Vacation Tips for Women! :)

I always use Dr Scholl's Peppermint leg cream. I go back to the room for a midday break, wash and apply and do the same at night. It feels sooooooooooo good. It's like a massage for your legs. I've never had tired legs since I started using.

where did you get this leg cream, i have looked everywhere for it. please let me know. thanks
I have a small California Innovations tote bag cooler. I plan to put a little ziplock of ice - or use one of those small blueice things if you have a fridge in your room - and I will carry my make-up for evening, a washcloth for freshing up, an extra bandana type neck cooler, and my refillable cup in it. It is small and lightweight so I will carry it like a purse in addition to my daybag. I may store it in a shaded area locker until needed. I like to have a drink in my refillable cup while waiting on the bus and then have it with me to refill on my way to my room at night - saves a little walking.
where did you get this leg cream, i have looked everywhere for it. please let me know. thanks

Wal Mart sells it-- back with the foot stuff, i.e. mole skin, gel insoles, athlete foot and fungus stuff.

Jaffra makes one I like better. They have the peppermint foot soak, peppermint leg mask, and peppermint lotion that all matches. I have a little blow up foot bath that I got several years ago from Avon, that I take to WDW every trip. I like to put a little of the Jaffra peppermint foot soak in it, add some really hot water, soak my feet until the water cools, then apply the peppermint leg mask to my feet and calves, lie back with them covered with a towel for a few minutes, rinse off, then apply the Jaffra peppermint foot cream. Makes your feet feel wonderful, even though the foot mask does get really cold.

In addition to the Body Glide antichafing stick, Body Glide also makes a pain relieving stick that is wonderful for sore backs and feet. It looks just like the Body Glide antichafing stick though, except it has a red cap instead of a gray one. I carry both, but am always afraid I'm going to get the two mixed up and apply the one for sore muscles to areas I mean to apply the antichafing one to. I have a feeling that would not be pleasant.
I don't know if I'm allowed to recommend a company, but here goes:

Because of the rules about liquids in your carry-on luggage on planes, I recommend taking shampoos from Lush!

They make excellent solid shampoos, which cost around $9 for a round bar. The bars last for ages and ages, and you just swipe them on your head. (if you buy 2 shampoo bars, you get a free tin to store one!) They make 2 varieties with conditioner right in the bar, so you don't need to buy separate conditioner, but of course, they sell separate conditioner too, including a solid conditioner.

I always take Lush hair products when travelling, it's so easy to just toss a tin with my shampoo into a bag and not have to worry about leakage!

Lush's big selling point is that the products are all hand-made, cruelty-free, and FRESH!!
People who talk about wearing a skirt!

I wouldn't i found with the heat my legs rubbed so much an it was uncomftorble! stick to shorts they're really cute! and save your legs the rubbing!
:rotfl: I cant wear skirts! I feel like at any time they will just blow up and everyone will see my rainbow mickey understuff! HAHA!!

I think shorts are a better perosnal option for me. I used to feel really uncomfortable in short shorts, then I discovered SELF TANNER. I never realized my insecurity was from how pale I was. (were talking snow pale!). When I wore tanner for the first time not so long ago I was amazed at how good it looked, I wanted to wear shorts! :lmao:

I definetly reccomend self tanner. No skin cancer and it looks good! Try neutrogena lotion gradual tanner, after three days you look really fabulous!
I will second the suggestion about wearing skorts as opposed to skirts. I wear skorts almost exclusively all summer. They are actually more comfortable for me than shorts now. I even walk on our local walking trails everyday for excercise wearing a skort. The key is to buy a skort that is made out of twill, canvas, denim, or similar type of material that has the skirt portion AND the shorts portion made out of the same material. Don't get the ones that have a different cheaper material underneath the skirt portion...if you do, the short portion will just ride up (very uncomfortable!). Also, the stretchy cotton skorts are cute for around the house, but not very comfortable in the long if you are very active (they ride up a lot easier...both skirt portion and short portion)

