UP, UP, and Away A September 2018, 10th Anniversary TR *Completed 7/22*

Oh my goodness, Anna is HYSTERICAL! :rotfl2: Way to go on capturing that picture!
I loved her, I go a little crazy with the pictures so I capture all the expressions.

I'm glad you were able to take your pirates on their ride! It won't be quite the same to ride it without the "We wants the redhead!" scene, but I do understand why they changed it. (I usually agree with such changes, but this one was hard for me as it feels so nostalgic!)
I agree, I miss the original scene and wish it wasn't changed. However, I do think they did a good job with the new scene, it looked really good.

Hopefully your pirates don't scare any of the animals in your next park! :laughing:
lol, they were melted pirates by then.

Sounds like a great parade experience and a good afternoon!
I was so good, so glad we stayed to do it.
We arrived at AKI and before the tapstiles, they had a PP area set up for AK’s 25 anniversary. N was being pouty again, and DH thought a picture would cheer him up.

It didn’t work. C and I were happy to get one though

We had our first FP of the day to get to, so we headed over to Dinoland. We noticed all the fun Duck characters out meeting with small lines, so we got in line for Scrooge McDuck.
I’m not sure what this look from Connor is about, but it’s one of my favorites.

We were ready to ready for Dinosaur, but C had to take a bathroom break, so I hung out with N and J in the area.

Finally it was time for Dino.

My favorite pre-show by far, Joe and I always quote it. Our favorite line, “Flash photography? I wouldn’t” Don’t ask me why but we crack up at this every time.

I believe this was both J and N’s first time on this ride, and they were both apprehensive.
We made it!

And the boys actually loved this ride.
We split up at this point and DH took the boys to the Boneyard, while I went over to EE to ride with my fastpass.

You may have noticed at this point, but I have very few on ride photos, with me. For some reason mine had a habit of not showing up in our account for some reason. I guess I could call and get them, but I don’t really care so…🤷‍♀️
I walked back to the Boneyard and switched with Joe. I reminded him to not scan even a second early as to not take away our anytime fastpass.

It started to sprinkle so I collected the boys and met back up with Joe, EE had shut down due to the lightening. DH claims he waited until two minutes past our FP time, but somehow it still took our anytime fastpass>:(, and he didn’t even get to ride. In case you’re keeping track, 15 FPs for us to use and so far three had been taken and no ride was ridden with them. On his way back from EE, DH stopped to get a PP picture by himself.

I guess the PP really loved this and played along, telling him to cradle the backpack.
He loves to take silly pictures and then surprise me with them when they show up on our PP account. We had to book it across the park before we got soaked by the impending downpour. Our dinner this evening was at a new to us restaurant, Tusker House. We made it under the roofed section right as the skies truly opened up and we checked in early. We waited a bit, but it wasn’t bad since we were out of the rain. The boys make up was melted off for the most part so I used the shaving kits (makeup remover wipes) and made them more presentable for dinner.
We sat in the side room off to the left and it was crowded in there. I felt like we were on top of the other tables and when the characters did their parade in there the noise level was insane. We had a great server though and I liked all the exotic food choices. First up we had #1 himself, Donald.



The boys used their arms to make Goofy ears

The rain was really coming down while we ate dinner. We purposefully took our time, and it worked out great for us. The rain was almost done by the time we walked our of Tusker House. Unfortunately our stroller was drenched from the downpour, DH thought it was covered but the sideways rain got under the awning.

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We had one final FP to use, so we walked over to Pandora.



It was the boys first time going to Pandora


J was intrigued, but a little scared of this artwork, he wanted a picture nonetheless.



I wanted to get a picture in front of the moss wall and at first only J wanted to do it with me.


Then C wanted to jump in.


If C and J got to do it then….You see where this is going


Oh look we got everybody :rotfl2:


C and I had a fastpass for FoP, while DH, J, and N (who is too short) had a FP for Navi River Journey. We got a rider swap for DH, J, and C to go again.




Meanwhile, C and I were getting ready to ride, this would be the kids first time on the ride.




A little short to be a Navi



He was ready to link up


C absolutely loved it, I didn’t believe he wouldn’t. I was nervous about J, but DH would have to deal with it he freaked out:rotfl:. N really wanted to go back on NRJ and was mad when I told him the wait was too long. Thankfully, the sun had set and there was Pandora at night to explore.





