US & Canada PTR - 2 sleeps to go, wow

Amazing. I am green with envy!!

Great trips that involve multiple locations with a large family do take detailed planning to go off without a hitch. My family and friends were astounded that our trip last year has no mishaps whatsoever (getting sick and other passengers notwithstanding as those are outside our control) and i just explained that all the time i spent glued to my laptop scouring websites and google earth etc were totally worth it to make my family's vacation perfect.

I cannot wait to read your tr and see all your photos.
Your PTR looks great, I am dying to see you capture those Christmas images, Christmas is my favorite time of year!
Couldn't agree more re the planning!! But that's why we are all here, I guess!! :thumbsup2
There are only 2 of us travelling most times and I do all the research, referring where necessary! It is so totally worth it. And I wouldn't do it any other way!
(No matter how often I dream of being surprised with a trip away that I have had nothing to do with, I know I wouldn't cope with that!!! :crazy2:)
I love PTR's just as much as TR's.

Those photos of Quebec are gorgeous, makes me want to take a winter /snow holiday - something I never thought I would ever say!
Amazing. I am green with envy!!

Great trips that involve multiple locations with a large family do take detailed planning to go off without a hitch. My family and friends were astounded that our trip last year has no mishaps whatsoever (getting sick and other passengers notwithstanding as those are outside our control) and i just explained that all the time i spent glued to my laptop scouring websites and google earth etc were totally worth it to make my family's vacation perfect.

I cannot wait to read your tr and see all your photos.

That is so true Alicia, all of your time and effort really paid off. It's funny that people are so surprised when it all goes well, and it's also funny when people who do no planning are surprised when they hit bumps in the road.

Your PTR looks great, I am dying to see you capture those Christmas images, Christmas is my favorite time of year!

Mine too Becpee, mine too.

Couldn't agree more re the planning!! But that's why we are all here, I guess!! :thumbsup2
There are only 2 of us travelling most times and I do all the research, referring where necessary! It is so totally worth it. And I wouldn't do it any other way!
(No matter how often I dream of being surprised with a trip away that I have had nothing to do with, I know I wouldn't cope with that!!! :crazy2:)

Hahaha, I've had that crazy dream on occasion too but completely agree the control freak in me wouldn't be able to stand it. :rotfl:

I love PTR's just as much as TR's.

Those photos of Quebec are gorgeous, makes me want to take a winter /snow holiday - something I never thought I would ever say!

It does look like a winter wonderland doesn't it. I hope we get to see it looking this pretty, but it's hard to say what the weather and snow will be doing. We mightn't find the snow so charming once we're trudging through it :rotfl2:. Hopefully I'll be able to see the beauty and positives, rather than the cold realities.

Your trip sounds amazing!! Loving all the details in this.

Thanks Mindy.
Wow what an amazing holiday you have planned. I'm very envious, my hubby and I would love to do a trip like this on our own in a few years. Can't wait to see your photos.
Wow what an amazing holiday you have planned. I'm very envious, my hubby and I would love to do a trip like this on our own in a few years. Can't wait to see your photos.

I think it would be a great trip to do with kids or on your own. Something for you to look forward to Tapdancer.
Yay, I love your trip reports, so much detail and I am looking forward to seeing all your beautiful photos.

Would so love to do Christmas in NY, if only I could get grumpy DH to agree.
Wow! What a fantastic PTR. WDW in the lead up to Christmas will be great. Our family did MVMCP 2 years ago and the children still talk about the hot cocoa and fireworks.

Arlington Cemetery for the changing of the guard is a truly moving experience. It's hard not to get caught up in the emotion when sitting among many grieving relatives. We did this pre-children so I'm not sure of the appropriateness.

Last year we were also unsure about KSC so we did the Family Astronaut Training Experience or ATX. Unfortunately I'm unable to find a link. I'm hoping it hasn't been discontinued because we loved it. The children got to meet an astronaut and ask a lot of age appropriate questions alongside similarly aged children. We were lucky that the other parents in our group let the children ask the majority of the questions. I'm always amazed at how insightful children's questions can be. As part of the experience we also did some of the training drills that the astronauts do. I wouldn't trade the memory of this day in a heartbeat.

I'm really looking forward to reading your updates. I love the detail particularly the thoughtfulness of hotel choice. Great planning!
Yay, I love your trip reports, so much detail and I am looking forward to seeing all your beautiful photos.

