Universal Orlando takes Disney by the ears

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What Would Walt Do?
Jul 21, 2000
While all of you were racing around in your appropriate cars, this was published today in the USA Today:

Today article

What’d you guys think?

(All I did was post it. Now I’m going back to read it!!!!)

As always….

I think Disney does have to be very concerned about competition from Universal these days. But I think this particular article is mostly part of a campaign to salvage Vivendi.
I agree with Galahad.

It will be curious to see what the furutre holds for Universal now that Vivendi has a few billion $$ less to play with than they did before.

BTW, any new attractions under construction there????
I really liked this quote...

"Disney still has the magic, but Universal has the rides,"


I've been to Universal one time and I never plan to go back. Likewise, I've also been to IOA one time and I dont plan on going back there either!

Different strokes for differnt folks I suppose.

I also liked this quote..

"It's now a real alternative to a Disney vacation in Orlando," says park watcher Tim O'Brien, an editor at Amusement Business magazine. "You could come to Orlando for a week now and never set foot in Disney World."

Or you can be like me and goto WDW for a week and never set foot in Orlando!
Pull out your park maps, check the "Safety" info. Shirts and shoes are required at all times. I've never seen anyone "scolded" for not wearing shoes, but we (myself included) do ask everyone with their shoes off to please put them back on for their own safety. Sounds like this was taken WAAAAAAAY out of context, and if that other place doesn't have a similar policy (which wouldn't surprise me, frankly) then couldn't one conclude that they don't care about guest safety?

Hmmm... less than forty attractions in two parks vs more than forty in one park... yeah.... yeah...
I guess I'm representative of the people that Universal is aiming at. Prior to IoA opening we would visit USF about every other year during our Orlando trips. When IoA opened we visited it instead.

This past year, with just my youngest and I going, we decided to give HRH a try and visit both Universal parks for a day and then spend 5 days at WDW. And it worked so well that in the future we will probably do the same (unless my wife goes along - she is not big on moving from hotel to hotel). So in effect we have shortened our resort stay at WDW by one night, and added one day to the trip to have 2 days available for Universal.

Universal hasn't really figured out the Magic yet, but there are glimpses of it. And it does have some excellent attractions.
BTW, any new attractions under construction there????
At the Studios, Hanna Barbara ride is being re-done into a Jimmy Neutron/Nickelodeon ride and a new Shrek attraction will be replacing the old Alfred Hitchcock show. There are rumors for things at IOA, but nothing solid right now.

BTW, any new carnival attractions under construction at Disney? :-)
This paragraph is the most telling...

Universal Orlando is different in other ways. It has a more laid-back, irreverent feel than prim-and-proper Disney, where children are scolded for taking off shoes and street-soiling gum is conspicuously absent from stores. Consider Universal's Hard Rock Hotel, which opened last year. "I don't know of another hotel where you're likely to be checked in by a person with a pierced lip," says Williams, who revels in his creation's subversive ways.

-Now the whole shoes thing is a Florida State Health Department rule concerning food service areas which has been expanded by Disney to cover the whole park for safety reasons. So if Universal does not have the same rule at least in regards to food service areas they are in violation of the law.

- irreverent feel ? Does that mean we get to have the rude unkept cast members who couldnt hack it at Disney treat us like crap all day?

- street soiling gum? Great I get to look at attraction signs which I cant even read because they are completely covered in chewed spit out gum!

BTW the two new confirmed attractions at Disney World are both going to be top notch and also expect to hear more official news soon.
LOVE..LOVE...UNIVERSAL. Even my wife a die hard Disney fan for many years, loves Universal. There are two great parks over there.

Disney does have one thing going for it....built in Magic....from the start, Disney was geared toward kids ...from the cartoons to the movies...so people have grown up on Disney.

Universal does not have that advantage or the advantage of 30 years in Florida. Nore do they have the advantage of almost 50 years of building attraction One of the most important things that Universal never had was Walt.