It felt like forever, for the rest of them to ride FoP. We had done the dining package at Tusker House and we were getting close to the start of Rivers of Light. After what felt like a lifetime, we met back up and walked as fast as our feet would carry us over to the theater. The show was just starting when we got there and we were directed to this stand area, even though there was tons of seats and again we had the dining package. The CM was very unpleasant and told us we could not go try and find a seat because the show had started the lights were dimmed. I was super annoyed, more with myself than anything, but then I see a family walk in and they are allowed to walk into the seated section to take a seat. I was mad then. Even if they had gotten up to go to the bathroom, the same principle should stand. If it is a safety issue, no one should be able to walk through the seating then. Really not in the mood to see the show now, I left with J and N. Somehow, by the time I got to the bus stop, DH and C had beaten us there. They decided not to watch either and we all headed back to CBR. Feeling bad about missing the show, we took the boys to the Island Market and got everyone some ice cream.



It was not the best end to what really was a fun day, but ice cream makes anything better. :mickeybar

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Joe's PP pics with the backback are hysterical!

Cute pics from Tusker House, glad you were inside while it rained (thought not great about the stroller).

The family selfie in front of the moss wall is awesome!

I'm sorry the day ended on a sour note and you didn't get to see RoL :( But icecream helps!
Well, at least he's agreeing to a picture... small victories, right?
That's awesome!
Oh, that's cool! DS loves the new Duck Tales, so Scrooge McDuck might just be a character we'll need to meet. I didn't realize he was there!!!
:rotfl2: :rotfl::lmao:
It felt like forever, for the rest of them to ride FoP. We had done the dining package at Tusker House and we were getting close to the start of Rivers of Light. After what felt like a lifetime, we met back up and walked as fast as our feet would carry us over to the theater. The show was just starting when we got there and we were directed to this stand area, even though there was tons of seats and again we had the dining package. The CM was very unpleasant and told us we could not go try and find a seat because the show had started the lights were dimmed. I was super annoyed, more with myself than anything, but then I see a family walk in and they are allowed to walk into the seated section to take a seat. I was mad then. Even if they had gotten up to go to the bathroom, the same principle should stand. If it is a safety issue, no one should be able to walk through the seating then. Really not in the mood to see the show now, I left with J and N. Somehow, by the time I got to the bus stop, DH and C had beaten us there. They decided not to watch either and we all headed back to CBR. Feeling bad about missing the show, we took the boys to the Island Market and got everyone some ice cream.
That really stinks... I'd have been really frustrated by that too. I realize there is a time on the pass and you apparently missed that window, but still. There's room and it shouldn't be that big of a deal to work with you. I think you did alright though... not sure I wouldn't prefer ice cream over Rivers of Light anyway. :rotfl2:
Joe's PP pics with the backback are hysterical!
He'd appreciate that you think so :rotfl:

The family selfie in front of the moss wall is awesome!
Thanks, at least it's one successful family picture :rotfl2:

I'm sorry the day ended on a sour note and you didn't get to see RoL :( But icecream helps!
It's okay, I just really like RoL, but there's always next time

Well, at least he's agreeing to a picture... small victories, right?
It is something :rotfl:

Oh, that's cool! DS loves the new Duck Tales, so Scrooge McDuck might just be a character we'll need to meet. I didn't realize he was there!!!
There is also Launchpad McQuack. We didn't have time to meet him, so it's on our list for next time. My kids are huge Duck Tales fans too.

That really stinks... I'd have been really frustrated by that too. I realize there is a time on the pass and you apparently missed that window, but still. There's room and it shouldn't be that big of a deal to work with you. I think you did alright though... not sure I wouldn't prefer ice cream over Rivers of Light anyway. :rotfl2:
Unpopular opinion, but I really like RoL, but we needed a relaxed night anyway, and ice cream makes everything better.
For the first time ever, we overslept at Disney. I don’t know what it was about this trip, but it wiped me out more than any trip in the past. We had an ADR to get to, so I didn’t even bother with makeup and we got out the door as fast as possible. Of course in all the mayhem DH and I both forgot it was our anniversary. Our 10th anniversary in fact, and the main reason for this trip. We did remember when we got into the car though. This morning we were heading to the Grand Floridan for breakfast at 1900 Park Fare.

This was a chocolate sculpture, like they had in the festival center for food and wine.


