WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember the Magic Pt 16

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Deb-Hope you are having a great cruise and are enjoying that cat 3 :thumbsup2 Looking forward to your trip report and pics!
Hi Kathe!!!

Are you warmer yet out there??? I'm hoping for some nice weather soon... ;)
Hi Kathe!!!

Are you warmer yet out there??? I'm hoping for some nice weather soon... ;)

Hi Michelle!

We've still got lots of snow, but we're supposed to get ice pellets and freezing drizzle over the next couple of days. Yuck, I'd rather have the snow!

We have had a couple of nice and sunny days though, even if it has been cold.

I have to say goodnight. I'm off work tomorrow, but Sara is coming over early and we are going for a walk. We've done quite well the last couple of weeks, made it to the gym twice and a long walk outdoors each week. This week I've already been to the gym twice and plan on going after work on Friday too! I'm aiming to lose before my April cruise...since I know I'll be gaining a little over those 6 sea days ;) unless of course we have huge waves the whole time :sick:
Hi Cheri

Many thank for lovely Xmas decoration but I received it last week so I will keep it for next Xmas:thumbsup2

I glad that you had a nice xmas...

Deborah said it perfectly, so I'm just going to say ditto :thumbsup2

Well, yes, I had lost nearly 50 pounds until the cruise! Now it is nearly 40. LOL. Hopefully there was some water weight in there so that will come off a little quicker. I have a goal to get to a size 12 in 2010. That is a pretty lofty goal for me! I haven't been a 12 in 20 years.

I am participating in the Biggest Loser over on the WiSH boards with Shannon and the gang. I won the Fall challenge and was crowned the biggest loser. I hope they don't strip me of my crown for gaining over the holidays. LOL.

Never take away the title! You did fantastic in the fall and with your motivation you'll do fantastic again ::yes::
I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!
Well, yes, I had lost nearly 50 pounds until the cruise! Now it is nearly 40. LOL. Hopefully there was some water weight in there so that will come off a little quicker. I have a goal to get to a size 12 in 2010. That is a pretty lofty goal for me! I haven't been a 12 in 20 years.

I am participating in the Biggest Loser over on the WiSH boards with Shannon and the gang. I won the Fall challenge and was crowned the biggest loser. I hope they don't strip me of my crown for gaining over the holidays. LOL.

Tammy, I'm sorry I'm out of the loop and didn't know you'd lost so much weight! Wow! Kudos to you!

Cheri, I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas, even though it wasn't the traditional one you are used to.

Thank you for your card! I received it today and will save the ornament for next Christmas. That gives me a full year to figure out how to put it together ;)

I can't believe you guys are just now getting those! I mailed them on Dec. 22 or 23. Well, at least they made it.:thumbsup2

I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

Oh Shannon, that made me squirm while I was reading it! I've been told I have dry eyes too, but nothing like that! Take care!
I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Do you have a humdifier going in the house??? I know my eyes get very dry with the heat pumping alot...

Make sure you use your drops... you're eyesight is too important...
I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

ouch take care of yourself :hug:
Well, yes, I had lost nearly 50 pounds until the cruise! Now it is nearly 40. LOL. Hopefully there was some water weight in there so that will come off a little quicker. I have a goal to get to a size 12 in 2010. That is a pretty lofty goal for me! I haven't been a 12 in 20 years.

I am participating in the Biggest Loser over on the WiSH boards with Shannon and the gang. I won the Fall challenge and was crowned the biggest loser. I hope they don't strip me of my crown for gaining over the holidays. LOL.

Well done Tammy, that is a great weight loss. I bet you soon get rid of that gain as you are obviously very determined.

I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

Poor you, that sounds nasty, and made me squirm too. Hope the antibiotics work quickly.
I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

AWW Just give you a hug:hug: and i had done that twice before and please used eye drop and it will help....

Well, yes, I had lost nearly 50 pounds until the cruise! Now it is nearly 40. LOL. Hopefully there was some water weight in there so that will come off a little quicker. I have a goal to get to a size 12 in 2010. That is a pretty lofty goal for me! I haven't been a 12 in 20 years.

