Tuesday's Terrrific Math Riddle!!!


DIS Veteran
Feb 8, 2005
I figrued it was a great day to do a math riddle, since I don't have to asnwer it! :teeth:

The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The digits of the father's age are those of son's age reversed.

How old could they be? (3 possible solutions, just send one.)

Send a PM when you have the right answer!
Happy Tuesday :wave:

I sent my guesses :sunny:
Leading today is:

followed closely by:

Well, Since I'm leading today I don't care what we do all day long but I think we should end up here

at 8pm :cool1:

I will root for the Tigers.......(and the Twins and the Mets) :teeth: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: :cheer2:

I like to spread the love around. ;)
Yeah. I don't even have the initiative to try this right now :rolleyes: :rotfl:

I'll check it out at work. Have a good day, riddlers :wave:
For those of you wondering how our Viking friends ar doing in WDW click on my website in my signature and go to the first link on my home page, The Sorta Livish Trip Report. :)
Morning all :wave2:

I finally conquered a math riddle without any mints! :Pinkbounc

And on the one day where we're going to watch sports! :crazy2: :rolleyes: ;)
Loubon said:
For those of you wondering how our Viking friends ar doing in WDW click on my website in my signature and go to the first link on my home page, The Sorta Livish Trip Report. :)
I'm in and I'm revved. Thanks, Lou for the updates/pics. They've been great so far. One would almost think sher is in charge of picture taking, no? ;)
Hey.....who said we are watching??????

Baseball.....popcorn, peanuts....nachos.....ice cream....hanging out on a warm evening with friends......voting for the song of the night....yelling loudly when everyone else does......dancing a little.....watching the big screen.....

(do they even keep score at these things?) ;) :teeth: :rotfl2:

Geez, didn't you ever go to a game? :teeth:
Define Game? Are we talking Baseball, tehn I plead the Fifth! I've been to a tennis match. But I like popcorn. popcorn::


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