Virus Warning?!!!!!!!!????


<font color=coral>The only thing that "I own" that
Mar 15, 2001
Did anyone else get a virus warning regarding a dormant virus?

It effects anyone you email! I normally disregard these however, it came with instructions to search your C Drive and look for it.. and I actually found it!

Any Computer pros out there?

Thanks! Kathy
Regarding email viruses -

You cannot infect your system simply by opening an email and reading it. You CAN infect your system if you open an attachment that is executable and run it (*.exe).

I suggest you check out a site like

They list all known viruses and discuss dealing with them.
Thanks for the info.

the only thing that scared me was that it listed the Virus
as exsisting already in the C Drive

it stated that the file name would be

And It in fact was in there...

Any thoughts? Thanks again!
I had a virus once, felt horrible. But if you get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids and take Tylenol for the pain, it will usually pass when it has run its course. I hope that you feel better soon.

keep in mind that there are emails that when selected or highlighted automatically open the attached vb virus. You don;t even have to open it. It spreads as soon as you highlight or select the infected email.

Voice of experience speaking. Took 7 months to get the "love" virus out of our network.
Also bear in mind that it would actually be easy for someone to pull a hoax on those of us who are not systems specialists to send an email stating there is a virus named "xxx.exe" or any name, and actually instruct us to delete a necessary file.

I'd hate to find out I just deleted "operatingsystem.exe" but in all honesty, I don't think I would know the difference.

This is a hoax !!! The file "sulfnbk.exe" is a windows system file and you CAN cause problems on your hard drive if you delete it.

See the link below for the story, and NEVER EVER EVER delete a file because of one of these e-mails. ALWAYS check with McAfee or some other virus website before deleting ANYTHING.
Thanks wrevy-

I wasn't sure I wasn't just being paranoid. But what do they say?

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're <i>not</i> out to get you!"

Since you guys know more about this than I do, I will ask you this question! I searched my computer for the file and never found it. I also updated my Norton AV to include the latest virus definitions and scanned my entire computer (program files and all others) right after that. No viruses were found. So I'm guessing this means I am free and clear...right?

I read the websites mentioned here...sounds like this is a hoax but you can never be too careful. My computer had a Trojan virus 2 years ago and I had to wipe out my entire hard drive and have a professional get rid of the virus. Not a good time.
If you've got Norton AV with the very latest virus definitions, then yeah, you're in good shape :)

I haven't checked the site in a while, but that symantec page used to have some very good info about hoaxes and the different types of e-mail viruses that are out there. Makes for some interesting reading, particularly in these days of cable modems and constant internet connections.


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