Wait, do we have a Fast Pass for that? Final Update, Final Thoughts and Favs 1/26

Erik ended up hating the mojito and passed it along to me, so it wouldn’t get wasted. So if you saw a woman walking around Mexico and Norway on June 5, with a frozen margarita in one hand and a frozen mojito in the other, and thought “What a lush!” That was me! I wasn’t a big fan of the mojito either, but it wasn’t bad. I drank it first and it actually cooled me down a bit. And the margarita helped me to deal with the craziness coming up next! :bitelip:

Our first stop (non-food/drink related) was of course the Agent P’s kiosk, because I had made the mistake of telling Ethan about it well in advance and he was READY to begin. We made the plan that while E and I stopped to learn about the game, DH and Lorelai would head into Norway to find chips for DD and a beer for DH!

FYI, if you are a family of 4 with two young children who want to play the Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure, please note that they will only allow you to have ONE communicator (cell phone) per family. Let me repeat that for emphasis, one communicator per family, no matter how many children you have. Now do you see why the extra drink came in handy? I understand the need to limit how many communicators they give out, and spread them around to many families, but it was not the most convenient idea for us, just saying. The CM also refused to explain the rules until Lorelai was back with us, so she could hear them as well.

Ethan waited very patiently for Lorelai to make it back, but I could tell he was a little upset when the CM only spoke to Lorelai about the rules (seriously he completely ignored Ethan) and gave her the communicator.

This arrangement lasted about 30 seconds, and ended in a lot of arguments and tears.

It gets better though as the trip with Lorelai losing interest in the game and us bribing her to let it go… hey you do what you gotta do!

So as Erik enjoyed his Carlsberg beer, which he learned was from Denmark, and found somewhere to sit. I was charged with helping the kids figure out how to complete the mission, carry the precious chips Lorelai was snacking on, and referee the war that was taking place over the mission. That extra drink was helping my stress level let me tell you! ::yes::

As we were on the hunt for the stone outside the church, we ran into some people you all might know. Kathy, Mary and the girls! No photo this time. It was a very quick visit, as I am pretty sure that I was pulled away by Ethan to another mission location. Mary did express sympathy, as she had attempted the game with her kids once!

Finally the mission brought us to Maelstrom and luckily our FP+ was active, good thing because the line was pretty long! We loaded our boat and took a ride with some trolls, before we completed our Agent P mission. FINALLY! Ethan was from then on OBSESSED with the game!

We spent some time exploring Norway. Lorelai found her native clothing:

Not sure if you could tell by my kids are Norwegian. They do not get their coloring from me! My husband is 3rd generation American. His great-grandparents emigrated from Norway on his father’s side and his maternal great-grandparents emigrated from Germany. You would never know that my entire side of the family is dark haired and dark skinned if you look at my kids!

After exploring Norway we backtracked and headed into the Mexican pavilion. How beautiful is it!?!

Lorelai found the kid cot station and went to work on her Duffy Bear. Ethan was a little upset because he was going through Agent P withdraw. Can you tell?

We headed further into the pavilion and explored a little more.

Wait we can’t see Lorelai:

Now we can’t see Ethan!

Oh we give up! LOL :faint:

Then we took a ride on the Grand Fiesta Tour, which since it featured Donald was an instant hit! But nothing is better than the real thing, right?

And of course we spotted photopass photographer as we passed through Norway toward China and had to stop and take some pictures!

China here we come! It was nice un-crowded day in the WS!

Who doesn’t love the puppets!

Continued in next post

Ethan does!


We found the kid cot station and worked on our coloring and getting our Passports stamped.

How pretty!

At some point Ethan realized that there was an Agent P mission in China, but his communicator wouldn’t work. So Erik walked back to the kiosk with him to get it reset. You can imagine what Ethan spent the rest of China doing!