We have done dinner here and really enjoyed it, but I was excited for breakfast. Last time we were here in 2015, the entrance to 1900 Park Fare was near the front desk. I didn’t realize they had moved it, so we had to search around for a bit to find it. I still don’t remember where it is, so if we go back I guess we’ll have to do the same thing:confused3. We had a little bit of a wait before we were sat. The boys loved the free water they had out.


Once we were called back we quickly got some food. I never take food picture at buffets because it’s so hectic, but I had to get a Mickey waffle picture.


We also ordered POG juice for the table, and some mimosas for us. I realized a major fail for this breakfast though. Before our first two trips, we had gotten through pretty much all of the classic Disney movies. But that was three years ago and N was either not yet born or still a baby, and the other two didn’t really remember some of them either. So besides Pooh and Tigger, my kids didn’t really know the characters, oops.

Mary Poppins came over first. N was so unimpressed with her, he didn’t even want to get up:rotfl:.



Next we had Alice, again they didn’t know who this was really, so it was a quick picture.


Then we had Mad Hatter, and the one I was most excited for. Even though they had no idea who he was, it’s the Mad Hatter, so it was still fun. The boys were wearing pins that said celebrating mom and dad. MH called them all mom and dad for the rest of the time, which they thought was hilarious.



DH was enjoying his breakfast and Pooh snuck up right behind him.


They had fun talking with Pooh about Tigger.


Pooh has been my favorite character since birth, so I of course needed a picture as well.


Breakfast was very good. I had an omlette and the famous Strawberry soup, that I had somehow missed on our first trip here. The meet with Tigger is after breakfast at what use to be the entrance to the restaurant.

What is better than Tigger hugs?



We took the monorail over to MK, with the plan to do a few rides and relax most of the day. Having just met Tigger and Pooh, we decided to make our first ride Winnie the Pooh.



Our first FP of the day was for SDMT. Even though we had ridden it already this trip, and he enjoyed it, N was not happy about riding it again.




Love the castle view from this ride


Oh look he remembers he does like it




The wait for Elena was really short, and I knew N wanted to meet her, but he was lured over to the carousel and no amount of logic would make him see Elena before he rode it.




By the time we got off the wait for Elena had jumped up to 30 minutes, and we had to skip it. Maybe one of the boys could become the chosen one?





It was time to use our next FP, so we walked over that way. I noticed a small boy, maybe 2 just standing in the sea of people by the carousel, all alone crying. Concerned for him I looked around for a family and it turns out they were off to the side completely ignoring him, on purpose. I get not giving into tantrums, but as you probably know it gets very crowded back there and this situation could have turned out very differently for this family. Crisis hopefully averted, we got in line for PPF. Even with our fastpass we had a bit of a wait.



Here we gooooo!


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Our last ride before leaving Fantasyland would be it’s a small world.






Some of our names even showed up on the goodbye boards



We were having such a good morning, and the crowds were so light, we decided to stay at MK longer than planned and enjoy it.



There was a PP CM out, so we stopped for a picture with one of the ghosts.


N was still insisting on pictures alone.


We stopped in Memento Mori again and N picked up a HM pin.

You can’t really see it, but he’s modeling it here.


Our next destination was Tomorrowland. As much as I do not like the Speedway, the boys love it. I wasn’t sure if it was going away for good at this point, so I wanted to make sure they had one last time on it. In the past we’ve either had enough adults, or N was so little he didn’t care about driving. C was still too short to ride alone and I figure we would have to wait in line twice for this. However, the CM put a red flag thing on our car, which allowed us to switch after our first turn so both kids could have a chance to drive:thumbsup2. J drove with DH, which I have no pictures with.

N drove us first.


Then it was C’s turn


It had been a while since the boys had done Monsters Inc Laugh Floor, so were went there next.



We all really enjoy this attraction, although it wasn’t as funny as last time. We were pretty tired and ready to head out, but you can’t go to Tomrrowland without riding the Peoplemover.



Paging Mr. Morrow



We were officially done for the now, and made our way out. We crossed through Tomorrowland Terrace and I remembered the Purple Wall was a thing, so we stopped. Only C was into though.



Our car was still at GF, and I was able to stop in one of the shops there and grab some champagne for later. When we got back to CBR, we ate some food at the makeshift quick service area and swam at the pool for a little while. Dh and I got ready for our big anniversary night out, while the boys enjoyed their favorite WDW pastime, watching Mickey cartoons. Seriously, back to our first trip in 2014, if we’re in the room the Mickey cartoon channel is on. Back then it was the old school ones, but I think since our 2015 trip it’s been the new style, and they love it.



