Way Out Here, Eh? - A June 2019 TR *PTR Link Posted

Treats in hand, Alex and I found a shaded bench in the U.K. pavilion and sat down to enjoy our selections. With not many other guests around and an unobstructed view of the water, it was a peaceful rest. Alex and I had to giggle that we were staring across at Germany:
How appropriate!
Don’t even get me started on the panic that overtook me every time a Cast Member asked, “Where are you from?”

Ehhhh. Well. My hometown is Florida. But I’ve lived in Germany for three years. And am about to move to England.”

I get to about “Lived in Germany” when the CM’s expression turns panicky and the regret over asking appears. They weren’t expecting such a complicated response from a simple question! :rotfl:
Look, you're living a complex life as it is. Honestly, if I'd ask that question trying to make small talk and got that kind of answer, it makes the conversation go a lot better because now I'm full of follow up questions! :rotfl2:
Before we knew it, 40 minutes had passed while Alex and I sat and relaxed on that bench. The stream of people coming through the World Showcase started to increase, and I commented in happy contentment that we felt like the only two people in the park not rushing someplace. It shocked me that Alex was willing to put a stopper in our park touring; that’s not normally his style. But Epcot is his favorite park and I think he appreciated the chance to get to enjoy it in a way we hadn’t been able to for many years.
This is why I like EPCOT. I tend to get a little bit caught up in the atmosphere and feel of the different countries and it lends itself to relaxing and slowing down a bit. And I'm total type A "gotta go" when it comes to park touring too.
*Not pictured are the ten other photos I tried to take of us with Germany in the background but failed miserably. I REALLY need to work on my photography skills.*
No... you got a picture of both of you together and it's good. Who cares about the background anyway?
And this is what happens when you all share a funny story on the DIS. It gets repeated to Alex and you become known as the person who did such and such.

That’s how Alex keeps track of everyone.

So fair warning. If you share something hilarious, it will get passed along.
I like it! Much easier to remember an interesting story than real names and user names.
Spaceship Earth was listing 35 minutes and Figment was at 55 minutes!
All your praise was not unfounded. The dish was delicious; it was very onion-y, and I love onions so I was a fan.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't think that I'd rave about it to the level that many do, but I'm definitely going to get it if I'm at Le Cellier!
Everything was delicious and splitting the meal was perfect. It allowed us to try a little of everything and walk away without feeling overly full. I’m not sure if the steak was worth 60 dollars for one person, but for the two of us it was exactly what we hoped for.
I'm glad you enjoyed your meal there!
As we were finishing up our meal, a young couple was seated next to us, and they were almost as interesting as the woman at the podium. The girl kept looking at the menu, panicking at the prices. Her and her significant other began checking their bank accounts on their phones and discussing how they shouldn’t have spent all their money earlier in the trip. I guess they forgot about this dining reservation and weren’t prepared for it.
Oh wow... makes me wonder if they had any concept of how much the food was even going to cost before going on the trip. I can see that catching someone by surprise if they didn't do their homework and just made ADRs and went.
This is one of the reasons I prefer the question, "Where are you a local?" Tells you a lot more about a person, and I think it's easier to answer. I watched a Ted Talk with this premise once, and it was lovely.

Thanks for sharing. I love Ted Talks!
I've always disliked that question, and this video definitely highlights some of the reasons why!

Funny how partners keep track of our Disfriends. For probably a year after Nathan had his first Dismeet and met Ariane and her husband, Steve, he only could remember them as the People Mover People, since that's what we rode together, even though I'm pretty sure she's the only Ariane he's ever met.

Haha, it's pretty amusing hearing how DIS family members understand and associate our online friends. I'm sure for more than one of them the whole concept is baffling. :rotfl:

I love this! I have his cousin, as you may have seen, and he loves to take adventures when we travel!

There were a couple photos I think I missed. Especially loved the tentacle with the chocolate!