This is when we bribed Lorelai. We could tell at this point that Ethan was NOT going to let the communicator go and Lorelai was starting to get upset over it. But she really really wanted a parasol in China… was it worth the $14 to bribe her to let Ethan do the missions? Worth every penny!

Erik and I found a bench near the entrance of China and let Ethan roam around China and do his mission. Lorelai was dancing around near us with her parasol, when who walked out? Mulan! And we were first in line to meet her!

At this point Lorelai announced that we had met every princess except Pocahontas; she was a very happy little girl! We never did meet Pocahontas, which she still reminds me about! It is on her wish list for the next trip. I am sure we missed another, at least I feel like we did.

After Ethan finished his China mission, which made him stand in line at the Kid Cot station to get a fortune cookie with a code (he was not happy about that), we headed toward Germany, land of the schnitzel!

Brief musical break at the Outpost of course!

What is the Outpost exactly? I don’t get it. :confused3

We finally made it Germany and Erik’s first stop? To get a beer of course!

Ethan’s first stop? Agent P’s Adventure of course!

Germany was a pretty cool adventure, since Doofenshmirtz is German maybe they went all out. Can you tell we are P&F fans? Either way it was a fun adventure. I didn’t get a photo of the huge clock part, but Ethan thought it was really cool.

Anyone else think of the Full House Disney episode when you see this fountain? The kids did! They both were excited to recognize it! We have watched "The House Meets the Mouse" way to many times in our family.

We got our passports stamped, but it was getting close to our ADR time so we needed to head over to Italy. It was good thing to, because we were getting hungry!

Next Up: Via Napoli and a late night swim!
I catch up and comment on your last update and then you go and throw in a mega update. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I am never going to finish my TR. :lmao:

I love the photopass pictures with the frame...that is my new favorite addition to the pictures.

I still haven't figured out this Duffy craze, but glad that your DD enjoyed her encounter and am now curious if that is what she ended up with.

I am so GLAD they did not have that game when my boys were young. I have watched too many people do it and seen the parents get aggravated and the kids fighting over the controller.

I'm sorry we didn't get a picture on that last meet up. I remember it was very hot and I think we were on our way to something one of the girls was anxious to see (or we were in search of air conditioning).

These comments may be out of order too.

Love the pictures with Donald and the sombreros.

Cute parasol, and sweet pictures with Mulan.
Quick update on our 2015 trip planning... :sad2:

It is not certain yet, but there is a chance that our Disney trip could not happen, at least not in the way it is planned. I met with the kids' principle and she was less than thrilled with the prospect of them missing another week of school this year. :scared: Which adds to my trepidation of them missing school (specifically Ethan missing a week of his advanced math class and me missing a week of school as well). After talking to the kids and Erik (a very unhappy Erik and Lorelai, since the trip would have been a week before Erik's b-day and on Lorelai's b-day) we came up with a few alternatives.

Option 1: Keep our current plans. We aren't cancelling anything yet, and we could buck everyone's worries and go anyway.

Option 2: Go to WDW during spring break. This is the least likely option, the crowd level predictions are 10's and that is not our idea of fun.

Option 3: Go west during spring break. My sister lives in San Diego so this option would have us flying to San Diego and spending a couple days there (doing the zoo, etc.), then going up to Anaheim and doing a few days at Disneyland. Erik is not a fan of this option. He is a WDW convert, he isn't interested in Disneyland at all. I like this option though, so it is still in the running.

Option 4: A cruise (most likely a Disney Cruise) during spring break. I like this idea the most, but Erik isn't too sure. Ethan wanted to make sure there were enough life boats for everyone. :lmao: He read a book about the Titanic and he isn't thrilled with the idea of being on a boat. He warmed up when I told him all about the kid's clubs.

Option 5: Doing a week in Cancun during spring break. (only non-Disney related option :sad1:) But our good friends (and Lorelai and Ethan's best friends) would most likely join us for this vacation, which makes it an attractive option. They might join us if we do a cruise, but they just went on a cruise last spring, so they aren't as attracted to that idea.

