TV Shows in Which You've Lost Interest?

It's a rarity for me, but one was ER back in the day. I was a huge fan, until they killed off Mark Green. I could've stayed on board, but they way they did it was pretty lame after he had already beat cancer once. Then in the very next episode someone walks into a helicopter blade. I turned it off at that moment. and never watched again. I figured the writers were just killing and maiming because they were out of ideas.

I stuck with it until the end, but I agree! It did get a bit better again for the last season, but it was never quite the same.

The other one that I stuck with until the end but should have let go was House, M.D.
Add me to the Greys Anatomy list. Good lord just end it already.

Once upon a time. It was so good in the beginning and after the whole Peter Pan season...just lost interest. Which is crazy because of the whole I Love Disney thing.

Literally any singing reality show can go. They’re old news, you very rarely hear anything about the winners and they’ve just gotten reallllllyy boring.

Still love Modern Family and am sad to see it go. But I keep trying to find new shows to watch, start one, get bored and then turn on reruns of the Office or Will & Grace!
Once Upon a Time. I was so mad after that stupid Frozen story line. Then Zelena showed up and would not go away! I hated to give it up, but I couldn't do it anymore. So glad it finally got cancelled.

We loved that show in the beginning. Then we got to the point where we'd groan every week but still watch it. The final season with the move to a different time/place was soooo bad. But we kept watching until it was done. And we were so thankful that they pulled the plug!
One show that I did actually stop watching was Heroes. I liked it well enough in the beginning, but I think I stopped shortly after the second season started.

I also wish I'd given up on Lost instead of following that to the end.
Heroes - The writers strike in season 2 hurt them bad and they never recovered.
Girl Meets World - Wasn't the same as Boy Meets World.
The Blacklist - When Tom became good and it just became so repetitive.
Modern Family - Once Joe was born and Lily was older it was annoying.
The Walking Dead - I was pretty much done after Psycho Killers & Pecans episode. Watched until Negan appeared and just couldn't take anymore.
Once Upon a Time - stopped when they jumped on the Frozen bandwagon.
Oh yeah, plenty. Some I don’t even know why I stopped watching, I just did.

In recent years:
Orange is the New Black- I stopped in the middle of the bedbug episode and never went back.
Grace and Frankie- Watched the first episode of the 2nd season and then just ‘meh.’
Goliath- It got too skeevy and creepy for me. It’s a damn shame because I adore Billy Bob Thornton.
America’s Got Talent-Used to be my thing with first older DD then younger DD but it’s gotten boring. They put the singers and dancers through when the show was supposed to be about more than that.

This is Us- I had started losing interest but once I put on I’d get into it. Then I read a really heavy book about a Vietnam Vet just as that storyline started and I didn’t want to go there. Around the same time my dad passed and now I just can’t bring myself to watch a show about losing the greatest dad in the world. I can’t bring myself to cancel the season pass on the TiVo though so I just have a bunch of episodes sitting there piled up.
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Most sitcoms in general.


A lot of shows I am not as interested in but I have a "need" to see how it ends, so I keep watching.
I still LOVE This is Us, but I feel the same way as others about a lot of these:

Greys Anatomy.
Watched it for a few seasons, then stopped.

I stopped as wel, because I thought it got 'too weird", but then one night I happened to catch it by chance, and I started watching again. I enjoy it now.

The Walking Dead. They lost me 3 or 4 years ago now.

I started watching that on Netflix with DS, but then he gave up
killed off Glen
and I decided not to finish on my own. It was at a point that the other people were worse than the zombies.

A Million Little Things- I watched the first several episodes then lost interest.

Same here. I found it hard to root for the characters who had been cheating on their spouses with each other.

The Flash - it really is getting worse than before

DS and I gave up on that too. It was just getting ridiculous.

The other one that I stuck with until the end but should have let go was House, M.D.

I bailed on that one because I couldn't stand the evil cop!

Literally any singing reality show can go. They’re old news, you very rarely hear anything about the winners and they’ve just gotten reallllllyy boring.

DH and I really enjoyed The Voice for a while, but three hours a week was finally was just too much to keep up with.

Amen to Heroes!

Great show in first season and then just dumb.

Oh, I forgot all about that one! (...because yep, DH and I gave up on that one too.)
For a while we watched The Walking Dead..I don't even remember where we left off.

