WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember The Magic-Pt4

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Yes, I'm back:










AWWWW! So cute! :yay: CONGRATS IAN & SUKIE!!!!
Photo of Olivia

I got it from my friend as it was last Sunday at Crovie.


Photo of me when I was Little, I think I was 5 years old??


That photo similiar which I had an ice cream and I won the best picture, my late mum told me that it was 10 pounds long times ago was expensive money. Mmmm I still have photo somewhere in my house.

I still annoying that I cannot find the photo of Olivia with Kanganroo on my PC. I will scan it later.

Awww! Look at cute Olivia! What a pretty place you're at. And such a cute picture of you Deborah! :goodvibes
Love the pics of the wedding, can't wait to be there to hug the happy couple. I expect to see that smile on Ian all weekend. :goodvibes
diet and exercise

(where is woody when we need him)

You know I can only say that since I'm in the boat with you, right ;)

So, I am over on the new thread talking to myself and you are all still here! :lmao:

But, have to pipe in here.......it is called.....

LIFESTYLE CHANGE and exercise! :goodvibes diet is a bad word that fails every time (IMHO) That is one thing I talk to all my patients about when we work on weight loss...........
So, I am over on the new thread talking to myself and you are all still here! :lmao:

But, have to pipe in here.......it is called.....

LIFESTYLE CHANGE and exercise! :goodvibes diet is a bad word that fails every time (IMHO) That is one thing I talk to all my patients about when we work on weight loss...........

Now, we wouldn't want to be politically incorrect would we :snooty:

Paul just got an email of how terrible we are for posting that our rental houe would be ideal for 2 people. I tell ya, I'm about up to my eyeballs in people being politically correct today....

You know I'm blowing steam...okay I'll not call it a diet when I'm eating 1200 calories a day and not having any comfort foods I'll call it TORTURE :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I start Boot Camp next week, just wait and see what a crab I am then :eek:
Hello Everyone:thumbsup2

OH NOOOOOOOOO:sad2: We should be at LA as see the photos of Ian and Susie, what a beautiful weather as today was beautiful day.


Fit Like? Hope you don't work too hard:rotfl:

Well that is kid!! Same happened to Olivia when she was 2 half or 3 years old, I came downstair and she was cutting her hair:scared1: :scared1:

Photo of Olivia

I got it from my friend as it was last Sunday at Crovie.


Photo of me when I was Little, I think I was 5 years old??


That photo similiar which I had an ice cream and I won the best picture, my late mum told me that it was 10 pounds long times ago was expensive money. Mmmm I still have photo somewhere in my house.

I still annoying that I cannot find the photo of Olivia with Kanganroo on my PC. I will scan it later.


Absolutely adorable!!! Both of you!!! :cutie: :cutie:
:cool1: :cool1: I think I figured out how to post pictures! :banana: :banana: This is one of my favourite pics of the girls 2nd trip to DL in 2005.


This is me at 1.5 or 2 with a bad haircut (actually I just had bad hair as a child). Surprisingly it took another 4 years before my mom gave up on trimming my bangs :lmao: she never could get them straight :lmao:



Enjoy your trip! And we always sit separate on the Matterhorn - sits are really not big enough for 2 comfortably we think!

Congratulations on your big day!!1

Dylan (my nephew) finally suggested we have our own seats on the Matterhorn. Poor kid, my butt takes up so much of the seat that he only had a little edge to sit on! Every time we took a sharp turn, he'd slip off!:rotfl: :rotfl:

Ok - what else can I say.....I haven't noticed anything yet w/ the new meds. Still close to yelling at people at work (right now I want to tell them all to shut up). Still teary. It's only been 2 weeks so not expecting any miracles yet.

As they say....same ol' same ol'.

:hug: :hug:
A bit better. Apparently he was in a fight over a swing with another boy, and the teacher told them they'd have to work it out, and they did. I told her THAT'S a major deal for Tyler and told her how in the past, once he got to the point of being physical, there was no stopping him...a runway freight train. So the fact that he was able to work something out with somebody is major for him.

I shared Cheri's words with his dad in an email this morning and he agreed and says he thinks Tyler just needs some extra nurturing while he adjusts. He told me Tyler said on the way to school this morning that he thinks "1st grade is stupid". That's just frustration speaking though. But it made me feel even more that I want to run up to school on my lunch hour and give him a big hug.

Holly, here's another 2 cents from me re: this situation. I can understand your concern for Tyler and can only try to appreciate how hard it is for you as a parent to see him struggle with these adjustments. Having said that, my advice would be NOT to check in on him during the day. Here's why--think of "doing" school and navigating all the rules, relationships, etc. as Tyler's job. Ultimately you want him to be able to manage it all on his own. If you check in on him, it often sends a message to the child that you really don't think he's capable of handling it himself and the only way he'll be able to manage is if you give him some help. He might not consciously think this, but he senses it, if you will. Also, it could become a crutch for him, knowing that Mom will be coming so he isn't motivated to suck it up and do the hard work that he has to do to learn and implement these new behaviors. Additionally, it could send a message to his peers that Tyler needs his mom or is immature, etc. if they see him having contact with you during the school day.

My opinion is that "school" is the child's territory, almost sacred in a way. It's where they learn the social and relationship skills that they will use all their lives. This is not to say that a parent shouldn't step in if something harmful to their child is happening, any only a parent can make that decision.

Just take this for what it's worth--another point of view. :hug:
Holly, here's another 2 cents from me re: this situation. I can understand your concern for Tyler and can only try to appreciate how hard it is for you as a parent to see him struggle with these adjustments. Having said that, my advice would be NOT to check in on him during the day. Here's why--think of "doing" school and navigating all the rules, relationships, etc. as Tyler's job. Ultimately you want him to be able to manage it all on his own. If you check in on him, it often sends a message to the child that you really don't think he's capable of handling it himself and the only way he'll be able to manage is if you give him some help. He might not consciously think this, but he senses it, if you will. Also, it could become a crutch for him, knowing that Mom will be coming so he isn't motivated to suck it up and do the hard work that he has to do to learn and implement these new behaviors. Additionally, it could send a message to his peers that Tyler needs his mom or is immature, etc. if they see him having contact with you during the school day.

My opinion is that "school" is the child's territory, almost sacred in a way. It's where they learn the social and relationship skills that they will use all their lives. This is not to say that a parent shouldn't step in if something harmful to their child is happening, any only a parent can make that decision.

Just take this for what it's worth--another point of view. :hug:
Cheri, that makes complete sense. Thank you! I never would have thought about it that way, so I'm glad you pointed all that out. :hug:
HA HA Brooke beats him. She is sleeping 14 hours a day and that's not counting what she's doing in class.

Boy, Brooke should come live with me! I can't believe how much I sleep these days! Last night I slept 9 hours and I could go to sleep right now! I wonder if I'm still catching up for all those years I was working and I slept 6 hrs. a night. Being a night owl with a day job is a real clash!

Hi John and V! Good to see you pop in!:yay: :yay:
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