Walk-ing Back to Disney! COMPLETED 10/16! A Fall 2014 PTR!

Glad things are looking up! Have a wonderful "walk back to Disney"! Hope it's extra magical!
You are all in my thoughts today!! I hope everything goes as planned today and you guys have an AMAZING trip!!
Hope your Princesses feel better today! have a great trip and see you there! Enjoyed your PTR!

Thank you, they seem to FEEL ok, but still having fever with Liv :confused:

Hope the girls are feeling better, kept them in my prayers! Have safe travels and a wonderful trip!!

Thank you, thank you!! :)

Glad things are looking up! Have a wonderful "walk back to Disney"! Hope it's extra magical!

Thanks! I am sure we will have a great trip!! :)

Checking in..

How is everyone feeling?

Guess what i am about to post?!?!?

Ugh, still have fever, but they are SO excited, so I guess thats good, nothings gonna get in their way of having fun!

I SAW what you posted, about to head over there and FINALLY watch!! :thumbsup2

You are all in my thoughts today!! I hope everything goes as planned today and you guys have an AMAZING trip!!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

Hope everyone is doing even better today!!
Pump yourself with EmergenC!!

Thanks! And we sure are!

I suppose you all know what day it is, right???


:banana: :woohoo: :cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :cheer2:

As you know, my littles have been sick! Boooo... :sick:

We think Maddie is over it, she hasn't had any fever since Wednesday, and she is definitely not lacking ANY energy!

Olivia, bless her heart, is a trooper, she still has some soreness in her throat, we've been doing salt water and theives oil gargles several times a day. She is able to eat fine though, so I know it's not too bad for her. What's worse is this fever!! It just keeps coming back, and it will be low, and then shoot up high a few minutes later, its bizzare and sucks! So we have just been dosing it with Motrin and then tylenol if needed. I think with the meds we will be ok, she is happy, energized and ready to go, as long as she's medicated, lol!

My main concern is her getting worse from go, go, going, I really want her to get better before we hit any parks Saturday afternoon. So if you have time to please speak a prayer of healing for Olivia I would appreciate it very much.

Also I loathe flying so any and all prayers and good thoughts for safe travel and my nerves would also be awesome! :thumbsup2

All in all, I am still pumped! We all are. Yesterday I hit a major funk where I was almost dreading leaving, I just hate seeing my babies sick. And we all know the planning, and to know going in that they are sick sucks. But like I said, I am claiming she will be well by tomorrow afternoon!! She was bed ridden all day (by force) yesterday, and then today, and I am being careful not to give any sugars that will lower her immune system. She got an adjustment yesterday and I think I will have her get one more today before we head out!

As for the to-do's.... they're pretty much DONE!!

I am washing my bedding and everything else is clean and ready!!! :yay:

All I need to pack is my toiletries, which I will after I shower. Chris is supposed to get off about noon, and then we will load the bags and off we go!!!

First stop, wal mart in SA to find a poncho jacket for Chris... we found some great ones at our Wal Mart, that are more like jackets, with zippers, but they only had one adult left, so it's mine, lol!! He needs one and so does Maddie. We also want to grab one more SD card.

Next, we will swing through the chick-fil-a drive through and take that over to Chris' moms where we will eat and move the bags to her van. Then, when her hubby gets home around 3-4ish we are outta there so fast!!


Hahaha! No really, traffic leaving SA will SUCK if we don't move fast and get out before 5ish hits! I expect to get to Austin around 7ish and we will probably grab some other fast food for dinner before heading to our hotel. Hopefully we can all get to bed early, as wake up time is pre-3am!! :scared1:


I seriously still don't believe we are leaving today! It doesn't feel real! I think it will kick in tomorrow when we get to the airport! :laughing:

So this is about it for my PTR!!

I thank each and everyone of you for following along, offering suggestions and advice, and keeping me company during my wait! I've enjoyed this so much and will 100% be doing a TR when I get home!

I'll do one FINAL post here when I return with the link to the new TR.

Thanks again for all your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes!!

Follow me on Instagram, my name is Denovagirl, for live updates throughout the trip. I don't know how often I will be able to update here, but I will for sure try to do a few too!

See y'all on the flip side!! {Where I will def need your company for my Disney depression!}


I am so so so so sad I am not going to get to meet you all! I am tearing up just a little bit here! I feel like the sick girl staying home from the awesome field trip you and Lori are on :sad1: Ok enough of pitty party table of one! It's for the best we are not there, I forgot how terrible I feel pregnant. I would not have much fun anyhow!

I am sending you all healthy vibes and your babies are in my prayers to stay well! Let the power of Disney excitement heal Olivia for good!

Have an amazing trip and I will be here who you return, wearing my amazing painted shoes I was "saving" for our trip. And I will be ready to wallow with you in your post disney blues!
I am so so so so sad I am not going to get to meet you all! I am tearing up just a little bit here! I feel like the sick girl staying home from the awesome field trip you and Lori are on :sad1: Ok enough of pitty party table of one! It's for the best we are not there, I forgot how terrible I feel pregnant. I would not have much fun anyhow! I am sending you all healthy vibes and your babies are in my prayers to stay well! Let the power of Disney excitement heal Olivia for good! Have an amazing trip and I will be here who you return, wearing my amazing painted shoes I was "saving" for our trip. And I will be ready to wallow with you in your post disney blues!

Awwww! You'll be there in spirit! And you have something bigger in the works ;)

We will make sure to toast your honor!

Glad to have friends ready to wallow with me! :)
Yay for Disney Day!!!!! Sending well wishes the girls way. Have a fun and safe trip can't wait to hear about it when you get back!

Yay!!! :yay::cheer2: Today is the day!! Have a wonderful trip, I can't wait to read all about it!! Said a prayer for quick healing for your kiddos!! pixiedust:
Have a wonderful trip. Saying a prayer for Olivia. Hope the fever is gone! I also wanted to thank you for the cute thank you gifts and note. I put them right up on my refrigerator.

Praying your girls will feel better and that you have a safe flight! :goodvibes

Hopefully you're all snug in your hotel beds now, since it's only a few hours till wake-up time! :cool1:

Good call on the the poncho jackets with zippers - we found out on a previous trip that some rides make you take off regular ponchos, but the ones with zippers were fine to leave on. Makes no sense, really, but is much easier on a rainy day! :thumbsup2


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