I try to to compare the two parks because they are both after different demographics. Even though I do from time to time. I do know one thing Universal has stolen three days away from Disney in my family
-Now the whole shoes thing is a Florida State Health Department rule concerning food service areas which has been expanded by Disney to cover the whole park for safety reasons. So if Universal does not have the same rule at least in regards to food service areas they are in violation of the law.
I'm sure Universal follows Florida laws just like everyone else. To imply otherwise is ridiculous.

- irreverent feel ? Does that mean we get to have the rude unkept cast members who couldnt hack it at Disney treat us like crap all day?
I'm quite sure that most Universal employees weren't rejected by Disney prior to applying at USF. In fact, I've found USF/IOA employees to be every bit as friendly and helpful as Disney CM's...sometimes more so.

- street soiling gum? Great I get to look at attraction signs which I cant even read because they are completely covered in chewed spit out gum!
I hope you're joking, because if not, this comment is to asinine to warrant a reply.

BTW the two new confirmed attractions at Disney World are both going to be top notch and also expect to hear more official news soon.
Wow, even better than Primeval Whirl and the Aladdin's Magic Carpets!
Such venom towards Universal! Universal doesn't have the magic of Disney. In the past I would go there every other year. With IOA I will still go every couple of years...with one big difference...I will now have a Disney year and I'll have a notDisney year...in the past Disney always made it in for one or two days.

I love thrill rides, I love theme rides...I think Disney & Universal service each need rather nicely. Universal is a wonderfully visceral experience...even on the way out through City Walk. If there is one thing Disney could study more closely it would be City Walk...

Disney is a wonderfully encapsulating experience...at little less so with the cost cutting but there is still nothing like it. Don't get me wrong....I'm on my skateboard hanging on to car 2 but Disney still gets my money...just not as much of it.
I didn't see much new in the article other than Universal getting some good exposure. It will be interesting to see what affect any of this (travel channel specials, new commercials, more general media presence) has on their attendance. There is no doubt they still suffer from a lack of consumer awareness.

I continue to find the Universal parks a good compliment to the Disney experience. I can only see positives in them continuing to expand and grow.

No reason why Disney should not be a little dismissive in their response. However, it does seem like these quotes are usually the norm
Any time you have a player that does things to bring new people to the (Orlando) market, it's good (for everybody)," he says. "We're going to get our fair share
They both do seem to take the high road in this regard. One might expect a little more direct counter marketing.
There was so much spin in that Article, I think I'm dizzy.

I'm flabergasted that someone would consider the lack of chewing gum and high cleanliness policies of Disney world a BAD thing.

The Shirt and Shoes thing. Again, it just sounds like spin.
Still, the real concern is exposuer. Every Time Universal is featured in a Major Media Outlet, more people will check it out and if it is good, they will stay. Great Rides are not the only thing it takes. Example, I know some people that had no idea IOA existed until they saw it on the Travel Channel. They are Rollercoaster fans and immediatly planned a cross country trip to Florida JUST for IOA.
Disney has nothing to worry about...just as long as they stick to the quality and vision of Walt Disney. "The Grinch" or "The Incredible Hulk" aren't going to knock Disney out of the lead in Orlando. Only one thing could, a management team that takes Disney down a notch and plays on a field level to, or lower than Universal. When I look at Pirates of the Carribean, I say that there is no way Universal can touch Disney. When I see Dinoland, Pop Century and DCA...I start to wonder. If Disney sticks to it's strengths and continues to spend large amounts of money on the parks and keep the quailty up they have nothing to worry about. If they ae going to play Universals game, than they very well might come out the loser in the end.


Why is when people do compare Disney and Universal they always match Universal rides or attractions to Disney attractions that can't be compared. Example a character or Roller Coaster to Pirates. ? Like I’ve said before I like both places Disney still wins hands down over Universal. I really don’t like comparing the two but if your going to do at least compare things that similar.

Especially when there are more obvious comparessions.

