Tulips Together!!!!


Jul 30, 2000
Two lips together

Twilights forever

Bring back my love to me!

I'm a tulip fan! Just love them. Tall, graceful swan necked tulips are among my favorites. Pink....always pretty in pink.

Though I'm rather partial to deep purple Queen of Sheba tulips paired with any white....but especially Shirley tulips.....white rimmed with a pale purple border.

Anyone here love tulips?

What kind?

Any tulip tips you'd care to pass along????
They certainly are lovely!



I have tupils scattered all over...plan to do a bunch in the new bed. i have yellow, red and pink.
We have tulips that have been blooming since the crocus bloomed. We have early spring and then ones that bloom after the daffodils. I love having color in the yard again.
Ahhhh.....tulips! :)

Tulip Trivia

There are no less than 2,600 varieties of tulips in cultivation around the world.

Tulips were the first flowers grown solely for their beauty.

Tulips- any tulips- so dazzled the Dutch in the 17th century that they swapped magnificent homes on Amsterdam's canals for a single bulb.

Tulip stems keep on growing-often as much as eight centimetres- after they've been cut.

Tulips are edible. The bulbs taste like mild onions and were regarded as aphrodisiacs in Elizabethan England.

- Sonia Day - Tulips

Kim :)


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