So those are our options and now I have to get together some actual iteneraries and prices to look at. :confused3 I am sad that Disney World seems to be the least likely option, but I know that we will be back, if not next February, then maybe around next Christmas. That would be Erik's choice if I gave it to him.;)
Epcot is great. But yeah, a bit large for walking and a lack of shade can get to you.

Also love the photopass pictures.

I will keep the Agent P thing in mind for my cousins next year. Though, if all else fails I could see if I check one out in my name after they get the first one so they can each do it.

Hey if a bribe is what it takes to keep the peace, I approve ;) And I'm sure the Mulan meet helped even more.

I think the outpost is just there to put something in the dead space?

Oof sorry about your possible change in plans. I'm sure that you'll manage to find something that will make everyone happy though.
I catch up and comment on your last update and then you go and throw in a mega update. :rotfl2::rotfl2: I am never going to finish my TR. :lmao:

I was on a roll!! You are only two days away from WDW!!!!!!!:cool1::cool1:

I love the photopass pictures with the frame...that is my new favorite addition to the pictures.

They turned out to be one of our favs!

I still haven't figured out this Duffy craze, but glad that your DD enjoyed her encounter and am now curious if that is what she ended up with.

She had no idea who Duffy was, but she fell in love. It is something about teddy bears and my kiddos!:confused3

I am so GLAD they did not have that game when my boys were young. I have watched too many people do it and seen the parents get aggravated and the kids fighting over the controller.

I felt like pulling my hair out at times. It got better though.

I'm sorry we didn't get a picture on that last meet up. I remember it was very hot and I think we were on our way to something one of the girls was anxious to see (or we were in search of air conditioning).

It was HOT that day!!

These comments may be out of order too.

Love the pictures with Donald and the sombreros.

Cute parasol, and sweet pictures with Mulan.


Epcot is great. But yeah, a bit large for walking and a lack of shade can get to you.

Definitely! More pavilions should be like Mexico, inside and air conditioned!:lmao:

Also love the photopass pictures.


I will keep the Agent P thing in mind for my cousins next year. Though, if all else fails I could see if I check one out in my name after they get the first one so they can each do it.

I wonder! I bet that would work! :thumbsup2

Hey if a bribe is what it takes to keep the peace, I approve ;) And I'm sure the Mulan meet helped even more.

What ever it takes, sometimes!!

I think the outpost is just there to put something in the dead space?

I guess, it just seems so out of place. :confused3 Throw in a new country!!

Oof sorry about your possible change in plans. I'm sure that you'll manage to find something that will make everyone happy though.

I have been so busy this week, and I don't see it calming down... we might end up going to Disney out of the sheer fact that it is already planned and I don't have time to plan another trip.;) I wouldn't mind!:confused3


I really hope I can get another update or two finished this week, but has been a crazy week already!

I have a group project due tonight and my "group" is... umm how should I say this?.... lame? ::yes:: lazy? ::yes:: unresponsive? :faint: On top of thatI am most likely not going to be in class to present the project, because I have a meeting for the kid's school. The professor is switching around the teaching portion of the class so I can be there for that, he says it is more important, and I don't need to be there to present the project, that I will not loose points for it. But to be honest I am terrified at how my group will do. :rolleyes2

On the home front we have had sports issues all around! I have been working constantly on football homecoming gifts and posters and other things... we have a pep rally on Friday, followed by toilet papering all the houses that night. The next morning we all meet to decorate the cars and we have a parade to the game and are pretty much at the field until 4 pm. :faint: Then we are headed to Oktoberfest for the evening!::yes::

We have also been having an issue with a different park district regarding an issue that we think was unfairly handled.:furious: I am not sure how this will turn out... Erik is handling it for the most part. He is a pretty easy going person most of the time, but when he feels that something was unjust.... watch out! :duck:

Add to that, that the kid's school work is starting to rev up, their church group is now meeting and reading 30 minutes a night is now mandatory... we have been busy!!! :hyper::hyper:

Work is the only place where I get some peace and quiet at times!;)

By the time February comes we are going to need a vacation!:faint:
I have an update ready! :cool1: But first a life update!

