TSA pulled my 6 year old for additional screening

My daughter was chosen for her hands to be wiped down when we went through security at MCO. It seemed to be random as the TSA agent was looking at something above the scanner. She stopped DD, waited for all 4 of us to come through then wiped my husband's hands instead of my daughter's. I don't think she wiped mine, but I was distracted trying to explain what was happening to the kids. My son is very sensitive to things that he hasn't experienced before, so he was a little nervous about it. I have explained to both of my kids why airports have security and scanners, and why they are very important.
It's random and I question the ability of TSA to conduct a proper screening.

I flew out to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago in the evening and I had gone to the range in the morning. Sure, I washed my hands after but I did not change my clothes. Walked thru the scanner and that was it. No issues, no swabs. I guarantee you that I had residue on me in some way, shape or fashion.

Now coming home, I went thru the metal detector only and then was chosen for a hand swab. It is what it is but security screening in this country is a joke.
It's random and I question the ability of TSA to conduct a proper screening.

I flew out to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago in the evening and I had gone to the range in the morning. Sure, I washed my hands after but I did not change my clothes. Walked thru the scanner and that was it. No issues, no swabs. I guarantee you that I had residue on me in some way, shape or fashion.

Now coming home, I went thru the metal detector only and then was chosen for a hand swab. It is what it is but security screening in this country is a joke.

The scanner is looking for metal, not explosive residue.
Additional screening has to be random. First and most obvious if it wasn't it would be easy to figure out and avoid. Secondly, if they used any sort of profiling, there would be a tremendous outcry and also be able to be figured out.

Can you imagine if part of the procedure was to not select children under 6? How long would it take before something bad happened with a child under 6?
Some of the TSA actions are theatrical and some keep us safe. I think most of the complaints stem from the manner in which the TSA agents conduct the extra screenings. If they are polite and explain what is going on, the traveler is likely to think "this is OK." If they are rude or frightening it makes the whole process suspect.

My local airport has one gate, and all passengers are screened together, taking about 5 minutes. Taking off your shoes was first required only at larger airports. When I flew I thought I heard the TSA agent tell the person being screened to remove his shoes. I wasn't sure if that's what I heard, so I asked the person ahead of me if we were doing that at our airport now. Another TSA agent got in my face and yelled, "DON'T YOU WANT TO????" and escorted me over to the side and searched me (just with the wand.) It was embarrassing, as I am older and don't stand on one foot very well any more.

Most of the regular airport employees and passengers here know each other somewhat and are small-town friendly. I have heard that the TSA agents were resentful of being sent to work at our small airport, and started here with a bad attitude. I have not encountered anything like that again here or anywhere else, but I am always wondering about the moods of the TSA agents in whatever airport I am being screened....
I am with OP. Random inspection of a 6 year old is NOT protocol and should NEVER be happening any more, any where, any time. For those who said terrorists are using 6 year olds, show me one documented case of an airport penetration by a 6 year old terrorist.

Here's what happens, whether your child is autistic or not: they panic, start crying irrationally, and now, your airline won't let you you board. Fantastic. Way to protect the United States of America from crying 6 year olds.

Thank you, TSA. And than you for trying to separate my 6 year old from me when I was selected for random screening, and not allowing me to keep my 6 year old with me. This happened at Orlando Airport and I had to create a major incident which shut down all passenger movement for 5 minutes until a supervisor would confirm that they IDIOT TSA AGENT is NOT ALLOWED to leave a 6 year old ALONE in an airport. I held my ground and refused to move as the agent repeatedly yelled at me to move into the inspection area, each time increasing the obvious chance that I must be a terrorist for refusing to separate from my 6 year old in a crowd of 1,000 people.

Yea, I don't fly any more.
It's is fact kids and older folks can and are used by terrorist to do what the want to be done. Sorry I see no problem with checking everyone getting on a plane or enter security area. Now that said it should be done carefully and with tact to minimize scaring the kids..
It's random and I question the ability of TSA to conduct a proper screening.

I flew out to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago in the evening and I had gone to the range in the morning. Sure, I washed my hands after but I did not change my clothes. Walked thru the scanner and that was it. No issues, no swabs. I guarantee you that I had residue on me in some way, shape or fashion.

Now coming home, I went thru the metal detector only and then was chosen for a hand swab. It is what it is but security screening in this country is a joke.

You don't understand what the screening is for. You walked through a metal detector, not a scanner for explosive residue.
For those who said terrorists are using 6 year olds, show me one documented case of an airport penetration by a 6 year old terrorist.

Terrorists use kids all the time in the middle east. ESPECIALLY kids who have disabilities and can't always comprehend what they are being asked to do. ISIS is reported as using them quite frequently as of late. Just because something like that hasn't occurred in an airport over here yet, doesn't mean it will NEVER happen.
You don't understand what the screening is for. You walked through a metal detector, not a scanner for explosive residue.

No, It was a scanner. You know, step into the booth, feet on the yellow footprints and put your arms in the air. I believe based on my explanation that I know the difference between a metal detector and a scanner. Before accusing someone of not knowing something, maybe you should ask them first before just posting your opinion.
The scanner is looking for metal, not explosive residue.

While the scanner does look for metal, it also looks for particle residue from things like explosives. Sorry, research the subject before giving incorrect info.

Quote directly from the TSA site.

"TSA currently uses millimeter wave AIT to safely screen passengers for metallic and nonmetallic threats, including weapons and explosives, which may be concealed under clothing without physical contact to help TSA keep the traveling public safe. There are close to 740 AIT units deployed at nearly 160 airports nationwide."

It IS possible that the scanner was either turned off or had the sensitivity turned down. If that was the case, I rest my case about security screening in this country being a joke.
While the scanner does look for metal, it also looks for particle residue from things like explosives. Sorry, research the subject before giving incorrect info.

Quote directly from the TSA site.

"TSA currently uses millimeter wave AIT to safely screen passengers for metallic and nonmetallic threats, including weapons and explosives, which may be concealed under clothing without physical contact to help TSA keep the traveling public safe. There are close to 740 AIT units deployed at nearly 160 airports nationwide."

It IS possible that the scanner was either turned off or had the sensitivity turned down. If that was the case, I rest my case about security screening in this country being a joke.
Metallic and non-metallic threats isn't gunpowder but plastic-type explosives. The type that look like clay. They wouldn't show up on a metal detector but would show up on millimeter wave machines. The wiping of hands test is the gunpowder test


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