This is our home province! We're happy locals of Nova Scotia now, but Nathan and I both grew up in New Brunswick. I've been lucky to have seen a lot of beautiful places in my life so far, but no place more beautiful than New Brunswick in the fall when the leaves turn. 10/10 would recommend.

Oooh, really?! I'll have to make my way there one day. I'm always on the hunt for new "bucket list place to visit." :goodvibes
Oh Dear! Did I have a funny story to become "our" story?!?

Honestly, I'm pretty sure I refer to you as the DISer who I get all my tips from!
Although, I think you might be the person who told me about making ADRs and FPs into a picture for your lock screen. And I'm sure in the future I'll say you were the discoverer of the secret spot to eat Dole Whips! :rotfl:

Ha! I will say, that the mini backpacks have become very handy in the parks. Granted Morgan and Gwen are older, but I have them carry there own stuff in there. Water bottle, purchases. It makes my bag lighter. Those sequiens ones are more $$$ too.

That's a good point. The last time we went into London, Landon wore his tiny Pottery Barn backpack he got from someone as a gift and it was perfect. Enough space to hold two small water bottles, a museum activity booklet, and some snacks. Hmm, so maybe the backpack wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.
Oh dear...don't let Evie hear me say that. :rotfl:

I’ve never really felt comfortable sharing an entree with another adult as it’s not really done here but I think I’d be brave enough next time I go. Love the maple creme brûlée in le Cellier.

You know, once you mentioned it I realized that I don't split meals over here, either. Even when we went to Italy, the portions are always reasonable enough that Alex and I have never considered it. I guess I never thought that that's more an American trend in American restaurants.

Funny story- on my 1st holiday without parents my friend and I were running low on cash so we asked the owner of the guest house we were staying in if we could have dinner for free if we did the dishes and reset the dining room for breakfast :rotfl2: Thankfully she said yes and we not only didn’t starve but we had money to go to the local disco too:goodvibes

Oh my gosh, I loved reading that story! That is awesome! What an adventure; I'm sure you and your friend have quite a few stories from that trip. :laughing:
I love Epcot during Flower and Garden, too! I believe we'll just miss it on our trip in 2020, but we'll likely catch it on another trip. I'd love a few more visits during that time to see all the flowers and eat at the food booths!

You're going in May, right? It might still be happening then! This year it ran until June 1st or 2nd?). I hope so for your sake!

I think many of those huffy folks would get a lot less angry if they'd realize they can book many ADRs the day or even hours before they need them on the Disney app. I did that a ton on my 2016 trip and got some pretty great reservations (including places that wouldn't allow walk-ups!).

True. I stress a lot less about booking meals compared to many years ago, because a little persistence usually results in me getting everything I want. That being said, I usually don't go after the hot ticket items like Cinderellsa's Royal Table or CA Grill brunch...

It is already closed and was being used at a F&W Pavilion (Apple Cider Something or Rather) and was PACKED!

Oh, man, I didn't realize it was closed already. Now I'm really glad we got to see the film once!
Epcot during Flower and Garden is my favorite time of year; it trumps the holidays and Food and Wine and late nights in the summer.
I totally agree! We have been to all the festivals at Epcot now and F&G is our absolute favorite! It was the first one Andi and I experienced and continues to be the best for us!!

What a lovely and relaxing morning for you two! It’s important to soak up the atmosphere when you are able!

The lunch looks very delicious even at 6am :hyper:
You're going in May, right? It might still be happening then! This year it ran until June 1st or 2nd?). I hope so for your sake!

My goodness, you're right! :cheer2:

I swear several years ago that Flower and Garden ran through mid-May, but the dates for 2020 are March 4th through June 1st. YAY!!! I'm so excited to see the flowers and topiaries and have another shot at the food booths! I don't know if they'll still have it with all the crazy Epcot construction, but M would LOVE the butterfly garden. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! :goodvibes
I've only eaten at Le Cellier once- I tried to get there before it went from 1 credit to 2, with no avail, so paid out of pocket when I went in 2018. Unfortunately, I was super dehydrated by that point in the trip, and could barely enjoy my meal. I'd like to go back!

