WDW vs. the terrible twos- and the verdict is... trip update 2/12


Forever in love with Hathaway Browne
Mar 5, 2007
Now you didnt think Id reveal the ending on the first page- did you?;)

Welcome one and all to my trip report. This TR will chronicle the magical and not-so-magical moments of our Disney trip which took place Sept 25- Oct 2.

Now, Im sure youve all heard that conventional wisdom dictates that Disney trips are best saved for when a child is older, and better able to handle difficult situations, waiting in long lines, and most importantly, would remember the trip. This may be sage advice for normal people, the type of people who only take one or two Disney trips in a lifetime, but were not normal people are we?:upsidedow If we were to wait to take our kids to Disney until they were in the age safety zone that would mean 5 years or more with NO DISNEY, add in a few extra kids and you looking at a Disney-less decade! :eek::scared1::scared::faint: <------- Seriously!

So there really is no other alternative than to jump right in, and weather the storm. The good part (and perhaps truly the best kept secret of WDW), is that the most amazing and magical things can happen, and it all starts with a toddler. Of course there is a flip side to that coin, so it is always best to pack your patience and sense of humor, first and foremost. :lmao:

I hope you will all join in for the re-living of this adventure. I hope that maybe I can provide some insight (or maybe just- what not to do!) when traveling with a toddler, and that those of who have been there can commiserate, have a good laugh, or remember magical memories of your own.

This trip was originally planned to celebrate Epcots 30th anniversary. I missed the 25th, and have been kicking myself ever since. It was also going to serve the dual purpose of providing a much needed distraction during my DHs deployment. About a month after everything was booked, I found out I was pregnant, so this trip ended up with a third purpose, to have some really fun Mommy and Everett time together before the new baby arrived. Im pleased to report that all objectives were met. :)

Since some of you may not know me and my family, Ill do some quick introductions and then a few provisos, a couple of quid pro quo.

I am Marissa, the ring leader of this motley crew. I am a 34 year old SAHM who was an archaeologist in my pre-kid life. Ive lost track of how many times Ive gone to Disney, but its been more than 50, less than 100. My many trips were facilitated by living in Florida for most of my 20s, when I used to take weekend trips to the parks at least monthly. Sadly, those days are over, but Ive still managed to make it to the world a few times per year.




Also joining me on this trip was my DS Everett, who will be turning 3 in November. Everett has been to Disney 8 times now, which is pretty stunning. The poor kid is so Disney brainwashed that I think he has no other recourse than to grow up to be a Cast member. He can quote Disney movies, play name that tune with theme park music, and the other day told me he wanted to go outside and look at the stars because stars make your dreams come true. Sometimes I kinda feel like Ive initiated him into a cult, not that its a bad thing or anything. :rotfl2:






The last member of our crew is my wonderful mother and Ga-Gae to Everett. I blame all my Disney nuttiness on her. She honeymooned with my Dad at the Contemporary resort back in the 70s, and then started the tradition of yearly family pilgrimages to the mouse. The pace of our trips really ramped up in 1988 when my grandparents moved to Deltona. Then it went from yearly trips to 3 and 4 times a year trips to visit the grandparents, always with days at Disney thrown in. My mom has been a Disney lover all her life, and thanks to her I was hooked at a young age.




Honorable mention on this trip goes to baby #2 (who still doesnt have a name!) who was roughly 28 weeks gestation during the trip. I have to say that doing Disney pregnant was WAY easier than I thought it would be. Sure I got a little more tired, I did try and sit down a little more, I had some swelling in my ankles and some tiredness in my feet, but I still logged 12 hour+ park days with no trouble. I credit the excitement and the adrenaline for part of my success and good old-fashioned sugar for the rest of it.:rotfl:


Notably missing from this trip is my DH, Mark. He would really have loved to join us, but he was otherwise indisposed on an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. It was nice to have planning and dreaming about the trip as a distraction during the early months of his deployment (he left in July), but it was tough doing so many fun things without him. I felt a little guilty that he missed out on so much with Everett, and just really missed him at times. The good thing is that we are going back in April, shortly after he returns, so we both have that trip to look forward too!