First off I have to share Ethan's "Who Am I?" paper from his back to school night. Only my child would say "If I had a million dollars, I would buy a table and never use it!" ala The Middle's Disney episode! Boy I love that kid!:lmao::lmao: Then again I have never saw him play hockey, and he hates ice cream...

Next up our family survived Homecoming, although it was touch and go for a while. All of the girls were tired from the festivities and then to pour salt on their wounds, it rained 3/4 of the game and all the way through their homecoming routine. The all held up very well!

Here are some photos from the event:

Pep rally:

She is going to be trouble:

I was out until 3am with the other moms TPing the houses, including mine, which in comparison we went easy on. :rolleyes1

Then we have a parade:

Then a present for the moms (sorry dad!):

Their very wet halftime dance:

And finally Lorelai's "I LOVE to cheer in the rain!" look. (taken by me who was sitting under an umbrella)

Then we went to Oktoberfest on Sunday and boy were the pretzels good... I mean really good. The homemade sauerkraut was delish as well! Erik got the last 3/4 cup of grapefruit beer that they had, but he enjoyed the homemade root beer a lot! The pretzels and playing at the park were the kid's highlights! It was a long weekend!

On Tuesday we got a call from a local travel basketball team that Ethan tried out for a few weeks ago, and he made the team! He is very excited and motivated to gain some weight. Practices start soon and they are 3 days a week for 2 hours. He needs some weight on him to give him energy. He moved up from a cheeseburger at McDonald's to a quarter pounder, and he was so proud! Boy I wish I had the problem of needing to GAIN weight!

I survived my group project, barely, but now I am in the middle of another one. Can I just say, group projects are meant to ferrie out the weak.

Oh and we have started our house hunt.... nothing like adding more work to the pile, right!:lmao:

Coming right up the end to our night!!
When last we left off we had adventured from Mexico to Germany and we were getting hungry! All those Agent P adventures, stir up quite an appetite! Good thing we had our Via Napoli ADR right around the corner!

We headed into Italy with a few minutes to look around before checking in. With as much time as we spent in the World Showcase, there was so much that we missed. I really can’t wait to get back and see it!

When we walked up to Via Napoli at about 7:00pm we were a little confused about the line outside… you can kind of see it in this photo.

We weren’t sure if this was the line to check in… or after you check in… or maybe for the bathrooms, we had no idea. We headed inside and it was the line for the people who didn’t have ADR’s. The line didn’t seem to be moving and the restaurant was packed, I doubt many of the people got in. I am so thankful for ADR's!! ;) We checked in and waited for a good 20 minutes before we were seated. We were seated in the very back right hand corner against the windows. I have to say that Via Napoli is by far one of the loudest restaurants we visited, but that didn’t bother us.

Our waitress was Laura, and she was pretty good. Not overly friendly or talkative, unless she was explaining the restrictions on the Deluxe Dining Plan, which we already had prepared for. She made sure we knew that alcohol was extra, and reminded me not once but twice of this fact after I ordered my wine flight. I am guessing they have problems with people and the DDP in here.

I was very excited about this meal! Which is why I am so sad that I didn’t take one photo… except for my wine flight which was YUMMY!

Ethan already knew what he wanted; he had been waiting for this meal… Bocconcini, he also got a fruit cocktail. Lorelai opted for the spaghetti and fruit cocktail.

So what did Erik and I eat?

Erik had the salami e Provolone - dry cured sausage, imported provolone cheese, Piccante Signature Pie - Italian spicy sausage, and Tiramisu - Mascarpone cream, espresso coffee, lady fingers, and chocolate. He ate every bite of everything… so I am thinking he was a fan!