C wanted a picture before we left for the evening

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Sounds like a good breakfast and a really great morning at MK! You guys did a lot!

You and DH look so lovely all dressed up for dinner!
I do love the ketchup, mustard, and mayo lines at the Dinosaur ride entrance. :love: I think I take a picture of them every time!

What a bummer that another of your anytime Fastpasses disappeared!

I would've been annoyed at ROL, too. I think ice cream was the perfect way to end the day on a high note.

My goodness, you look LOVELY without makeup! I wish I looked as nice!

How funny that the boys didn't know many of the 1900 Park Fare characters! :laughing: It looks like you had a great breakfast regardless.

You mentioned that you left your car at the GF while you went to MK - did you have any issues doing that? I know you're not "supposed" to do that (although I have left my car at both the Poly and the Comtemporary for the evening while I hopped over to MK post-dinner) - I wasn't sure if the new resort parking fees caused any new issues with doing that?

It looks like a lovely time in MK! I do love that Haunted Mansion magic shot!

I can't wait to see what you do on your night out!
I don’t know what it was about this trip, but it wiped me out more than any trip in the past.
Age... I keep finding it gets harder every trip. I've gone from "Naps???? There's no time for naps!" to "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
The wait for Elena was really short, and I knew N wanted to meet her, but he was lured over to the carousel and no amount of logic would make him see Elena before he rode it.
This is going to be one of our biggest struggles. Not Carousel vs. Elena... I really don't think Elena will be one we need to see unless the line is just crazy short. But I know every time LG sees the carousel... oh boy.
We were having such a good morning, and the crowds were so light, we decided to stay at MK longer than planned and enjoy it.
That's awesome! Gotta take advantage of those opportunities when they present themselves.
Sounds like a good breakfast and a really great morning at MK! You guys did a lot!

You and DH look so lovely all dressed up for dinner!

I was so nice to have a relaxing morning in MK, it's so rare now.

My goodness, you look LOVELY without makeup! I wish I looked as nice!
Thanks, I certainly feel lovely, but when in a rush

How funny that the boys didn't know many of the 1900 Park Fare characters! :laughing: It looks like you had a great breakfast regardless.
It was still very fun, just a fail on my part.

You mentioned that you left your car at the GF while you went to MK - did you have any issues doing that? I know you're not "supposed" to do that (although I have left my car at both the Poly and the Comtemporary for the evening while I hopped over to MK post-dinner) - I wasn't sure if the new resort parking fees caused any new issues with doing that?
So guests coming to the resort to visit, do not have to pay a parking fee, only guests actually staying there. We don't make a habit of parking at resorts, but if we had a meal there and are going to MK after, it just doesn't make sense to move the car to the TTA. I know it technically not allowed, but its never for more than a few hours.

I can't wait to see what you do on your night out!
I can't wait to share, it was my favorite night.

Age... I keep finding it gets harder every trip. I've gone from "Naps???? There's no time for naps!" to "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Tell me about, my last two trips have been brutal on me, stupid aging.

This is going to be one of our biggest struggles. Not Carousel vs. Elena... I really don't think Elena will be one we need to see unless the line is just crazy short. But I know every time LG sees the carousel... oh boy.
Oh no, avoid it when you can, it may be worth a lengthy detour.

That's awesome! Gotta take advantage of those opportunities when they present themselves.
It is so rare, I wasn't going to give that opportunity up :rotfl:
We drove over to the Contemporary, because the boys had somewhere to be.


I was so happy that this was an option for this evening. We really didn’t feel comfortable with the in-room sitter option. When we dropped them off we had to select their food for the evening, fill out our contact info and take their magic bands. We were allowed inside, but not past the front desk, but the boys happily left us behind for their exciting adventure.

Kid free Joe and I jumped on the monorail, because we had some FPs to use. It had been raining but stopped while we were dropping off the kids, and we had a beautiful rainbow to show for it.



Clearly two rainbow pictures weren’t enough so we got some more once we were inside MK.



We stopped for a picture in Town Square by the pumpkins, but it sadly never made it into our PP account. Since we were dressed nice, we stopped for every PP picture we could.







Enjoying taking pictures without pouty kids, we went over to the Purple Wall for more. There wasn’t a PP CM there anymore, but a couple were taking pictures there and I offered to take their picture and they returned the favor.


