of the camera, told us to act scared, and took the picture.

Vintage school bus you take for the tour

Having fun at the beach we found north of Aulani on the west side of the island

Sunset from that spot

Matsumoto's Shaved Ice

Tons of flavors!

Amazing shaved ice!
Loved the pics from the Kualoa Ranch tour! Esp the pic of the dinosaur :lmao:- loved everyone's expressions! Can't wait to try Shave Ice when we visit next year - reminiscent of a snow cone but I'm certain way better!!
Loved the pics from the Kualoa Ranch tour! Esp the pic of the dinosaur :lmao:- loved everyone's expressions! Can't wait to try Shave Ice when we visit next year - reminiscent of a snow cone but I'm certain way better!!
Thanks! I'm not a huge snow cone fan, but this shaved ice was amazing. I had coconut cream and pina colada, which were both delicious.
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Sunday June 12th: Our oldest flew out early in the morning. We decided to have a day at the resort since we hadn't spent the whole day hanging out yet. My daughters and I decided to walk over to the Paradise Cove lagoon again, this time in the morning, to see if we could see the turtles. It was a windy day with rough surf, so the water wasn't clear at all. At first we thought we missed them again, but then we heard a mom say to her child something about how great it was to get to see "them." So we kept looking and sure enough, there WERE turtles! And they are BIG! One actually swam right into my daughter's leg and she didn't realize it until she looked down to see what it was. I had brought my cell phone in a plastic zip up case thing, so I frantically was texting my husband and son to come over. It was very, very cool. We got some pictures--not the greatest because of the rough surf and the water not being clear. We also really couldn't see what we were shooting, so it was more of an aim in the right direction and hope something turns out thing.

We spent the rest of the day doing the lazy river and trying out a few things around the resort. And then more lazy river ;) We are not lay around in chaise lounge type of folks, so I guess the lazy river is as close as you get for us.

It was also that afternoon that I discovered the Dole Whip/Vanilla soft serve swirl combo. Heavenly!

Dole Whip/Vanilla swirl


Make sure you go do the free photobooth at the DVC preview center!
The dino pic literally made me LOL! Good thing I wasn't DIS'ing at work...Thanks for the room location pic and the views. That's about where I thought I wanted to be located (albeit a tad lower), so it's great to see. We'll be there the same time next year :)
Oh my goodness-I didnt know they had dole whip WITH vanilla soft serve! That is amazing, cant wait!!!
I am SO trying them swirled together! Sounds amazing!!
It is! I couldn't get it swirled in front of my husband because he thinks it is sacrilegious to desecrate the Dole Whip with anything else. :rotfl2: I told him, "Too bad!" but thankfully was with my kids when we got them. He got the straight Dole Whip on his own . . . but I think he missed out. ;)
On Monday, June 13th we drove to Diamond Head and got there around 10:30 a.m. The parking lot was full when we got there, but the attendant said we could pull into this little waiting land and wait for a spot. Thankfully right as we were going to do that, someone pulled out and we were able to get a spot right away. There was a fee to park.

This is what I learned about Diamond Head:
It is HOT. The best thing we did besides bring water bottles was to bring the spray bottles with the little fans. Everyone remarked on how they wished they'd done that.
It is hard on the ankles. Much of the path seems to be comprised of broken up rock or cement--very uneven. Wear really good sneakers or walking shoes. I was thankful I had insisted everyone wear sneakers.
It isn't long, but the incline (especially the stairs) is killer. I walk 3 miles and work out every day, including squats and wall squats, and my quads were burning. I don't know how the elderly people I saw going past made it. There are 3 different sets of stairs, and a (lighted) tunnel along the way, and at one point you have to crawl under this cement thing to get out of the bunker area. Thankfully that was only a very short crawl.

With all that said, the view is awesome and I'm so glad we did it!

After that, we drove to Hanauma Bay. The first time we drove past, the parking lot was full and completely closed, with an attendant standing there. We drove just a short distance, turned around and came back (so maybe 4 minutes later at most?) and the sign had been moved and the attendant was on the side of the road. So don't give up if the full sign is up! The bell desk at Aulani had recommended we go in the early afternoon when some people started to go home. It is $7.50 per person to get in (plus a parking fee I think??) except our military son was free. You watch a short film before allowed down to the bay. You can walk or pay to ride the tram (we walked--it wasn't bad especially compared to Diamond Head! ;)

Our son, youngest daughter and my husband rented the snorkel equipment and snorkeled. The surf was still pretty rough, but they had fun and saw quite a few fish. There were quite a few people, but it didn't feel too packed. I found a spot on the grass for our blanket and my chair, which was really nice under some palm trees.