I had the Arancini - fried risotto balls filled with mozzarella and meat ragu, Pepperoni Signature Pie - pepperoni, tomato, mozzarella, Coppa dii Brutti Ma Buon! - Amarena cherry and vanilla gelato sundae and of course my wine flight.

Let me just say that while the pizza was… well pizza… the entire meal was Delicious!! I loved the dessert so much, that I would go back just for that. The arancini was also to die for. Via Napoli hit the spot for all of us and is a spot we would definitely want to try again!

We paid our bill and our tip and headed out. We weighed our options… keep exploring WS or head back to the hotel and enjoy a swim in Stormalong Bay. The answer was unanimous, and we started making our way toward the International Gateway.

Not without stopping for some pictures in France with the photopass photographers:

And with Ethan as our photographer!

And that is our last photo of the night, but not the end of our story. We decided to walk back to the Yacht Club instead of taking a friendship boat and it was a beautiful and enjoyable walk. We rushed upstairs and changed, and I think grabbed a couple cookies from the lounge, before we headed down to the pool.

The pool was pretty empty, so the kids had the run of the place, that is for sure! Lorelai and I finally ventured over to the slide side of the pool and she headed off to find how to get to the slide. It wasn’t an easy journey (out of the pool area, across the walkway and up) but she finally found it and proceeded to make many journeys back up to it and down. I am not sure where Ethan and Erik had wondered off to, probably a hot tub. :rolleyes1

We played until we were all ready to head back up and that completed our wonderful Epcot day!! Epcot really made an impression on us that day and it became our favorite park tied with the Magic Kingdom. And surprisingly, we love it more for the WS than Futureworld!

Next up: Can Animal Kingdom redeem it’s self?popcorn::
Ah, Via Napoli! We had a DELICIOUS pizza here when we went back in 2011. I don't think ANYONE gets in there without an ADR, unless maybe you're solo and can take one of those 2 tops no one is sitting at. Otherwise, tough luck!

Which was your favorite wine?

How great you had SAB mostly to yourself! We had a lot of fun there; there were quite a few ducks in the water when we were there and I was just surprised they even wanted to be in the chlorinated water, with the lake right there.

Your homecoming pictures are also super cute. Aren't those little cheerleaders always so adorable!? Especially when they do their halftime show, haha; one is always doing the wrong thing. I was a cheerleader in grade school and I remember it being a LOT of fun! Fond memories. And many congrats to Ethan for getting into the basketball team he tried out for! Time to beef up! :upsidedow
Great trip report!!!

I also have a DS with ADHD. He's now 14 and has been unmedicated for about 4 years now but I remember the days you have. Mornings were the worst to get him on track.

I look forward to reading the rest. :goodvibes:goodvibes
I got a little behind there! Looks like you guys had a great EPCOT day! I love all the cheerleading pics! Takes me back to my cheer days! And congrats to E for making the select team!

I am glad you guys finally got to ride test track. That is my DH's favorite ride.
Mmmmm... Your via Napoli review has me wanting to try it! Love all the pics!
Looks like Homecoming was lots of fun.

The World Showcase is an adventure in itself.

I love the pizza at Via Napoli and everyone in our group seemed a fan of the place in general. I'd definitely go back. So glad you had a good time too.

Epcot is so amazing. It's my favorite too and there's just so much to see and do.

Sounds like a great night at Stormalong Bay, I've heard only good things about that area.
Ah, Via Napoli! We had a DELICIOUS pizza here when we went back in 2011. I don't think ANYONE gets in there without an ADR, unless maybe you're solo and can take one of those 2 tops no one is sitting at. Otherwise, tough luck!

It was definitely one of the best meals of the trip!

Which was your favorite wine?

I love wine, but I am not a wine connoisseur by any means. The middle selection (a merlot I believe) was my favorite though!

