We are losing the Magic

My family joined DVC in 2006 at BCV. We were thrilled. No more staying at hotel style rooms. We can walk to the parks (EPCOT and HS) and relax in really nice rooms with balconies and a great pool area SAB.

So much has changed. Especially in the last year. For example:

1. Free Magic Bands are gone (I have not been down there in almost two years because of COVID so I have not used the mobile device access. I just liked the bands better and don't want to pull out a phone in the parks all the time. And they were great for buying food and gifts.

2. Free Magical Express - Now Mears Connect is $96 RT for DW, DS and I. And that is the "Introductory" price. I know many of you get a limo or rental car but DS loved the Mickey programs on ME.

3. Free Fast Pass - Now $45 a day ($225 for the trip) for DW, DS and I (God help larger families) and it will be interesting to see if we can actually get on the rides we want without the time slots already being taken up by others faster than me. After the three Fast Passes were used (usually by 2pm), all other rides for Fast Pass were booked and we could not get any more. But I was fine with that, after all, it was free.

4. BCV eliminated the Jacuzzis and fans - OK that is my gripe. DW and DS never used it. I used it every night and I loved having a fan on slow at night over the bed. We don't have fans at our home in CT. 7 foot ceilings are too low for that with a 4 poster bed which is about 3 inches from the ceiling.

So what else has changed that you wish had not?

For the record. The Magic was lost when the only CEO who has cared about the Parks and the Guest Experience was forced out. Michael Eisner in hind sight has been sorely missed. Anyone who was around in the late 80's and early 90's will tell you THAT was the golden age of Disney Parks. not this mess they have now.
They see what Universal can get away with and keep downsizing everything to match the poor quality Universal has. It is so far from what Disney was in the 70s, 80s, 90s.... The only thing that has not gone down is the price., and what you get for it.
I don't understand why they didn't just increase ticket prices and say "But look what's included now!" Much more psychologically positive, even though people would be mad about the price increase. Maybe people are right that they are now marketing to the upper income bracket and ignoring the average family. Makes me sad for families with a few kids.
Except, raising the ticket prices means everyone has to pay that price. At least now, families do have the choice to simply do stand by or not get it every day of the trip (unless it comes out that it is required). Personally think an across the board increase of $15/day per person to the ticket price would hit a lot of families even harder.
Agreed - not everyone wants/needs to pay, so this gives those who do the opportunity without charging everyone.
Also, if it was included with tickets like with FP, everyone would use it, meaning, once again, longer lines for all.
For the record. The Magic was lost when the only CEO who has cared about the Parks and the Guest Experience was forced out. Michael Eisner in hind sight has been sorely missed. Anyone who was around in the late 80's and early 90's will tell you THAT was the golden age of Disney Parks. not this mess they have now.
That was the guy from Minnesota who had been with the company for 20 or 30 years but Iger forced him out, right?
I tried to find the old thread, but couldn’t. It showed exactly why the Magic is gone. In part it showed:

- The Swan Boats with the mote around Cinderella castle.
- The Adventurers Club & Pleasure Island
- Horizons
- Tapestry of Nations
- The Poly waterfall
- The Fife & Drum at the American pavilion
- The 360° fireworks at MK holiday parties
- package delivery to room
Plus so many others I can’t post on this thread.

That was the old Disney I loved.
I never minded paying more for excellence, but refuse to pay more for mediocrity.
I tried to find the old thread, but couldn’t. It showed exactly why the Magic is gone. In part it showed:

- The Swan Boats with the mote around Cinderella castle.
- The Adventurers Club & Pleasure Island
- Horizons
- Tapestry of Nations
- The Poly waterfall
- The Fife & Drum at the American pavilion
- The 360° fireworks at MK holiday parties
- package delivery to room
Plus so many others I can’t post on this thread.

That was the old Disney I loved.
I never minded paying more for excellence, but refuse to pay more for mediocrity.

Clearly Chapek isn't responsible for the loss of many of these, but the downturn certainly has escalated during his short tenure.
They see what Universal can get away with and keep downsizing everything to match the poor quality Universal has. It is so far from what Disney was in the 70s, 80s, 90s.... The only thing that has not gone down is the price., and what you get for it.

Take the blinders off. Universal surpassed Disney in most areas except for maybe stage shows.

