Vacationing with a tight wallet...Our First trip to Universal

Jumping in late to the trippy!! It's great so far!

And you summed up my feelings for T-Rex... a one hit wonder. Sadly my first time there was without my kids so I have to go back :rotfl:
Enjoying your trippie very much. Your pictures are great (food ones made me hungry!). Great idea with the glasses!

I can't wait for more! :cool1:
Thanks all for stopping by, reading, and commenting. I am working on getting the rest of the pictures loaded to Photobucket and will continue with the adventure shortly :)
I'm enjoying your trip report. Your room in the pictures looked very clean!!
How is your MIL doing?
Happy Mother's Day!!
Sorry for going missing there for a bit. I am trying to finish up the school year with the kids and we have some catching up to do :headache:

I shall continue with the trip report :banana:

April 27th 2009: First Day at Universal Studios.

After our evening in Downtown Disney we headed back to the hotel and settled into bed. The next morning would be our first park day. I set the clock for 6:20am :crazy2:
Unfortunatly I didnt set the clock right :headache: but I tend to wake up fequently anyway. I happen to wake up just after the clock should have went off. I got up and started getting ready. Woke up DH (who stayed in the bed another 30 minutes while I dressed the kids and packed the Park backpack and cooler.
In due time we headed down to the free breakfast in the hotel lobby. Breakfast was a meager affair of plain Bagels apples oranges 2 kinds of toast 3 cereals and 4 kinds of doughnuts. We are not big breakfast eaters so this was sufficiant for our needs. After breakfast we loaded into the van and headed for the park.
We arrived shortly before 9. I had wanted to be at the parking gargage at 8:15 but it's hard getting my crew moving first thing in the morning. I expected a long line of cars ahead of us but in fact there were no more then 2 cars at any of the parking pay booths. We were parked on floor 2 of the Jaws section. I did not pay for preferred parking or valet any of the days we were there.
Dh was a little peeved that there were closer sections empty and one we passed that was very close to the walkway over the road (no idea what road) was reserved for employees. Where we live most companies reserve do not allow their employees to park in the closest spaces and instead reserve those for the customers. It didn't bother me as I didnt feel it was that far of a walk.

We headed up the escalator and down the moving walkways. I was very glad DMIL wasnt with us as she was hurt because she fell on a moving walk way in the airport.
I missed this picture in the morning but grab it as we left that evening But it fits here in thr TR :)

One observation in the mornings everyone walked on the walkways and the security people didnt stop strollers from using them. In the evening as we left the securty guards would chase you down to keep a stroller off the moving walkway and people would step on them and STAND there :mad:. This did piss DH off every evening and he was hard pressed to be good :rolleyes1.

We went through security and into City walk. We never really looked around City Walk a whole lot. It looked fun for adults to hang out in the evening minus the kids but since our evening babysitter didnt make the trip due to her shoulder we decided not to tempt ourselves. We passed through City walk made the right hand turn and moved on towards or destination:



Of course im not in the picture :rolleyes1
I decided not to run back and forth through the park like a mad person. We started at the begining and took our time.
Our first stop was:

There was a five minute wait posted but I think we walked right in.
We did this ride again later in the week at the request of Loogey (6yr old boy).
IMO: it was a once a trip wonder. I did not like the "Chicken Dance" part at all. It was overly jarring. Otherwise a cute ride and great for a rainy day as it is indoors :idea:
Next up: Shrek 4D (these are the only pictures i got of the Shrek ride for some reason :confused3


This one posted a 10 minute wait but once again we waited maybe 5 minutes for the show before us to end and exit.
IMO: I liked this show but still feel like it is a "once a trip" wonder. The kids enjoyed it but they were chomping at the bit for something MORE exciting.
We exited Shrek and could hear donkey talking but we were saving the characters for later in the week.
We moved on to the next attraction:
Twister. I didnt take any pictures of this one sorry :( The wait was a little long I guess we just missed getting in the doors as we waited about 10 minutes.
IMO: The kids at first did not like this one much. The felt it was kind of cheesey and boring. Maybe they have seen to many Hurricanes to be impressed. I probably wont it this attraction again.
After Twister we moved along to Mummy. By this time DH and the kids are commenting on how dull Universal Studios looks. All they see are blocks of buildings and little to no "eye candy". Dh makes the rather distasteful comment that it looks like the "Poor Man's Disney" :blush::faint:
I am hoping that some interesting stuff lies in wait for us around the cornor or I am going to be hung up by my toes.
We head to The Mummy again the wait is short 5 minutes at the most.