How great you had SAB mostly to yourself! We had a lot of fun there; there were quite a few ducks in the water when we were there and I was just surprised they even wanted to be in the chlorinated water, with the lake right there.

I know what you mean! It does feel a little weird to swim with ducks!:confused3

Your homecoming pictures are also super cute. Aren't those little cheerleaders always so adorable!? Especially when they do their halftime show, haha; one is always doing the wrong thing. I was a cheerleader in grade school and I remember it being a LOT of fun! Fond memories. And many congrats to Ethan for getting into the basketball team he tried out for! Time to beef up! :upsidedow

Thanks! With SO many activities for kids to choose from now, we try and limit our kids to one sport or activity on top of their church group to participate in, an that feels like too much at times. I don't know how people get anything done with more kids/more activities!:rotfl2:

Great trip report!!!

I also have a DS with ADHD. He's now 14 and has been unmedicated for about 4 years now but I remember the days you have. Mornings were the worst to get him on track.

I look forward to reading the rest. :goodvibes:goodvibes

Thanks! :welcome:

We sometimes see glimmers of Ethan coping with his ADHD on his own, but mornings are just too hard for him. You give me hope! Erik was talking to one of his church group leaders this weekend at their campout and he ask if Ethan eventually hits a wall in the mornings with the talking. He was amazed with Erik said there is no wall, he will just keep going like the energizer bunny. :lmao:

I got a little behind there! Looks like you guys had a great EPCOT day! I love all the cheerleading pics! Takes me back to my cheer days! And congrats to E for making the select team!

I am glad you guys finally got to ride test track. That is my DH's favorite ride.
Mmmmm... Your via Napoli review has me wanting to try it! Love all the pics!

Thanks! Life is so busy, if it weren't for photos I would forget what happens some days! :scared:

Test Track is both of the kid's favorite ride if you ask them now.

It was yummy!!

Looks like Homecoming was lots of fun.

Ethan thinks he wants to join football next year, because homecoming looked like so much fun!:lmao:

The World Showcase is an adventure in itself.

The kids had as much fun as we did!

I love the pizza at Via Napoli and everyone in our group seemed a fan of the place in general. I'd definitely go back. So glad you had a good time too.

It lives up to it's reputation!

Epcot is so amazing. It's my favorite too and there's just so much to see and do.

Sounds like a great night at Stormalong Bay, I've heard only good things about that area.

It was the perfect Disney Day!


I almost have my next update completed, I have just been so busy with school and the kids that it is slow going! I use my downtime at work to work on school projects lately. :sad1: We have a long weekend vacation (to the Wisconsin Dells of course) planned in the middle of November, and I know I am going to need a break by then! We booked a one bedroom so that we can sleep in and let the kids watch TV and eat breakfast until we are ready to get up.:coffee::coffee:

This weekend Ethan went on his yearly kickoff camping trip with his church group and Erik said he was such a great young man. He was put on "kitchen duty" which meant he cooked some of the meals and did dishes. I think I know who will be making dinner this week! :lmao: He had a lot of fun, and it is always great to spend time with a group of wonderful young men! Although one of them (Ethan's best friend) woke up at like 4am on Sunday and woke Ethan up. Ethan was not too happy about that, he likes his sleep. :p

Since the boys were roughing it, Lorelai and I decided to have a girls day. Which involved eating at a few of our favorite restaurants and shopping. Of course we had to stop by Kohls since their Kohl's Cares purchase this month is Disney plush and Disney books. We bought all four of the plush (Dumbo, Simba, Pluto, and Patch from 101 Dalmations). She LOVES the Dumbo and has carried it with her the entire weekend. My kids and stuffed animals!

