Up Where They Walk, Up Where They Run: Going the Distance with Disney & My Dissertation (comments welcome!)

Ugh, I'm so sorry. It's never easy, no matter how long you've had them or how it happens. Thank you for giving him such an amazing life full of love.
@lookingforsunshine I am so sorry to hear about your loss. In the pictures you shared it was clear how much you loved Jack and that he loved you. Don’t give the runs another thought, you will be fine there. But I do hope you find some peace around such a loss. Thinking of you and your family!
What heartbreaking news! Try to take comfort that he’s no longer suffering.

And cry. And watch sad movies. And eat ice cream. And whatever else can bring you solace during this time.
My penultimate training update, as I have one more run on Tuesday. I’ll probably be brief here because tired.

MW Training Runs Completed: 75/83 (90%)
294 total training miles

September: 41.8 miles (10 h 25 m)
October: 71.3 miles (17 h 33 m)
November: 87.9 miles (21 h 38 m)
December: 90 miles (21 h 55 m)
January: 3 miles (30 m)

Below is a brief recap of what I did the past two weeks. I missed two runs— an 8 mile marathon tempo run on a Wednesday and a 5.5 mile run that following Friday. It was a bad week and my dog died and I am just proud of myself for getting back to it this past week. Thank you all, by the way, for the kind words. I know I’m bad at responding but it means a lot. Because of the missed runs I did a little extra walking— not much— but that’s not counted here. I did count an extra half mile I added to my 12/31 run so I could get to 90 miles for the month— another monthly PR. I did a lot of runs on my tread because the sidewalks weren’t clear.

12/19: 4 miles easy (1 h)
12/23: 4.1 miles easy- tread (1 h)
12/24: 5.6 miles easy- tread (1 h 25 m)
12/26: 4 miles easy- tread (1 h)
12/29: 6.3 miles MT + easy- tread (1 h 30 m)
12/30: 4 miles easy (58:28)
12/31: 3 miles easy + .5 mile walk (53:31)
(I also did a 30 min bike class this day because I realized if I did I would hit 900 miles for the year.)
01/01: 3 miles easy- tread (45 m)

Overall, I have hit 90% of my training runs and that is something to be proud of! It’s not perfect but it is so so so much better than I have ever done before. I am pretty nervous for Sunday but that’s because a. I was swept last year and b. I have actually trained now so if I were to get swept or fail in some way I would feel extra sad… last year it wasn’t that bad. But this year I’ve actually worked for it so there’s more at stake. I am generally always nervous though so there you go, haha.

Another nice thing to mention is I raised $667 for Girls on the Run Central Florida! I’m running the 10k for them technically but am going to wear my shirt for the marathon (and as part of fundraising I asked for people to “sponsor” a mile of the marathon).

Tomorrow I fly to Orlando!!! I have a normal sized suitcase, a small duffel bag, a carry on suitcase, and a backpack… all for me. Yikes! Packing for Disney + race weekend + a cruise is a lot.

I’m a little disappointed because I didn’t get much work stuff done this past week like I hoped because I have been sad about my dog (and also alone— my family went out of town but I stayed back). This means I’ll have to do some work on the trip. Oh well.

Looking forward to meeting some of you soon! Thanks @DopeyBadger for the training plan— I am so grateful to you. Can’t wait to “test it”— and more importantly, me!,— next weekend.

Also, my 2022 year totals:
Yoga: 50x
Run: 401.8 miles
Walk: 77 miles
Bike: 904.6 miles
Hike: 26.6 miles
Swim: 18,795 yards
Books: 53

The running is a personal best. The biking is not but it is the most I have biked since 2014 or 2012. Pretty proud of myself! Oh, and I lost 18 lbs!
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Been thinking about you and hope you're feeling better -- physically and mentally.
Such a major bummer! May your recovery be quick and you find another marathon to finish.
Thank you. I’m so sad I didn’t get to meet you.
Been thinking about you and hope you're feeling better -- physically and mentally.
Thanks— I am not really feeling better but I think that’s because my social media is an onslaught of ppl celebrating while I’m sitting here feeling sorry for myself haha. I’m happy for everyone but also sad for me. And my head hurts :p.
Sigh. I guess I should write a trip report.