Would so love to do Christmas in NY, if only I could get grumpy DH to agree.

Christmas in NYC will certainly be a cool experience. I can't wait.

Wow! What a fantastic PTR. WDW in the lead up to Christmas will be great. Our family did MVMCP 2 years ago and the children still talk about the hot cocoa and fireworks.

Arlington Cemetery for the changing of the guard is a truly moving experience. It's hard not to get caught up in the emotion when sitting among many grieving relatives. We did this pre-children so I'm not sure of the appropriateness.

Last year we were also unsure about KSC so we did the Family Astronaut Training Experience or ATX. Unfortunately I'm unable to find a link. I'm hoping it hasn't been discontinued because we loved it. The children got to meet an astronaut and ask a lot of age appropriate questions alongside similarly aged children. We were lucky that the other parents in our group let the children ask the majority of the questions. I'm always amazed at how insightful children's questions can be. As part of the experience we also did some of the training drills that the astronauts do. I wouldn't trade the memory of this day in a heartbeat.

I'm really looking forward to reading your updates. I love the detail particularly the thoughtfulness of hotel choice. Great planning!

Your "meet the astronaut" experience sounds awesome. I think I've read about that somewhere on the website so I'm sure it must still be an option. I'll have to check it out some more, you've sold me on the idea.
Okay I need to be talked down off the "private airport transfers" ledge :lmao:.

I love private transfers, as does my husband. I know it's more expensive often but there is something so comforting to see a person there with your name on a card to help with your luggage and get you where you need to go. It's just a really nice way to start off a visit to a new city :rotfl:. I also hate lining up in those long long long taxi lines.

It only has 2 drawbacks -

The cost and if the driver isn't there and you have to chase them up.

For this upcoming trip we have the following, DME from Orlando airport to WDW and back so that's all sorted.

In NYC we definitely have a private transfer organised. With that traffic, we would never use a cab. We are using a different company this time and many of the reviews mentioned feeling like they almost got a guided tour included in the trip to their hotel so I'm hoping this is a transfer with a bit extra this time.

In Quebec there is a flat taxi rate of $30 CAD from the airport to downtown hotels so it seems crazy to get a private transfer for that one.

Have organised Toronto-Niagara Falls-Buffalo so that's done.

Now the problem is Boston and Washington. On Trip Advisor everyone says, yeah just cab it but I'm like, hmmmm really. I'm not sure how I feel and I wonder whether we should just go with what we like in terms of having someone there or just cab it??

I'm thinking cab it for both it but it really worries me we may hate all the cabs and I'm very concerned about luggage. My DH loves to shop and by the time we hit Boston and Washington are we going to wish we had an SUV picking us up hahaha.

Okay, thoughts everyone?????
If you are not especially concerned about the cost -then go with the transfer.

Even with a normal amount of luggage for four people- its going to be hard fitting it all in one car.

I dont know about those cities, but in NYC at the airport you could line up and request a taxi van but its the return to the airport that was the problem as cabs cant be prebooked you have to be lucky to get a van.
If you are not especially concerned about the cost -then go with the transfer.

Even with a normal amount of luggage for four people- its going to be hard fitting it all in one car.

I dont know about those cities, but in NYC at the airport you could line up and request a taxi van but its the return to the airport that was the problem as cabs cant be prebooked you have to be lucky to get a van.

We've definitely got NYC booked and paid for. I wouldn't even consider cab there.

Hmmmm, it's so hard to know what to do.
Which airport are you flying into in Washington? In general I too would agree with cab in Washington especially if it is to DCA. If from Union station then definitely cab it.

Nothing wrong with private transfers. I love them too!

Can't help with Boston!

So nice to hear the details about your trip and seeing the little things fall in place. Getting very excited for you!
Flying into Dulles airport. What do you think? Cab?

Hoping you can share more detailed info on your trip if you ever get time which I know is probably unlikely with so much going on Shushh but yeah, you know i'm obsessed with your holiday :rotfl:
I'm with BattyMum. If you have the money, then get a transfer.

But Boston is a smaller city and you could cab it.
I'll be honest here, the flight we ended up buying was from DCA and it was so quick getting there! So no personal experience with Dulles. Although from previous general browsing, we were happy to cab it to/from Dulles. How expensive is the private transfer?


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