Finally we finished off our weekend with dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants (Bulldogs), which is a sports bar and has no less than 30 TV's with sports on. :rolleyes2 This is what the boys looked like the entire meal:

Okay, now back to the real story, the Disney story. I will hopefully finish up the update today and get it uploaded!
I got behind again. :faint: No real excuse other than "life". There's simply too much to comment on so I'll just comment on your "life" update. Ethan looked like he was having a great time on the church camp-out. He was cooking up some good looking food!
Homecoming looked fun (except for the rain). I remember all too well those days of TP'ing houses.

We have yet to try Via Napoli. Red sauces and I don't always agree. I'll book it and then I'll cancel it.

I think a night at the pool is the perfect way to end the day.
Can I just say how frustrating it is when Photobucket randomly decides not to upload random photos you select...:furious:

We were up early on Friday, and no one wanted to sleep in. It was sad that we only had three more mornings at Disney World, but we were ready to fill them all with fun memories! Where were we headed? To a pre-opening breakfast at Tusker House! Ethan was so excited to see Donald… well let’s just be honest, he was just plain excited. Since we had to be up so early we woke him up right as we were getting ready and his medicine hadn’t taken effect yet. He was very talkative this morning!! Don’t let the calm looking photos fool you, he was exhausting! :rolleyes:

We headed down to the bus stop and we were the only people there! I hoped this was a sign of things to come at AK, but since it was two hours before opening, I wasn’t holding my breath.

Aww they really do love each other!

No one is around... time to be a little silly!

Our bus was there pretty quickly, which was a change of pace! And same as the bus stop we were all alone!

Even after the Beach Club stop, there was no one else headed to AK that early!

We arrived at the bus depot and hiked toward the entrance and what do we see? Our first wild animal of the day!

No, not there... although I was worried she spotted a snake...

Here he comes...

Our first animal of the day! A Florida Duck!:lmao:

They don't call it the Animal Kingdom for nothin'!

The kids were very excited to be visiting a new park at this point. They weren’t scarred by the horrible experience that Erik and I held in our mind from our last trip to the Animal Kingdom. Such bliss!!

I love that the sidewalks at Disney are even themed!!

We got in line with the very few other people waiting for Tusker House and our names were checked off the list. No getting into AK early by accident!

We must have been early because this photo has a time stamp of 7:47am!

It was nice being in the Animal Kingdom when it was empty. It usually feels so congested and uncomfortable to us, but this morning was beautiful and relaxing. I really do love the themeing of AK, it really does transport you to another place while you are there.

Oh the construction walls... they were at every park!

We finally made it to the coveted Tusker House!

We checked into Tusker House and got our non-Donald, non-fun, photo taken and we were seated by 8:10! Is it better to meet Donald inside and have more interaction? Maybe, but the photos aren't the same without Donald in them.

Our server, whose name I will have to come back and update since I left my receipts at home, was from Chicago! Boy we met a lot of people from Chicago on this trip, seems like working at Disney is a dream that many Chicagoans have, besides me of course!! He was very nice and kept our drinks filled and our plates cleared.

Erik and I ordered coffee with our yummy Jungle Juice and the kids ordered chocolate milk. Lorelai is a BIG juice drinker, she will drink almost any juice at any time (Ethan hates all juice, unless mixed with seltzer), but she didn’t care for the Jungle Juice which was really surprising. I on the other hand LOVED it and had many glasses. I was so in love with it that I forgot that I was going to order a Jungle Juice Mimosa that morning…

We were seated at the first table that the characters would visit when they started coming out. We rushed up to the buffet to make sure that we were back in time. I do think there was a time or two that the character skipped us and went to the table next to us first, not sure why though.

In no time at all the moment we all had been waiting for, and by that I mean Ethan was waiting enough for all of us, was here!! The #1 duck! Donald was here! (The fact that Ethan was the first to meet him in the restaurant was pretty cool.)

Can you see the excitement on his face? (Ethan's not Donald's, I'm pretty sure he looks the same no matter who he is meeting!)