I am participating in the Biggest Loser over on the WiSH boards with Shannon and the gang. I won the Fall challenge and was crowned the biggest loser. I hope they don't strip me of my crown for gaining over the holidays. LOL.

Well that is good:thumbsup2 mind you I still don't have willpower yet:sad2: I bought lots of fruits, smoothies but I still turn to chocolate sweets which kids have it over xmas and I have a box of chocolate... I ate 3 or 4 a day

Maybe when no more chocolates left, I won't buy anymore and stick to diet...

I need to lose weight for my brother's wedding and holiday...:sad1:

Where is my willpower? and why I am not ready for it....:sad2:

I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

Shannon - please look after yourself
Morning Thieves!

Shannon, wish I could share some 'tears' with you...my eyes are always leaking! :lmao: (ok, that actually sounds kind of gross.....sorry)

Tammy, great job on the weight loss. I had managed to re-gain what I'd lost before my September cruise (about 14 pounds) and most of that was even before the holidays. A few have dropped off and it's amazing how much better you can feel with just 10 pounds gone, isn't it? I'm working hard on lossing a few more before my cruise, mostly just so I'll feel a little more comfortable on the plane and moving around. Just getting off the sugar makes my joints feel better.

THANK YOU KATYPOP! Got the present in the mail. :hug: I love the photo of the sisters in St. Thomas with Sunny Liston. Did you notice on the one of Peg and I at the DIS meet, than Monica is in the background lauging wildly? The third item will be shared with Monica and Cheri at the first bar we see on the ship!

Hope everyone has a good day, I'm off to rack up some more overtime today!

Cheri, I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas, even though it wasn't the traditional one you are used to.

Thank you for your card! I received it today and will save the ornament for next Christmas. That gives me a full year to figure out how to put it together ;)

Oh, Kathe, I was thinking the same thing. I am not very crafty. LOL.

I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

Ouch! Get better soon.

Tammy, I'm sorry I'm out of the loop and didn't know you'd lost so much weight! Wow! Kudos to you!

You are not out of the loop, I have been. Thanks!

Well done Tammy, that is a great weight loss. I bet you soon get rid of that gain as you are obviously very determined.
From your mouth to God's ears!

Where is my willpower? and why I am not ready for it....:sad2:


I am doing this mainly for my health which has deteriorated since we all cruised together in 2008. So I have some pretty strong motivation to feel better.

Tammy, great job on the weight loss. I had managed to re-gain what I'd lost before my September cruise (about 14 pounds) and most of that was even before the holidays. A few have dropped off and it's amazing how much better you can feel with just 10 pounds gone, isn't it? I'm working hard on lossing a few more before my cruise, mostly just so I'll feel a little more comfortable on the plane and moving around. Just getting off the sugar makes my joints feel better.

Yes, I feel much better. However I have a long way to go. I usually fly southwest and I was surprised that instead of needing an extension for my seatbelt on the plane, I was fine and even had a little extra room compared to before I lost some pounds. That is a great motivator. I am taking off for the med and baltics in four months or so, I want to get alot more weight lost between now and then. Then I can enjoy the trip more.
I'm feeling miserable and irritable today. Venting with a long story and bit of advice.
I have a stupid weak spot in one eye, which has decided to act up again only way worse than normal. My eyes are prone to dryness, and sometimes at night the weak spot in the eye sticks to the inside of the eyelid, and then when I open my eye it rips a layer of cells off that spot OUCH. So I have to remember to put drops in before bed. Well, for some reason this winter my eyes are dryer and in the last few days its been worse and worse until ithurts all the time. Went to optometrist today and got to learn some new things. This time, its gotten so bad its turned into an 'ulcer' and he put a bandage contact in and gave me antibiotic drops to make sure it doesn't turn into an infection. In 2 days it should be much better. :goodvibes

Here's the bit of advice: The weak spot in my eye is from when Shaelyn got me in the eye with a book and scratched the eye and it didn't heal properly. So take care of your eyes!

