Two Geeks and A 9/16 At-Home Disney-ish Wedding - We're married!

Hi there!! I saw your PJ appear right before we left and now I finally have caught up! I can't get over how many things I've read that have made me go "OH MY GOD, you're me!!" I also discovered this side of the boards ages and ages ago (while also dating a less-than-charming ex :rolleyes:) so it's so funny to me to see other people who came across DFTW the same way - and CP alums to boot! :thumbsup2 Your engagement story is so cute and I know exactly what you mean - when the right one falls into your life you just know it, instantly :D

I caught up through your chapter links and I didn't read the mid-bits, so I'm sorry if someone already said this but you won't need any legal documentation with the state of Florida for a ULC minister. We ordained my brother that way for our ceremony and it was fine!

You look stunning in your dress. I know people say this all the time but it really is crazy how different you look in YOUR dress vs the other dress pictures - you seriously light up and it just seems meant to be. I remember that dress from when I was hunting - that was one of my top 3! It's gorgeous.

CONGRATS on returning to Disney!!! I'm confident you guys will handle the 4 months no problem, especially if DF visits in between. Again I'm sorry if I missed it in a reply or something, but where did you work before?

I'm really going to enjoy following your planning :goodvibes
Hi there!! I saw your PJ appear right before we left and now I finally have caught up! I can't get over how many things I've read that have made me go "OH MY GOD, you're me!!" I also discovered this side of the boards ages and ages ago (while also dating a less-than-charming ex :rolleyes:) so it's so funny to me to see other people who came across DFTW the same way - and CP alums to boot! :thumbsup2 Your engagement story is so cute and I know exactly what you mean - when the right one falls into your life you just know it, instantly :D

I caught up through your chapter links and I didn't read the mid-bits, so I'm sorry if someone already said this but you won't need any legal documentation with the state of Florida for a ULC minister. We ordained my brother that way for our ceremony and it was fine!

You look stunning in your dress. I know people say this all the time but it really is crazy how different you look in YOUR dress vs the other dress pictures - you seriously light up and it just seems meant to be. I remember that dress from when I was hunting - that was one of my top 3! It's gorgeous.

CONGRATS on returning to Disney!!! I'm confident you guys will handle the 4 months no problem, especially if DF visits in between. Again I'm sorry if I missed it in a reply or something, but where did you work before?

I'm really going to enjoy following your planning :goodvibes

Hi! :teeth: I've been following along on your TR, so thanks for reading! :) It is funny how often people have that feeling of "Wow, we're very similar". I have that sometimes reading other people's posts :laughing:

That's good to know about the documentation. I didn't think we would need any, but I wasn't entirely sure. In all honesty, I saw the sneak peek of your wedding video and it's pretty much the only thing that's making me reconsider my "I'm too cheap to pay for a videographer, it's not really necessary" stance :lmao: Seeing your brother get so emotional during your ceremony was wonderful.

And thank you :goodvibes I really love that dress. I hope it comes in before I have to leave for Orlando so I can try it on again. They'd said it should be in by late March, so... Hopefully? I totally agree, though. It's bizarre how it goes from "girl in pretty, possibly poofy, dress" to "omg I'm getting married" just because of the dress.

Thanks for the congrats, as well! :yay: I so can't wait. I've been dying to go back since the day I left. I did the program twice, Boardwalk housekeeping in 2004 and MK custodial in 2008. I stayed on seasonal after the second one, living in Orlando, but the economy tanked and I got super sick and... Yeah. One point too many and wound up back in Chicago. I found out today that I could get my work location assignment from career services at my school, since I haven't paid my program fee yet, so I went to ask. I'm going to be somewhere at the Polynesian this time around. The only other pastry student at my school who got in this time around is going to be in a production kitchen at Epcot.