I haven't been to many of the 2 TS credit restaurants, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to put Le Cellier in that category. If I were on the dining plan, I would definitely NOT use two of my credits there. Sorry to bring back bad memories! 😆 It's hard to go back to a place when all you can think of is how bad you felt during your last meal there.

Sounds like a wonderful Epcot morning and lunch! Your comparison of going as a couple without kids to going with the kiddos reminds me of how I feel on a solo trip vs. going with my family! I tend to enjoy going at a slower pace and soaking things in and have found that solo trips are pretty awesome for that!

I have always wanted to go on a solo trip to Walt Disney World for that very reason! You get to go as slow as you'd like. But that being said, I think any WDW vacation has its pros and cons. Solo, kid-free, family, etc....they're all an experience. :rotfl2:

Take her to the outlet next time you are here....so many of those backpacks end up there for $12.99.

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that! I've never actually been to the outlets before, but I've heard amazing things about them. Now with a kid who likes pins and another who would love a backpack, I really need to plan a morning there at the beginning of a trip. Thanks for the tip!
I know right! SO BAD when i was pregnant with Dillon they opened a sprinkles in my office building.. and for the first month it was BOGO, i did not eat 2 a day 3 days a week i swear i did not do that!

A BOGO deal on Sprinkles sounds like the worst kind of temptation. No way would I be able to resist that. I kind of feel like your cupcake pregnancy snack was very similar to my Chick Fil A milkshake habit when I was pregnant with Landon. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: (So the drive thru workers knew me by name by Month 8, so what? :rotfl:)

ou play Emoji... i don't play at 2am, never

I feel like someone really good at marketing catered to us moms! A quick game in the middle of the night while the baby's awake...perfect!

Reading about your LeCellier lunch makes me want to go back there! But, wow the prices have gone a little crazy. We went several times for lunch back when the lunch menu was a little cheaper than dinner. But, those days are gone. Splitting a filet was a good idea.

What made Alex and I hesitate so long to try Le Cellier in the first place was the high prices. I'm too frugal, I think, too ever spend 60 dollars on a filet for just myself.

Sounds like a great time in Epcot soaking it all in and enjoying each other's company!

I'm glad you guys got to enjoy Le Cellier!

We were happy to finally get to say we've tried the restaurant. We kind of get into a rut, where we do the same things every trip. We find things we love and don't want to veer away from them! It's vacation and a new place could be a risk!
My husband does this. We grew up in Michigan, moved to Florida in 2015, moved to Illinois in 2016. Most of the time when asked he says from Michigan, but currently living in Illinois

It can be a pretty complicated question! Especially if he just says Illinois, because the person asking might assume your husband had been there his whole life and ask an Illinois-specific follow up question, leading both of them down a rabbit hole of more explanations.

I love their soup!!

It was my favorite dish from the restaurant!

Ugh I am so mad about this Le Collier review! I’m moments away from canceling it for my upcoming adults trip and now I’m not sure!!!!! Thanks a lot!

:rotfl2: Did you end up cancelling the reservation???

This is awesome!!!!

An empty World Showcase is a treat. Kind of made me want to stay at one of the Epcot resorts to experience that phenomenon again!

I'm glad you enjoyed Le Cellier! I need to get back there! Although I was happy to at least get the soup at the Canada booth during F&W!

I think I would be happy getting the soup form F&W; it was the winning dish at my lunch!
PS how does German wine compare to French? I absolutely loved the French wine we had on our trip last month!

I'm ashamed to admit I don't think I've ever had French wine before....
But I legit love Mosel Wine from Germany. I actually didn't drink wine before I moved there. Now, I feel like a wine snob. I go out of my way to find Rieslings and almost never buy anything else.
However, I'll also admit it might have been experiences that shaped my opinions. We lived next door to a restaurant and were friends with the owner, so I would pop in all the time and have a glass and chat with the employees. I also attended several wine fests with friends and spent a lot of Saturdays shopping for wines in little family owned shops with others. So all that probably sways my opinion a little.

