WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember The Magic-Pt4

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Thanks Kelly for representing at the ceremony. And thanks for the great pics.

and is it just me or does Ian have a smile that he couldn't wipe off if he tried.
Deb, I missed your posts as you posted similar time to me, and when the page came back I was on a new page and you were at the bottom of the old one. It annoys me when I forget to go back and look. I have missed posts in the past this way.

Marilyn, I do this all the time and then when I read a response to something I have never read before, it baffles me how it escaped me.

Anyway, well done to you for keeping going with the dieting, and for not starting up smoking again. It will happen for you - you have such resolve.

Thanks for your vote of confidence. I feel like I don't have a choice. I just know it's going to be a slow process and that makes it harder. When I saw good results before it gave me incentive to contine because it was working. Now it's even harder to keep it going because the results are so minimal. It's a good thing that I'm stubborn because I won't give up!:mad:

What is a steak quesadilla?


You know... this was quicker than watching for the Magic to go through last monday!!!

Thanks Kelly!!! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Hi guys,

Well, its been quite the morning here. We went to Kinder and Zoe was so excited to see her desk and cubby and meet her teacher I thought she was going to cry. I did OK until we left and waved goodbye, but I held it together. We had the parent mtg where they really explained and answered any questions and made us all feel good. I signed up for several events (don't know where I'll fit that in) I met several of the other moms who I already like. We were average age of the parents I don't think there were many under 40 :rotfl:

Then we jumped in the car and went to pick up Ian and Sukie. We brought lots of fun stuff Big Fat Greek Wedding on the video screen, wedding music, disney music and a pile of cold drinks. They looked absolutely wonderful. We had a 10 min. drive to a very old building walked right in no waiting. Oh and we were half an hour early for the big event! Then we went into a goofy little room that is about 100 years old. Jonathan and I took 8 million pics with both cameras, so Ian will have more. They were pretty nervous and in complete shock. The lady doing everything was funny, cute and really made them feel comfortable. It took about 10 minutes and we were done and out. It was really great and Jonathan teared up like crazy.

I'm back taking my blood pressure and out the door to carpool!

Let's talk when I get back about an online health group.

:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc
Thanks Kelly!!!!!

Ok everyone... For Jackie who will be too busy crying over the wedding pics to catch up before we get tossed off... I will start it for her using her info... :grouphug: I'll post after it's open...
Thanks Kelly!!!!!

Ok everyone... For Jackie who will be too busy crying over the wedding pics to catch up before we get tossed off... I will start it for her using her info... :grouphug: I'll post after it's open...

Oh, you clever clever thing you!!!:worship:
MY friends, it is time for us to start an online health club for each other. We all have something stemming from something else causing this unhappiness and clinical depression. We have an opportunity to help each other. We know and trust each other, so is anyone else interested in having a daily goal to get us to a better place? :hug: We could really motivate each other to take action so that this pain doesn't fester. Almost all of us on here have something we are unhappy with, but several of us have more serious issues that we really can do something about for each other. We have the capability to change our brain chemistry and change our lives.

I'm In! Tell me what I need to do!:grouphug:
Yes, I'm back:











Hi Kelly, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I cried when I saw these. They're perfect! They look so good together!:hug: :love:
The bow tie look good. Wonder how long they took to fasten. Doesn't look like Sukie's tash is tied up in his does it?:lmao:
Oh, and Jackie and Cherie could be in luck. A 'rumour' on the rumour thread is for Arizona for 2010!!!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Hi guys,

Well, its been quite the morning here. We went to Kinder and Zoe was so excited to see her desk and cubby and meet her teacher I thought she was going to cry. I did OK until we left and waved goodbye, but I held it together. We had the parent mtg where they really explained and answered any questions and made us all feel good. I signed up for several events (don't know where I'll fit that in) I met several of the other moms who I already like. We were average age of the parents I don't think there were many under 40 :rotfl:

Then we jumped in the car and went to pick up Ian and Sukie. We brought lots of fun stuff Big Fat Greek Wedding on the video screen, wedding music, disney music and a pile of cold drinks. They looked absolutely wonderful. We had a 10 min. drive to a very old building walked right in no waiting. Oh and we were half an hour early for the big event! Then we went into a goofy little room that is about 100 years old. Jonathan and I took 8 million pics with both cameras, so Ian will have more. They were pretty nervous and in complete shock. The lady doing everything was funny, cute and really made them feel comfortable. It took about 10 minutes and we were done and out. It was really great and Jonathan teared up like crazy.

I'm back taking my blood pressure and out the door to carpool!

Let's talk when I get back about an online health group.

:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

Thanks Kelly......we live vicariously thru you today!

The online health group sounds like we could all use it. Thanks for taking yet more of your limited time and suggesting this for us and helping us to get it started. As Marilyn would say, You're A Star!:lovestruc
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