DF and I are both a little worried about the 4 months apart, but we'll make it work. There's Skype and webcams and he's thinking about replacing his (absolutely awful) Android with a used iPhone so we can facetime. We're hoping he'll be able to visit sometime in June, but it really depends on finances and all that. I'd really like for him to come down because, aside from just missing the heck out of him, I'm going to be looking for apartments once I get down there and will want to show any potentials to him. There's one I quite like the sound of that's in Kissimmee, so I want to see it in person. But, yeah, we'll figure it out. We're in this for the long haul :)

Thanks for reading! :goodvibes
Hi! :teeth: I've been following along on your TR, so thanks for reading! :) It is funny how often people have that feeling of "Wow, we're very similar". I have that sometimes reading other people's posts :laughing: That's good to know about the documentation. I didn't think we would need any, but I wasn't entirely sure. In all honesty, I saw the sneak peek of your wedding video and it's pretty much the only thing that's making me reconsider my "I'm too cheap to pay for a videographer, it's not really necessary" stance :lmao: Seeing your brother get so emotional during your ceremony was wonderful. And thank you :goodvibes I really love that dress. I hope it comes in before I have to leave for Orlando so I can try it on again. They'd said it should be in by late March, so... Hopefully? I totally agree, though. It's bizarre how it goes from "girl in pretty, possibly poofy, dress" to "omg I'm getting married" just because of the dress. Thanks for the congrats, as well! :yay: I so can't wait. I've been dying to go back since the day I left. I did the program twice, Boardwalk housekeeping in 2004 and MK custodial in 2008. I stayed on seasonal after the second one, living in Orlando, but the economy tanked and I got super sick and... Yeah. One point too many and wound up back in Chicago. I found out today that I could get my work location assignment from career services at my school, since I haven't paid my program fee yet, so I went to ask. I'm going to be somewhere at the Polynesian this time around. The only other pastry student at my school who got in this time around is going to be in a production kitchen at Epcot. DF and I are both a little worried about the 4 months apart, but we'll make it work. There's Skype and webcams and he's thinking about replacing his (absolutely awful) Android with a used iPhone so we can facetime. We're hoping he'll be able to visit sometime in June, but it really depends on finances and all that. I'd really like for him to come down because, aside from just missing the heck out of him, I'm going to be looking for apartments once I get down there and will want to show any potentials to him. There's one I quite like the sound of that's in Kissimmee, so I want to see it in person. But, yeah, we'll figure it out. We're in this for the long haul :) Thanks for reading! :goodvibes

Awwww, you are so so sweet :) it makes me so happy to know people are reading.

I wanted videography because for some reason I've been super forgetful as of late, and my short term memory is so scatterbrained I just knew from day one I'd want it. That, and I'm a home video junkie! I have heard that not getting video is at the top of many brides Wish I Did lists, and there are a lot of very affordable videographers in the area (like STVS or PD Videography) so I hope you can swing it ;)

I did my program in Tomorrowland Attractions in 2011, so we definitely missed each other. When I did the program we had only been dating for 8 months, but DH had an annual pass so that made things a little easier for the first couple months. I had a droid at the time so we really liked the HeyTell app for voice texting (you don't realize how 10 seconds of your SO saying 'how's your day going' instead of just texting it lifts your day until it happens) but this was 2011 of course, and phones have changed so much since then.
Awwww, you are so so sweet :) it makes me so happy to know people are reading.

I wanted videography because for some reason I've been super forgetful as of late, and my short term memory is so scatterbrained I just knew from day one I'd want it. That, and I'm a home video junkie! I have heard that not getting video is at the top of many brides Wish I Did lists, and there are a lot of very affordable videographers in the area (like STVS or PD Videography) so I hope you can swing it ;)

I did my program in Tomorrowland Attractions in 2011, so we definitely missed each other. When I did the program we had only been dating for 8 months, but DH had an annual pass so that made things a little easier for the first couple months. I had a droid at the time so we really liked the HeyTell app for voice texting (you don't realize how 10 seconds of your SO saying 'how's your day going' instead of just texting it lifts your day until it happens) but this was 2011 of course, and phones have changed so much since then.

Understandably so :) I know it makes me happy to know people are reading over here. You looked gorgeous in your dress, by the way!

