"W.I.S.H.es" for the New Year

Miss Jasmine

Time for something new!<BR><font color=limegreen><
May 23, 2001
Though I am not really a member here, although I guess I could be since I am always working on a healthier lifestyle, I thought I would share some thoughts for those either beginning new programs with the New Year or reaffirming programs of the past.

Remember that the most important thing is your health. Sure, it's great to look good and to fit in those clothes you dream about. But most importantly (and most important to your loved ones) is your health.

Do not get discouraged. Maybe the plan you are picking for yourself will not work. Atkins is good for SOME people. WW is good for SOME people. Controlled portions are good for SOME people. I'm sure you get the idea. ;) You need to find what works for you!

Exercise. This is key. Sure it's great to watch what you are eating but it is just as important (if not even more important) to get up and start moving. This is KEY to improving your metabolism. Also it is best to combine both Cardio and Weight Training. Figure out what you like and stick with it. Some people like to do the same things over and over, others like variety. For me I love going to gym (even if I have to leave home at 5:45 AM). Some days I do step class, some days I do weights, and some days I do a variety of cardio machines. It really is best to have at least a couple different workouts as your muscles and your body do adapt over time and they don't work as hard.

Find a buddy! You are more likely to stick with a healthier eating style (I hate the word diet, as it should be a permanent life change) and exercise if you know someone out there is holding you accountable. I get my butt up and go to the gym because I know my friend (who is also a personal trainer) will YELL at me if I don't go. AND SHE IS MEAN!!! :p I am so thankful for her, because since I have been doing regular workouts my IBS has improved (and my thighs are looking much better)!!!! I think I need her to get on me about my eating habits though. :rolleyes: ;)

Okay so you all are probably wondering why I am babbling like this, and just who does she think she is. I once was overweight. Actually it began in high school and got much worse when I went away to college. I couldn't even tell you what I weighed as I refused to get on a scale. I was wearing size 16s and 18s though. I decided to make some changes in my life that included changing my eating habits and exercising. And would you believe that weight melted away??!!??!! Along the way I did have some problems because I began to focus more on my looks than on my health, but thankfully with the help of a dietician and a therapist I got back on track. I have kept the weight off for over 5 years now (though 5 pounds do like to creep up now and then, it comes and it goes, but it always seems to lurk in the background, lol). I wear a size 6 mostly, sometimes a 7 or 8 because the dear Lord has blessed me with a J.Lo butt. So to all of you, if I could do it, anyone can do it.

If anyone has any body image questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me. I am not an expert, just someone who has been there (and continues to be there, as for me, this is something I will deal with all my life). Remember being healthy is the goal, the rest is just a bonus! :D

May you all have a blessed and HEALTHY new year!
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement.
Thanks Jasmine for taking the time to post your inspiring story. It's always encouraging to hear other people's success stories. Congratulations to you on the great job you have done.
Hi Jasmine,
Thanks for the very encouraging post. It is great to hear success stories from those who have been there, done that!

Have a great New Years.

Its a journey, not a destination!
You are so right about health being more important than looks! I know that when I'm eating healthy and exercising, I FEEL better. When I feel better, I make better healthy choices about eating and exercising. It all seems to work together.

Thanks for sharing your story!
Thank you for your post, Jasmine. I love success stories like yours. They're so inspiring. And thanks, too, for the reminder that this is really about our health. I know that I tend to focus too much on watching the scales that I sometimes forget the very real improvements that I have made to my health.

Thanks, again, for sharing your story with us. :D
Awhhh thanks you all. I wasn't sure about posting this, but I figured why not, maybe I will help someone else.

Remember you are more than a number on a scale. :grouphug:
Jasmine, what a beautiful post! Thanks so much for your words of encouragement!! :)


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