Hotels are better. Transportation is more consistent. Food quality is on par. Rides are more exciting. Waits or more manageable. Vip is more reasonable. Holiday events are more accessible.
Take the blinders off. Universal surpassed Disney in most areas except for maybe stage shows.

Hotels are better. Transportation is more consistent. Food quality is on par. Rides are more exciting. Waits or more manageable. Vip is more reasonable. Holiday events are more accessible.
Yeah but they don't have Mickey and the magic illusion. Lol

Honestly if universal could make just a few more things for toddlers to do, if have no reason to ever go to Disney again.
Take the blinders off. Universal surpassed Disney in most areas except for maybe stage shows.

You say that but the Spider-Man jumping around the catwalk “show” at DCA is something you’d expect to see at a Six Flags.
I haven't lost the magic, but I only recently joined. However, I had free magic bands from previous trips and I just activate them and keep using them. Have you tried doing that to solve your first issue? It worked perfectly fine for me on my most recent trip (last week) - open door, purchases, etc.

I haven't thought about what I'll do after January when the Magical Express goes away but I am extremely disappointed in that. It was something we always used even prior to DVC.

As for Fast Pass, I actually did not miss it on my most recent trip. However, the crowds were thinning out and I really only had to wait with my family for 7DMT. That was about 30 mins. I walked on or maybe waited 15 mins for everything else. We may have lucked out, but we also traveled knowing we had to go with the flow and just look at the wait times and make a judgement call. I have small kids so waiting is not gonna happen.

For us, during covid, Mobile Order was a lifesaver. We did not want to eat inside a restaurant too much, so we utilized that all the time and either ate outside at a table or back at our room. We were able to do this at actual restaurants as well as the quick serve places.

I think it all depends on your outlook and what you want out of your time away. For us we needed a mental break as we hadn't left our immediate community/state in almost 2 years. So, this time around it felt more "magical" than ever.

And I am normally the biggest pessimist in the world. Ha!
What is hardest for me is seeing kids react to this. I am a teacher and I had kids really upset on Friday when they found out about Genie +. The kids were upset when their parents were already talking about the pricing structure, and I work in a very affluent area. Disney really screwed this up. I could see it in the kids faces. In a time where we are all focusing on helping with the mental health of the last year, it was tough seeing the faces and hearing their disappointment.
I tried to find the old thread, but couldn’t. It showed exactly why the Magic is gone. In part it showed:

- The Swan Boats with the mote around Cinderella castle.
- The Adventurers Club & Pleasure Island
- Horizons
- Tapestry of Nations
- The Poly waterfall
- The Fife & Drum at the American pavilion
- The 360° fireworks at MK holiday parties
- package delivery to room
Plus so many others I can’t post on this thread.

That was the old Disney I loved.
I never minded paying more for excellence, but refuse to pay more for mediocrity.
Found the thread….

I would have loved to see that Eiseberg performance . I didnt even know about that ! Miss the American Fife and Drum Historical Daily Presentation too.
Do you remeber BLAST at the American Gardens Theatre and also moved to Disney California Adventure Hyperion Theatre and Tokyo World Tour? That was incredible!
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As much as Disney World and DVC have changed and will continue to change so do I.

We have been DVC members since 2007.

After so many years visiting the parks is not about the rides, we often would go to one of the parks in the evening for dinner and to watch the fireworks. That was when we could get an annual pass. Won't miss the Fastpass system and won't pay for Genie either. We just don't go on many rides. Like I said, visiting the parks was more for entertainment and strolling. Until the annual pass returns we will likely go offsite for dinners and see more of Orlando.

When brings up Disney Magic Express, we loved it and will miss it. Will miss having our luggage magically arrive in our room. We have rented a car in the past and will likely do this more often. It will make it easier for us to get out of the Disney bubble and explore Orlando. Something we rarely did when we used Disney Express.

Magic bands were nice and convenient. Will use one we already have and see what happens.

The recent decisions by Disney have made it easier for us to have resort only vacations. Not a bad thing actually. slower pace and we will be able to relax and not always go go go. Disney's decision are also making it easy for us to get out and explore, something we have not really done since 2007 but will start doing.

As Disney changes, so will we, they will likely see less of our vacation dollars but other businesses in Orlando will. Maybe it's time for a change after all these years, maybe not a bad thing.

