WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember the Magic Pt 17

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Is that the one with John Mills as the Dad and James Macarthur (Dano from Hawaii 5 O) as the eldest son...? If so, saw that recently and it brought back memories of seeing it in the cinema as a child... :goodvibes

Yup... I love the old classic Disney movies... I'm in the mood for Pollyanna now, but I do believe my nieces have my DVD... :rolleyes:

Over on the Dream inaugural thread winotracy posts that she was lucky enough to be picked to sail on the Christening voyage so it almost becomes a B2B with WDW inbetween. I asked her how she was lucky enough to be selected. We'll see if she writes back. Can you imagine? Sailing on the Christening voyage of the Dream? Oh my word what I would give to do that. How awesome!

winotracy is a dreams TA...

I'm trying...but the only way you get an entry into the contest is to book a new res.....ANY TAKERS?? :rotfl:

:headache: :headache: :headache:

A bit of a nervous breakdown... but tomorrows a new day & I've agreed to get of bed and try again.

Rained all day today... Good day to curl up with a book and read.

Currently I'm watching Swiss Family Robinson on Turner Classics... Most don't remember there really was a movie for that one... (one of my faves...)


I sure hope it was a much better day for you today Michelle!
Everybody except Kathe probably knows already, but yesterday I ordered the Droid X. I have to wait until approx. Sept 9th to receive it. Then I went to skinit.com and ordered Crush and Squirt riding a wave. I can't wait, it's going to be one very cool cell phone.

:cool2: Very nice!
Good Afternoon Friends.

Uncle Teddy is being released from the hospital later today and he says he's not ready yet. He can't even stand up. I'm not sure how that's going to work out. I told him I'd call him again in a couple of hours and find out after he talks to the doctor.

Tomorrow I have a leg doctor appointment. I hate those. I have to get ready for some pain again and more pain meds for a few days.

If they do release your uncle, will he get lots of support from a health care worker at home? I certainly hope so. He must be feeling very anxious :sad2:

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow :hug:
This is what I just emailed to my girlfriend Gina... Please do not mention it on facebook... I'm keeping off of there.

Funny thing... when I did start to cry the only thing around me to grab was a sock... and all I could think of was "Man... I hope this thing is clean..."

I quit...

or at least I think I did...

Michael does this thing... he disappears from time to time. not like he leaves and goes anywhere... he just doesn't call anyone back or he's traveling and doesn't let anyone know he's gone... no call... no email... nothing... can't find him if you needed to.

It's like he's say "Call you later" and then later becomes a week... a month... whatever...

And it makes me nuts... I worry... I think he's sick... somethings wrong...

He thinks it's all me... that I'm nuts - that if he doesn't call me it's ok. If he takes time off that's his business.

He's been doing this crap for the 16 years I've known him.

To regular normal people... there's something wrong there... normal people would worry about friends if they didn't hear from them etc. He doesn't get that.

So... here we are in the middle of everything... the trades were supposed to go through and he tells me he'll call me later... a week later still nothing.. I send him an email... he freaks out.

He calls me today screeching... and I mean screaming so loud I can hardly hear him... about how dare I bother him that way and if he doesn't want to talk to anyone he doesn't have to... etc...

I stayed relatively calm... told him I'd had enough and that I was done.

and then I was very silent on the phone.

& he freaked out again... about my not answering him.

So I've decided... as far as the personal side... I'm done.

I'll still do the work. I'm good at it and he needs me.

BUT there will be alot of concessions on his side. And I want a larger yearly salary when this goes through.

And if he wants to disappear like he does than he can... & I'm not going to care.

Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry. He's acting like a totally selfish 5-year old. :headache: You don't deserve crap like that, you deserve much better. You made the right decision, stand firm, don't let him bully you. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
You know Marilyn...

I'm not as upset as I thought I would be. I got upset because I was being screamed at... but I'm not as upset at the rest of it.

He will calm down. Always does. I've just decided that on the personal side... he's lost. And he'll never know it. He'll blame me. Fine... but I'm still doing what's best for me.

You need to think about YOU for a change, so you're doing the right thing. He doesn't deserve somebody as devoted and caring as you. :hug::hug::hug:
Michelle--SO SORRY this was necessary. But it sounds like you have properly handled the situation. Friends do not treat each other that way and the closer the friendship the more accountability there should be. Michael appears committed only to himself.

(Ever see a Stealth Fighter or a Stealth Bomber?? They do a good job but are so silent that you do not see them until they are leaving.)

How would they expect someone with a family to pay bills when paychecks come so weirdly? Seems you are being taken advantage of on a number of levels.

A negotiated salary, to be paid on a regular schedule and a NEW laptop so you can work reliably are reasonable requirents. And if someone expects to drop in, you may not be in town.

:hug: {{ HUG }}

Shannon--sounds like a good moving plan. The girls said their good byes and get fun time with Grand parents while you change their home into an empty house. It may do them good to see it empty if you can manage as then they will realize it is their OLD HOUSE. When they see their familiar stuff in the new house they will realize on a gut level that HOME is where FAMILY is (and where they can keep their STUFF.)

