Ty-bugs MAW pre-trip to ride Jaws and go to Disney! July 10-16 2010

It is a georgous sunny day finally and I think there are more to come this week. Next week is spring break:cool1: I plan on doing a little shopping for the trip and I also need to look for a dress for my cousins wedding in May.I will also find Ty a nice suit and Sierra has a dress already as she loves dresses. We will travel to Tennessee and we are staying one night in a Bed and Breakfast with a mountain view and the other two nights I will book a hotel. I have never stayed in a bed and breakfast before and I am really looking forward to it.

I am seriously thinking about getting some new luggage. I saw this lady at Kohls yesterday with a really cool rolling suitcase. It was pretty light. She said she had another one that she totally stuffed and it was no where near the wieght limit. Only thing is it was very expensive so I think I might look for something comparable. Right now we are borrowing some from my mom and sister. Feeling the luggage sharing love:rotfl2:
The last few days have been so pretty so outside we go:yay:

Workin hard on the wood pile

Perfect place to cozy up for a good book

And this one is of me because I like my hair finally:rotfl2: I would love to put it in a french braid do you think its long enough?
Yesterday I went shopping with my sister. ohh we had a good time.

I found Ty his favorite color green shirt

Found myself a few shirts

And me and my sister got a matching outfit for Easter. She bought the same shoes too but brown.

I was so glad to be able to do a little shopping with her. I do believe a few people thought we were a little crazy:rotfl: She had gastric bypass surgery a few years ago and it almost took her life and she is sick 95% of the time. Before that we got out and went shopping constantly but now between her and Ty we rarely have a chance to go. So when we go we have a "good" time lol because Ty is either at school or they are both having a good day. Sierra well she is always having a good day:lovestruc So the kids were in school and she was doing great so off we went.
So remember a few weeks ago Ty had his veeg and was to have an mri to check his spine for retether? I fully didnt expect Ty's veeg to show anything this time as he really seemed to be having a good day that day. But I guess it wasn't the case. He had some activity either while he was asleep or when they did the strobe light. I am a little confused though because the report says when they did the strobe light but the nurse said it was while he was asleep:confused3 So we will find out more when we go in this month. It also explains why we are seeing the slower processing again when he was doing better. The one thing that has me a bit concerned is that his siezures are starting to be generalized more. I really don't want to increase his med but we will see.

He also had his mri yesteray. And the good news is there is NO rether:cool1::banana: So next week we will be scheduling the botox. I am SOO relieved there is not a retether.
Whattya mean your report isn't snazzy????? Seems snazzy enough to me!!!

I think the key is to read and post on alot of other's threads...........that way you make 'friends' and they reciprocate by reading and posting on yours. Problem is......................I'm alittle too busy to be reading and posting on all sorts of people's threads all day :laughing:

Oh well. We know we're snazzy right ;)

Here's a wave to you :wave2:

and LOOK! Now you're back on page 1 :rotfl2:
oh yeah and...............

yay on the good MRI results!

I do so like your little outdoor reading nook!

and SURE you could put your hair in a french braid............if you're a talented french braider (sadly, I am not)!
I wasn't subscribed?!? :confused3 Did you start a new one? I'll go back to the beginning and get caught up over the weekend!
Whattya mean your report isn't snazzy????? Seems snazzy enough to me!!! lol

I think the key is to read and post on alot of other's threads...........that way you make 'friends' and they reciprocate by reading and posting on yours. Problem is......................I'm alittle too busy to be reading and posting on all sorts of people's threads all day :laughing: Ty and myself sit and read the dis boards a little each day. Including his. He loves hearing about all of the trips and the trips coming up (wow there are quite a few!)

Oh well. We know we're snazzy right ;) Heck ya! :rotfl:

Here's a wave to you :wave2:

and LOOK! Now you're back on page 1 :rotfl2:
oh yeah and...............

yay on the good MRI results!

I do so like your little outdoor reading nook!

Thank you. Sierra built it herself with her comfortor and all. That was her way of going outside. I told her she had to go outside and that was her compromise:rotfl: She is always reading a book.

and SURE you could put your hair in a french braid............if you're a talented french braider (sadly, I am not)!

Oh I wish I was! I am definately not that talented. I can do a ponytail and that's my talent for hair lol. Can braid just a little since its been a while for Sierra to let me braid her hair. Im going to have it done that morning but I'm trying to get it long enough. It has a little over a month to grow:laughing:
Looks like you got some great finds shopping! DH has put me on a budget. :sad2: So my shopping days are quite limited these days. I'm hoping that as the trip gets closer, maybe I'll be able to go out and do a little more summer clothes shopping! The kids really need a little boost to their wardrobes...they just keep growing. :confused3

Love the outside pictures...we have been enjoying tons of sunshine here as well, and it is great to finally be enjoying spring! My tulips started opening today, so that was a great start to the day. :flower3:

Well, good news that there is no re-tether. Lots of kids with the same bowel malformation as Catherine have tethered cords, so we have been through all of the MRI's for that as well. Thankfully, she didn't have one. I'm so sorry they saw some seizure activity, I hope you get some answers about this soon. Just when you think things are going along smoothly. Good luck with the botox!

