TRIP REPORT: This will be the last trip for a long time.....

I have to be honest - I know it wasn't intended to be mean spirited, but the comments about adults there without kids made me feel a little bad.

DH and I grew up in the 50's with the original Mickey Mouse Club and Wonderful World of Color and had the opportunity to go to DL for the first time when we were 23 - that day is still one of the best memories of our lives together.

We do not have kids, and have been to WDW every year since 1980, and now spend 5 months a year 20 minutes from the World with AP's and the magic is still there for us.

We were at WDW on our 40th anniversary and thoroughly enjoyed wearing our Happy Anniversary buttons. We don't live near family and it was nice to get the extra anniversary wishes from CM's.

So I have to disagree that the emphasis should just be on the kids - Disney has been an important part of our (childless) lives together. :)
Yeah that was what caught my eye. Stated that didn't understand why adults without kids would go which to me implied adults don't belong but that was clarified so I'm guessing something different was intended but kind of hard not to jump to that conclusion by the first post.

Just to further clarify for anyone not understanding what I was saying:

I don't care if you or anyone you know wants to go to DW without kids. My statement was about the large number that were there without kids. Not that there is anything wrong or weird about adults being there without kids.
I would go myself without kids if I didn't have any and might go again after they are out of the house. I would probably hang out more at the food.....:thumbsup2
No but you did put the adult park goers on your list of negatives so folks are not going to take kindly to making your negative list.

Yep, and made the point of saying the parks should only be about the kids. He knew people would take issue with that sentiment, but he still HAD to make the point that the park isn't for adults without kids. I wonder if the F&W festival goers know it's all about the kids?:drinking1

Hey, my Dh and I(early 40's) are going in December with my parents. We are going to MCMCP, Osborne Lights, the holiday sleigh ride at FW and having dinner at Yachtsmen Steakhouse.:cool1: Do my parents get a pass since I will be there with them?
You do realize that a lot of adults go to WDW and could care less about the movies or TV shows that Disney has made? I go to WDW with my husband to enjoy time walking around, holding hands, enjoying each other's company going on rides that are imaginative and fun without making us vomit in a clean, organized, well-run theme park.
Just to further clarify for anyone not understanding what I was saying:

I don't care if you or anyone you know wants to go to DW without kids. My statement was about the large number that were there without kids. Not that there is anything wrong or weird about adults being there without kids.
I would go myself without kids if I didn't have any and might go again after they are out of the house. I would probably hang out more at the food.....:thumbsup2

I understand after you clarified it, just with the first post alone it appeared different. No problems here :)
You do realize that a lot of adults go to WDW and could care less about the movies or TV shows that Disney has made? I go to WDW with my husband to enjoy time walking around, holding hands, enjoying each other's company going on rides that are imaginative and fun without making us vomit in a clean, organized, well-run theme park.

For me it's about the atmosphere. I am battling End Stage Renal Disease (my kidneys are dead) and am on regular dialysis. Going to Disney is one thing that helps bring some positive energy into my life (in addition to my every day life that keeps me motivated to fight on). Seeing the kids being happy, the overall festive atmosphere. The rides with the themes are all things that make me happy to be there. Are there parts of Disney that are aimed Just for kids? Yes you won't see me on Dumbo or the like but overall just as much for adults (space mountain, hall of Presidents, etc.) for everyone.
I did not intend to hurt anyone's feelings. Having never been myself, I was just under the impression that Disney was geared toward children. I myself witnessed very ugly actions from an adult male towards a cast member that would not allow his children to get in line to meet with Jasmine and Aladdin after the line was closed. My daughter and I had been waiting in line over 20 minutes by then just to make sure we would get the chance to meet her favorite Princess and it was HOT. I guess we all have our good and bad memories and experiences.
For me it's about the atmosphere. I am battling End Stage Renal Disease (my kidneys are dead) and am on regular dialysis. Going to Disney is one thing that helps bring some positive energy into my life (in addition to my every day life that keeps me motivated to fight on). Seeing the kids being happy, the overall festive atmosphere. The rides with the themes are all things that make me happy to be there. Are there parts of Disney that are aimed Just for kids? Yes you won't see me on Dumbo or the like but overall just as much for adults (space mountain, hall of Presidents, etc.) for everyone.