Exactly…….Disney has changed dramatically over the years and the old saying comes to mind, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. Positive side will be increased pricing at a time of rising inflation will reduce crowd size.
My family joined DVC in 2006 at BCV. We were thrilled. No more staying at hotel style rooms. We can walk to the parks (EPCOT and HS) and relax in really nice rooms with balconies and a great pool area SAB.

So much has changed. Especially in the last year. For example:

1. Free Magic Bands are gone (I have not been down there in almost two years because of COVID so I have not used the mobile device access. I just liked the bands better and don't want to pull out a phone in the parks all the time. And they were great for buying food and gifts.

2. Free Magical Express - Now Mears Connect is $96 RT for DW, DS and I. And that is the "Introductory" price. I know many of you get a limo or rental car but DS loved the Mickey programs on ME.

3. Free Fast Pass - Now $45 a day ($225 for the trip) for DW, DS and I (God help larger families) and it will be interesting to see if we can actually get on the rides we want without the time slots already being taken up by others faster than me. After the three Fast Passes were used (usually by 2pm), all other rides for Fast Pass were booked and we could not get any more. But I was fine with that, after all, it was free.

4. BCV eliminated the Jacuzzis and fans - OK that is my gripe. DW and DS never used it. I used it every night and I loved having a fan on slow at night over the bed. We don't have fans at our home in CT. 7 foot ceilings are too low for that with a 4 poster bed which is about 3 inches from the ceiling.

So what else has changed that you wish had not?
Disney is eliminating anything and everything that does not directly generate revenue. That is why free fast passes, free magic bands, free Disney express , free luggage service, etc. Do you really think all of the free entertainment is also going to return such as the musicians at animal kingdom and the barbershop singers at MK? None of this was really free in the 1st place since it was part of you hotel and ticket expenses but do you think the tickets and room will be cheaper now?
Have you tried doing that to solve your first issue? It worked perfectly fine for me on my most recent trip (last week) - open door, purchases, etc.
In general Magic Bands work on NFC (Near field communications) similar technology to many credit cards and access cards. However they do have a small battery in them that I believe lasts 1-2 years. The battery is only needed for them to work at 10-20 ft operation. That is when Disney "could be tracking" you. Like when your name pops up on screens on Small World or Everest. The main mode of operation (same as credit card or access card) does not need a battery and is not powered by the magic band. The band couples with a transmitter that is within inches and gets its power from the transmitter. (Tapstile, room door lock, pay station) This mode should work until the device "breaks". The most likely end to these will be security enhancements in the communication protocol that will obsolete the old devices and the transmitter will no longer communicate with them because the current protocol is deprecated or Disney's custom key is hacked and they roll to a new key (getting a little technical there). I still see some folks at the parks using very ond Gen 1 magic bands (5-6 years old) and they work fine for all close proximity situations.
Last year (2020) Iger received only $21 million (673 times the lowest paid full time employee), down from $47 million he got in 2019. We all do have to scrape by in hard times, right?
Did he receive less because he started handing over the reigns to someone else?
So the $100+++ a day to enter a park is not enough for them, now you need to add $15 a day + $5 a ride... Have they not heard of Karma?
You are the optimistic one thinking the top tier rides are only going to be $5.00 when in Disney Paris they are 15 euros.
I don't understand why they didn't just increase ticket prices and say "But look what's included now!" Much more psychologically positive, even though people would be mad about the price increase. Maybe people are right that they are now marketing to the upper income bracket and ignoring the average family. Makes me sad for families with a few kids.
They are using the same strategy that hotels have started in the past few years. Advertising one price but then charging you for parking and a "resort fee" for the free coffee , pool and wifi. Plus now they can raise ticket prices and Genie + every year. Someone at Disney got a huge bonus for this idea.
Except, raising the ticket prices means everyone has to pay that price. At least now, families do have the choice to simply do stand by or not get it every day of the trip (unless it comes out that it is required). Personally think an across the board increase of $15/day per person to the ticket price would hit a lot of families even harder.

As I shared, I won't recommend park hopping to guests in the same way I did before this new system was announce. This way, they can pay for GP+ and simply concentrate on one park per day.
People who have been to Disney before will be the ones most likely to stop purchasing the parkhopper option.


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