- he much rather have been HERE

- instead he was HERE

Ok, now on to the provisions- I dont have as many pictures as the typical TR. I think I have about 300 for the week, which I think is pretty good, but really would only encompass a morning for some of the more dedicated among us. Im going to do my best to make sure this TR isnt too text heavy, but please bear with me.

Another thing is that the writing of the TR is going to encompass some pretty big doings around here- new baby, searching for a new house, a big move, DH returning from deployment, but I am going to do my VERY best to do timely updates, and I will finish. I havent abandoned a TR yet! I also promised DH Id do a thorough write up of this trip, so he could live vicariously through the TR, so Im definitely going to do it!

All that being said, I hope you chose to join me and follow along. I really value the friends Ive made here on the DIS, and I look forward to meeting and getting to know more of you over the course of this TR!

TR Chapter links

Sept 25- What exit is the airport again?
Episode 2- meltdown mayhem and a magical upgrade
[URL="http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=46653433&postcount=92"]Episode 3: Almost solo in the MK

Episode 4: Panic! at the stroller parking
Episode 5- Once you go tower, you never go back!
Episode 6- Living in a Toddler's Paradise- Part I
Episode 6- Living in a Toddler's Paradise- Part II

Episode 7- Solo time- Part I
Episode 7- Solo time- Part II
PTR info and life updates
ADRs and waitlist info
baby update 11/13
Dh is home!
baby is here!
more changes!
Wow! Am I first? Yeah! Can't wait to read your trip report! Everett is too cute and definitely old enough to enjoy the parks! Congratulations on the new addition to the family. You have a really nice family!

Thanks Karen:cool1:

Your family are adorable. Hope the pregnancy is going well.

We're taking the kids to the world for their first trip next year. My DS will be two so I'm interested in picking up any tips and advice you may have.:banana:
That boy of yours looks relatively happy and harmless in most of those pictures, so I am going to guess that the trip turned out quite well. :thumbsup2

Jill did okay in her pregnancy until just after she got back from Disney World. That was when she started swelling and feeling bad. I hope you continue to breeze on through.

When are you giving Two a name? Poor thing. :upsidedow :laughing:
I'm here! Excited to hear all about your trip! Glad it was easier than expected being pregnant!
I'm here!!

So excited that your TR is started. Don't feel bad about the pictures - I didn't take nearly as many as I normally do.

That little Everett is such a cutie! I swear he gets cuter & cuter with each TR you write. :goodvibes

I know Mark must have been sad to miss out on the trip. But, I think it's great that he'll be able to live it here through your TR. And, as always, a big thank you to him & yourself for his service!!
I'm here! Who cares if you've got pictures? You're an excellent writer-I really enjoy your TRs and would read if you didn't have any pictures!

Sounds like it was an interesting trip, can't wait to hear about it all!

And I loved the Aladdin reference! :thumbsup2
I'm in, I always enjoy your TR's. It's so cool that you are passing down your family tradition to your son (and future baby as well), and so nice that each generation has a favorite vacation in common to share!
I'm in! I'm sorry your hubby couldn't join you - a huge thanks goes out to him for protecting our country! I'm anxious to read all about your trip :)
I'm on board and can't wait to read all about it :goodvibes I think reading your TR will really help me plan for our trip next year too, as James will turn 3 2.5 months after returning.

And, I must say, I love love love your title :thumbsup2
So excited that you have started...of course, I'm in! I always learn so much from your TRs since Paxton is just about a year behind Everett so I can see what I have to look forward to. :rotfl: Excited to read about your trip!
Here! Awesome introduction! Can't wait to read all about the coming years with Aria at the world might bring! :goodvibes
Wow! Am I first? Yeah! Can't wait to read your trip report! Everett is too cute and definitely old enough to enjoy the parks! Congratulations on the new addition to the family. You have a really nice family!

Thanks Karen:cool1:

Kudos for being first! :thumbsup2 Thank you for your kind words! :goodvibes


Your family are adorable. Hope the pregnancy is going well.