Next up was reason #2 for breakfast at Tusker House, Daisy! Lorelai loves Daisy and she was super excited to get to meet her!

Ethan on the other hand was too cool or too busy eating…

Next up was the Goofman or Goofy, whichever you prefer!

My pictures are a bit blurry, but I am pretty sure he was trying to eat Lorelai’s breakfast.

Oh that Goofy, he loves to clown around!

Which wasn’t what led to this photo:

And this photo, which is a nice picture of the wonderful Jungle Juice. Notice I have three glasses of it? If the waiter kept refilling the kid’s glasses as I drank them. I wasn’t going to complain!!

Not sure why she was wearing a party pooper face, but it didn’t last long! You can’t be upset if Mickey is around!

After the kids took a photo with Mickey, Ethan surprised me by stopping Mickey and saying “My mommy LOVES you!” and then he wanted to take a picture of me and Mickey. This turned out to be one of my favorite pictures of the trip.

Erik was at the buffet during Mickey time so Ethan told him all about it when he got back. He was very proud!

By the time Mickey had come, we were pretty much full and ready to hit the road. After a bathroom break of course! Walking to the bathroom I realized just how big Tusker House really was! The buffet area is massive, but the seating area is even more massive.... English isn't my major. We all really enjoyed this meal, and if we do go back to Disney in February we have an ADR already booked!

We paid our tip and headed out on a mission to make it to the Safari without a wait, and maybe see some animals this time!!!

Up next: A trip around Africa and Asia… And Lorelai hopes we don’t see any Hippos on land!!
You really have just the cutest kids!

How nice to have AK almost all to yourselves. You got a great PP photo in front of the Tree of Life; it's a keeper!

How lucky for Ethan to be the first to meet Donald, and I'm not referring to the duck outside the park, heehee. It seemed like all the characters were on point at TH, glad you might go back in Feb. And how sweet of Ethan to tell Mickey you're a big fan! I live that he's your family photographer, and a good one I must say!

Can't wait to see if the rest of your day is as good as breakfast; I hope it was!
I got behind again. :faint: No real excuse other than "life". There's simply too much to comment on so I'll just comment on your "life" update. Ethan looked like he was having a great time on the church camp-out. He was cooking up some good looking food!

Isn't life always getting in the way of our Dis'ing!! :rotfl: He is growing up so fast, I wish it would just slow down and I could keep him a little boy forever! I did tell him he had to cook me tacos now that I know he can make them! ;)

Homecoming looked fun (except for the rain). I remember all too well those days of TP'ing houses.

We have yet to try Via Napoli. Red sauces and I don't always agree. I'll book it and then I'll cancel it.

I think a night at the pool is the perfect way to end the day.

Homecoming was a lot of fun, and the kids had an absolute blast. We are moving Lorelai from our park district to Carol Stream Park District (which is what we use for all other sports) next year, since we are looking for houses there now. We we be even closer than we already are!

You really have just the cutest kids!

How nice to have AK almost all to yourselves. You got a great PP photo in front of the Tree of Life; it's a keeper!

How lucky for Ethan to be the first to meet Donald, and I'm not referring to the duck outside the park, heehee. It seemed like all the characters were on point at TH, glad you might go back in Feb. And how sweet of Ethan to tell Mickey you're a big fan! I live that he's your family photographer, and a good one I must say!

Can't wait to see if the rest of your day is as good as breakfast; I hope it was!

Thank you, I think they are keepers!! :welcome:

Our goal was to erase all of the bad memories from our last trip to AK and it was working!

Ethan is my heart! He is such a sweet kid!

Coming up soon!!
Homecoming was a lot of fun, and the kids had an absolute blast. We are moving Lorelai from our park district to Carol Stream Park District (which is what we use for all other sports) next year, since we are looking for houses there now. We we be even closer than we already are!

I'll come back for your latest update in a bit. Just an FYI...our house may be on the market in the next six months. Just saying. :)


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