I have bought a lot of skorts from women's golf apparel stores. The golf skorts are really adorable, but they can be a little pricey. However, this summer...skorts really caught on with more mainstream brands. Dockers has a lot of different kinds of skorts available ( carries them). JcPenny had some nice twill and denim ones this year as well.
Best anti-humidity hairspray I have found is actually Nick Chavez Plump 'N' Thick hairspray. It REALLY holds a 'do. BUT, the tradeoff is that your hair will be pretty stiff (it won't look like it...but it will feel like it when you touch it...although, easy to comb through). So, you have to go easy on the trigger finger. A step down from that, still good with humidity, but less Nick Chavez Amazon Hair spray. And one level below that, which is my every day spray is Sebastian Shaper Plus hairspray.
At WDW I am the skort person for sure, at home I'm a shorts or skirt person, on previous trips I have worn only skorts, have several with me and just stick to one or two and wash them at night. Yeah looks great fun in pictures...two skorts and different tops in all of them :rotfl:

As for makeup..none what so's sunlotion only :-)
I swear by the monistant gel for thigh rubbing.
Ladies, please remember to take your pill on time-if need be.
ok my personal travel ideas are...

I ALWAYS over pack on the "cute clothes" and not enough on the comfy side so I am trying to get better by packing then right before I leave go through all our suitcases and reevaluate but not adding to but taking away.

I make my own wipe and pad combos and have for years because I am a super heavy period haver (TMI I know) just pack your favorite pad or tampon and a wipe of choice in a baggie, the dollar store here has the flush-able wipes for kids and these have worked well for me in the past. Also remember to take the time to go to the bathroom- sounds dumb but I know that I am guilty of not making enough pit stops until it was absolutely necessary. :scared:
Also make it a point to eat some yougurt- helps with the natural bacteria count in your body to help with yeast.
Make-up is out the window when I am on vacation- I wear 30+ on my face ( I can remember the days when I would have died before putting sun screen on ;) I do wear everyday minerals in everyday life and like it a lot.

my hair is short and nat. curly- there is no hope - :rotfl2: I just pull my sides back out of my face with a little claw clip and keep going.

I really like the new Secret clinical strength for these hot and humid days. I perspire like any normal person but I would rather be cautious when out with a big crowd of people. (I wonder how this would work for those areas that rub? hmmmm:idea: )

I love seeing your all's ideas...
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do for those red bump you get in certain places after shaving? How many bras's do you pack? I'm not used to going to FL. in the summer so I'm thinking I'll need a bra a day, or maybe 2, I'd hate to go back soaking wet get changed for a swim and put that sweaty bra back on for the evening, with clean clothes. I figure I'll be washing them out in the sink every night and giving them overnight to dry. :) Linda
I don't know if I'm allowed to recommend a company, but here goes:

Because of the rules about liquids in your carry-on luggage on planes, I recommend taking shampoos from Lush!

They make excellent solid shampoos, which cost around $9 for a round bar. The bars last for ages and ages, and you just swipe them on your head. (if you buy 2 shampoo bars, you get a free tin to store one!) They make 2 varieties with conditioner right in the bar, so you don't need to buy separate conditioner, but of course, they sell separate conditioner too, including a solid conditioner.

I always take Lush hair products when travelling, it's so easy to just toss a tin with my shampoo into a bag and not have to worry about leakage!

Lush's big selling point is that the products are all hand-made, cruelty-free, and FRESH!!

I love the Lush stuff! But also, there's a store at Downtown Disney called Basin and they also sell the solid shampoo bars--they're wonderful as well!

Basin also has fantastic "After Sun" body butter. It makes your skin feel so good after a little too much sun and chlorine :)
My "must haves":
body glide
sunblock for hyper-sensitive skin. I came home from FL last year as pale as I was when I left Maine! I've already had one mole removed...I'm not taking ANY chances!
hat (though I look horrible in them, I don't want to burn my head)
Comfy shorts!!
Little first aid kit with tylenol, needle and thread, bandaids, etc.

A new find: liquid baby powder. I found it at Dollar Tree and used it when I wore skirts this spring. Worked well, no mess, and cheaper than body glide. I don't know how it will hold up in the heat of Florida, though.

Lots of bras! As a PP mentioned, you don't want to put a sweaty one back on after changing. I'll be washing my bras out in the sink, too!
While touring WDW, I also throw one of these Evian sprays in my bag to help cool off when it's hot & humid in Florida. It's very refreshing and a good boost to your skin.

You can get it at and Ulta. Maybe some drugstores too, but haven't looked for them there.

One year my peroid came when I was in disney world, I could not work the tampon machine. One woman yelled you have to put the quarters in together and turn the knob. Well this was no help to me,so then there was finally this nice woman who came and helped me. The whole time all I could say was you have got to be kidding me.

I do not wear make up, but I went one year and got sun burn on my scalp. That hurt like heck.


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