I've been having the same issue for a bit, but I think mine is just stress (and a lack of quality sleep). It's just a matter of cost for us, but we might be able to fit it in :) I'm going to try, anyway. I took a look at the two you mentioned, so they've been bookmarked for future reference :teeth:

Yeah, we definitely missed each other, but still, that's awesome :) I was single on my first program and in a not so good relationship with a local guy on the second, so this wasn't really a problem on either of them. But yeah... We'll figure it out. That's all we can do at this point, you know? He's going to request off the day before I leave and the day I actually fly out so that we can spend it together (although if I get an 8am flight, he could still go to work later that day and not come home to an empty apartment).
I'm sorry I've been such a slacker! Just so much busy! I just caught up!


And, especially--congrats on the internship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry I've been such a slacker! Just so much busy! I just caught up!


And, especially--congrats on the internship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's okay, life happens :goodvibes

Thank you! :teeth: I'm so excited about my dress and, naturally, about the externship. :yay:
Holidays, College Program, and Wedding Nonsense

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving (or Thursday, if you don't celebrate the annual slaughtering of delicious turkeys)! We went to my parents' house on Wednesday night so I could help my mom get some things started. My parents had said it was fine for us to bring our laundry over (there are pay machines in our building, but free is always better, especially if we're getting a ride and don't have to lug it on the train), so we did just that. We stayed over until Friday, given the whole laundry and helping to cook thing.

On Thursday, we had breakfast and I helped my mom with food and setting up. Their house has pretty much always been the "if you don't have somewhere else to go and I know about it, you're coming here" place, as far as my mom's concerned. This year, there were eight of us (my parents, DF and I, my brother and his girlfriend, and my uncle and his friend). DF and I were talking about how our house will eventually be like that. Anyway, we had the usual turkey and potatoes and stuff like that, but my brother and his girlfriend brought homemade tamales and my mom made manicotti. I'd made a pumpkin pie (with handmade crust, although it was with shortening and I'd much rather use butter) and a chocolate pudding pie that was seriously rich, since I used heavy whipping cream instead of milk. I actually had to thin it out because it was so rich.

My uncle and his friend kept asking us about the wedding, and I made a point of telling my uncle that it's going to be a dry wedding. I thought he'd give us a hard time about it, but he was surprisingly fine with it. He's a bartender and a functioning alcoholic, which explains my assumption, but he was also pretty buzzed at that point, so he may have just not thought of it then. After dinner, everyone was just sitting around talking. I wound up going upstairs to the bedroom we were staying in to lay down for a few minutes around 9pm. The next thing I knew, it was 1am and DF was getting in bed. I just went back to sleep.

The next day, I finished up our laundry and did all the dishes for my mom while she and DF were at work, since we'd all basically fallen asleep the night before. Once they got home, we had dinner and then she gave us a ride back to our place, with our metric ton of laundry in tow.

So that was Thanksgiving. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling Christmas will likely play out the same way.

I started decorating a little bit yesterday. All we have right now are a couple of stockings (including one Victorian Mickey and Minnie that my dad randomly found at a garage sale and bought for me) and my tiny Mickey tree. Seriously, it's like a foot tall. It's sitting on the dining room table as a centerpiece. We're talking about getting a small tree, but the big question right now is real or artificial. I'm voting for real, both because I'm not really a fan of artificial trees, but also because we'll be throwing it out after Christmas. If we buy an artificial one right now, knowing that we're moving cross country in eight months, not only do we have to find someplace to store it, but we'll have to lug it across the country. So we'll figure that out later. I do have a box of ornaments, which is why I want a dang tree. I collect them and have been for the last eight years or so. The funny thing is that my boss just came back from a trip to New Orleans and didn't know that, but he bought me an ornament as a gift.


As for the CP, I've got pretty much everything done that I can right now. The program fee was paid (and I found out that I'll be working at the Poly), I booked my airfare, and reserved a hotel room and rental car, since I'm arriving the day before I can actually check in. The flights for that morning would be pushing it, since I have to be in BY noon. I leave on Easter Sunday, so, naturally, airfare and hotels are a little more expensive than normal. But such is life. I've started a packing list and will be packing up nonessentials, things that DF isn't going to use, before I move down, so that he has less stuff to take care of when summer gets here.