Oh goodness gracious. We flew Paris-Dallas and that was about 10 hours, but that was just the two of us adults. Seriously, parents are superheroes.

Of the 9 (total/roundtrip) plane rides I've experienced, I've only ever been kid-free on one of them. And I'll be the first to admit, I hate flying with little ones. :rotfl2:I completely and 100% understand why Japan created that child seat map, and I don't blame anyone who uses it.

He might be the only person in the world who has Firehouse Subs as their fave

Right?! But he's not very adventurous with his tastes so I'm not surprised. I'm still amazed I got him to like Turkish food. (Still can't get him to try Thai.)
I remember finding Alex's post on FB and getting excited when I did "Hey, I know that guy!". It really is a small little world here on the DIS.

It's amazing how many DISers are out there. I have had more intention and accidental DISmeets than I ever expected when I joined. Some as random as sitting next to someone on RNRC and having lunch in London together. I like to think it shows there are friendly faces around every corner. :goodvibes

I guess I made an impression on at least two people. I'm glad you found the story funny. When I wrote that stuff it was hilarious in my head, but I never know how it comes across when people read it.

I love reading stories like those! They are some of my favorite parts of trip reports.
You wrote wonderfully and painted a great picture of the incident in my head!

I feel like even when I intend to go to a different garage I end up at the same one every time. There's definitely some hocus pocus going on around those garages.

Who knows what is going on with those garages? I guess I should just be grateful they're built now and have the handy dandy lights that tell me which aisle has availability.

Mm it really is so relaxing! I usually opt to walk since it's faster but sometimes you just need a nice slow boat ride!

I think it was so hot that morning that I opted for the breeziest route!
Look, you're living a complex life as it is. Honestly, if I'd ask that question trying to make small talk and got that kind of answer, it makes the conversation go a lot better because now I'm full of follow up questions!

You have a point there. If I asked someone that question and they came back with someplace I knew nothing about I would have no decent response!

And I'm total type A "gotta go" when it comes to park touring too.

I feel like that is starting to work in your favor now that your two oldest kids are out of the baby stage. They were totally up for going opening to close at Epcot. When my kids reach that point I'm probably going to turn into the one whining about no afternoon breaks. :rotfl:

I like it! Much easier to remember an interesting story than real names and user names.

:rotfl2:Hey, Alex knows I refer to reading your reports as "what i'd feel like if you ever wrote a report." Sometimes, I swear your reactions to things are exactly how Alex has or would respond to a situation. (*cough*Stroller ramming *cough*)

I totally agree! We have been to all the festivals at Epcot now and F&G is our absolute favorite! It was the first one Andi and I experienced and continues to be the best for us!!
I think F&W has just gotten a little too crazy for us. Flower and Garden always feels less crowded and more relaxed, which is a huge perk.

I swear several years ago that Flower and Garden ran through mid-May, but the dates for 2020 are March 4th through June 1st. YAY!!! I'm so excited to see the flowers and topiaries and have another shot at the food booths! I don't know if they'll still have it with all the crazy Epcot construction, but M would LOVE the butterfly garden. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! :goodvibes

I'm pretty sure the festivals get extended every year. Pretty soon it's just going to be one long, ongoing event. :rotfl:
However, I have no idea what F&G will look like with all the construction happening. I guess the WS has been spared the worst of it so hopefully not much will be different.
A BOGO deal on Sprinkles sounds like the worst kind of temptation. No way would I be able to resist that. I kind of feel like your cupcake pregnancy snack was very similar to my Chick Fil A milkshake habit when I was pregnant with Landon. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2: (So the drive thru workers knew me by name by Month 8, so what? :rotfl:)

LOVE! I may get a sprinkles for a snack today you have me craving it!!

:rotfl2: Did you end up cancelling the reservation???