We're taking the kids to the world for their first trip next year. My DS will be two so I'm interested in picking up any tips and advice you may have.:banana:

I found reading TRs that involve other young kids is so helpful, I've learned so many wonderful tricks that way. I hope that maybe I can be a little helpful to you as well!

Subbing! You look fabulous for 28 weeks!

Oh gosh, wait until you see the real pictures! I wish I could be a cute pregnant woman, but really I just get huge! :p

I'm subbed and ready to see what's next! :thumbsup2

Coming up soon!

I'm here!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip! :goodvibes

I'm ready to share, the good, the bad and the ugly! :rotfl:

I'm here! I'm excited! :cheer2:

Always good to have another Marissa on board! ;)

That boy of yours looks relatively happy and harmless in most of those pictures, so I am going to guess that the trip turned out quite well. :thumbsup2

Jill did okay in her pregnancy until just after she got back from Disney World. That was when she started swelling and feeling bad. I hope you continue to breeze on through.

When are you giving Two a name? Poor thing. :upsidedow :laughing:

Don't let those pictures fool you, that little boy can be quite the devil! :upsidedow

So far I'm still feeling well, but getting a little more tired. I had lots of swelling with Everett, but so far so good with this one!

I'm here! Excited to hear all about your trip! Glad it was easier than expected being pregnant!

I wouldn't hesitate to go pregnant again. I don't know if I'd go much later than 28 weeks, just to be on the safe side, but I think right up to the 3rd trimester would be OK.

I'm here!!

So excited that your TR is started. Don't feel bad about the pictures - I didn't take nearly as many as I normally do.

That little Everett is such a cutie! I swear he gets cuter & cuter with each TR you write. :goodvibes

I know Mark must have been sad to miss out on the trip. But, I think it's great that he'll be able to live it here through your TR. And, as always, a big thank you to him & yourself for his service!!

Thank you, I think he's rather cute too, and a its a good thing with all the trouble he manages on a daily basis!

I'm here! Who cares if you've got pictures? You're an excellent writer-I really enjoy your TRs and would read if you didn't have any pictures!

Sounds like it was an interesting trip, can't wait to hear about it all!

And I loved the Aladdin reference! :thumbsup2

Haha, can you tell we've been on an Aladdin kick around here lately! Sure beats out watching "Hiro of the Rails" for the 87th time! :rotfl:
I'm in, I always enjoy your TR's. It's so cool that you are passing down your family tradition to your son (and future baby as well), and so nice that each generation has a favorite vacation in common to share!

I really hope to keep sharing the love of Disney across generations. My brothers aren't nearly as hard core disney fans as I am, but they still enjoy it, and love taking semi-yearly trips with the family.

I'm here! Can't wait to read how your trip went! popcorn::

I am happy to share!

I'm in! I'm sorry your hubby couldn't join you - a huge thanks goes out to him for protecting our country! I'm anxious to read all about your trip :)

I know he was disappointed, but he was very encouraging that we go and have fun. He doesn't want us to sit around moping while he is gone, even if it means he misses out.

I'm on board and can't wait to read all about it :goodvibes I think reading your TR will really help me plan for our trip next year too, as James will turn 3 2.5 months after returning.

And, I must say, I love love love your title :thumbsup2

Ha ha, I feel like my entire life is lived vs. the terrible twos, and I guess soon to be the terrible threes! :faint:

So excited that you have started...of course, I'm in! I always learn so much from your TRs since Paxton is just about a year behind Everett so I can see what I have to look forward to. :rotfl: Excited to read about your trip!

Glad to have you back again! Paxton is such a sweetie, I can't imagine him getting into Everett-style mischief! :rotfl:

Made it over! Count me in!:thumbsup2

Yay! Welcome back!

Here! Awesome introduction! Can't wait to read all about the coming years with Aria at the world might bring! :goodvibes

Well I think you'll likely have much different trips with Aria than I do with Everett. I would see all the little girls in their princess outfits looking so cute and behaving so nicely, and meanwhile, Everett would be attempting to climb into a planter. :rotfl2:


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