There hasn't been much movement on the wedding front, which is fine, all things considered. We put together a wedding website, which we'll continue poking at, and set up our registries. We only scanned anything for one, since that was before we got confirmation that we're moving. We're going to finish them up once we've moved to Florida.

Honestly, I just wanted to post in here. So, posted.

Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving and have your travel plans set for FL. :thumbsup2
Happy Thanksgiving.

If I were you, I'd look for a tree branch with lots of arms. You could paint it silver and hang your ornaments off it. That way, you have a tree that you don't mind getting rid of after Christmas and you don't have to spend a fortune on it. We had something similar when I was a child and it worked really well. I remember putting some cotton wool on it to make it look like snow.
Yay Eddie Izzard and Jurassic Park theme!
I'm assuming you've heard this version: I'm definitely considering it for my wedding..

or maybe this one: :rotfl2:

(I just got engaged last week but am a huge Disnerd and have been daydreaming about Disney weddings for years)

Anyways, just wanted to say hellooo and you seem cool and that I'm subscribing to your thread!

Fellow Future Disnerdbride,
Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving and have your travel plans set for FL. :thumbsup2

It was, all things considered :) And yes, which is a good thing. Fares are just going to go up.

Happy Thanksgiving.

If I were you, I'd look for a tree branch with lots of arms. You could paint it silver and hang your ornaments off it. That way, you have a tree that you don't mind getting rid of after Christmas and you don't have to spend a fortune on it. We had something similar when I was a child and it worked really well. I remember putting some cotton wool on it to make it look like snow.


We'll look into that. I'm honestly not sure we'd find one at this point, at least not in our area.

Yay Eddie Izzard and Jurassic Park theme!
I'm assuming you've heard this version: I'm definitely considering it for my wedding..

or maybe this one: :rotfl2:

(I just got engaged last week but am a huge Disnerd and have been daydreaming about Disney weddings for years)

Anyways, just wanted to say hellooo and you seem cool and that I'm subscribing to your thread!

Fellow Future Disnerdbride,

Hi! :teeth: I'm glad someone recognized Eddie :lmao: I checked out those two links and, honestly, not really my style, but to each their own :)

Congratulations on getting engaged! :yay: That's so awesome!

And thanks, I'm glad someone thinks I'm cool :lmao: Thanks also for subscribing! Nice to meet you!
Yay Eddie Izzard and Jurassic Park theme!
I'm assuming you've heard this version: I'm definitely considering it for my wedding..

or maybe this one: :rotfl2:

(I just got engaged last week but am a huge Disnerd and have been daydreaming about Disney weddings for years)

Anyways, just wanted to say hellooo and you seem cool and that I'm subscribing to your thread!

Fellow Future Disnerdbride,

Just got all caught up! I am super excited to follow along. We aren't wedding twins but I think we could be wedding sisters. I am getting married at EPCOT Germany on 10-26-15, so we are only a year apart! Maybe you will be decorating cakes by then and get to work on ours.:) I am super jealous that you are going to work for Disney, that sounds awesome.:cheer2: Out of curiosity we were thinking of giving the wedding planner paint swatches to pass on to the bakery for the cake colors. Does that seem reasonable to get the colors across to them or is there a better way? I can't wait to read more!
Just got all caught up! I am super excited to follow along. We aren't wedding twins but I think we could be wedding sisters. I am getting married at EPCOT Germany on 10-26-15, so we are only a year apart! Maybe you will be decorating cakes by then and get to work on ours.:) I am super jealous that you are going to work for Disney, that sounds awesome.:cheer2: Out of curiosity we were thinking of giving the wedding planner paint swatches to pass on to the bakery for the cake colors. Does that seem reasonable to get the colors across to them or is there a better way? I can't wait to read more!

That's too funny :) Particularly because if we were going to do Epcot, I'd be interested in the Germany pavilion :lmao:

I honestly don't have a clue if I'll be working on cakes by then, but we'll see. I still have another few months before I even get down there and then I have to finish the program first. Either way, my recruiter had explained to me that in order to work on the custom cakes, you have to be certified in certain Disney processes so that the characters (if you do any) all look the same.