:hug: Ouch! Good thing you didn't wait any longer to see the optometrist! Hope you feel better soon!

Morning Thieves!

Shannon, wish I could share some 'tears' with you...my eyes are always leaking! :lmao: (ok, that actually sounds kind of gross.....sorry)

Tammy, great job on the weight loss. I had managed to re-gain what I'd lost before my September cruise (about 14 pounds) and most of that was even before the holidays. A few have dropped off and it's amazing how much better you can feel with just 10 pounds gone, isn't it? I'm working hard on lossing a few more before my cruise, mostly just so I'll feel a little more comfortable on the plane and moving around. Just getting off the sugar makes my joints feel better.

THANK YOU KATYPOP! Got the present in the mail. :hug: I love the photo of the sisters in St. Thomas with Sunny Liston. Did you notice on the one of Peg and I at the DIS meet, than Monica is in the background lauging wildly? The third item will be shared with Monica and Cheri at the first bar we see on the ship!

Hope everyone has a good day, I'm off to rack up some more overtime today!


Your welcome :hug: I thought you'd enjoy the pic with Monica in the background :lmao: My favourite pics are usually the ones that aren't perfectly posed!

Hope you and Monica and Cheri have a great cruise, it won't be long now!

I've booked my excursions for the EBTA and now am trying to decide what to do with my Dec dummy date booking:confused: I did consider keeping it, but it's too close to Christmas. I would be too stressed about everything I needed to get done at home to relax, I think. I am actually considering changing it to an Oct or Nov one this year. I need to chat with a friend who had said she'd like to go to WDW in the fall with me though. I can't do both, so I need to find out if she is still interested. I had mentioned she might join me on a cruise, but I think she'd rather see WDW , she's never been.

Sara has decided she more than likely won't be joining me for the 2011 cruise to Alaska. Her and Trevor want to come on the repositoning cruise to SF,Victoria and Vancouver though. So I guess I need to call and add one more to the repo, and drop 2 off the Alaska one!

Lots to do around here besides plan cruises, but I don't feel like doing anything else today! Sick of winter and ready for spring already :rolleyes:
WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember the Magic Pt 16


Thieves booked on the B2B LA - Alaska
Nan (family?)
Ian and Sukie
Deb and John
Ken and Shannon and Girls & Inlaws
Gydell and family
Woody and Mrs. Woody
Connie and Chuck
Lisa & Darrell
(michelle & Barbara)
(Steve Joey and Danny)
Kaylee & family (repo only - Mex Riv before)
Vicki and Greg

Could you add me and Richard onto this list please, Michelle. We're on the Repo only but I don't think anyone's noticed.. ;)
Kathe, I think I'll be booking the 11/6/11 Dream 4 day while I'm on the ship AND probably the 11/10 3 day for a B2B over my birthday. That trip will be all about the ship and two visits to CC. Haven't decided on Cat for the room. I'd normally just do an inside if traveling solo, but I KNOW someone will be coming with me, so I probably should just reserve a verandah for two, eh?

....back to work....

I can't believe we are going on a cruise and there won't be 1 thief onboard. How weird will that be?:eek: Just not right at all. :sad2:
Found a small lump on my moms neck while treating a rash that wouldnt go away. The jerk dermatolagist spouts off right away..." It's cancer. I'll take a biopsy anyway just to be sure. Ill have your results in two weeks." So of course my mom is scared to death. The lump was in one of her lymphnodes. Very common kind of cancer. This was last week. She called today and talked to the nurse and this is what she posted on facebook......

"I'm so excited! Today is a day to celebrate. I got news that my biopsy came back negative, non malignant! Thank each and every one of you for all the prayers, good thoughts and words of encouragement! It's times like this that you find out who your friends really are and I feel so fortunate to have all of you in my lif...e! I felt the love, for sure! Praise the Lord! Thank you all!"

Pheww!!! What an a.s.s that doctor was!!! You dont just throw the "C" word out there like that!!!:confused3
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