Pictured out, we jumped on the Peoplemover, because we love it.




We had a FP for Space next.


We also got one for Buzz. We tried to take a kissing picture, but it didn’t quite work out.


Our MK visit was short, but successful.

Bye castle


It was about 7:30 when we were walking out and I noticed how crowded the hub was. With the fireworks at 9, I thought it was a little insane that the crowds were already that bad. We still haven’t seen HEA from the hub, and this insanity is why.

One last picture at MK


We walked back to the Contemporary and got a little lost trying to find where to check in for California Grill. Once we were checked in, we had to wait about ten minutes to be called over to the elevator. We felt so fancy riding in the elevator to the top. We were led to a window table looking out toward Epcot, and we told the fireworks were about to start.

surprised wait what GIF by Saturday Night Live

I don’t know when the scheduled changed because the fireworks were supposed to be at 9 until at least a few weeks before our trip. I guess they had moved them up to 8:15 though and we almost missed them :sad2:. I guess that explains why the hub was bust at 7:30. We went right out to the viewing area.




My Happily Ever After :love:


We really liked the show from this vantage point. I am not a fan of HEA for the most part. Maybe if I ever see it as it was intended, I will change my mind, but it just doesn’t move me the way Wishes did. When we went back to our table, our server Nazeer had dropped off some complimentary champagne for us.


Ready for some delicious food



I am very bad at describing food, but this meal was outstanding. Everything we ate was perfect and it was well worth the splurge to eat here. For appetizers DH had potstickers with braised beef.


I had a wedge


I had the filet for my main dish


DH had steak (I don’t remember which one and I can’t look it up because they changed it)

We both agreed this was the best steak we’ve ever had.

We finished off with a s'mores dessert


From arrival to departure, it took us two hours to eat this meal. It was so nice to just relax and have a signature meal. At the end DH surprised me with a gift.


I had to leave a little early to pick up the boys, so DH settled the check. The boys were having a dance party when I got to Pixar Play Zone. They had an amazing night as well. They played all sorts of games and got to hang out with characters. I am really disappointed they got rid of this already. It was a great way for the boys to spend the evening while DH and I got some alone time. The yeven got a present to take home.


We drove home and were in bed by 11. It was an amazing day, by far our best one of the trip.



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Your evening out sounds lovely! I've only had one sub-par experience at the California Grill (due to an indifferent server - the food has always been fantastic!) - I'm so glad you enjoyed it! The views are always excellent.

I LOVE your A&A bracelet! Ah, Up... :goodvibes

I'm glad your boys enjoyed their evening, too!
Awesome rainbow pics!

Such cute PP pics and selfies of you two :) Sounds like a nice time in MK!

Sounds like a perfect time watching HEA and having dinner at CG!
What a great night! We finally did a date night on our last visit...but it didn't go nearly so well! :rotfl2:
What an amazing date night! My favorite part of the Disney Cruise is being able to send the kids to the Kids' Club and have some adult only time- sad that they took this option away at WDW!
We also got one for Buzz. We tried to take a kissing picture, but it didn’t quite work out.
I don't know... that might have worked out even better! :lmao:
It was about 7:30 when we were walking out and I noticed how crowded the hub was. With the fireworks at 9, I thought it was a little insane that the crowds were already that bad. We still haven’t seen HEA from the hub, and this insanity is why.
I hear ya. I just can't get into waiting an hour plus for fireworks. You can find a decent vantage point later. Just not worth it.
I guess that explains why the hub was bust at 7:30. We went right out to the viewing area.
Hmm... maybe the crazies weren't as crazy as we thought!
We really liked the show from this vantage point. I am not a fan of HEA for the most part. Maybe if I ever see it as it was intended, I will change my mind, but it just doesn’t move me the way Wishes did.
I'm right there with you. HEA is a good show and I like what they do with the castle and everything. But as far as having that sentimental draw, I just can't even compare it to Wishes.
I had to leave a little early to pick up the boys, so DH settled the check. The boys were having a dance party when I got to Pixar Play Zone. They had an amazing night as well. They played all sorts of games and got to hang out with characters. I am really disappointed they got rid of this already. It was a great way for the boys to spend the evening while DH and I got some alone time. The yeven got a present to take home.
That's awesome! I'm glad that they were able to have a fun night while you guys had a nice date night!


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