WDW in Dec? Due in March...


Mommy to Paul - 1lb 7oz wonder
Sep 23, 1999
My husband and I are expecting our first baby in early March and we are thrilled!:bounce:

Before we found out, we had planned a WDW trip for mid-December. Will we still be able to go, or should we call it off?

We were planning on making it a slow and relaxing five day trip - seeing the Christmas decorations, relaxing in the Wilderness Lodge pool, etc. - no demanding touring or anything like that. I know that certain rides would be out, but we have been lots of times before, so we don't mind just taking it easy this time and soaking up the holiday atmosphere.

So, assuming I don't encounter any complications or anything, would you go or not? If we do go, should we drive or fly? We were still up in the air about that one when we found out about the pregnancy. If we drive, it is about 20 hours - but we would break it up over several days. We have gone both ways in the past, and we really prefer driving because we generally enjoy the trip, but this time may be different . . .

Any advice?
same thing happened to us. last sept. i found out about 3 weeks before our trip that i was pregnant. we went and i had a ball!
obviously skip the thrill rides but i went on a ton of stuff, just take it easy and drink lots of water, about twice as much as you normally would.

fly. a pregnant woman gets mighty uncomfortable in a car for any length of time.

congrats and enjoy!!!
If the trip were coming up right away, there wouldn't be any question. We would definately go. But, by mid-December, I'll be about 7 months along. That's my concern. Any other advice?
Check with your ob, check with your ob!!!! And keep your options open. I would drive then you can take as many breaks as you want. Many flights restrict you from getting up and moving (which is hard enough when not pregnant) depending on citys your above. Does taking the time off affect the time you both will have after he/she is born?Also think about the weight gain and how you'll feel even 20 lbs makes a huge difference. Both my boys I gained 20 with levi and 17 with eric (although I was ten times bigger the 2nd time around). Lastly in the end it will be really up to your ob they will give you thier honest opinion and the best for the safety of you both. I know with eric she didn't even what me to drive (actually ride) to boston (2 1/2 hrs) with a month left but said if i felt that i had to be there go. It was my cousins wedding so I went boy did I wish I had taken her advice. Good luck
Thanks for your question GEM. I am in the exact same situation. I am supposed to be taking my mom and 6yo sister Dec 11-15 and will be 7 months pregnant then.

Anyone else with personal experience or advice?
Three years ago I was in a similar position. DS's b-day is March 4th. We flew from Boston to Hilton Head right after Christmas and spent a few days and then drove from HH to WDW. Both parts of the trip were uncomfortable for me. I would suggest the plane because (hopefully) it will be over in a few short hours.

As far as being in WDW, that was easy. Relax, take your time, and drink plenty of fluids. On that note...keep in mind where the nearest bathroom is;) I was 30 weeks pregnant for our trip and really had a great time. We had fun taking pictures of DS's "first" trip to WDW.

By all means you should check with your OB, but you shouldn't have any problems.

Congratulations on your impending arrival!!!!:)
I was in the same predicament last year, we were to go to WDW in December 2001, I was due in March 2002. We decided not to go due to heat, long flight (I'm in the UK) didn't fancy 8 hours plane journey. So we cancelled and got down to planning this year with DD, she was born 14th March. I knew I wouldn't enjoy it as much as usual and would be very tired. I think you probably know what you can cope with and what you can't, plan your days to include rest breaks back at your hotel. Drink plenty but most of all listen to your body. HTH.
Now we are thinking of moving the trip up and going in October instead. Would that be easier, since I would just be in the middle of the second trimester? I always heard that was the best time to do any traveling. And, that way, we could be there for the Halloween Party and the Food and Wine Festival - even though I wouldn't be having any wine. We have been that time of year before and really loved it. Do you guys think that might be better? Of course, I will definately talk to my doctor before we make any plans. Oh, and the vacation time now doesn't affect any future time off with the baby. DH and I both have really felxible work schedules.
I think October would be more comfortable and enjoyable for you. I definately felt the best during the second trimester with both pregnancies. Good Luck!!
I agree, I felt at my best between 16 and 27 weeks more energy
not as heavy etc you'll probably enjoy it more.
I was due on January 28, and went to WDW for 10 days flying home on Thanksgiving day. I had a great time, enjoyed park and resort time, and especially loved going to the pool every day. That is the BEST time of year to be at WDW pregnant! As long as you aren't having complications GO FOR IT!
My wife and I went to WDW in October and then again in November when she was pregnant with twins that were due in Mid January. We went with the OB/GYN's blessing with the caveat that we take it easy while there.