68 year old woman here, every trip I get to take is with a friend who is End Stage Renal Disease/Dialysis and we love our visits to WDW!! She shares the room cost allowing me to go more often - some visits are just us - some are with my daughter, son-in-law and three grandsons like our next one!! My first Disney visit was at ate 10 (1957) to Disneyland - lots more trips to both coasts and parks - will continue until health keeps me from doing it!!
I have to say I disagree. I have a 16 year old, 13 year old & 10 year old ! They havent lost the magic. 2 of the 3 love thrill rides. They can ride the Tower & RNR all day - BUT - they still love things like Pirates, Soarin, Haunted Mansion, etc. Our kids can appreciate the magic in what Walt created prior to current trends and high speed thrills.

As for adults versus kids. Correct me if I am wrong, but Walt intended the parks to be for everyone.

My kids are involved in travel hockey, baseball, competitive poms & dance and we manage to still do that, visit the beach and Disney. My kids love to help plan now, check the app for wait times, etc. They still appreciate the art that is the parades and talent in the shows. They enjoy different restaurants and trying things at the Food & Wine, etc. It's a shame if its only about the rides. There is so much more Disney has to offer.
68 year old woman here, every trip I get to take is with a friend who is End Stage Renal Disease/Dialysis and we love our visits to WDW!! She shares the room cost allowing me to go more often - some visits are just us - some are with my daughter, son-in-law and three grandsons like our next one!! My first Disney visit was at ate 10 (1957) to Disneyland - lots more trips to both coasts and parks - will continue until health keeps me from doing it!!

And I hope that continues for a long time to come for you both :)
I apologize in advance if my presence in the park turns out to be a negative part of someone else's vacation....
Wow, dramatic much?! These types of threads are what I hate about the Dis. I come back because of the wealth of info, but these ones drive me nuts. God forbid the OP states his opinion about something. Who cares if you agree with it or not, he has the right to his opinion. And he even apologized before stating his opinion and he's still getting flammed! OP, I enjoyed your post. It was very honest and I agree with the person who said Universal sounds like it would fit your kids better for now until, as you stated, you can return with your Grandkids. I've been with my kids and without, and I for one prefer going with children. It's just more magical to me to see everything through their eyes. Flame away...
7DMT - Hate to say this was a negative....but as both my kids said..."why would anyone wait over an hour to ride that?". They both said the ride was fun, but that was about it...and it was REALLY short. Don't blink will miss most of the ride. We rode it 2 times and enjoyed it....but it didn't make the must do list on the last day (and we went to 3 different parks and ended with the Halloween Party that night). IF it were as long at BTMRR, I think we would have done it more and they would have liked it more. hit the nail on the head on that one
As far as it being for the kids....from the beginning Disney used (not the only purpose) the parks to promote their TV shows/movies. While we all know that everyone can watch the shows and enjoy them (as I do)....they were directed towards the kids.

You can't be surprised that statements like that would be challenged on this site. There is a difference in making films aimed at kids and films directed at everyone. Disney makes the latter, and that is generally the key to quality. Things geared for kids are dumbed down a bit, usually to the point where adults won't appreciate them. Nothing wrong with that (certainly lots of Disney shows are like this). Mostly though, especially with the classic films, Disney has always aimed for that larger "everyone," which is why they are often critically well regarded and get nominated for awards and such.

Some things are for kids. Some things are for everyone. Some people can't tell the difference. For me, I'm glad I never grew out of watching cartoons.
Wow, dramatic much?! These types of threads are what I hate about the Dis. I come back because of the wealth of info, but these ones drive me nuts. God forbid the OP states his opinion about something. Who cares if you agree with it or not, he has the right to his opinion. And he even apologized before stating his opinion and he's still getting flammed! OP, I enjoyed your post. It was very honest and I agree with the person who said Universal sounds like it would fit your kids better for now until, as you stated, you can return with your Grandkids. I've been with my kids and without, and I for one prefer going with children. It's just more magical to me to see everything through their eyes. Flame away...

Yes he does. And I think stating that you are surprised at the number of groups without children or something along those lines just goes over better than saying adult only visitors make the list of negatives about your trip.

No one really likes to think that someone else is viewing them as a negative or that they have a negative impact on someone. It is just never going to go over well with those that fit in that group. No matter how the apologies are offered up it just doesn't sit well.


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