Gotham was the first season and after that stopped watching

I got 4 episodes into All American and just couldn't watch it. I got 3 episodes into the reboot of Charmed and disliked it. I think if they hadn't tied it into the original show I would have enjoyed it more but as a reboot I felt the chemistry was off with the actresses and actors, the plot points dull, etc.
Normally if I invest a good amount of time in a series, I will see it through the end even if it's gotten to a point where I'm just not that interested anymore (House, Once Upon a Time for example). But this year I just flat out gave up on How to Get Away With Murder after watching it for four seasons. I dunno, it's not that the show is BAD really, but I found it becoming more of a chore to watch each episode and I would barely pay attention, so I just thought what's the point and took it off my DVR.

I'm losing interest in Gotham too, but this is the final season anyway so I"m sticking with it. The Walking Dead and Modern Family just need to end.

American Horror Story is a tricky one since every season is completely different from the last. So even though I hated three seasons in a row, I kept telling myself "Well, maybe the next season will be something better." It ended up paying off because I actually enjoyed the latest season (Apocalypse).
Our TV viewing habits are sad.

We watch Love It Or List it because we are still amazed that similar 3,000 square foot homes are selling for $200,000 in one part of the U.S. and $2 million in another.

I feel so bad for David (I think that's the realtor's name) because they want more room, and he shows them beautiful large houses, Hillary does a little decorating and they Love It" (Can you tell we're addicts of that show?)

I've pretty much given up on "The Good Doctor" (don't know why) and the one revolving around Single Parents and a school (Can't remember the name-was it maybe "Single Parents"?)
I feel so bad for David (I think that's the realtor's name) because they want more room, and he shows them beautiful large houses, Hillary does a little decorating and they Love It" (Can you tell we're addicts of that show?)
I used to watch that show; don't as much anymore but when I was watching it I felt like they picked List It far more than they picked Love It. Maybe that's changed though.
I used to watch that show; don't as much anymore but when I was watching it I felt like they picked List It far more than they picked Love It. Maybe that's changed though.
I don't have exact stats but my wife says she figures 4 out of 5 shows they will love it, and that has been consistent over the run of the show.
Stopped watching This is Us after the first episode. I just couldn't get into it.

I like all of the reality show but find them to be more and more scripted. So only a matter of time before I lose interest in them.

Celebrity Big Brother - I won't watch another season with "Celebrities" on it. I can't even finish watching this season.

All CSI shows which I loved until they started to get so graphic
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I feel so bad for David (I think that's the realtor's name) because they want more room, and he shows them beautiful large houses, Hillary does a little decorating and they Love It" (Can you tell we're addicts of that show?)
Just the cost of moving would tip the scales towards loving it for me. Throw in the commissions for the realtors that basically buy you nothing. I am shocked the on average people move something like every 7 years. If I had done that the last 35 years, and bought a $100,000 each time, that's $30,000 I would have thrown away. Double it if I bought a $200,000 house.....etc etc..
Well, I hate to admit it, but I lost interest in Doctor Who when David Tennant left. I have given each new Doctor since a couple of episodes to re-awaken my interest, but no dice. There were many reasons I had for tuning out, most of them having to do with the plots becoming convoluted and difficult to follow.

It's a big deal for me, because I have (had) been a Who fan since 1981.
Saw a great meme on FB making fun of the “10-year challenge”. Pic one was the original cast. Pic two was just her at the cemetery LOL
THIS! and got really tired of the made up drama (bomb, ferry crash, plane crash-OMG these doctors have the worst luck but plenty of time to fool around)-not even sure what season I quit-before derek left or was killed.

Agents of SHIELD (we'll rewatch it)
Once Upon a Time
Big Bang Theory
Still liking Blacklist and Shield. Lost on BBT 2 seasons ago.

So glad it finally got cancelled. The one show DH and I intentionally did not finish was the IT Crowd. We didn't want it to end, so we still haven't watched the last episode
I know what you mean on the IT Crowd!! We will try to just watch one or two of our favorites and end up watching them all (again!!)

But this year I just flat out gave up on How to Get Away With Murder after watching it for four seasons.
And I just realized I never even watched the mid season finale LOL, guess I gave up on that too.
Scandal was another one-loved the first couple seasons.

Supernatural is another one-haven't watched the past 2 seasons-although now that Mary and John had a reunion I have to catch up.
Haven't bothered to pick up TWD since it has been back and quit FTWD last season.

Frankly I'd rather have 2-4 seasons of an Excellent show and writing than years of droning on with the occasional great show with rest of being mediocre-which is what seems to happen now-find a formula, work it to beyond death.


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