Each day we went to a park we rented a wheel chair so that she could sit and be pushed around most of the time. Of course she didn't go on any thrill rides, but we had loads of fun. There is still a lot to do that does not involve thrill rides.

Yeah, you should move it up to October. I went 4 1/2 months pregnant last December. We drove and we stopped about every two hours to strech our legs and for me to run to the bathroom. This will probably be your last trip for a while, and at least your last trip as a childless couple so you should enjoy it. Get maps of the park to find all the bathrooms (you WILL have to go pee a lot) and be sure to have plenty of water with you to keep yourself hydrated and the most important thing would be BUY VERY COMFORTALBE WALKING SHOES!

(and don't tell my doctor this, but I also road Splash Mountain a couple of times. shhh. No damage done though since I recently gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy :) )
Just keep in mind that if you do move your trip to October that the weather can be very fickle then. We tend to get a lot of tropical depressions/storms in October. It can also still be pretty hot depending. December is such a nice time of year (not to mention the holiday atmosphere).

I went in April of 98 when I was 6 months pregnant. It was the last of the "comfortable" weather but it still got kinda hot. I did enjoy our visit. Just did things slowly, no commando park visits, etc. MAKE SURE TO DRINK lots of water no matter when you decide to go!! Words of advice:)

If it were my choice when I was pregnant, I would fly. We only live a little less than 3 hrs away so we were able to drive (almost the amount of time you'd sit on a plane). I know much more time over that in a car, I'd get really uncomfortable. We did stop a lot too. Everyone has their opinion on that one.

Lastly CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes!! As one poster stated it will be your last "easy" WDW trip. But, when your ready to take your dd or ds to WDW, you'll see WDW in a whole new light:)
My DH and I went in Dec. 98 and we were due in March of 99. It was the perfect time of year for a visit. The nicest part about going in December was that there was lots of xmas related shows that we took advantage of. We were able to relax and see all of the nice holiday things. And then I didn't fell like I was missing out on my favorite thrill rides.

On that trip we did Keys to the Kingdom tour, since we always wanted to and figured we couldn't for the next 16 or so years;)
And we also did MVMCP.

Since I was in the late 2nd trimester, I felt really good and had lots of energy to do things. My OB did not want my going far from home in the third trimester, and basically told me to listen to my body, rest when I could and drink lots of water.

It was oneof our best trips. It only gets better with kids, since they are so enthralled by it all.

This year we are going back in December, but now we have DD 1 & 2 along for the trip.
I went at 6 mos. pregnant and toured in a wheelchair which I have to do even when not pregnant. I'd advise it for anyone that far along, though. The main thing is to get the OK from your OB. If you do and think you can by-pass rides like Big Thunder Mtn. Railroad, Splash Mtn, and Star Tours and still be satisfied, then enjoy your Disney trip. I hope all goes very well with your pregnancy!
Went twice - first time 6 months along and second time five months and had a blast both times. Walked the whole day, everyday. Schedule breaks like sit down meals mid-day and snacks and rest/drink when you need to. Remember you don't have to do it all as you'll be taking that bundle of joy before you know it... ours had his first trip at 10 mo. ENJOY!!
Thanks again for all the advice. We are going to go with October. We have been in October before and loved it. Our baby's first trip will also probably be at about 10 months - December 2003!
Depending on how big you are, you may want to check any restrictions from the airline. I have heard of some airlines not allowing passengers to fly past a certain number of weeks. Maybe check with the airline and get a letter from your ob if there is any concern


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