WDW Marathon Weekend 2023 Trip Report

Monday, January 2

This morning was spent with a variety of appointments… getting my nails and lashes done, getting tinsel in my hair. After those I made my way to the airport. I was feeling really rushed and had scarfed down the lunch DH had for me when I got home from my appts, but I shouldn’t have been because as soon as I checked in I was notified that my flight was delayed 5 hours due to some problem in Florida. So I settled down (or tried to— they moved our gate several times) and did some work.

The flight time moved up and then farther away again. Finally we got in the plane. I was glad it was a direct flight. By the time I landed in Orlando, I had more than missed my dinner plans with my friend at Raglan Road. The Lyft was $60, which took me surprise. Usually it is around $20. Around 11 pm I made it to POFQ. They were busy taking down the Christmas decorations. I was sad about this because they looked SO pretty, but I’m glad I got to see them somewhat. I checked into my room and went to sleep. I loved the bed in my room. So comfy.

Tuesday, January 3

I woke up bright and early (not even— before the sun rose) because I had one more training run on my schedule, an easy 1.5 miles. I have a friend we’ll call C who I met on Instagram and we’ve become pretty close, doing runs synchronously from afar, rooting each other on, etc. She was signed up for Dopey, which would also be her first marathon. Anyway, C came to POFQ so we could do our last training run together IRL. We ran around POFQ/POR, and it was super peaceful and just a great way to tie up what was, in my eyes, a pretty successful training cycle. After we ate beignets. The vegan beignets at POFQ are DELICIOUS by the way.

We then parted ways, and I got ready for Universal. One of my best friends lives in Orlando, and I had plans to spend the day at IoA with her and her boyfriend. I took a Lyft to Universal (which was more reasonably priced). I have mixed feelings about this day because my mom suspects I got COVID from Universal based on timing but obviously there is no way to know.

We rode Velocicoaster, ate vegan pizza tots in Seuss land, and rode Hagrid’s. Those are my two favorite rides ever. We did Velocicoaster in front row which was amazing. We also did the Jurassic Park River Ride. I brought us ponchos which I was glad for because the benches were wet. The park was very crowded and wait times were long, but we had fun and it was good to see my friend and her boyfriend, who I’ve known for a long time.

They needed to head out at 5 pm to take care of their pets, so they drove me back to POFQ and we exchanged Christmas presents. After they left I rested a bit and then changed and made my way to Raglan Road, my favorite Disney Springs restaurant. POFQ has a boat to DS. The boat ride was longer than I anticipated and was quite loud between the motor, music, and screaming children, but it was a good option of transportation. I was pretty hungry and dehydrated so I resisted shopping and made my way straight to RR where they were able to get me a seat at the bar right away (otherwise it would have been like an hour wait). I couldn’t see the performers but this was fine. There was a drunk girl sitting next to me at the bar. I think she was having a bad day. I ordered my vegan shepard’s pie and drank about 5 glasses of water then made my way out to meander around DS.

I love DS. I stopped at Sugarboo, my favorite store, and was able to leave without buying anything. I also stopped at Basin and got some bath bombs. My favorite purchase was my Mickey nuimo from World of Disney. Although I was enjoying myself, I was definitely very tired and decided to go back to the boat. I was dozing off on the dock waiting for the boat.

Once back in the room I showered and went to bed. I had a roomie this night— @NYC_MW had decided to move her flight up in case of any delays so I offered to let her crash with me. I’m glad she did move it up because that flight got delayed, as so many of us experienced. So I slept a few hours until she got in. She was very kind and gave me the sweetest thank you gift of dried pineapple and a magnet with a funny quote about books and dogs. I felt very seen, haha. Since it was like 3 am we both went to sleep pretty quickly, and she got up early to go to DAK early entry (and I, for the expo). So our visit was short, but I loved meeting her and was glad I could help her out.

(Image description: running with C, the sunrise behind us)

(Image description: There was a Mardi Gras Mickey waiting for me in my room.)

(Image description: Delicious vegan beignets I will dream about forever.)

(Image description: Vegan pizza tots! We are all 3 vegan haha.)

(Image description: Obligatory castle photo of us in front of Hogwarts.)

(Image description: Two empty glasses on the RR bar.)

(Image description: Selfie of me sitting on the dock. I am wearing my 50th spirit jersey and ears— prob the last time I’ll get to wear them. I will miss the 50th theming.)


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