DS6 and DD9 could not ride this one :guilty:. Dh took them to the Childswap while DD15 and i rode. Then I switched places while DH and DD15 rode. DD liked this one as did I. DH was feeling ill from the 4d effects in Sherk and made no comments however I think he liked it. I give Mummy :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Next installment : Blue's Brothers, Ben and Jerry's, Disaster and Jaws.
sorry to hear u didn't like TRex, i figured it was akin to Rainforest & it's ilk:confused3(although i'll say one of the better meals we had @ DL was in their Rainforest lol)

funny, my DILs friend just got back from WDW honeymoon & said they luved it:). guess that's why they have so many offerings...still, that sort of venue really is a money pit imo

looking forward to reading more impressions of your trip:thumbsup2
As we leave Mummy we notice it's about time for the Blue's Brothers show :cool1: I am thinking DH will enjoy this so we head over. There isn't much of a crowd so we just find a spot to stand. The opening act is already doing her thing and the Sax player was awesome.





We enjoyed this show and agree that it's something we would stop and watch anytime we come back. It was fun :)

After the Blue's Brothers show we headed on down the street and DH noticed this was just opening it's doors for the day:

Yep we had to stop in and get Icecream!
Icecream really broke our budget becuase we had B&J twice plus 2 nights at Friendly's. DH said we probably spent over $100.00 on icecreams alone :lmao:
Everyone really enjoyed their midmorning snack.
Icecream this day : $26.58.
I HIGHLY suggest stopping in and getting a 2 scoop waffle cone!
After our midmorning snack we head to Disaster. DD9 is complaining as we wait in the que that this is going to be BORING like Twister. Well we do our thing wait in line this one I guess ran about 15 to 20 minutes but again we had just missed the previous group entering. In the end DD9 actually liked this one and I think everyone else did as well. It's not something we would visit 3 times in one trip but we would do it once a trip for sure :)
This is the only picture I took of Disaster:

We finally started seeing more "eye candy" in the Amity area. The carnival games we cute. We didnt play any but they at least didnt look run down and tacky.
We continued strolling along in no rush.
We found Jaws and there was a bit more of a wait I guess 20 minutes. Still nothing to long IMO. Dh decided to feed Loogey to the Shark

I TRIED to get a picture but this was my best effort:

I liked jaws. The boat operator was funny and entertaining and even though i knew what was going to happen i liked it :)
DD9 wasnt to happy with the giant shark jumping out at her. She can be a bit of a drama queen :rolleyes:

By this time we were hungry for some lunch. Figuring we had traversed 1/2 the park we decided it was time for eats. Be backtracked around to Richter's and had the standard fare of Chezburgers and fries we bought 3 and shared them between the 5 of us and got 2 refillable cups to share (one for kids one for adults). Lunch was $39.46 Sorry no pictures of the food :( We ate it to fast.
Stay tooned for other half of our first day in Universal.
I came back here to read your report. As you remember, I received some good ideas from you, and wanted to see if you had a good time.

Great report so far!
Sorry i have been missing. We are closeing up the school year right now and I have grades to average and turn in and next year to plan and buy for. I will try to get this report back on track shortly.
sounds great! cant wait to read more.we leave for universal in 3 weeks for our first trip there...:yay:
The days are ticking by and I have nothing to do to speed them along! What am I going to do to pass this time :confused3.

Yes I am enjoying a more laid back planning period. I have stopped myself many times from looking for a different hotel just becuase I am bored :lmao: (though I think the Nick Hotel looks like a tone of fun and wish I would have picked it but it's not exactly "budget")

We have just 31 more days to go :cool1:

lol I can relate! Last time we did WDW and Universal and I spent so much time planning everything and this time since we are mostly doing Universal theres hardly nothing to plan since we have been there before and it's disapointing that I am not spending hours planning out itinerary. There are a few reservations for dinner I had to make, for instance Emerils and since we will be eating at a few of Disneys restaurants at the marketplace a few there but otherwise not much planning needed. My 5 year old is now 20! So don't need the autograph books,lol. So this is why I am on here, passing the time for another 77 days!!!! I have never wanted summer to go by fast before but here I am wishing it away!


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