Hulk or Dueling Dragons vs. Aerosmith. (Ok Aeorsmith has music and it's inside a building with better themeing But come on Hulk and Dragons are far better rides and coasters.)

Bilge-Rat Barges Vs. Kali River ride in AK ( Bilge-Rat wins hands down)

MIB vs. Buzzlightyear. ( I Like both..MIB is more active though)

Dudley Do rights vs. Splash Mt.(Splash wins hands down...but the drop is better on Dudley)

Terminator vs. any of Disney's 3/4-d Attractions. (Terminator-WOW!!!)

Spiderman vs. HM or Pirates (Spiderman wins hands down)

JP River adventure vs... Ok no compression here.

Dr. Doom vs. Tower of Terror ( your kidding right…Tower of Terror is the best)

Disney does have the best themeing of the two. As well as many other things like parades, The Castle, Alien Encounter, EPCOT, AK. Which is the reason why we spend 3 days at Universal and 7 at Disney. Disney is still my favorite place on earth with Universal being a great second place runner up.

I would just like to see people comparing fruit to fruit at least. Not fruit to people dressed up like the Grinch.
Um, I would suggest that Spiderman be compared to Indiana Jones and the Temple of the forbidden Eye, or Dinosaur. Haunted mansion and PotC are entirely Passive while Indy and Dinosaur put you in the midst and have the bumps and jerks.

Spidey still wins, but it much more fair.
I compre the two because both try to do the same thing...that is immerse the guest into the attraction/ride. I have a feeling that if Pirates or HM would have been built today by Walt that they would have elements like Spiderman.

I've never ridden the other two rides so I can't speak on them...I'll admit that may be a better comparsion in this case though.
The WAY that Indy and Dinosaur Emerse you is in essence the same as the way Spidey does it (spidey adds some 3D bells and whistles that put it over the top)

PotC and Hm are far more Passive expireances which works very well for them. very cool in its own right.
Roy summed up the reality of the situation very well with these two statements:

Disney has nothing to worry about...just as long as they stick to the quality and vision of Walt Disney.
When I look at Pirates of the Carribean, I say that there is no way Universal can touch Disney. When I see Dinoland, Pop Century and DCA...I start to wonder.

Love 'em or hate 'em, Universal's higher percentage of thrill rides exclude a significant portion of potential resort guests. There are people who just cannot ride these, either because of height, health, or "squeamishness". Take away the "thrill" rides from both resorts, and the gap is undeniable, and not closing.

Additionally, while Universal has certainly upped the quality level beyond Six Flags, they have not produced quality attractions at anywhere near the rate Disney has over the years.

If the question is can Universal survive and even thrive in Orlando, the answer is absolutely, provided they remain committed. Yes, they have spent a lot of money in the last three years. Are they prepared to continue, even with mgmt changes and even if returns are not what they originally envisioned? We'll see.

If the question is will they put a serious hurt into Disney, the answer depends on whether Disney is committed to developing its parks/resorts with quality, or with "just enough to get by". If its the former, Universal will never have a negative impact on Disney. If its the latter (Dinorama?), eventually they will if they are more committed than Disney.
You cant compare Indy to Spiderman as this is a comparison between WDW and USF. And comparing Dinosaur to Spiderman is a big joke!!!
I think if Universal wanted to build a POTC/HM they could, but they dont want to be a copy carbon of wdw. Its the same as saying that Disney couldnt build a T23D/Spiderman/MIB/Back to the Future. I believe they could but choose not too.
I think both theme parks are excellant and hopefully competition will force both to create better attractions for all of us.
Universal already has had negative impact on wdw. Without a USF people who go to florida more than likely would spend more time at wdw, the same goes for people at CityWalk or USF onsite hotels. My family nows spends 3 days at USF/Onsite hotels which reduces the amount of nights i stay at wdw and at there theme parks. Most people only have a certain amount of vacation time and every time they decide to go to USF that is likely to have a negative impact on disney. Unless you believe people are going to FLA to see Universal only and at the last minute decide to go to wdw.
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