I think the paint swatches would be a good way to explain the shade of color you want. It's easier to have a visual reference than to say "Dark red, but not blood red or burgundy" or something like that.

Thanks for following along! :teeth:
Holidays and Parental Units

There hasn't really been much movement on wedding stuff. We're just talking about things we want and don't want. We still have another six months before we can talk to Disney.

I'm FINALLY done with this last class. I still have two more and then externship happens, but at least I'm done with that class. It was definitely not my favorite. I'm on winter break right now (a whole whopping two weeks!) and don't have to be back at work until Saturday. So, YAY. I feel like doing the flaily Kermit thing, but I won't.


With Christmas being in just a couple of days, we've just been getting things ready for it. I did a bit of baking last week at my parents' house, but I left my stand mixer there, so I haven't been able to finish up. I wanted to make kolackys and peanut butter cup cookies, so I guess I'll make them tomorrow. DF is at work for another few hours, so I'm meeting him once he's off so we can run a couple of errands (a small grocery run and a stop at Target to see if they have what he wants to get his brother... why we're doing this two days before Christmas, I have no idea).

We're spending tomorrow and part of Christmas Day with my parents, but DF has to work in the evening on Christmas.

DF's parents live in Arkansas, so they've only come up twice since he moved and we got together. They're coming for another brief visit next week, so we figured that since it's official that we're getting married now, we'd have his parents meet mine. Especially since I won't be here in another few months.

We're both really hoping that this won't just be a train wreck. My dad has some... Peculiarities. Which I won't go into here because this is a public forum and in case anyone from my family finds this, I don't want that out there.

But either way, they're meeting. We're all going to a pizza place for dinner and hopefully it won't be a disaster.

We got a little tree for ourselves. We were both being cheesy about it being our first tree together while we were decorating it. He also dropped my Pocahontas ornament and still hasn't glued her foot back on.


So this is our little tree! It's almost entirely Disney ornaments, except for a few from my childhood and a few others that were given to me. The ear hat was because we didn't have a tree topper and my ears were just sitting on top of the TV and I suggested he put them on the tree. It was perfect, so we left it :) The ornaments are all mine, actually. I've been collecting them for about ten years now, getting a new one or two every year. Last Christmas, my mom bought me this odd pack of Avengers ornaments, so they're all there.


Three of these were given to me by PrincessInOz a few years ago. The white bird, kangaroo, and koala. I also have a little fluffy New Orleans-type parasol and a gingerbread snow globe that my bosses gave me.
OMG! You took a picture of those Christmas decorations! Cool. :thumbsup2

Love your tree. It looks perfect....for now. I have no doubt that you will be collecting many many more Disney decorations in the future.

Merry Christmas!

(And I hope the meeting of the parents goes well.)
OMG! You took a picture of those Christmas decorations! Cool. :thumbsup2

Love your tree. It looks perfect....for now. I have no doubt that you will be collecting many many more Disney decorations in the future.

Merry Christmas!

(And I hope the meeting of the parents goes well.)

Of course I did! I even put them near each other so I could easily get a pic of all three together :) The flat koala you sent me is there somewhere (I think you can see it in the first pic).

Yeah, I'm sure we'll wind up with more Disney Christmas decor. We saw a tree skirt we like and eventually want to get, but we can't really afford it right now.

Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope it was lovely :)

God, I hope so, too. I'm thinking about asking my mom to make sure my dad behaves himself.
Christmas was pretty good today.

It was a zoo at my mother's last night. We ended up with 17 adults and 10 teens. I'm surprised the neighbours didn't complain about the noise level.

It was more sedate at my place today. 6 for Christmas lunch and it went pretty well. Hope its the same for you.
That sounds pretty nuts. I think it's going to be my parents, me and DF, my uncle and his friend, and my other uncle, so it should be pretty small. My brother and his girlfriend are in Michigan visiting her parents, which my dad is not at all happy about.


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