After Hanauma Bay, we drove north to try to find Bellows Beach, which my friend had told me about. They had been stationed on Oahu and she raved about this beach that is open to military only during the weekdays. We found the base, and there were signs saying the beach was closed for marine training. Hubby said we might as well turn around then, but I wanted to keep going. We kept driving and then came to the base gate. We asked the guard and he said that only a portion of it was closed for training, but that the recreational area was open. :cool1: We found a parking lot with beach access and OH MY WORD is that beach gorgeous! There was hardly anyone else there and the sand feels like velvet. We all had a great time playing in the waves, but they were kind of rough. Not a ton of undertow, but some big waves. Well, my 15 year old got knocked over by one wave and was very disoriented, so our son had to scoop her up and carry her part way in. She and I set down to let her get her wits about her (she was fine, but it was kind of scary). Then as we were about to go back in, my husband started walking in kind of funny and I saw that he was bleeding from his forehead. He was "body surfing" and a wave pushed him down and he hit his head hard on the sand/ocean floor. He had gotten all disoriented and my son had to get him headed the right direction and bring him in. So unfortunately that kind of ended our fun. The lifeguards even came over to check on him and make sure he was OK. His neck really hurt and they debated calling a crew but my husband works with spine injuries so he was able to tell them that he didn't have the specific symptoms, etc. The bleeding on his forehead was just a road rash (sand rash?) type scrape, so that was fine. I had to drive home (I hate driving in new places!) and my son kept checking on him to make sure he didn't have a concussion (that military first aid training comes in handy).

We still loved Bellows Beach, though, and would recommend it to anyone with military privileges. It is open to the public on the weekends, from my understanding. Apparently military personnel can also stay at the cabins or in condos there (a friend just told me this last night).

Up the stairs at Diamond Head

These were the killer stairs

View from under the bunker ledge:

Marriage proposal we saw at the top of Diamond Head!

Look how crazy uneven the 'path' is

At the top! (That is not my blue hat flying off--that is a lady behind me!) Some very nice Naval Academy grads we met up on the top took our picture and we took theirs. This young man climbed up on a railing (not a railing to the edge though thankfully) and took our picture at this angle so the city was in the background. Then our son had to do the same acrobatics for them, not to be outdone of course. ;)
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Walking down to Hanauma Bay

Hanuama Bay

Underwater pics at Hanauma

Bellows Beach

The sand at Bellows in so unbelievably soft!
While at the Hale Koa, did you visit the bar near the beach by chance? We're thinking about checking out the Hilton's Friday night fireworks from the beach area at Hale Koa and just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks!
While at the Hale Koa, did you visit the bar near the beach by chance? We're thinking about checking out the Hilton's Friday night fireworks from the beach area at Hale Koa and just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks!
Sorry, we didn't. And we were only there on a Monday and Tuesday night as well. We did have dinner out where they have the luau and that is a very nice space next to the beach but not on the beach
After hubby got hurt at Bellows Beach, I drove back across the island. We stopped at Costco for some quick dinner at the food court and then went back to Aulani. The sun was about 30 minutes from setting and we hadn't caught a full sunset yet, so the kids and I walked around the left side of the lagoon and out onto the rocks. Such a gorgeous view from there!

Aulani from the rocks around the lagoon at sunset.

My daughter taking a selfie of us with the sun setting in between us

My girls at night on the bridge in the valley

With Stitch after one of the teen activities. My daughter was making a lei but it didn't turn out long enough, so it was a crown instead.
Can't wait for more - we are doing two nights at Hale Koa and four nights at Aulani next spring, so this is extremely interesting to me.
Husband just retired in February after 26 years in the Air Force.

Retired Air Force here as well, so willing to share a little secret. (Shh :ssst:) If you are doing Pearl Harbor, you may want to look into the Remembrance Barge instead. For Military only, but includes Retirees. Launches from the CINCPACFLT Boathouse and takes your guest around all of Ford's Island (versus straight to the Arizona) and details the progression of the Dec 7th attack. It does stop at the Arizona at the end of the tour. Very unique, and well worth the time. If interested, PM me and I'll send the link.
Retired Air Force here as well, so willing to share a little secret. (Shh :ssst:) If you are doing Pearl Harbor, you may want to look into the Remembrance Barge instead. For Military only, but includes Retirees. Launches from the CINCPACFLT Boathouse and takes your guest around all of Ford's Island (versus straight to the Arizona) and details the progression of the Dec 7th attack. It does stop at the Arizona at the end of the tour. Very unique, and well worth the time. If interested, PM me and I'll send the link.
Oh man, my newly commissioned history major son would have loved that! My husband is a prior Army officer (but did not retire) and my grandfather was stationed st Pearl Harbor during the attack, but wasn't on ship at the time. My father was born there in August 1941, and my grandmother spoke on rare occasions about how terrifying it was hiding with all the women and children, fearing that the Japanese were going to invade. Sounds like a good reason to go again while my son is active duty. Thank you for sharing!


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