Watching all these others get ready to go and just hanging out here watching the ticker wind down is hard...our time will come too!:)
We had a pretty good Easter. We spent it over my parents house and had lots of (too much actually) good food. Ty and Sierra hunted Easter eggs. Ty had seen the Easter bunny out in our backyard the other day. He must have been planning out how to bring the baskets in the house:rotfl2: I guess he picked a good place cause they were right there on Sunday morning. It started out with a slow day for Ty. No energy and basically wanting to lay in bed all day but after a few hours of laying around he finally went outside. He actually played some bad mitten with his Uncle. Im not sure who wore who out but they were both pretty tired that night:rotfl: Sierra enjoyed drawing on her new sketch pad and playing with clay. I will have to upload some pics later tonight. She amazes me with her clay.

Today they both got a clean bill of dental health so no dentist for another 6mos. :banana:

I cannot believe it is just over 3 months before we leave. Yesterday we had another family disney discussion at the table:laughing: So far its 3 to 1 on who's riding Expedition Everest. And Ty say's he's going on Mission Space again for his important job (I believe in 08 it was to land). I have been looking for some pics from our trip but I can't find them so far other than what's in my scrap book. Might just have to take a pic of some pics:rotfl2:
I'm glad you had a nice Easter.:goodvibes I'm not a roller coaster person, but after watching countless EE videos on YouTube, I'm thinking I just might give it a try.:scared1:
So who's the "one" who isn't riding EE? Or "is"? LOL

Nick and I LOVED EE......................dh and Liv? Not so much :rotfl2: (Matty and Brennan were too short)

Glad to hear you had an enjoyable Easter. I just love doing the baskets and the hunts and the cookies etc. etc. Makes me sad to think that our years of that are numbered:sad2: These kids...................grow up too fast don't they?
I'm glad you had a nice Easter.:goodvibes I'm not a roller coaster person, but after watching countless EE videos on YouTube, I'm thinking I just might give it a try.:scared1:

Ok since you get to go first you will have to tell me how you like it. ;) lol! I so want to ride it but I just don't know. It "seems" ok from what I looked at on youtube as well but Im just not sure. Now I know Tower of Terror is out for me. No way at all on that one. :rotfl2:

So who's the "one" who isn't riding EE? Or "is"? LOL

Nick and I LOVED EE......................dh and Liv? Not so much :rotfl2: (Matty and Brennan were too short)

Glad to hear you had an enjoyable Easter. I just love doing the baskets and the hunts and the cookies etc. etc. Makes me sad to think that our years of that are numbered:sad2: These kids...................grow up too fast don't they?

Um that would be me that "isn't riding" and dh and the kids that are riding :rotfl2: I want to but I don't want to. It looks innocent enough but I just don't know. I rode a roller coaster a couple of years ago at a local amusement park and well lets just say I couldn't walk a foot in front of me without fighting back barfing:rotfl:

The kids do grow up so fast. Way too fast. When my kids are ready to stop participating then they will do so at that time. But if they are like me we just took the plastic ones to the basement and hid them for years:rotfl: Anything that puts a smile on thier faces is what matters to me.
DH won't go on any roller coasters, but Carmella wants to go on all of them...and I LOVE :lovestruc rollercoasters! So, she and I will be doing the roller coasters, while daddy does something tamer with the little guys.

Give me any ride that doesn't spin and I am good. Upside down I can handle, but something about getting older and the body doesn't like to go round and round any more! :rotfl:
LOL!! You sound like me. I used to ride roller coasters and all that when I was younger. As I have gotten older well that went out the door:rotfl:

DH won't go on any roller coasters, but Carmella wants to go on all of them...and I LOVE :lovestruc rollercoasters! So, she and I will be doing the roller coasters, while daddy does something tamer with the little guys.

Give me any ride that doesn't spin and I am good. Upside down I can handle, but something about getting older and the body doesn't like to go round and round any more! :rotfl:
We are getting ready to do some much needed repairs on our house. We are trying to decide on what color to paint our livingroom.We havent painted it since we have lived here and it really needs something on it. I think we will go with a tan color kind of nuetral. But I am not a good color coridinator so we will see how that goes ;)

The kids are on spring break and I am loving it. The weather was great until today it has gotten a little cooler. We have been getting the fire pit going in the evening and sitting out side. I am so ready for summer break. I love it!
Well Ty has decided to throw me a curve ball today. It's just after 6am and he has yet to fall alseep:scared1: I was debating on going out to look for me a dress today or stay home and get some things done so I guess we will stay home. Dh is working all day today so it's just me and the kids so we can take it easy. He does this with every break he gets during the school year. He did it during Christmas too. Hopefully he will fall asleep soon.


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