Sounds like your boss is not comfortable showing emotions and is so sorry you are leaving that he did not trust himself to stay under CONTROL saying good bye so skipped out. Some men think showing sadness is un-manly. It's a generational and cultural thing. They lose out on a lot of life but that is the way they are wired. I'd take it as a compliment--he left because he did not want anyone to see tears in his eyes when he said good bye and wished you well--proof positive that he will miss you a lot.
Well said on both counts, Jan. :thumbsup2 Spot on, as usual! I always love your perspective and words of wisdom. :goodvibes

I've been so busy these last few days helping my uncle who is in a great deal of pain and helpless at home. He needed some attention quickly. I got the VA hospital to pick him up and evaluate him. They admitted him for pain management. This qualifies him for home health care. Only to find out that they have a waiting list. We'll put him on it, but I have a private agency scheduled to come to his house starting next week. My cousin and I are going to split the payments. My Uncle lives alone with one son who lives in Florida and another one in Seattle. We're the only family that he's got. So I've been helping out trying to get him the healthcare that he needs. With no one living nearby, it's very difficult....lots of online research and many phone calls. We finally have it worked out. Now this week I have to see about other programs that he may qualify for like Meals on Wheels, etc.

Thanks Deb!

What a lot you've got on your plate there. Thank goodness your uncle has you and your cousin to help. :hug:
Shell, I think Jan said it all and I would have to agree completely. If someone wants to be with you and share their life with you, they want to keep you informed of everything that they do in order to share. If Michael prefers to remain private about his affairs then he needs to remain single. He is not ready to share with anyone. It's that simple. He's not ready for a committed relationship. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go fishing. There are more frogs to kiss in your future. I'm just saying.

Hey, that's what I always say (and do)! :thumbsup2
Holly.....come and tell us all about it. Jan, Heather and Lisa really got you didn't they. And we all kept the secret too. Now we want to hear all the details. AND don't forget the pictures.

All on FaceBook, Deb! :goodvibes Just haven't had a chance to get on here until tonight. :thumbsup2
You are so very caring Deb. It is good your uncle has you and your cousin to help him in this. Things are so difficult when you are older and need help, and things always take so much time to get sorted.

Holly's birthday in on August 30th, but I think she will be celebrating from last night onwards!!! It was lovely Jan and her workmates organised last night for her. :):):)

Yes, it was absolutely unbelievable how everybody pulled that off! So sneaky! :thumbsup2 I was truly amazed, touched, shocked and overhwhelmed. :scared1:

Thanks Marilyn, but it's nothing more than what anyone would do for a family member or friend that they loved. It is harder getting older. I worry about me and John. We really can't count on his kids....not because they don't care, but because they are just not equipped to get the job done. It's not easy navigating the healthcare field. I don't think they would be very successful. The answer would be no....sorry we can't do that, we tried. Then me and John will have to do it ourselves. haha. As always!

I know Holly is not used to celebrating her birthday, so turning 40 and having it be so special with everyone there is something she will remember forever. I'm so glad we were able to be a part of it.

Yes, I'm glad you were a part of it too! I certainly was surprised! I was just speechless listening to Jan & Heather tell me all the secret planning they'd been doing together! ;)
::yes:: lots of family up there, and we've got a few house options, so we are heading back up there on Monday to look again at our top choice (or 2) :banana:

The girls were a bit sad on Friday when I picked them up from their last day at daycare, but they perked up. Ken & I had decided that Friday evening was going to be family time, not packing time. The only packing to be done was to pack some clothes for the girls to take with them, and they got to pack some toys/books that will stay with them no matter whose house we are staying at until we get into our own. We had a nice dinner, and then we made garden stones, placing shells from various beaches into the wet cement.

Sat morning, we got a picture of the girls on the front step before taking them up to PG (not off the camera yet). Kaleigh managed to bring tears to my eyes, when she ran back to the front door to hug and kiss it goodby before climbing in the van. She was going to Ken's side of the van, so he grabbed her for a big cuddle hug as she had a little cry. Then we started to trip by talking about what the girls want in the new house. They want a yard big enough to have a trampoline, and their own bedrooms (Kaleigh=pink&purple, Shaelyn=lime green with hot pink) and they want their bedrooms to be bigger.

Have a great weekend everybody! Today Ken & I will be working in our quiet house (I miss my girls:cutie::cutie:, but I'm happy they are off having fun!)
:hug::hug: How sad, but exciting at the same time! Must be lots of mixed emotions going on. :hug:
OK, caught up. Still trying to recover from losing a night of sleep over the weekend, so I shouldn't still be awake at almost midnight, good grief! Off to bed I go! :cloud9:

One more thing.......I sure wish you all could see the card Ian & Sukie sent! :rotfl2: Definitely the best card I've EVER received! :rotfl2: HOT too! :goodvibes
OK, caught up. Still trying to recover from losing a night of sleep over the weekend, so I shouldn't still be awake at almost midnight, good grief! Off to bed I go! :cloud9:

One more thing.......I sure wish you all could see the card Ian & Sukie sent! :rotfl2: Definitely the best card I've EVER received! :rotfl2: HOT too! :goodvibes

Ummm....take a picture and post it on facebook.:3dglasses
Michelle, we need to start a new thread....please. Just two more pages until they close us down. ;)
Yes, I'm glad you were a part of it too! I certainly was surprised! I was just speechless listening to Jan & Heather tell me all the secret planning they'd been doing together! ;)

Don't forget Marilyn who guilted us but still will not take over the Xmas list... :lmao:
It has been rumoured before and quite a few want to sail!!! Not sure what we would do though. I quite fancy it, but not sure John would. We will wait and see what the plans are.
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