^v^GuEsS wHaT!?! ^v^

Eeyore Addict

Earning My Ears
Jul 25, 2002
I got a job... wanna know where !?!? hehe i know you prolly dont but watever

I am working at the Disney store!!!!! i m like sooo excited!

hehe oh and if anyone cares also i am editor of my year book too i got voted into the position on my 18th b-day!!!!:Pinkbounc :tongue: :wave: :sunny:
That sounds like a cool job!! Thats a great b-day present being voted into yearbook...Congrats!!!!
Have fun working at the Disney Store! :earsboy: I wasn't yearbook editor, but I did help out with some layouts and stuff, so I know that editor is a big job... good luck and enjoy! :wave:
thats too cool!! hook it up with some gift certificates lol!!
congrats and happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
He He thanks guys oh and by the way if you ever get offered the job of editor of ur year book...here is my advice DON'T TAKE THE JOB...lol i spent most of today sitting in my auditoruim waitin for groups and clubs to show up which half of them didn't becuase no one knew the pics were being taking(me and my friends ciffon and dede wen from class to class the 1st three periods of the day letting people know the time~which they should hve know dayz ago throught their moderaters)...and then spent another hour calling the photo studio and making another appointment for them to come back, and also making up a new schedule for all the groups that haven't gone yet(sorry i needed to vent a little...lol) thank goodness for Anashka and shaneeka my co-editors who hung with me and helped me with everything or i would i gone insane and then there would be no more spenca around the boards hehe and that would be a sad( i know you all are like yea right i cant wait to see the day she is gone hehe)
argh! I hate when people do stuff like that! it makes me mad! :mad:

but congrats on your job! :)
i know how that is too. Its really frusterating!! well i hope everything ends up for the better though. My friend is co-editor of our yearbook and she is allways busy with stuff!


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