Not yet... but it was the plan to cancel.... maybe in Feb we will go...
Sounds like a lovely, relaxing morning at Epcot! I think that lady at the Joffrey's stand probably just needed a cup of coffee. I'm not fit to be around people without the proper amount of caffeine.

LeCellier looks delicious! I have it in my mental "one day when the kids are older" folder.

So glad you and your DH took time for yourselves away from the kids - it's so important for couples to do that!
Difficult to see in the picture, but there was a woman posing a Barbie doll on the railing and taking photos of it in various ways. I wasn’t judging her; goodness knows I do my fair share of weird stuff. And for all I knew a little kid had asked her to take their favorite toy to Disney or she was letting it partake in a “Flat Stanley” assignment.

That's like me with the Porg haha!

Epcot during Flower and Garden is my favorite time of year; it trumps the holidays and Food and Wine and late nights in the summer. And going off how content this fellow was, I’d say this duck agreed with me:

Completely agree!

The girl kept looking at the menu, panicking at the prices. Her and her significant other began checking their bank accounts on their phones and discussing how they shouldn’t have spent all their money earlier in the trip. I guess they forgot about this dining reservation and weren’t prepared for it.

Yikes, maybe they should have just canceled! Glad you guys, at least, had an enjoyable, kid free meal!
Oooh, really?! I'll have to make my way there one day. I'm always on the hunt for new "bucket list place to visit." :goodvibes

Yep, it's lovely! If you ever find yourself travelling to my current city, Halifax, Nova Scotia, come in the summer. But if you are going to New Brunswick, come early-to-mid October for sure. :lovestruc
We kind of get into a rut, where we do the same things every trip. We find things we love and don't want to veer away from them! It's vacation and a new place could be a risk!
This sounds exactly like my family lol. I’m slightly more adventurous than the boys when it comes to trying new places but there’s always that risk lol
An empty World Showcase is a treat.
Oh I so agree :love:My favourite place to stroll through for an early French breakfast ☕🥖🥐
Currently googling Japan child seat map..
:rotfl:Me too:rotfl:
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I refer to you as the DISer who I get all my tips from!
Although, I think you might be the person who told me about making ADRs and FPs into a picture for your lock screen. And I'm sure in the future I'll say you were the discoverer of the secret spot to eat Dole Whips! :rotfl:
Those are all me! I say these types of things to Andy and he mushes everyone together.

Oh dear...don't let Evie hear me say that. :rotfl:
I mean it doesn't have to be a loungefly one.. Before that, they had Vera Bradly ones. Which I liked because I could wash them if they got them too dirty.
LOVE! I may get a sprinkles for a snack today you have me craving it!!

Did you end up getting one?!? :rotfl: If so, which flavor?

Sounds like a lovely, relaxing morning at Epcot! I think that lady at the Joffrey's stand probably just needed a cup of coffee. I'm not fit to be around people without the proper amount of caffeine.

LeCellier looks delicious! I have it in my mental "one day when the kids are older" folder.

Hear, hear. Because of the scheduling, I have to get to the bus stop on school mornings before my first cup of coffee, and I'm pretty sure the other parents have stopped trying to tell me anything important because I am in a daze. :rotfl2:

I feel like I got to enjoy the atmosphere and experience of Le Cellier a lot more without the kids present.

Yikes, maybe they should have just canceled! Glad you guys, at least, had an enjoyable, kid free meal!

I feel like I ran into a lot of guests who might not have been familiar with the Disney system this trip. Seems kind of hard to believe, since we're "in the loop" all the time. Surprised me a little to see that the MDE app and tips and tricks aren't as far-reaching as I believed it to be.

Yep, it's lovely! If you ever find yourself travelling to my current city, Halifax, Nova Scotia, come in the summer. But if you are going to New Brunswick, come early-to-mid October for sure. :lovestruc

If Alex and I ever get stationed in the northeast, I'll have to plan a few trips up to Canada and come to you for advice!


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